Пример #1
        protected override bool UpdateRevisionsInDBInternal(DB db, DBLane lane, string repository, Dictionary <string, DBRevision> revisions, List <DBHost> hosts, List <DBHostLane> hostlanes, string min_revision, string max_revision)
            string          revision;
            bool            update_steps = false;
            List <DateTime> used_dates;
            DBRevision      r;
            List <GitEntry> log;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(max_revision))
                max_revision = "remotes/origin/master";

            Log("Updating lane: '{0}', repository: '{1}' min revision: '{2}' max revision: '{3}'", lane.lane, repository, min_revision, max_revision);

            log = GetGITLog(lane, repository, min_revision, max_revision);

            if (log == null || log.Count == 0)
                Log("Didn't get a git log for '{0}'", repository);

            Log("Got {0} log records", log.Count);

            used_dates = new List <DateTime> ();

            foreach (GitEntry entry in log)
                string   hash = entry.revision;
                string   unix_timestamp_str = entry.timestamp;
                long     unix_timestamp;
                string   author = entry.author;
                string   msg    = entry.message;
                DateTime date;

                if (!long.TryParse(unix_timestamp_str, out unix_timestamp))
                    /* here something is wrong, this way the commit shows up as the first one so that it's easy to spot and start investigating */
                    date = DateTime.Now.AddYears(20);
                    Log("Could not parse timestamp '{0}' for revision '{1}' in lane '{2}' in repository {3}", unix_timestamp_str, entry.revision, lane.lane, repository);
                    const long EPOCH_DIFF = 0x019DB1DED53E8000;          /* 116444736000000000 nsecs */
                    const long RATE_DIFF  = 10000000;                    /* 100 nsecs */
                    date = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc((unix_timestamp * RATE_DIFF) + EPOCH_DIFF);

                 * The timestamp resolution on my machine seems to be 1 second,
                 * which means that if you commit fast enough you'll get
                 * commits with the same date. This is a very bad thing since
                 * the commits are order by the commit date, and if two commits
                 * have the same date the order they're build / shown is random
                 * (the db decides whatever it feels like). Work around this by
                 * keeping a list of used dates and if the date has already
                 * used, add a millisecond to it (and try again). Note that
                 * there is still a possibility of duplicate dates: if there
                 * already is a revision in the database with this date (from
                 * a previous run of the scheduler).
                 * It may seem like there is a very small possibility of having
                 * two commits within a second, but this happens all the time
                 * for our test suite.
                while (used_dates.Contains(date))
                    date = date.AddMilliseconds(1);

                revision = hash;

                if (revision == null)

                if (revisions.ContainsKey(revision))
                    /* Check if we've saved the wrong date earlier and fix it */
                    if (revisions [revision].date > new DateTime(2030, 1, 1))
                        /* Hopefully this code will not stay here for 20 years */
                        revisions [revision].date = date;
                        revisions [revision].Save(db);
                        Log("Detected wrong date in revision '{0}' in lane '{1}' in repository {2}, fixing it", revision, lane.lane, repository);
                    // Log (2, "Already got {0}", revision);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lane.commit_filter))
                    FetchFiles(entry, repository);
                    if (DoesFilterExclude(entry, lane.commit_filter))

                r          = new DBRevision();
                r.revision = revision;
                r.lane_id  = lane.id;

                r.author = author;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.author))
                    Log("No author specified in r{0} in {1}", r.revision, repository);
                    r.author = "?";
                r.date = date;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                    r.log_file_id = db.UploadString(msg, ".log", false).id;
                    Log("No msg specified in r{0} in {1}", r.revision, repository);
                    r.log_file_id = null;


                update_steps = true;
                Log(1, "Saved revision '{0}' for lane '{1}' author: {2}, date: {3:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.ffffff} {5} {6}", r.revision, lane.lane, r.author, r.date, msg, unix_timestamp, unix_timestamp_str);

Пример #2
        public static int MoveFilesToFileSystem()
            long moved_bytes = 0;

            Manager.log.Info("MoveFilesToFileSystem: [START]");

            using (DB db = new DB()) {
                using (DB download_db = new DB()) {
                    while (true)
                        using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand()) {
                            // execute this in chunks to avoid huge data transfers and slowdowns.
                            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM File WHERE NOT file_id IS NULL LIMIT 100";
                            using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) {
                                if (!reader.Read())

                                    DBFile  file   = new DBFile(reader);
                                    byte [] buffer = new byte [1024];
                                    int     oid    = file.file_id.Value;
                                    int     read;
                                    string  fn = FileUtilities.CreateFilename(file.md5, file.compressed_mime == MimeTypes.GZ, true);
                                    using (FileStream writer = new FileStream(fn, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) {
                                        using (Stream str = download_db.Download(file)) {
                                            while ((read = str.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
                                                writer.Write(buffer, 0, read);

                                    IDbTransaction transaction = download_db.BeginTransaction();
                                    file.file_id = null;

                                    moved_bytes += file.size;
                                    log.InfoFormat("MoveFilesToFileSystem: Moved oid {0} to {1} ({2} bytes, {3} total bytes moved)", oid, fn, file.size, moved_bytes);
                                } while (reader.Read());

                    while (true)
                        using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand()) {
                            // execute this in chunks to avoid huge data transfers and slowdowns.
                            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Revision WHERE (diff_file_id IS NULL AND NOT diff = '') OR (log_file_id IS NULL AND NOT log = '') LIMIT 100";
                            using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) {
                                if (!reader.Read())

                                    DBRevision revision = new DBRevision(reader);
                                    string     tmpfile  = null;

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(revision.diff))
                                        int length = 0;
                                        if (revision.diff_file_id == null)
                                            try {
                                                length  = revision.diff.Length;
                                                tmpfile = Path.GetTempFileName();
                                                File.WriteAllText(tmpfile, revision.diff);
                                                DBFile diff = download_db.Upload(tmpfile, ".log", false, null);
                                                revision.diff_file_id = diff.id;
                                                revision.diff         = null;
                                            } finally {
                                                try {
                                                    if (File.Exists(tmpfile))
                                                } catch (Exception ex) {
                                                    log.ErrorFormat("error deleting temp file: {0}", ex);
                                            moved_bytes += length;
                                            log.InfoFormat("MoveFilesToFileSystem: Moved revision {0}'s diff to db/filesystem ({1} bytes, {2} total bytes moved)", revision.id, length, moved_bytes);

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(revision.log))
                                        int length = 0;
                                        if (revision.log_file_id == null)
                                            try {
                                                length  = revision.log.Length;
                                                tmpfile = Path.GetTempFileName();
                                                File.WriteAllText(tmpfile, revision.log);
                                                DBFile log = download_db.Upload(tmpfile, ".log", false, null);
                                                revision.log_file_id = log.id;
                                                revision.log         = null;
                                            } finally {
                                                try {
                                                    if (File.Exists(tmpfile))
                                                } catch (Exception ex) {
                                                    log.ErrorFormat("error deleting temp file: {0}", ex);
                                            moved_bytes += length;
                                            Manager.log.InfoFormat("MoveFilesToFileSystem: Moved revision {0}'s log to db/filesystem ({1} bytes, {2} total bytes moved)", revision.id, length, moved_bytes);
                                        revision.log = null;

                                } while (reader.Read());

            Manager.log.Info("MoveFilesToFileSystem: [Done]");
