protected void AddressListBind() { DBLib dbUtil = new DBLib(); string fieldNames, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "ZIPCODE,(IsNull(SIDO,'')+' '+IsNull(SIGUNGU,'')+' '+IsNull(DONG,'')+' '+IsNull(RI,'')+' '+IsNull(DOSEO,'')+' '+IsNull(BUNJI,'')+' '+IsNull(AMOUNT,'')) AS totAddrValue"; whereClause = "DONG Like '" + addrSeek.Text.Trim() + "%'"; orderBy = "ZIPCODE"; SqlDataReader drPost = dbUtil.Select_DR(fieldNames, "t_post", whereClause, orderBy); if (drPost.HasRows) { this.dlPost.DataSource = drPost; this.dlPost.DataBind(); //바인딩하기 전에 drPost.Read();하지 말것. dlPost.Visible = true; pnAddrList.Visible = true; pnNone.Visible = false; } else { dlPost.Visible = false; pnAddrList.Visible = false; pnNone.Visible = true; } //HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("DBConnection=" + dbUtil.SqlConnection.); drPost.Close(); dbUtil.SqlConnection.Close(); }
protected void PollExampleBind() { dbUtil = new DBLib(); string fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "exNbr,example"; tableName = "t_PollEX"; whereClause = "poll_id =" + this.poll_id; orderBy = "exNbr"; //실제쿼리실행 drPoll = dbUtil.Select_DR(fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy); if (drPoll.HasRows) { rblExamples.DataSource = drPoll; rblExamples.DataValueField = "exNbr"; rblExamples.DataTextField = "example"; rblExamples.DataTextFormatString = "{0}"; rblExamples.DataBind(); } else { rblExamples.ToolTip = "예제가 없습니다."; } drPoll.Close(); }
//문서데이터 삭제 public static void DeleteDoc(string mode, string da_id) { URLQuery.Self.RemoveAll(); DBLib dbUtil = new DBLib(); //(실제로 업데이트) if (mode == "d") { string[] setNameValue = new string[3] { "daModifyDT=GetDate()", "daStatus=0", "daDescription = daDescription + '\r\n\r\n\r\n" + Cookie.Self["sLoginID"] + "의한 삭제'" }; dbUtil.Update_EN("t_DocumentAssets", setNameValue, "da_id = " + da_id); } else if (mode == "dd") //게시물 영구삭제(실제삭제) { //관련문서파일삭제 SqlDataReader drDelFiles = dbUtil.Select_DR("dfName", "t_DocFileAssets", "df_id=" + da_id); while (drDelFiles.Read()) { //FileLib.Self.FileDelete(SystemConfig.GetValue("DocUploadDir") + drDelFiles["dfName"].ToString()); string backupDir = SystemConfig.GetValue("UploadDirBackup") + "docData.bak/"; FileLib.Self.FileMoveTo(SystemConfig.GetValue("DocUploadDir") + drDelFiles["dfName"].ToString(), backupDir + drDelFiles["dfName"].ToString()); } drDelFiles.Close(); //관련레코드 삭제 dbUtil.Delete_EN("t_DocFileAssets", "df_id = " + da_id); dbUtil.Delete_EN("t_DocumentAssets", "da_id = " + da_id); URLQuery.Self["smv"] = "0"; } dbUtil.SqlConnection.Close(); }
protected void MbrOptListBind() { DBLib dbUtil = new DBLib(); //페이지사이즈초기화 int topCnt; topCnt = Paging.Self.PageSize(20); string fieldNames, whereClause, orderBy, subQryOrderBy; fieldNames = "a.member_id, a.loginID, a.MbrName, a.MbrEmail, a.newsLetter," + "b.mLevel, b.howMuch, b.howMany, b.RFund, b.RFundAC," + "b.point,b.pointAC, b.unpaid,b.unpaidAC, b.joinDT, b.recentLogin, b.leaveDT "; this._tableJoin = " t_Member AS a INNER JOIN t_MemberValue AS b ON a.member_id = b.member_id "; whereClause = SetWhereClause(); orderBy = SetOrderBy(); subQryOrderBy = orderBy.Replace("ASC", "\n").Replace("DESC", "ASC").Replace("\n", "DESC"); //orderBy와 반대 //Response.Write("subQryOrderBy = " + subQryOrderBy + "<br/>"); //총레코드수 저장 Paging.Self.TotRecordCount = dbUtil.GetRecordCount(this._tableJoin, whereClause); //string qryString = "SELECT t_Members.member_id, t_Members.loginID, t_Members.MbrName, t_Members.MbrEmail, t_Members.newsLetter," // + "t_MemberValue.mLevel, t_MemberValue.howMuch, t_MemberValue.howMany, t_MemberValue.RFund,t_MemberValue.RFundAC," // + "t_MemberValue.point,t_MemberValue.pointAC, t_MemberValue.unpaid,t_MemberValue.unpaidAC, t_MemberValue.joinDT " // + "FROM t_Members INNER JOIN t_MemberValue ON " // + "t_Members.member_id = t_MemberValue.member_id"; // + WHERE (dbo.t_Members.member_id = 1)//member_id=" + mbID; //DataTable dt = dbUtil.MyFillTable(qryString); SqlDataReader drMbr = dbUtil.Select_DR(topCnt, fieldNames, this._tableJoin, whereClause, orderBy, Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(), subQryOrderBy); if (drMbr.HasRows) { this.dataGrid.DataSource = drMbr; dataGrid.DataKeyField = "member_id"; this.dataGrid.DataBind(); //바인딩하기 전에 drMbr.Read();하지 말것. //사라질것 사라지고 있어질것 있어져랑 dataGrid.Visible = litPaging.Visible = true; } else { //사라질것 사라지고 있어질것 있어져랑 dataGrid.Visible = litPaging.Visible = false; //에러유져컨트롤 바인딩 ucMessage.LitMsgText = "자료가 없습니다."; if (Page.IsPostBack) { ucMessage.LitDetailsText = ddlSelMenu.SelectedItem.Text + "의 "; if (this.tbSearchString.Text != "") { ucMessage.LitDetailsText += "'" + this.ddlSearch.SelectedItem.Text + "'에서 '<b>" + this.tbSearchString.Text + "</b>'으로 "; } ucMessage.LitDetailsText += "검색결과입니다."; } } ucMessage.Visible = !dataGrid.Visible; drMbr.Close(); dbUtil.SqlConnection.Close(); }
protected void StaffListBind() { DBLib dbUtil = new DBLib(); //페이지사이즈초기화 int topCnt; topCnt = Paging.Self.PageSize(20); string fieldNames, whereClause; fieldNames = "staff_id,sLoginID,staffNbr,sName,DeptName,sClass,phone,cellularP,sEmail,sBusinessPic,sLevel"; whereClause = this.whereClause; //Response.Write("whereClause :" + whereClause + "<br>"); //총레코드수 저장 Paging.Self.TotRecordCount = dbUtil.GetRecordCount(this.tableName, whereClause); //상관쿼리 설정, AbsolutePage와 같은 역활을 한다. 실 쿼리실행 이전에 설정해야 한다//Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(); //실제쿼리실행 SqlDataReader drStaff = dbUtil.Select_DR(topCnt, fieldNames, this.tableName, whereClause, this.orderBy, Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(), this.subQryOrderBy); if (drStaff.HasRows) { this.dataList.DataSource = drStaff; this.dataList.DataBind(); //바인딩하기 전에 drStaff.Read();하지 말것. //사라질것 사라지고 있어질것 있어져랑 dataList.Visible = true; litPaging.Visible = true; ucMessage.Visible = false; ibSendMail.Visible = true; hlPrint.Visible = true; } else { //사라질것 사라지고 있어질것 있어져랑 dataList.Visible = false; litPaging.Visible = false; ibSendMail.Visible = false; hlPrint.Visible = false; //에러유져컨트롤 바인딩 Literal lit = (Literal)ucMessage.FindControl("litMsg"); Literal litDetails = (Literal)ucMessage.FindControl("litDetails"); lit.Text = "자료가 없습니다."; if (Page.IsPostBack) { litDetails.Text = ddlSelMenu.SelectedItem.Text + "의 "; if (this.tbSearchString.Text != "") { litDetails.Text += "'" + this.ddlSearch.SelectedItem.Text + "'에서 '<b>" + this.tbSearchString.Text + "</b>'으로 "; } litDetails.Text += "검색결과입니다."; } ucMessage.Visible = true; } drStaff.Close(); dbUtil.SqlConnection.Close(); }
//메뉴선택리스트 바인딩 //private void SelMenuBind() //{ // //상품상태 셋팅 // //JinsLibrary.CONTROL.Util.DDLAddItem(ref ddlSelMenu, GdsCellBaseLib.Self.GetGSListItems()); //} #region 상품리스트 바인딩 protected void GoodsListBind() { DBLib dbUtil = new DBLib(); //페이지사이즈초기화 int topCnt; topCnt = Paging.Self.PageSize(20); string fieldNames = "gCode_id,modelNbr,gName,Mfger,custPrice,newPrice,transPrice,joinPrice,USimmPrice"; //Response.Write("whereClause :" + whereClause + "<br>"); //총레코드수 저장 Paging.Self.TotRecordCount = dbUtil.GetRecordCount(GdsCellBaseLib.Self.GdsCellBiz.TableName, _whereClause); //상관쿼리 설정, AbsolutePage와 같은 역활을 한다. 실 쿼리실행 이전에 설정해야 한다//Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(); //실제쿼리실행 SqlDataReader drGds = dbUtil.Select_DR(topCnt, fieldNames, GdsCellBaseLib.Self.GdsCellBiz.TableName, _whereClause, _orderBy, Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(), _subQryOrderBy); CompanyItems_CIMasterPage master = this.Master; //MainMasterPage master = (MainMasterPage)this.Master; if (drGds.HasRows) { this.dataList.DataSource = drGds; this.dataList.DataBind(); //바인딩하기 전에 drGds.Read();하지 말것. //사라질것 사라지고 있어질것 있어져랑 dataList.Visible = true; litPaging.Visible = true; //ucClientMessage.Visible = false; master.FindControl("ucClientMessage").Visible = false; } else { //사라질것 사라지고 있어질것 있어져랑 dataList.Visible = false; litPaging.Visible = false; //에러유져컨트롤 바인딩 master.FindControl("ucClientMessage").Visible = true; master.LitMsgText = "Goods Code Error!!"; master.LitDetailsText = "요구하신 제품정보가 존재하지 않습니다."; master.HlBackVisible = true; //Literal lit = (Literal)ucClientMessage.FindControl("litMsg"); //Literal litDetails = (Literal)ucClientMessage.FindControl("litDetails"); //lit.Text = "자료가 없습니다."; //ucClientMessage.Visible = true; if (Page.IsPostBack) { //if (this.tbSearchString.Text != "") // litDetails.Text = this.ddlSearch.SelectedItem.Text + "'에서 '<b>" // + this.tbSearchString.Text + "</b>'으로 "; //litDetails.Text += "검색결과입니다."; } } drGds.Close(); dbUtil.SqlConnection.Close(); }
protected void DocListBind() { DBLib dbUtil = new DBLib(); //페이지사이즈초기화 int topCnt; topCnt = Paging.Self.PageSize(20); string fieldNames, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "da_id,daCategory,daType,daName,daStatus,staff_id,ISNULL(daModifyDT, daRegisterDT) as docDay, DNSecurity, SLSecurity"; whereClause = this.whereClause; orderBy = "daType ASC, docDay DESC"; string subQryOrderBy = "daType DESC, docDay ASC"; //orderBy와 반대 //총레코드수 저장 Paging.Self.TotRecordCount = dbUtil.GetRecordCount(this.tableName, whereClause); //상관쿼리 설정, AbsolutePage와 같은 역활을 한다. 실 쿼리실행 이전에 설정해야 한다//Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(); //실제쿼리실행 SqlDataReader drList = dbUtil.Select_DR(topCnt, fieldNames, this.tableName, whereClause, orderBy, Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(), subQryOrderBy); if (drList.HasRows) { //this.dataList.DataSource = drList; //this.dataList.DataBind(); //바인딩하기 전에 drList.Read();하지 말것. this.dataGrid.DataSource = drList; this.dataGrid.DataKeyField = "da_id"; this.dataGrid.DataBind(); //바인딩하기 전에 drList.Read();하지 말것. #region 페이징기능구현 //값을 지우고 다시 채워넣야~ URLQuery.Self.SetQueryString(); //Paging.Self.Init_Green(); this.lbPaging.Text = Paging.Self.GeneratePaging(); this.lbListBrief.Text = Paging.Self.ListSummary; #endregion //사라질것 사라지고 있어질것 있어져랑 lbInfoList.Visible = false; lbListBrief.Visible = true; dataGrid.Visible = true; lbPaging.Visible = true; } else { //사라질것 사라지고 있어질것 있어져랑 lbInfoList.Visible = true; lbListBrief.Visible = false; dataGrid.Visible = false; lbPaging.Visible = false; } //HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("DBConnection=" + dbUtil.SqlConnection.); drList.Close(); dbUtil.SqlConnection.Close(); }
private void ViewPollResult() { //총득표수 셋팅 //this.GetPollSum(); this.pollSum = PollBaseLib.GetPollSum(this.poll_id); dbUtil = new DBLib(); string fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "exNbr,example,pPoint"; tableName = "t_PollEX"; whereClause = "poll_id =" + this.poll_id; orderBy = "exNbr"; //실제쿼리실행 drPoll = dbUtil.Select_DR(fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy); Table pTable = new Table(); TableRow tRow; TableCell tCell; while (drPoll.Read()) { tRow = new TableRow(); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.ColumnSpan = 2; tCell.Text = drPoll["exNbr"].ToString() + "." + drPoll["example"].ToString(); //Create a new cell and add it to the row.//행만들기 tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); pTable.Rows.Add(tRow); tRow = new TableRow(); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.Width = Unit.Percentage(2); //tCell.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; tCell.Text = " "; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.CssClass = "sTxt1"; System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image imgBar = PollBaseLib.DrawGraph(Convert.ToInt32(drPoll["pPoint"]), this.pollSum); tCell.Controls.Add(imgBar); tCell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" " + imgBar.AlternateText)); tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); pTable.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); pTable.BorderWidth = 0; pTable.CellPadding = 0; pTable.CellSpacing = 0; pTable.Rows.Add(tRow); } drPoll.Close(); pnViewResult.Controls.Add(pTable); }
protected void MemberListBind() { DBLib dbUtil = new DBLib(); //페이지사이즈초기화 int topCnt; topCnt = Paging.Self.PageSize(20); string fieldNames, whereClause, orderBy, subQryOrderBy; fieldNames = "member_id,loginID,MbrName,MbrEmail,phone,cellularP,mLevel,HowMuch,HowMany,recentLogin"; whereClause = SetCondition(); orderBy = SetOrderBy(); subQryOrderBy = orderBy.Replace("ASC", "\n").Replace("DESC", "ASC").Replace("\n", "DESC"); //orderBy와 반대 //Response.Write("subQryOrderBy = " + subQryOrderBy + "<br/>"); //Response.Write("whereClause :" + whereClause + "<br>"); //총레코드수 저장 Paging.Self.TotRecordCount = dbUtil.GetRecordCount(this._tableName, whereClause); //상관쿼리 설정, AbsolutePage와 같은 역활을 한다. 실 쿼리실행 이전에 설정해야 한다//Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(); //실제쿼리실행 SqlDataReader drMbr = dbUtil.Select_DR(topCnt, fieldNames, _tableName, whereClause, orderBy, Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(), subQryOrderBy); if (drMbr.HasRows) { dataList.DataKeyField = "member_id"; this.dataList.DataSource = drMbr; this.dataList.DataBind(); //바인딩하기 전에 drMbr.Read();하지 말것. //사라질것 사라지고 있어질것 있어져랑 dataList.Visible = litPaging.Visible = true; } else { //사라질것 사라지고 있어질것 있어져랑 dataList.Visible = litPaging.Visible = false; //에러유져컨트롤 바인딩 ucMessage.LitMsgText = "자료가 없습니다."; if (Page.IsPostBack) { ucMessage.LitDetailsText = ddlSelMenu.SelectedItem.Text + "의 "; if (this.tbSearchString.Text != "") { ucMessage.LitDetailsText += "'" + this.ddlSearch.SelectedItem.Text + "'에서 '<b>" + this.tbSearchString.Text + "</b>'으로 "; } ucMessage.LitDetailsText += "검색결과입니다."; } } ucMessage.Visible = !dataList.Visible; drMbr.Close(); dbUtil.SqlConnection.Close(); }
protected void NewsListBind() { DBLib dbUtil = new DBLib(); //페이지사이즈초기화 int topCnt; topCnt = Paging.Self.PageSize(); string fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "bNews_id,bnsGroup,bnsTitle,ISNULL(modifyDT, writeDT) as newsDay,bnsOrder"; tableName = "t_BoardNews"; whereClause = "bnsStatus > 1"; if (bnsG != null) { whereClause += " AND bnsGroup ='" + bnsG + "'"; } orderBy = "bnsOrder DESC,bNews_id DESC"; //SqlDataReader drNews = dbUtil.Select_DR(topCnt,fieldNames,tableName,whereClause,orderBy); string subQryOrderBy = "bnsOrder ASC,bNews_id ASC"; //총레코드수 저장 Paging.Self.TotRecordCount = dbUtil.GetRecordCount("t_BoardNews", whereClause); //Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(); 상관쿼리 설정, AbsolutePage와 같은 역활을 한다. 실 쿼리실행 이전에 설정해야 한다 //실제쿼리실행 SqlDataReader drNews = dbUtil.Select_DR(topCnt, fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy, Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(), subQryOrderBy); //Response.End(); if (drNews.HasRows) { this.dlNewsList.DataSource = drNews; this.dlNewsList.DataBind(); #region 페이징기능구현 //값을 지우고 다시 채워넣야~ URLQuery.Self.SetQueryString(); Paging.Self.Init_Violet(); this.lbPaging.Text = Paging.Self.GeneratePaging(); this.lbListBrief.Text = Paging.Self.ListSummary; #endregion } else { lbNews.Visible = true; } drNews.Close(); dbUtil.SqlConnection.Close(); }
public static SqlDataReader GetMember_idFromName(string MbrName, bool isActiveMbr) { string whereClause = "MbrName LIKE '%" + MbrName + "%'"; if (isActiveMbr) { whereClause += " AND (retireDT Is Null OR retireDT = '')"; } dbUtil = new DBLib(); SqlDataReader dr = dbUtil.Select_DR("member_id", "t_Members", whereClause); //복수나올 가능성 때문에 dr로 넘김. return(dr); //받는 쪽에서 닫아 줘야 함. }
//member_id 받아서 회원이름 리턴 public static string GetMbrName(object member_id) { string MbrName = ""; //HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(member_id + "<br>"); dbUtil = new DBLib(); SqlDataReader dr = dbUtil.Select_DR("MbrName", "t_Members", "member_id=" + member_id); if (dr.Read()) { MbrName = dr["MbrName"].ToString(); } dr.Close(); return(MbrName); }
//member_id 받아서 회원아이디 리턴 public static string GetLoginID(object member_id) { string loginID = "NoData"; //HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(member_id + "<br>"); dbUtil = new DBLib(); SqlDataReader dr = dbUtil.Select_DR("loginID", "t_Members", "member_id= " + member_id); //System.Convert.ToInt16 if (dr.Read()) { loginID = dr["loginID"].ToString(); } dr.Close(); return(loginID); }
private Boolean LargeImageViewBind() { DBLib dbUtil = new DBLib(); SqlDataReader drLIV = dbUtil.Select_DR("fileName,fileDESC", "t_GdsCellFiles", "gCode_id=" + gcID + " AND fileName LIKE 'S3%'", "fileDESC"); if (drLIV.HasRows) { GdsUploadDir = SystemConfig.GetValue("GdsUploadDir") + "GC" + gcID + "/"; this.rptThumbImg.DataSource = drLIV; this.rptThumbImg.DataBind(); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
//LoginID 받아서 member_id 리턴 public static string GetMember_id(object loginID) { string member_id = null; dbUtil = new DBLib(); SqlDataReader dr = dbUtil.Select_DR("member_id", "t_Members", "loginID= '" + loginID + "'"); //System.Convert.ToInt16 while (dr.Read()) { //충분히 복수 나옴. member_id += dr["member_id"].ToString() + "\n"; } //DataReader와 DBConnection닫기 dr.Close(); dbUtil.SqlConnection.Close(); if (member_id != null) { member_id = member_id.Substring(0, member_id.Length - 1); } //HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("member_id = " + member_id + "<br>"); return(member_id); }
private bool LoadPollMain() { dbUtil = new DBLib(); string fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "poll_id,pTopic"; tableName = "t_PollMain"; whereClause = "DATEDIFF(day, pBeginTime, '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "') >=0"; whereClause += " AND DATEDIFF(day, pEndTime, '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "') <=0"; //whereClause += " AND pEndTime >= '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "'"; whereClause += " AND pDisplay = 1 AND IsStaff = 0"; orderBy = "poll_id DESC"; //실제쿼리실행 drPoll = dbUtil.Select_DR(1, fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy); //Response.End(); if (drPoll.HasRows) { drPoll.Read(); PostState.Self["poll_id"] = drPoll["poll_id"].ToString(); this.poll_id = Convert.ToInt32(drPoll["poll_id"]); pTopic.Text = drPoll["pTopic"].ToString(); //쿠키표시된 if (this.poll_id.ToString() != Cookie.Self["voted"]) { Cookie.Self.RemoveCookie("voted"); } drPoll.Close(); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private bool LoadPollMain() { dbUtil = new DBLib(); string fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "poll_id,pTopic,pBeginTime,pEndTime"; tableName = "t_PollMain"; whereClause = "DATEDIFF(day, pBeginTime, '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "') >=0"; whereClause += " AND DATEDIFF(day, pEndTime, '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "') <=0"; whereClause += " AND pDisplay = 1 AND IsStaff = 0"; whereClause += " AND poll_id = " + this.poll_id; orderBy = "poll_id DESC"; //실제쿼리실행 drPoll = dbUtil.Select_DR(1, fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy); //Response.End(); if (drPoll.HasRows) { drPoll.Read(); PostState.Self["poll_id"] = drPoll["poll_id"].ToString(); this.poll_id = Convert.ToInt32(drPoll["poll_id"]); pTopic.Text = drPoll["pTopic"].ToString(); //기간세팅 period.Text = PollBaseLib.GetPeriod(drPoll["pBeginTime"], drPoll["pEndTime"]); drPoll.Close(); return(true); } else { PostState.Self["poll_id"] = 0; pTopic.Text = "현재 진행하고 있지 않습니다."; return(false); } }
//회원데이터 삭제 public static void DeleteMember(string mode, string member_id) { dbUtil = new DBLib(); //(실제로 업데이트) if (mode == "d") { string[] setNameValue = new string[2] { "leaveDT=GetDate()", "IPaddress = '" + WebUtil.CurrentRequest.UserHostAddress + "_" + Cookie.Self["sLoginID"] + "'" }; dbUtil.Update_EN("t_MemberValue", setNameValue, "member_id = " + member_id); } else if (mode == "dd") //게시물 영구삭제(실제삭제) { MbrFilesMoveTo(member_id, dbUtil.Select_DR("avataImage", "t_MemberOption", "member_id=" + member_id)); dbUtil.Delete_EN("t_MemberJob", "member_id = " + member_id); dbUtil.Delete_EN("t_MemberOption", "member_id = " + member_id); dbUtil.Delete_EN("t_MemberValue", "member_id = " + member_id); dbUtil.Delete_EN("t_Members", "member_id = " + member_id); } dbUtil.SqlConnection.Close(); URLQuery.Self.Remove("mode"); HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(whichList + "?" + URLQuery.Self.GetQueryString()); }
private void ViewPollResult() { //총득표수 셋팅 //this.GetPollSum(); this.pollSum = PollBaseLib.GetPollSum(this.poll_id); dbUtil = new DBLib(); string fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "exNbr,example,pPoint"; tableName = "t_PollEX"; whereClause = "poll_id =" + this.poll_id; orderBy = "exNbr"; //실제쿼리실행 drPoll = dbUtil.Select_DR(fieldNames, tableName, whereClause, orderBy); Table pTable = new Table(); TableRow tRow; TableCell tCell; pTable.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); pTable.BorderWidth = 1; pTable.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid; pTable.BorderColor = Color.LightBlue; pTable.CellPadding = 1; pTable.CellSpacing = 2; tRow = new TableRow(); tRow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; tRow.Height = 30; tRow.BackColor = JinsLibrary.IMAGE.ImageLib.Self.ColorFromArgb("d2", "f1", "ff"); //Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32("d2",16),Convert.ToInt32("f1",16) ,Convert.ToInt32("ff",16)); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.CssClass = "header"; tCell.Text = "예문"; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.CssClass = "header"; tCell.Width = 50; tCell.Text = "득표수"; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.CssClass = "header"; tCell.Text = "그래프"; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); pTable.Rows.Add(tRow); while (drPoll.Read()) { tRow = new TableRow(); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.Text = " " + drPoll["exNbr"].ToString() + "." + drPoll["example"].ToString(); tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); tCell = new TableCell(); tCell.BackColor = JinsLibrary.IMAGE.ImageLib.Self.ColorFromArgb("f4", "fc", "ff"); tCell.Text = drPoll["pPoint"].ToString() + " 표"; tCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); tCell = new TableCell(); System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image imgBar = PollBaseLib.DrawGraph(Convert.ToInt32(drPoll["pPoint"]), this.pollSum); tCell.Controls.Add(imgBar); tCell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" " + imgBar.AlternateText)); tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); pTable.Rows.Add(tRow); } tRow = new TableRow(); tRow.BackColor = JinsLibrary.IMAGE.ImageLib.Self.ColorFromArgb("d2", "f1", "ff"); tCell = new TableCell(); tRow.Height = 20; tCell.ColumnSpan = 3; tRow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; tCell.Text = "[총득표수 : " + this.pollSum.ToString() + "표]"; tRow.Cells.Add(tCell); pTable.Rows.Add(tRow); drPoll.Close(); phViewResult.Controls.Add(pTable); }