public IActionResult DeleteUser(string id) { string select = @"SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username='******'"; Console.WriteLine(select); Console.WriteLine(id); DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(select, id); if (ds.Rows.Count != 1) { TempData["Message"] = "User record no longer exists."; TempData["MsgType"] = "warning"; } else { string delete = "DELETE FROM Users WHERE Username='******'"; int res = DBUtl.ExecSQL(delete, id); if (res == 1) { TempData["Message"] = "User Deleted"; TempData["MsgType"] = "success"; } else { TempData["Message"] = DBUtl.DB_Message; TempData["MsgType"] = "danger"; } } return(RedirectToAction("ListUsers")); }
private bool AuthenticateUser(string uid, string pw, out ClaimsPrincipal principal) { principal = null; DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(LOGIN_SQL, uid, pw); if (ds.Rows.Count == 1) { principal = new ClaimsPrincipal( new ClaimsIdentity( new Claim[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, uid), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, ds.Rows[0][NAME_COL].ToString()), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, ds.Rows[0][ROLE_COL].ToString()) }, "Basic" ) ); if (principal != null) { bool d = true; return(d); } return(false); } return(false); }
private bool SecureValidUser(string uid, string pw, out ClaimsPrincipal principal) { string sql = ""; string returnUrl = ViewData["ReturnUrl"] as string; sql = @"SELECT * FROM AppUser WHERE Id='{0}' AND Password = HASHBYTES('SHA1','{1}')"; DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(sql, uid, pw); principal = null; if (ds.Rows.Count == 1) { string uname = ds.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); string userid = ds.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString(); string role = ds.Rows[0]["Role"].ToString(); principal = new ClaimsPrincipal( new ClaimsIdentity( new Claim[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, userid), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, uname), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, role) }, "Basic")); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public IActionResult Delete(int id) { string select = "SELECT * FROM Exercise WHERE Exercise_id = {0}"; DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(select, id); if (ds.Rows.Count != 1) { TempData["Message"] = "Exercise does not exist"; TempData["MsgType"] = "warning"; } else { string delete = "DELETE FROM Exercise WHERE Exercise_id = {0}"; int res = DBUtl.ExecSQL(delete, id); if (res == 1) { TempData["Message"] = "Exercise Deleted"; TempData["MsgType"] = "success"; } else { TempData["Message"] = DBUtl.DB_Message; TempData["MsgType"] = "danger"; } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public IActionResult Delete(string name, string email) { string select = @"SELECT * FROM AppUser WHERE UserName='******'"; DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(select, name); if (ds.Rows.Count != 1) { TempData["Message"] = "Company Record No Longer Exists."; TempData["MsgType"] = "warning"; } else { string delete = "DELETE FROM AppUser WHERE UserName='******'"; string delete1 = "DELETE FROM Email WHERE Email='{0}'"; int res = DBUtl.ExecSQL(delete, name); int res1 = DBUtl.ExecSQL(delete1, email); if (res == 1) { TempData["Message"] = "Company Deleted."; TempData["MsgType"] = "success"; } else { TempData["Message"] = DBUtl.DB_Message; TempData["MsgType"] = "danger"; } } return(RedirectToAction("List")); }
public IActionResult CancelMaint(string id) { string select = @"SELECT * FROM Equipment WHERE Serial_no='{0}'"; DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(select, id); if (ds.Rows.Count != 1) { TempData["Message"] = "Equipment record no longer exists."; TempData["MsgType"] = "warning"; } else { string update = "UPDATE Equipment SET Status = 'Available' WHERE Serial_no = '{0}' AND Status = 'Maintenance'"; int res = DBUtl.ExecSQL(update, id); if (res == 1) { TempData["Message"] = "Maintenance Notice Cancelled"; TempData["MsgType"] = "success"; } else { TempData["Message"] = "Something went wrong."; TempData["MsgType"] = "danger"; } } return(RedirectToAction("EquipmentMaintCancel")); }
public IActionResult Delete(string id) { string select = @"SELECT * FROM Event WHERE Id={0}"; DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(select, id); if (ds.Rows.Count != 1) { TempData["Message"] = "Event does not exist"; TempData["MsgType"] = "warning"; } else { string docFile = ds.Rows[0]["fileName"].ToString(); string fullpath = Path.Combine(_env.WebRootPath, "files/" + docFile); System.IO.File.Delete(fullpath); string delete = "DELETE FROM Event WHERE Id={0}"; int res = DBUtl.ExecSQL(delete, id); if (res == 1) { TempData["Message"] = "Event Deleted"; TempData["MsgType"] = "success"; } else { TempData["Message"] = DBUtl.DB_Message; TempData["MsgType"] = "danger"; } } return(RedirectToAction("Events")); }
public IActionResult DeleteAccessory(string id) { string select = @"SELECT * FROM Equipment_accessories WHERE Equipment_accessories_id='{0}'"; DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(select, id); if (ds.Rows.Count != 1) { TempData["Message"] = "Accessory record no longer exists."; TempData["MsgType"] = "warning"; } else { string delete = "DELETE FROM Equipment_accessories WHERE Equipment_accessories_id='{0}'"; int res = DBUtl.ExecSQL(delete, id); if (res == 1) { TempData["Message"] = "Accessory Deleted"; TempData["MsgType"] = "success"; } else { TempData["Message"] = "Please delete related records before deleting this record!"; TempData["MsgType"] = "danger"; } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public IActionResult ToggleMaint(string id) { string select = @"SELECT * FROM Users WHERE role !='Admin'"; DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(select, id); if (ds.Rows.Count < 0) { TempData["Message"] = "Toggle failed"; TempData["MsgType"] = "warning"; } else { string set = "UPDATE Users SET Maintenance_status = 'True' WHERE role != 'Admin'"; int res = DBUtl.ExecSQL(set, id); if (res > 0) { TempData["Message"] = "Maintenance Toggle successful"; TempData["MsgType"] = "success"; } else { TempData["Message"] = "Toggle maintenance unsuccessful"; TempData["MsgType"] = "danger"; } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public IActionResult Create(Company company) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ViewData["Message"] = "Invalid Input"; ViewData["MsgType"] = "warning"; return(View("Create")); } else { string insert = @"INSERT INTO Email(Email, EmailStatus) VALUES('{0}',0)"; string insert1 = @"INSERT INTO AppUser(UserName, User_PW, RepName, Contact_Num, CompanyName, CompanyWebsite, CompanyIndustry, CompanySize, CompanyType, Email) VALUES('{0}', HASHBYTES('SHA1', '{1}'), '{2}', {3}, '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', 2, '{8}')"; int result = DBUtl.ExecSQL(insert, company.Email); int result1 = DBUtl.ExecSQL(insert1, company.UserName, company.User_PW, company.RepName, company.Contact_Num, company.CompanyName, company.CompanyWebsite, company.CompanyIndustry, company.CompanySize, company.Email); if (result == 1 && result1 == 1) { TempData["Mesage"] = "Account Created"; TempData["MsgType"] = "success"; string email = company.Email.ToString(); string select = "SELECT * FROM AppUser WHERE Email='{0}'"; DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(select, email); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string RepName = row.Field <string>("RepName"); string Email = row.Field <string>("Email"); string UserName = row.Field <string>("UserName"); string template = @"Hi {0}, <br></br> Welcome to Tribe Accelerator! Your username is {1}. To activate your account, click here <button><a href='" + Url.Action("Activate", "Company", new { un = Email }, "http") + "'>Activate</a></button><br></br>" + "Regards,<br></br> The Tribe Accelerator team"; string title = "Account Activation"; string message = string.Format(template, RepName, UserName); string rs; if (EmailUtl.SendEmail(email, title, message, out rs)) { ViewData["Message"] = "Email successfully sent"; ViewData["MsgType"] = "success"; } else { ViewData["Message"] = result; ViewData["MsgType"] = "warning"; } return(View("Confirmation")); } } else { TempData["Message"] = DBUtl.DB_Message; TempData["MsgType"] = "danger"; } return(Redirect("~/Home/Index")); } }
public IActionResult VerifyUserID(string userId) { string select = $"SELECT * FROM UserRegister WHERE UserId='{userId}'"; if (DBUtl.GetTable(select).Rows.Count > 0) { return(Json($"[{userId}] already in use")); } return(Json(true)); }
public IActionResult VerifyUserName(String UserName) { string select = $"SELECT * FROM Account WHERE UserName='******'"; if (DBUtl.GetTable(select).Rows.Count > 0) { return(Json($"[{UserName}] already in use")); } return(Json(true)); }
public bool VerifyEmail(String Email) { string select = @"SELECT * FROM AppUser WHERE Email='{0}'"; DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(select, Email); if (ds.Rows.Count == 1) { return(true); } return(false); }
public IActionResult Create(User newUser) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ViewData["Message"] = "Invalid Input"; ViewData["MsgType"] = "warning"; return(View("Create")); } else { string insert = @"INSERT INTO Users(Username, FullName, Email, Password, UserRole, CompanyName, ContactNo) VALUES('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', HASHBYTES('SHA1', '{3}'), '{4}', '{5}', '{6}')"; int result = DBUtl.ExecSQL(insert, newUser.Username, newUser.FullName, newUser.Email, newUser.Password, newUser.UserRole, newUser.CompanyName, newUser.ContactNo); if (result == 1) { TempData["Message"] = "User Created"; TempData["MsgType"] = "success"; string email = newUser.Email.ToString(); string select = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email='{0}'"; DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(select, email); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string fullname = row.Field <string>("FullName"); string Email = row.Field <string>("Email"); string template = @"Hi {0}, <br></br> Please press this link to activate your Accelerator Account. <br></br> <button><a href='" + Url.Action("Activation", "Account", new { un = fullname }, "http") + "'>Activate</a></button><br></br>" + "Cheers, <br></br>" + "<i>Accelerator</i>"; string title = "Activating Accelerator Account"; string message = String.Format(template, fullname); string rs; if (EmailUtl.SendEmail(email, title, message, out rs)) { ViewData["Message"] = "Email Successfully Sent"; ViewData["MsgType"] = "success"; } else { ViewData["Message"] = result; ViewData["MsgType"] = "warning"; } return(View("Activate")); } } else { TempData["Message"] = DBUtl.DB_Message; TempData["MsgType"] = "danger"; } return(RedirectToAction("ListUsers")); } }
private bool AuthenticateUser(string uid, string pw, out ClaimsPrincipal principal) { principal = null; //If email is confirmed var dsconfirm = new DataTable(); string sql = $"SELECT Email FROM AppUser WHERE UserName = '******' AND User_PW = HASHBYTES('SHA1','{pw}') "; DataTable dsemail = DBUtl.GetTable(sql, uid, pw); if (dsemail.Rows.Count > 0) { string select = $"SELECT * FROM Email WHERE Email = '{dsemail.Rows[0]["Email"]}'"; dsconfirm = DBUtl.GetTable(select); } DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(LOGIN_SQL, uid, pw); if (ds.Rows.Count == 1) { var a = dsconfirm.Rows[0]["EmailStatus"].ToString(); if (a.Equals("1")) { string r = ""; int ro = int.Parse(ds.Rows[0][ROLE_COL].ToString()); if (ro == 1) { r = "Admin"; } else if (ro == 2) { r = "Current"; } else if (ro == 3) { r = "Alumni"; } principal = new ClaimsPrincipal( new ClaimsIdentity( new Claim[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, uid), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, ds.Rows[0] [NAME_COL].ToString()), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, r) }, "Basic" ) ); return(true); } } return(false); }
public IActionResult ViewArchive() { updatearchive(); DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(@"SELECT Exercise_id, E.Package_id, U.nric AS [SAF11B], AS [Company], E.unit AS [Unit], P.Name AS [Weapon Package], E.start_date AS [Start Date], E.end_date AS [End Date], E.description AS [Description], E.status AS [Status] FROM Exercise E INNER JOIN Users U ON E.nric = U.nric INNER JOIN Package P ON E.Package_id = P.Package_id WHERE E.archive = 1"); return(View("ViewArchive", dt.Rows)); }
public IActionResult ResetPassword(ResetPassword rp) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ViewData["Message"] = "Invalid Input"; ViewData["MsgType"] = "warning"; return(View("RPwd")); } else { string email = rp.Email.ToString(); string password = rp.UserPw.ToString(); string select = @"SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email='{0}'"; DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(select, email); if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { string uname = dt.Rows[0]["Username"].ToString(); string cfmEmail = dt.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); if (email.Equals(cfmEmail)) { string update = @"UPDATE Users SET Password=HASHBYTES('SHA1','{1}') WHERE Username='******'"; int res = DBUtl.ExecSQL(update, uname, password, cfmEmail); if (res == 1) { ViewData["Message"] = "Password has been reset successfully."; ViewData["MsgType"] = "success"; return(View("RPwdCfm")); } else { ViewData["Message"] = "Password reset unsuccessful."; ViewData["MsgType"] = "warning"; return(View("RPwd")); } } else { ViewData["Message"] = "Email cannot be verified."; ViewData["MsgType"] = "danger"; return(View("RPwd")); } } else { return(View("RPwd")); } } }
private bool SecureValidUser(string uid, string pw, out ClaimsPrincipal principal) { string sql = ""; string returnUrl = ViewData["ReturnUrl"] as string; if (returnUrl.Contains("SingRoom")) { sql = @"SELECT * FROM SRUser WHERE Email='{0}' AND Password = HASHBYTES('SHA1','{1}')"; } else { sql = @"SELECT * FROM PHUser WHERE Email='{0}' AND Password = HASHBYTES('SHA1','{1}')"; } DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(sql, uid, pw); principal = null; if (ds.Rows.Count == 1) { string uname = ds.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); string userid = ds.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString(); string role = ds.Rows[0]["Role"].ToString(); // TODO P06 Task 1a: Add the role of user from database as a claim under Role claim type principal = new ClaimsPrincipal( new ClaimsIdentity( new Claim[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, userid), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, uname), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, role) }, "Basic")); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public IActionResult ResetPW(ResetPW reset) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ViewData["Message"] = "Invalid Input"; ViewData["MsgType"] = "warning"; return(View("ResetPW")); } else { //string UserName = reset.UserName.ToString(); string UserName = TempData["un"].ToString(); string password = reset.User_PW_New.ToString(); string cfmpassword = reset.ConfirmPasswordNew.ToString(); string sql = @"SELECT * FROM AppUser WHERE UserName='******'"; string select = String.Format(sql, UserName); DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(select); if (password.Equals(cfmpassword)) { string update = @"UPDATE AppUser SET User_PW = HASHBYTES('SHA1','{1}') WHERE UserName = '******'"; int res = DBUtl.ExecSQL(update, UserName, password); if (res == 1) { ViewData["Message"] = "Password reset successful!"; ViewData["MsgType"] = "success"; return(View("ResetPWActivate")); } else { ViewData["Message"] = "Password reset unsuccessful."; ViewData["MsgType"] = "warning"; return(View("ResetPW")); } } else { ViewData["Message"] = "Username cannot be verified."; ViewData["MsgType"] = "danger"; } return(View("ResetPW")); } }
public JsonResult VerifyNewUsername(string NewUsername) { DbSet <MesahUser> dbs = _dbContext.MesahUser; //var userid = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; //MesahUser user = dbs.FromSqlInterpolated($"SELECT * FROM MesahUser WHERE UserId = {NewUsername}").FirstOrDefault(); //if (user != null) //return Json(false); //else //return Json(true); string select = $"SELECT * FROM MesahUser WHERE UserId='{NewUsername}'"; if (DBUtl.GetTable(select).Rows.Count > 0) { return(Json($"[{NewUsername}] already in use")); } return(Json(true)); }
public IActionResult ResetPWEmail(ResetPWEmail Reset) { var output = VerifyEmail(Reset.Email); if (output == true) { string email = Reset.Email.ToString(); string select = "SELECT * FROM AppUser WHERE Email='{0}'"; DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(select, email); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string Username = row.Field <string>("UserName"); string Email = row.Field <string>("Email"); string template = @"Hi {0}, <br></br> To reset your password, click the link here : <br></br><a href='" + Url.Action("ResetPW", "Account", new { un = Username }, "http") + "'>Set your new password</a></button><br></br>" + "If you did not a request a password change, you can delete this email.<br></br>" + "Regards,<br></br>" + "<i>Tribe Accelerator</i>"; string title = "Password Change"; string message = String.Format(template, Username); if (EmailUtl.SendEmail(email, title, message, out string result)) { ViewData["Message"] = "Email Successfully Sent"; ViewData["MsgType"] = "success"; return(View("ResetPWConfirm")); } else { ViewData["Message"] = result; ViewData["MsgType"] = "warning"; } } } else { ViewData["Message"] = "No such email exists."; ViewData["MsgType"] = "warning"; return(View("ResetPWEmail")); } return(View()); }
public IActionResult ForgotPwd(ForgotPwd forgotPwd) { string email = forgotPwd.Email.ToString(); string select = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email='{0}'"; DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(select, email); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string fname = row.Field <string>("FullName"); string Email = row.Field <string>("Email"); string template = @"Hi {0}, <br></br> We received a request to reset your password for your Accelerator Account. We're here to help!<br></br> Simply click on the button to set a new password:<br></br> <button><a href='" + Url.Action("ResetPassword", "Account", new { un = fname }, "http") + "'>Set a New Password</a></button><br></br>" + "If you didn't ask to change your password, don't worry! Your password is still safe and you can delete this email.<br></br>" + "Cheers,<br></br>" + "<i>Accelerator</i>"; string title = "Reset Password"; string message = String.Format(template, fname); string result; if (EmailUtl.SendEmail(email, title, message, out result)) { ViewData["Message"] = "Email Successfully Sent"; ViewData["MsgType"] = "success"; } else { ViewData["Message"] = result; ViewData["MsgType"] = "warning"; } return(View("ForgotPwdCfm")); } //Create necessary database to store user info if required // To code for forgot password to send user email for the password reset link // return(View()); //TO remove or edit this line of code// }
public JsonResult VerifyCurrentPassword(string CurrentPassword) { DbSet <MesahUser> dbs = _dbContext.MesahUser; var userid = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; //var pw_bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(CurrentPassword); //if (user != null) // return Json(true); //else // return Json(false); string select = $"SELECT * FROM MesahUser WHERE UserId='{userid}' AND UserPw = HASHBYTES('SHA1', '{CurrentPassword}')"; if (DBUtl.GetTable(select).Rows.Count > 0) { return(Json(true));; } return(Json(false)); }
public IActionResult Events() { if (User.IsInRole("Alumni")) { string sql = "SELECT * FROM Event WHERE Type='Alumni'"; DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(sql); return(View(dt.Rows)); } else if (User.IsInRole("Startup")) { string sql = "SELECT * FROM Event WHERE Type='Startup'"; DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(sql); return(View(dt.Rows)); } else { string sql = "SELECT * FROM Event"; DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(sql); return(View(dt.Rows)); } }
private bool AuthenticateUserFace(string personId, out ClaimsPrincipal principal) { principal = null; DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(login_face, personId); if (ds.Rows.Count == 1) { principal = new ClaimsPrincipal( new ClaimsIdentity( new Claim[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, personId), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, ds.Rows[0][NAME_COL].ToString()), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, ds.Rows[0][ROLE_COL].ToString()) }, "Basic" ) ); return(true); } return(false); }
public JsonResult VerifyNewPassword(string NewPassword) { DbSet <MesahUser> dbs = _dbContext.MesahUser; var userid = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; //var npw_bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(NewPassword); //MesahUser user = dbs.FromSqlInterpolated($"SELECT * FROM MesahUser WHERE UserId = {userid} AND UserPw = HASHBYTES('SHA1', {npw_bytes})").FirstOrDefault(); //if (user != null) // return Json(false); //else // return Json(true); string select = $"SELECT * FROM MesahUser WHERE UserId='{userid}' AND UserPw = HASHBYTES('SHA1', '{NewPassword}')"; if (DBUtl.GetTable(select).Rows.Count > 0) { return(Json(false));; } return(Json(true)); }
public IActionResult DeleteProducts(int id) { string sql = @"SELECT * FROM Product WHERE ProductID={0}"; string select = String.Format(sql, id); DataTable ds = DBUtl.GetTable(select); if (ds.Rows.Count != 1) { TempData["Message"] = "Product record no longer exists."; TempData["MsgType"] = "warning"; } else { string photoFile = ds.Rows[0]["picture"].ToString(); string fullpath = Path.Combine(_env.WebRootPath, "FoodPics/" + photoFile); System.IO.File.Delete(fullpath); string delete = @"DELETE FROM Product WHERE ProductID={0}"; int res = DBUtl.ExecSQL(delete, id); if (res == 1) { TempData["Message"] = "Product Deleted"; TempData["MsgType"] = "success"; } else { TempData["Message"] = DBUtl.DB_Message; TempData["MsgType"] = "danger"; } } return(RedirectToAction("ListOfProducts")); }
public IActionResult ProductEdit(String id) { string sql = "SELECT * FROM Product WHERE ProductId={0}"; string select = String.Format(sql, id); DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(select); if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { Product product = new Product { ProductId = (int)dt.Rows[0]["ProductId"], ProductName = dt.Rows[0]["ProductName"].ToString(), Price = (double)dt.Rows[0]["Price"], Photo = (IFormFile)dt.Rows[0]["Photo"], }; return(View(product)); } else { TempData["Message"] = "Product Not Found"; TempData["MsgType"] = "warning"; return(RedirectToAction("ListOfProducts")); } }
public IActionResult Index() { DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable("SELECT * FROM Equipment_accessories"); return(View("Index", dt.Rows)); }
public IActionResult Index() { DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable("SELECT * FROM Announcement"); return(View("Index", dt.Rows)); }