protected void ButtonDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button b = (Button)sender; string ButtonID = b.ID; int i; for (i = 0; i < ButtonLists.Count; i++) { Button b1 = (Button)ButtonLists[i]; if (ButtonID.Equals(b1.ID)) { break; } } TableCell t = (TableCell)TableCellLists[i]; string courseName = t.Text; string grade = DropDownList_Grade.SelectedValue; string sql1 = "select subjectno from gcgSubject where subjectname ='" + courseName + "'"; DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); Object o = dbm.ExecuteScalar(sql1, null); if (o != null) { string subjectno = o.ToString(); string sql2 = "delete from gcgCourse where SubjectNo ='" + subjectno + "' and Grade ='" + grade + "'"; dbm.ExecuteNonQuery(sql2, null); } dbm.Close(); SetItemForChoosableCourse(); this.Page_Load(this, null); }
protected void Button_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //点击确认,提交课时安排 //通过 TableCellLists DropDownLists获得每一条记录的科目名以及课时,通过DropDownList_Grade获得年级 //步骤:一条一条来看,如果原先有课时安排的,就更新,没有的,就插入 string grade = DropDownList_Grade.SelectedValue; DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); // Response.Write("<script>alert('有新"+ HasNewCourse+" ')</script>"); for (int i = 0; i < DropDownLists.Count; i++) { //步骤一:查询这门科目是否有过旧的课时安排记录 //注意:一开始没有学科,所以要通过按钮增加学科,此时会保证所有记录都有初始课时分布,所以提交按钮仅仅需要将这些记录更新就行了 TableCell tc = (TableCell)TableCellLists[i]; DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)DropDownLists[i]; string courseName = tc.Text; //获得科目名 string courseCount = ddl.SelectedValue; //获得新的分配课时 string SearchSql = "select CourseNo from gcgCourse,gcgSubject where gcgSubject.subjectno = gcgCourse.SubjectNo and Grade = @Grade and subjectname = @subjectname"; ParameterStruct p1 = new ParameterStruct("@Grade", grade); ParameterStruct p2 = new ParameterStruct("@subjectname", courseName); ArrayList parameterList1 = new ArrayList(); parameterList1.Add(p1); parameterList1.Add(p2); Object o = dbm.ExecuteScalar(SearchSql, parameterList1); string CourseNo = o.ToString(); string sql4 = "update gcgCourse set CourseTime = " + courseCount + " where CourseNo = " + CourseNo; dbm.ExecuteNonQuery(sql4, null); } dbm.Close(); System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel1, this.GetType(), "Button6_Click", "alert('提交已完成!')", true); }
private void setItemsForSelectGroup() { //为每一个科目的可选学科组下拉框准备数据 DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); string sql = "select subjectno,subjectname,gcgSubject.subjectGroupNo,subjectGroupName from gcgSubject,gcgSubjectGroup where gcgSubject.subjectGroupNo = gcgSubjectGroup.subjectGroupNo"; DataSet ds_subject = dbm.ExecuteQueryOffLine(sql, null); string sql2 = "select subjectGroupNo,subjectGroupName from gcgSubjectGroup"; DataTable t = ds_subject.Tables["defaultTable"]; DataSet ds_subjectGroup = dbm.ExecuteQueryOffLine(sql2, null); for (int i = 0; i < t.Rows.Count; i++) { Object o = DropDownLists[i]; DropDownList d = (DropDownList)o; d.AutoPostBack = true; d.DataSource = ds_subjectGroup.Tables["defaultTable"]; d.DataTextField = ds_subjectGroup.Tables["defaultTable"].Columns[1].ColumnName; d.DataValueField = ds_subjectGroup.Tables["defaultTable"].Columns[0].ColumnName; d.DataBind(); DataRow r = t.Rows[i]; string subjectGroupName = r["subjectGroupName"].ToString(); // string subjectGroupNo = r["gcgSubject.subjectGroupNo"].ToString(); int index = 0; for (index = 0; index < ds_subjectGroup.Tables["defaultTable"].Rows.Count; index++) { DataRow rowInSubjectGroup = ds_subjectGroup.Tables["defaultTable"].Rows[index]; if (subjectGroupName.Equals(rowInSubjectGroup["subjectGroupName"].ToString())) { break; } } d.SelectedIndex = index; //下拉框的初始值是以前该科目所属的学科组的组名 } }
public void initModel(ApplicationDbContext context) { DBManipulation DB = new DBManipulation(context); employees = DB.getEmployees(); chains = DB.getHotelChains(); }
public IActionResult Payment(Dictionary<string, string> parms) { if (isEmployee()) { DBManipulation db = new DBManipulation(_context); int rid = Convert.ToInt32(parms.GetValueOrDefault("roomid")); int bid = Convert.ToInt32(parms.GetValueOrDefault("bid")); int ssn = Convert.ToInt32(parms.GetValueOrDefault("customerSSN")); DateTime startdate = DateTime.Parse(parms.GetValueOrDefault("startdate")); DateTime enddate = DateTime.Parse(parms.GetValueOrDefault("enddate")); Room room = db.getRoom(rid); Booking newBooking = new Booking() { CustomerSsn = ssn, Bid = bid, R = room, Rid = room.Rid, StartDate = startdate, EndDate = enddate }; PaymentViewModel model = new PaymentViewModel(newBooking); return View(model); } else { return RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Account"); } }
protected DataSet getItems_unChosedCourse() { //点击该按钮增加科目,从我们的确认按钮来看。确认按钮已经考虑到了新增加学科的情况 //所以该按钮只需要提供增加现有科目中这个年级还没有上的学科,可选的科目选项从未选择的科目中取 //步骤:查询当前年级开设的学科的科目,查询该校总共开设的科目,两者做一个差集即可 //比如说:该校总共开设:语、数、英、物、化、生、政、史、地 //但是初一以前只开设语、数、英、生、史、地 //那么两者的差集就是:物、化、政 //那么就可以从这三门可中选择 /* select * * from gcgSubject * where subjectno not in ( * select SubjectNo * from gcgCourse * where Grade = '1' ) */ string sqlForChoosableCourse = "select subjectno,subjectname from gcgSubject where subjectno not in(select SubjectNo from gcgCourse where Grade = @Grade)"; DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); ParameterStruct p = new ParameterStruct("@Grade", DropDownList_Grade.SelectedValue); ArrayList parameterLists = new ArrayList(); parameterLists.Add(p); DataSet ds = dbm.ExecuteQueryOffLine(sqlForChoosableCourse, parameterLists); dbm.Close(); return(ds); }
public IActionResult DeleteBooking([FromBody] Booking booking) { DBManipulation db = new DBManipulation(_context); int response = db.deleteBooking(booking.Bid, getUser().SSN); string json; if (response == 1) { json = "Booking successfully deleted from your account!"; } else if (response == 0) { json = "Error: User didn't found in the Database, please try again.."; } else if (response == -1) { json = "Error: Impossible to delete the selected booking, please try again.."; } else { json = Constants.GENERICPOSTGREERROR; } return(Json(json)); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //点击增加科目 //从年级已知,科目号和科目名已知,默认课时为0 string grade = DropDownList_Grade.SelectedValue; string subjectno = DropDownList2.SelectedValue; if (subjectno == "") //当下拉框已经没有可增加科目时,按钮点击无效 { return; } string CourseNo = grade + subjectno; string courseCount = "0"; DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); string sql2 = "insert into gcgCourse values(@CourseNo,@SubjectNo,@Grade,@CourseTime)"; ParameterStruct p3 = new ParameterStruct("@CourseNo", CourseNo + ""); ParameterStruct p4 = new ParameterStruct("@SubjectNo", subjectno); ParameterStruct p5 = new ParameterStruct("@Grade", grade + ""); ParameterStruct p6 = new ParameterStruct("@CourseTime", courseCount + ""); ArrayList parameterList2 = new ArrayList(); parameterList2.Add(p3); parameterList2.Add(p4); parameterList2.Add(p5); parameterList2.Add(p6); dbm.ExecuteNonQuery(sql2, parameterList2); dbm.Close(); SetItemForChoosableCourse(); this.Page_Load(this, null); // Response.Redirect("classTimesArrange.aspx"); }
protected void SetItemForDropDownList_Class() { string sql = "select distinct ClassNo,class_name from gcgLectureForm, temp_class where gcgLectureForm.ClassNo = temp_class.class_id and class_grade = '" + DropDownList_Grade.SelectedValue + "'"; DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); DropDownList_class.Items.Clear(); /* * DataSet ds = dbm.ExecuteQueryOffLine(sql, null); * DropDownList_class.AutoPostBack = true; * DropDownList_class.DataSource = ds.Tables["defaultTable"]; * DropDownList_class.DataTextField = ds.Tables["defaultTable"].Columns[1].ColumnName; * DropDownList_class.DataValueField = ds.Tables["defaultTable"].Columns[0].ColumnName; * DropDownList_class.DataBind(); */ SqlDataReader dr = dbm.ExecuteQueryOnLine(sql, null); while (dr.Read()) { ListItem item = new ListItem(dr.GetString(1), dr.GetString(0)); DropDownList_class.Items.Add(item); } dr.Close(); dbm.Close(); }
public void initModel(ApplicationDbContext context, int hcid) { DBManipulation DB = new DBManipulation(context); phones = DB.getHotelChainPhones(hcid); emails = DB.getHotelChainEmails(hcid); }
public void initModel(ApplicationDbContext context, int hid = 0) { DBManipulation DB = new DBManipulation(context); if (hid > 0) { rooms = DB.getRooms(hid); } else { rooms = DB.getRooms(); } hotels = DB.getHotels(); hotels.Insert(0, new Hotel { Hid = 0, Hcid = -1, HotelName = "All hotels", Manager = -1, Category = -1, NumRooms = -1, StreetNumber = -1, StreetName = "null", AptNumber = -1, City = "null", HState = "null", Zip = "null", Email = "null" }); }
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {//删除一个学科组,先将组内的学科设为待定组 // string sql2 = "select subjectGroupNo,subjectGroupName from gcgSubjectGroup"; //string sql1 = "select subjectno from gcgSubject where subjectGroupNo in (select subjectGroupNo from gcgSubjectGroup where subjectGroupName = @subjectGroupName)"; string subjectGroupNo = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); string sql1 = "select subjectGroupNo from gcgSubjectGroup where subjectGroupName = '待定'"; Object o = dbm.ExecuteScalar(sql1, null); string subjectGroup_DefalutNo = o.ToString(); string sql2 = "select subjectno from gcgSubject where subjectGroupNo ='" + subjectGroupNo + "'"; DataSet ds = dbm.ExecuteQueryOffLine(sql2, null); DataTable t = ds.Tables["defaultTable"]; foreach (DataRow r in t.Rows) { string subjectno = r["subjectno"].ToString(); string sql3 = "update gcgSubject set subjectGroupNo = @subjectGroupNo where subjectno = @subjectno"; ParameterStruct p1 = new ParameterStruct("@subjectGroupNo", subjectGroup_DefalutNo); ParameterStruct p2 = new ParameterStruct("@subjectno", subjectno); ArrayList p = new ArrayList(); p.Add(p1); p.Add(p2); dbm.ExecuteNonQuery(sql3, p); } string sql = "delete from gcgSubjectGroup where subjectGroupNo = '" + subjectGroupNo + "'"; dbm.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, null); setItem_deleteDropDownList();//为删除下拉框提供新的数据 this.Page_Load(this, null); }
protected void Button_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //点击此按钮,清除该学科组收到的所有反馈信息 /*create table gcgFeedBack( --排课组内部专用表 * class_id char(4) not null, * CourseNo char(3) not null, * TeacherNo char(8) not null, * primary key(class_id,CourseNo) * )*/ string subjectGroupName = Label_SubjectGroup.Text; string sql0 = "select subjectGroupNo from gcgSubjectGroup where subjectGroupName ='" + subjectGroupName + "'"; DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); Object o = dbm.ExecuteScalar(sql0, null); if (o == null) { //说明没有这个学科组 System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel1, this.GetType(), "Button6_Click", "alert('没有该学科组存在!')", true); //实际上是不可能的 return;//不再查询数据 } string subjectGroupNo = o.ToString(); dbm.Close(); string sql1 = "select CourseNo from gcgSubject,gcgCourse where gcgCourse.SubjectNo = gcgSubject.subjectno and Grade = @Grade and subjectGroupNo = @subjectGroupNo"; ParameterStruct p1 = new ParameterStruct("@Grade", DropDownList_Grade.SelectedValue); ParameterStruct p2 = new ParameterStruct("@subjectGroupNo", subjectGroupNo); ArrayList pList1 = new ArrayList(); pList1.Add(p1); pList1.Add(p2); SqlDataReader dr = dbm.ExecuteQueryOnLine(sql1, pList1); ArrayList courseNoList = new ArrayList(); while (dr.Read()) { courseNoList.Add(dr.GetString(0)); } dr.Close(); foreach (string courseno in courseNoList) { string sql_deletefromGcgFeedBack = "delete from gcgFeedBack where CourseNo = '" + courseno + "'"; dbm.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_deletefromGcgFeedBack, null); } //如果发现反馈表中已经没有了记录,那么就直接删掉,神不知鬼不觉~ string sql_checkgcgFeedBack = "select * from gcgFeedBack"; object isEmpty = dbm.ExecuteScalar(sql_checkgcgFeedBack, null); if (isEmpty == null) { //没有反馈记录了 string sql_droptable = "drop table gcgFeedBack"; dbm.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_droptable, null); } dbm.Close(); System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel1, this.GetType(), "Button6_Click", "alert('已清除反馈信息!')", true); CreateTable(); }
protected void SetValueForHtmlTextBox() { string grade = DropDownList_Grade.SelectedValue; string week = DropDownList_Week.SelectedValue; //select * from gcgSchedule where Grade = '1' and DayNo = '1' string sql1 = "select LessonNo,StartH,StartM,EndH,EndM from gcgSchedule where Grade = @Grade and DayNo = @DayNo order by LessonNo"; ParameterStruct p1 = new ParameterStruct("@Grade", grade); ParameterStruct p2 = new ParameterStruct("@DayNo", week); ArrayList plist1 = new ArrayList(); plist1.Add(p1); plist1.Add(p2); DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); // SqlDataReader dr = dbm.ExecuteQueryOnLine(sql1, plist1); DataSet ds = dbm.ExecuteQueryOffLine(sql1, plist1); DataTable schedule = ds.Tables["defaultTable"]; if (schedule.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } string[] startTime = new string[8]; string[] endTime = new string[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { string startH = schedule.Rows[i][1].ToString(); if (startH.Length == 1) { startH = "0" + startH; } string startM = schedule.Rows[i][2].ToString(); if (startM.Length == 1) { startM = "0" + startM; } string endH = schedule.Rows[i][3].ToString(); if (endH.Length == 1) { endH = "0" + endH; } string endM = schedule.Rows[i][4].ToString(); if (endM.Length == 1) { endM = "0" + endM; } startTime[i] = startH + ":" + startM; endTime[i] = endH + ":" + endM; } this.TextBox_11.Text = startTime[0]; this.TextBox_12.Text = endTime[0]; this.TextBox_21.Text = startTime[1]; this.TextBox_22.Text = endTime[1]; this.TextBox_31.Text = startTime[2]; this.TextBox_32.Text = endTime[2]; this.TextBox_41.Text = startTime[3]; this.TextBox_42.Text = endTime[3]; this.TextBox_51.Text = startTime[4]; this.TextBox_52.Text = endTime[4]; this.TextBox_61.Text = startTime[5]; this.TextBox_62.Text = endTime[5]; this.TextBox_71.Text = startTime[6]; this.TextBox_72.Text = endTime[6]; this.TextBox_81.Text = startTime[7]; this.TextBox_82.Text = endTime[7]; }
public IActionResult ViewTwo(ViewTwoViewModel model) { DBManipulation db = new DBManipulation(_context); model.viewtwos = (model.hotelSelected == -1) ? db.getViewTwo() : db.getViewTwo(model.hotelSelected); = db.getHotels(); return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult ViewOne(ViewOneViewModel model) { DBManipulation db = new DBManipulation(_context); model.viewones = model.stateSelected.Equals("All") ? db.getViewOne() : db.getViewOne(model.stateSelected); model.states = db.getHotelStates(); return(View(model)); }
protected void Button_AddSubjectGroup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {//增加学科组 string subjectGroupName = TextBox_SubjectGroup.Text; string subjectGroupId; DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); string sql1 = "select subjectGroupNo from gcgSubjectGroup order by subjectGroupNo"; DataSet ds_subjectGroup = dbm.ExecuteQueryOffLine(sql1, null); int i = 0, j; bool mark = true; //一个标志量 for (i = 1; i < 90; i++) //学科组号仅有2位 { mark = true; for (j = 0; j < ds_subjectGroup.Tables["defaultTable"].Rows.Count; j++) { string str = ds_subjectGroup.Tables["defaultTable"].Rows[j]["subjectGroupNo"].ToString(); char[] ch = str.ToCharArray(); if (ch[0] == '0') { str = ch[1] + ""; } if (i == int.Parse(str)) { mark = false; break; } } if (mark) //如果没有任何一个id相等,那么这个就是可用id { break; } } if (i < 10) { subjectGroupId = "0" + i; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('i > 10')</script>"); subjectGroupId = i + ""; } string sql2 = "insert into gcgSubjectGroup values(@subjectGroupNo,@subjectGroupName,null)"; ParameterStruct p1 = new ParameterStruct("@subjectGroupNo", subjectGroupId); ParameterStruct p2 = new ParameterStruct("@subjectGroupName", subjectGroupName); ArrayList parameterlist = new ArrayList(); parameterlist.Add(p1); parameterlist.Add(p2); debug1.Text = subjectGroupId; debug2.Text = subjectGroupName; dbm.ExecuteNonQuery(sql2, parameterlist); CreateTableDynamicly(); //生成表 setItemsForSelectGroup(); //为每一个科目的可选学科组下拉框准备数据 setItem_deleteDropDownList(); //为删除下拉框生成数据 TextBox_SubjectGroup.Text = ""; }
public void initModel(ApplicationDbContext _context) { DBManipulation db = new DBManipulation(_context); HotelChains = db.getHotelChains(); States = db.getHotelStates(); CategoryOfHotel = new List <int>( new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } ); }
protected void login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //用户点击登入 string userName = username.Text; string token = password.Text; //Token:令牌 string sql = "select * from UserTable where username = @username and token = @token"; ArrayList parameterList = new ArrayList(); ParameterStruct p1 = new ParameterStruct("@username", userName);//设置参数映射列表 ParameterStruct p2 = new ParameterStruct("@token", token); parameterList.Add(p1); parameterList.Add(p2); DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); SqlDataReader dataReader = dbm.ExecuteQueryOnLine(sql, parameterList); if (dataReader.HasRows) //如果有记录,说明是合法账户 { dataReader.Read(); //指针后移,读取第一条记录 string position = dataReader.GetString(3); //获得身份 Session["username"] = dataReader.GetString(1); dataReader.Close(); dbm.Close(); switch (position) { case "教导主任": Session["UserRank"] = PermissionEnum.EducationDean; Response.Redirect("../educationDean/TimeArrange.aspx"); break; case "学科组长": Session["UserRank"] = PermissionEnum.CourseMaster; Session["subjectGroupName"] = "综合组"; Response.Redirect("../courseMaster/setTeacher.aspx"); break; case "排课组长": Session["UserRank"] = PermissionEnum.AcademicDean; Response.Redirect("../academicDean/courseArrangement.aspx"); break; case "教师": Session["UserRank"] = PermissionEnum.Teacher; Response.Redirect("../Teacher/viewSchedule_Class.aspx"); break; default: break; } } else { Response.Redirect("error.aspx"); } }
public IActionResult ManageCustomers() { if (isEmployee()) { List <Person> model = new DBManipulation(_context).getCustomers(); return(View(model)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied")); } }
public IActionResult ViewOne() { DBManipulation db = new DBManipulation(_context); ViewOneViewModel model = new ViewOneViewModel() { stateSelected = "All", viewones = db.getViewOne(), states = db.getHotelStates() }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult ViewTwo() { DBManipulation db = new DBManipulation(_context); ViewTwoViewModel model = new ViewTwoViewModel() { viewtwos = db.getViewTwo(), hotels = db.getHotels(), hotelSelected = -1 }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult ManageHotels() { if (isEmployee()) { List<Hotel> hotels = new DBManipulation(_context).getHotelsFullNav(); return View(hotels); } else { return RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Account"); } }
/* * protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) * { * * } */ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //外部添加局部刷新控件 ScriptManager1.RegisterAsyncPostBackControl(this.DropDownList_Grade); ScriptManager1.RegisterAsyncPostBackControl(this.DropDownList_semester); ScriptManager1.RegisterAsyncPostBackControl(this.DropDownList_year); if (!IsPostBack) { if (!(LoginAndPermissionChecking.LoginChecking())) { Response.Redirect("/ErrorPage/error_NotLogin.aspx"); } if (!(LoginAndPermissionChecking.PermissionChecking(PermissionEnum.EducationDean))) { Response.Redirect("/ErrorPage/error_DeniedPermission.aspx"); } //首先先检查是否有gcgFeedBack这张表,如果不存在就新建 string sql_LookForgcgFeedBack = "select * from sysobjects where name = 'gcgFeedBack' and xtype = 'U'"; DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); object o = dbm.ExecuteScalar(sql_LookForgcgFeedBack, null); if (o == null) { string sql_CreategcgFeedBack = "create table gcgFeedBack(" + "class_id char(4) not null," + "CourseNo char(3) not null," + "TeacherNo char(8) not null," + "primary key(class_id, CourseNo)" + ")"; dbm.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_CreategcgFeedBack, null); } /*create table gcgFeedBack( --排课组内部专用表 * class_id char(4) not null, * CourseNo char(3) not null, * TeacherNo char(8) not null, * primary key(class_id,CourseNo) * )*/ //页面第一次载入之前,要查询gcgFeedBack授课安排反馈表,看看是不是还有未确认的反馈信息 string sql = "select class_id,CourseNo from gcgFeedBack"; // DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); SqlDataReader dr = dbm.ExecuteQueryOnLine(sql, null); while (dr.Read()) { string buttonName = dr.GetString(0) + dr.GetString(1); //Session[buttonName] = "nameRedButton";//我们使用Session保存有意见的老师安排的css样式 Session[buttonName] = "aspTableCellBrown2";//把原先红色的恢复成黑色 } dr.Close(); dbm.Close(); } createtable(GetSemesterNo()); }
protected void SetItemForDropDownList_Class() { //string sql = "select class_id,class_name from temp_class where class_grade = '" + DropDownList_Grade.SelectedValue + "'"; string sql = "select distinct ClassNo,class_name from gcgLectureForm, temp_class where gcgLectureForm.ClassNo = temp_class.class_id and class_grade = '" + DropDownList_Grade.SelectedValue + "'"; DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); DataSet ds = dbm.ExecuteQueryOffLine(sql, null); DropDownList_class.AutoPostBack = true; DropDownList_class.DataSource = ds.Tables["defaultTable"]; DropDownList_class.DataTextField = ds.Tables["defaultTable"].Columns[1].ColumnName; DropDownList_class.DataValueField = ds.Tables["defaultTable"].Columns[0].ColumnName; DropDownList_class.DataBind(); }
//生成该年级该学科组所包含的所有科目,为下拉框绑定数据 protected void ProvideDataForSelectSubject() { string grade = DropDownList_Grade.SelectedValue; //debug1.Text = "年级:" + grade; string subjectGroupName = Label_SubjectGroup.Text; string sql0 = "select subjectGroupNo from gcgSubjectGroup where subjectGroupName ='" + subjectGroupName + "'"; DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); Object o = dbm.ExecuteScalar(sql0, null); if (o == null) { //说明没有这个学科组 System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel1, this.GetType(), "Button6_Click", "alert('没有该学科组存在!')", true); return;//不再查询数据 } string subjectGroupNo = o.ToString(); dbm.Close(); string sql1 = "select CourseNo,subjectname from gcgSubject,gcgCourse where gcgCourse.SubjectNo = gcgSubject.subjectno and Grade = @Grade and subjectGroupNo = @subjectGroupNo"; ParameterStruct p1 = new ParameterStruct("@Grade", grade); ParameterStruct p2 = new ParameterStruct("@subjectGroupNo", subjectGroupNo); ArrayList pList1 = new ArrayList(); pList1.Add(p1); pList1.Add(p2); /* * SqlDataReader dr = dbm.ExecuteQueryOnLine(sql1,pList1); * while (dr.Read()) { * ListItem item = new ListItem(dr.GetString(1),dr.GetString(0)); * item.Attributes.Add("style", "color:red"); * DropDownList_Course.Items.Add(item); * }*/ DataSet ds_Course = dbm.ExecuteQueryOffLine(sql1, pList1); DropDownList_Course.AutoPostBack = true; DropDownList_Course.DataSource = ds_Course.Tables["defaultTable"]; DropDownList_Course.DataTextField = ds_Course.Tables["defaultTable"].Columns[1].ColumnName; DropDownList_Course.DataValueField = ds_Course.Tables["defaultTable"].Columns[0].ColumnName; ListItem item = new ListItem(); //DropDownList_Subject.SelectedIndex = 0; DropDownList_Course.DataBind(); //要先清洗掉上一个年级残存的老师集合 foreach (DropDownList d in DropDownList_select) { d.Items.Clear(); } setDataForEachTeacherDropDownList(); }
protected void ButtonForFeedBack_onClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyButton button = (MyButton)sender; string buttonName = button.Class_id + button.CourseNo1; if (Session[buttonName] == null || Session[buttonName].ToString().Equals("aspTableCell")) { Session[buttonName] = "aspTableCellBrown2";//用session记录这个Button被点击过 //插入反馈记录 /*create table gcgFeedBack( * class_id char(4) not null, * CourseNo char(3) not null, * TeacherNo char(8) not null, * primary key(class_id,CourseNo) * )*/ string sql = "insert into gcgFeedBack values(@class_id,@CourseNo,@TeacherNo)"; ParameterStruct p_classid = new ParameterStruct("@class_id", button.Class_id); ParameterStruct p_courseno = new ParameterStruct("@CourseNo", button.CourseNo1); ParameterStruct p_teacherno = new ParameterStruct("@TeacherNo", button.TeacherNo1); ArrayList plist = new ArrayList(); plist.Add(p_classid); plist.Add(p_courseno); plist.Add(p_teacherno); DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); try { dbm.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, plist); } catch (Exception) { } } else { Session[buttonName] = "aspTableCell"; string sql = "delete from gcgFeedBack where class_id = @class_id and CourseNo = @CourseNo"; ParameterStruct p_classid = new ParameterStruct("@class_id", button.Class_id); ParameterStruct p_courseno = new ParameterStruct("@CourseNo", button.CourseNo1); //ParameterStruct p_teacherno = new ParameterStruct("@TeacherNo", button.TeacherNo1); ArrayList plist = new ArrayList(); plist.Add(p_classid); plist.Add(p_courseno); //plist.Add(p_teacherno); DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); dbm.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, plist); // Session.Remove(name); } createtable(GetSemesterNo()); }
public IActionResult CustomerBookings() { DBManipulation db = new DBManipulation(_context); var user = getUser(); if (user == null) { throw new ApplicationException($"Unable to load user with ID '{_userManager.GetUserId(User)}'."); } List <Booking> bookings = db.getPersonBookings(user.SSN); return(View(bookings)); }
public IActionResult BookRoomFromSearch(Dictionary <string, string> parms) { DBManipulation db = new DBManipulation(_context); string s_rid = ""; int rid = -1; string s_startdate = "", s_enddate = ""; DateTime startdate = new DateTime(), enddate = new DateTime(); if (parms.TryGetValue("roomid", out s_rid)) { rid = Int32.Parse(s_rid); } if (parms.TryGetValue("startdate", out s_startdate)) { startdate = DateTime.Parse(s_startdate); } if (parms.TryGetValue("enddate", out s_enddate)) { enddate = DateTime.Parse(s_enddate); } var user = getUser(); if (user == null) { throw new ApplicationException($"Unable to load user with ID '{_userManager.GetUserId(User)}'."); } Person customer = db.getCustomer(user.SSN); Room room = db.getRoom(rid); Booking newBooking = new Booking() { CustomerSsnNavigation = customer.Customer, CustomerSsn = customer.Ssn, R = room, Rid = room.Rid, StartDate = startdate, EndDate = enddate }; return(View(newBooking)); }
private void setItem_deleteDropDownList() { DBManipulation dbm = new DBManipulation(); string sql1 = "select subjectGroupNo,subjectGroupName from gcgSubjectGroup"; DataSet ds_subjectGroup = dbm.ExecuteQueryOffLine(sql1, null); DropDownList1.AutoPostBack = true; DropDownList1.Items.Clear(); DataTable t = ds_subjectGroup.Tables["defaultTable"]; foreach (DataRow r in t.Rows) { string subjectGroupNo = r["subjectGroupNo"].ToString(); string subjectGroupName = r["subjectGroupName"].ToString(); if (subjectGroupNo.Equals("00")) { continue; } ListItem item = new ListItem(subjectGroupName, subjectGroupNo); DropDownList1.Items.Add(item); } }