public ActionResult check_list(int id) { //(int dqy, string tablename, string where, string keyname, int pagesize) DBFenYe <salary_standardModel1> li = issb.Fenye(id, "salary_standard", "check_status=0", "ssd_id", 3); return(Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(li))); }
//分页查询 public DBFenYe <salary_standardModel1> Fenye(int dqy, string tablename, string where, string keyname, int pagesize) { SqlParameter[] pt = { new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@pageSize", Value = pagesize }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@keyName", Value = keyname }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@tabelName", Value = tablename }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@where", Value = where }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@currentPage", Value = dqy }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@rows", Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@pages", Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int } }; var list =$@"exec proc_FenYe @pageSize,@keyName,@tabelName,@where,@currentPage,@rows out,@pages out", pt).ToList(); DBFenYe <salary_standardModel1> page = new DBFenYe <salary_standardModel1>(); = new List <salary_standardModel1>(); foreach (var sr in list) { salary_standardModel1 ss = new salary_standardModel1() { ssd_id = sr.ssd_id, standard_id = sr.standard_id, standard_name = sr.standard_name, designer = sr.designer, regist_time = sr.regist_time, salary_sum = sr.salary_sum };; } page.Pages = (int)pt[5].Value; page.Rows = (int)pt[6].Value; return(page); }
public IActionResult XinChou(int currentPage) { string aa = HttpContext.Session.GetString("rq1"); string bb = HttpContext.Session.GetString("rq2"); string sid = HttpContext.Session.GetString("xcdh"); string gjz = HttpContext.Session.GetString("gjz"); string where = $@" salary_standard_id = '{sid}' or human_name like '%{gjz}%' and check_time >= '{aa}'and check_time<='{bb}' and check_status=3"; DBFenYe <human_fileModel1> li = ihfb.Fenye(currentPage, "human_file", where, "huf_id", 3); return(Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(li))); }
public ActionResult change_list(int currenPage) { string standard_id = HttpContext.Session.GetString("standard_id1"); string name = HttpContext.Session.GetString("standard_name1"); string time1 = HttpContext.Session.GetString("regist_time12"); string time2 = HttpContext.Session.GetString("regist_time22"); string where = $@" standard_id='{standard_id}' or standard_name like '%{name}%' or regist_time>='{time1}' and regist_time<='{time2}' and change_status=0"; DBFenYe <salary_standardModel1> li = issb.Fenye(currenPage, "salary_standard", where, "ssd_id", 3); return(Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(li))); }
public IActionResult load(int id) { DBFenYe <human_fileModel1> li = ihfb.Fenye(id, "human_file", "check_status=2", "huf_id", 3); return(Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(li))); }
//分页查询 public DBFenYe <human_fileModel1> Fenye(int dqy, string tablename, string where, string keyname, int pagesize) { SqlParameter[] pt = { new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@pageSize", Value = pagesize }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@keyName", Value = keyname }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@tabelName", Value = tablename }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@where", Value = where }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@currentPage", Value = dqy }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@rows", Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@pages", Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int } }; var list = tescDbContext.hf.FromSqlRaw($@"exec proc_FenYe @pageSize,@keyName,@tabelName,@where,@currentPage,@rows out,@pages out", pt).ToList(); DBFenYe <human_fileModel1> page = new DBFenYe <human_fileModel1>(); = new List <human_fileModel1>(); foreach (var item in list) { human_fileModel1 sgm = new human_fileModel1() { second_kind_id = item.second_kind_id, second_kind_name = item.second_kind_name, checker = item.checker, check_status = item.check_status, check_time = item.check_time, first_kind_id = item.first_kind_id, first_kind_name = item.first_kind_name, third_kind_id = item.third_kind_id, third_kind_name = item.third_kind_name, register = item.register, regist_time = item.regist_time, salary_standard_id = item.salary_standard_id, salary_standard_name = item.salary_standard_name, salary_sum = item.salary_sum, delete_time = item.delete_time, demand_salaray_sum = item.demand_salaray_sum, changer = item.changer, change_time = item.change_time, file_chang_amount = item.file_chang_amount, attachment_name = item.attachment_name, bonus_amount = item.bonus_amount, human_account = item.human_account, human_address = item.human_address, major_change_amount = item.major_change_amount, huf_id = item.huf_id, training_amount = item.training_amount, vhuman_age = item.vhuman_age, human_bank = item.human_bank, human_birthday = item.human_birthday, human_birthplace = item.human_birthplace, human_educated_degree = item.human_educated_degree, human_educated_major = item.human_educated_major, human_educated_years = item.human_educated_years, human_email = item.human_email, human_family_membership = item.human_family_membership, human_file_status = item.human_file_status, human_histroy_records = item.human_histroy_records, human_hobby = item.human_hobby, human_id = item.human_id, human_id_card = item.human_id_card, human_major_id = item.human_major_id, human_major_kind_id = item.human_major_kind_id, human_major_kind_name = item.human_major_kind_name, human_mobilephone = item.human_mobilephone, human_name = item.human_name, human_nationality = item.human_nationality, human_party = item.human_party, human_picture = item.human_picture, human_postcode = item.human_postcode, human_pro_designation = item.human_pro_designation, human_qq = item.human_qq, human_race = item.human_race, human_religion = item.human_religion, human_sex = item.human_sex, human_society_security_id = item.human_society_security_id, human_speciality = item.human_speciality, human_telephone = item.human_telephone, hunma_major_name = item.hunma_major_name, lastly_change_time = item.lastly_change_time, paid_salary_sum = item.paid_salary_sum, recovery_time = item.recovery_time, remark = item.remark };; } page.Pages = (int)pt[5].Value; page.Rows = (int)pt[6].Value; return(page); }