void Create_Answer() { if (ver03.Properties.Settings.Default.Autoriz) { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.SystemIdle, (ThreadStart) delegate() { dbf = new DBFill(); dbf.CreateForumAnswer(ver03.Properties.Settings.Default.UserID, id_topic, GetTextFromRTB(rtb_myanswer)); if (is_answer) { dbf.CreateNoteFromForumAnswer(other_answer, ver03.Properties.Settings.Default.UserID, GetTextFromRTB(rtb_myanswer), tb_header.Text); is_answer = false; } rtb_myanswer.Document.Blocks.Clear(); Scroll.ScrollToEnd(); Load_Answers(); }); } else { MessageBox.Show("Нужна авторизация"); } }
public Forum_main() { InitializeComponent(); viewer = OutputView; db = new DBLoad(); dbf = new DBFill(); ver03.Properties.Settings.Default.Loading = true; Thread newThread = new Thread(ShowForum); newThread.Start(); }
public CustomerDataTable() { cus = new Customer(); util = new Utility(log); log = new LogWrite(new LogOpen()); dbString = new DBConnectionString(log); dbConnect = new DBConnect(dbString, log); dbFill = new DBFill(dbConnect, log); dbDelete = new DBDelete(dbConnect, log); dbInsert = new DBInsert(dbConnect, log); dbUpdate = new DBUpdate(dbConnect, log); dbFilter = new DBFilter(dbConnect, log); }
void MainLoad() { isPageSelect = true; ver03.Properties.Settings.Default.Loading = true; dbl = new DBLoad(); dbf = new DBFill(); InitColors(); InitStoryboard(); pathArrInit(); Initial_Timer(); Initial_anim_timer(); int auctid = ver03.Properties.Settings.Default.AuctionSelectId; if (auctid != 0) { this.auctID = auctid; } else { MessageBox.Show(auctid.ToString()); } image_presenter = img_now; image_index_prsenter = tb_photoIndex; Thread thread = new Thread(LoadAndShowAll); thread.Start(); void LoadAndShowAll() { LoadAuction(); // have Open and close LoadCar(); // have Open and close dbl.Open(); dbf.Open(); LoadTimes(); CheckAuctionStatus(); if (car != null) { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.SystemIdle, (ThreadStart) delegate() { upCarInfo(); upAuctInfo(); SetButtonPrices(); photos = new AuctCarPhotos(car.id, image_presenter, image_index_prsenter); ver03.Properties.Settings.Default.Loading = false; }); } } }