public Activity(DBActivity dbActivity) { Id = dbActivity.ActivityId; Name = dbActivity.Name; HexColor = dbActivity.HexColor; Icon = dbActivity.Logo; }
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection) { try { DBActivity db2 = new DBActivity(); Activity addActivity = new Activity(); addActivity.Category = collection["categoryDropdown"]; addActivity.Venue = collection["Venue"]; addActivity.Link = collection["Link"]; addActivity.PricePerPerson = collection["PricePerPerson"]; addActivity.StreetAddress = collection["StreetAddress"]; addActivity.City = collection["City"]; addActivity.State = collection["State"]; addActivity.Zip = collection["Zip"]; addActivity.PhoneNumber = collection["PhoneNumber"]; addActivity.DaysOpen = collection["DaysOpen"]; addActivity.TimesOpen = collection["TimesOpen"]; addActivity.Other = collection["Other"]; db2.Activities.Add(addActivity); db2.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["Error"] = ex.InnerException; return(View("AddActivityView")); } } // GET: ManageActivity
public ActionResult Delete(int id, FormCollection collection) { try { DBActivity db2 = new DBActivity(); var foundActivity = db2.Activities.Find(id); db2.Activities.Remove(foundActivity); db2.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["Error"] = ex.InnerException; return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection) { try { DBActivity db2 = new DBActivity(); var foundActivity = db2.Activities.Find(id); foundActivity.Venue = collection["Venue"]; foundActivity.Link = collection["Link"]; foundActivity.Category = collection["Category"]; foundActivity.StreetAddress = collection["StreetAddress"]; foundActivity.City = collection["City"]; foundActivity.State = collection["State"]; foundActivity.Zip = collection["Zip"]; foundActivity.DaysOpen = collection["DaysOpen"]; foundActivity.TimesOpen = collection["TimesOpen"]; foundActivity.PricePerPerson = collection["PricePerPerson"]; foundActivity.PhoneNumber = collection["PhoneNumber"]; db2.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("List", "ManageActivity")); } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { TempData["Error"] = string.Format("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } return(View()); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["Error"] = ex.InnerException; return(View()); } }
public override void WriteLine(string value) { //string temp = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(value, @"\[([^)]*)\]").Groups[1].Value; if (IsInIgnoreList(value)) { return; } if (IgnoreFlagChecked(value)) { return; } string sessionID = HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID; int userID = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"]); using (Broker.LoggingDataAccess.LoggingDataContext dc = new LoggingDataContext()) { if (userID > 0) { int activityTypeID = 0; int dBUpdatedTableID = 0; int start = 0; var match2 = string.Empty; if (value.StartsWith("SELECT")) { if (value.StartsWith("SELECT COUNT")) { return; } activityTypeID = 3; start = value.IndexOf("FROM") + 4; match2 = value.Substring(start, value.IndexOf("AS") - start); } else { if (value.StartsWith("INSERT")) { activityTypeID = 1; dBUpdatedTableID = dc.DBUpdatedTables.Where(c => c.UserID == userID && c.SessionID == sessionID).OrderByDescending(x => x.TimeOfUpdate).FirstOrDefault().ID; start = value.IndexOf("INTO") + 4; match2 = value.Substring(start, value.IndexOf("(") - start); } else { if (value.StartsWith("DELETE")) { activityTypeID = 2; dBUpdatedTableID = dc.DBUpdatedTables.Where(c => c.UserID == userID && c.SessionID == sessionID).OrderByDescending(x => x.TimeOfUpdate).FirstOrDefault().ID; start = value.IndexOf("FROM") + 4; match2 = value.Substring(start, value.IndexOf("AS") - start); } else { if (value.StartsWith("UPDATE")) { activityTypeID = 4; dBUpdatedTableID = dc.DBUpdatedTables.Where(c => c.UserID == userID && c.SessionID == sessionID).OrderByDescending(x => x.TimeOfUpdate).FirstOrDefault().ID; start = value.IndexOf("FROM") + 4; match2 = dc.DBUpdatedTables.Where(c => c.UserID == userID && c.SessionID == sessionID).OrderByDescending(x => x.TimeOfUpdate).FirstOrDefault().TableName; } else { if (value.StartsWith("-- @p")) { activityTypeID = 5; //start = string.Empty; //match2 = string.Empty; } } } } } if (activityTypeID > 0) { if (activityTypeID < 5) { DBActivity activity = new DBActivity(); activity.ActivityTypeID = activityTypeID; activity.Query = value; activity.UserID = userID; activity.SessionID = sessionID; activity.Date = DateTime.Now; activity.TableName = match2.ToString(); if (dBUpdatedTableID > 0) { activity.DBUpdatedTableID = dBUpdatedTableID; } try { dc.DBActivities.InsertOnSubmit(activity); dc.SubmitChanges(); } catch { } } else { if (activityTypeID == 5) { DBActivityParameter activityParameter = new DBActivityParameter(); DBActivity tempActivity = dc.DBActivities.Where(c => c.UserID == userID && c.SessionID == sessionID).OrderByDescending(c => c.Date).FirstOrDefault(); //DBActivity tempActivity = DBActivity.Table.Where(c => c.UserID == userID && c.SessionID == sessionID).OrderByDescending(c => c.Date).FirstOrDefault(); if (tempActivity != null) { int activityID = tempActivity.ID; string substring = value.Substring(3); string parameterName = substring.Split(':').First(); int startIndex = value.IndexOf("[") + 1; string parameterValue = value.Substring(startIndex, value.IndexOf("]") - startIndex); int startIndex2 = value.IndexOf("Input") + 6; string parameterType = value.Substring(startIndex2, (value.IndexOf("(") - 1) - startIndex2); string tempQuery = tempActivity.Query; if (parameterType.Contains("nvarchar")) { tempQuery = tempQuery.Replace(parameterName, "'" + parameterValue + "'"); } else { tempQuery = tempQuery.Replace(parameterName, parameterValue); } tempActivity.Query = tempQuery; dc.SubmitChanges(); activityParameter.DBActivityID = activityID; activityParameter.Value = value; dc.DBActivityParameters.InsertOnSubmit(activityParameter); dc.SubmitChanges(); } } } } } } }
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection form) { ViewBag.Message = "Results page."; //Variables assigned values based on user values entered in the form (# of people, Budget, and Cuisine Type) Request dataRequest = new Request(); dataRequest.numPeople = int.Parse(form["numPeople"]); dataRequest.Budget = int.Parse(form["Budget"]); dataRequest.CuisineType = form["foodDropdown"]; dataRequest.Category = form["categoryDropdown"]; dataRequest.Zipcode = form["Zipcode"]; //'price' variable is assigned to 1,2,3, 4, or 5 . This value is created by methods in the QueryHelper class string price = QueryHelper.RestaurantPrice(dataRequest.Budget, dataRequest.numPeople); //New FactualDriver object being created using the variable names previously assigned to keys Factual Factual = new Factual(OATHKEY, OATHSECRET); string data = null; try { data = Factual.Fetch("restaurants", new Query() .Field("price") .Equal(price) .Field("cuisine") .Equal(dataRequest.CuisineType.ToLower()) .Field("postcode") .Equal(dataRequest.Zipcode) .Offset(0) .Limit(20)); } catch { data = "{Error: 'Please try again'}"; } var jData = JObject.Parse(data); //'data' is being Parsed from string to JObject type List <Restaurant> restaurants = new List <Restaurant>(); //Initializing a new list of resaurants //Each item in 'restaurants' list is initialized as a new 'restaurant' if (jData["Error"] == null) { foreach (var gcVar in jData["response"]["data"].ToList()) { Restaurant restaurant = new Restaurant(); dynamic restVar = JObject.Parse(gcVar.ToString()); //'restVar' is created and holds the properties of a Resaurant object (these properties are from the Restaurant class: name, address, etc...) //'timeString' variable assigned value based on day of the week //Used for finding hours of operation for restaurants for the current day of the week string timeString = System.DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek.ToString().ToLower(); if (restVar["hours"] != null) { var hours = restVar["hours"][timeString]; if (hours != null) { restaurant.Hours = hours.ToString(); } } //The new Restaurant object named 'restaurant' has its properties assigned values. These values are taken from the 'restVar' variable restaurant.Name =; restaurant.PriceRange = (PriceRange)restVar.price; //'PriceRange' is an enum found in the Restaurant class restaurant.Address = restVar.address; restaurant.ZipCode = restVar.postcode; restaurant.Website =; restaurant.CuisineTypes = new List <string>(); //Many restaurants serve multiple cuisine types so a list is created to display these types foreach (var cuisineVar in restVar.cuisine) { restaurant.CuisineTypes.Add(cuisineVar.ToString()); //The foreach loop iterates through the multiple types and adds them to the 'restaurant.CuisineTypes' list } restaurant.Description = new List <string>(); //Just like the CuisineTypes list foreach loop, but for restaurant description foreach (var desVar in restVar.category_labels) { restaurant.Description.Add(desVar.ToString()); } restaurant.Id = restaurants.Count; restaurants.Add(restaurant); //Now the 'restaurant' is added to the list named 'restaurants' and the foreach loop repeats this process } } string activityCategory = form["categoryDropdown"]; string zipcode = form["Zipcode"]; string qString = TMQueryString(zipcode, activityCategory, "10"); List <Activity> activities = new List <Activity>(); List <Activity> tempActivity = ActivitiesRequest(qString); foreach (Activity activity in tempActivity) { if (activity.PricePerPerson != null) { if (decimal.Parse(activity.PricePerPerson) <= (((decimal)dataRequest.Budget / 2) / (decimal)dataRequest.numPeople)) { activities.Add(activity); } } else { activities.Add(activity); } } if (zipcode.Substring(0, 3) == "495") { using (DBActivity db = new DBActivity()) { foreach (var activity in db.Activities) { if (activity.DaysOpen != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activity.PricePerPerson)) { if (double.Parse(activity.PricePerPerson) <= (dataRequest.Budget * .5 / dataRequest.numPeople)) { Activity newActivity = new Activity(); newActivity.Category = activity.Category; newActivity.City = activity.City; newActivity.DaysOpen = activity.DaysOpen; newActivity.Id = activity.Id; newActivity.Link = activity.Link; newActivity.PhoneNumber = activity.PhoneNumber; newActivity.PricePerPerson = activity.PricePerPerson; newActivity.State = activity.State; newActivity.StreetAddress = activity.StreetAddress; newActivity.TimesOpen = activity.TimesOpen; newActivity.Venue = activity.Venue; newActivity.Zip = activity.Zip; decimal activityBudget = (((decimal)dataRequest.Budget / 2) / (decimal)dataRequest.numPeople); if (decimal.Parse(newActivity.PricePerPerson) <= activityBudget) { activities.Add(newActivity); } } } } } } ResultViewModel result = new ResultViewModel(); result.Restuarants = restaurants; result.SetRandomRestaurant(); result.Activities = activities; result.SetRandomActivity(); return(View("ResultTemp", result)); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { DBActivity db2 = new DBActivity(); return(View(db2.Activities.Find(id))); }
public ActionResult List() { DBActivity db2 = new DBActivity(); return(View(db2.Activities.ToList())); }