Пример #1
		public GetBuildInfoResponse GetBuildInfoMultiple (WebServiceLogin login, string host, bool multiple_work)
			List<DBHost> hosts = new List<DBHost> (); // list of hosts to find work for
			List<DBHostLane> hostlanes = new List<DBHostLane> ();
			List<DBLane> lanes = new List<DBLane> ();

			GetBuildInfoResponse response = new GetBuildInfoResponse ();

			response.Work = new List<List<BuildInfoEntry>> ();

			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.BuildBot, true);

				response.Host = FindHost (db, null, host);

				if (!response.Host.enabled)
					return response;

				// find the master hosts for this host (if any)
				response.MasterHosts = FindMasterHosts (db, response.Host);

				// get the hosts to find work for
				if (response.MasterHosts != null && response.MasterHosts.Count > 0) {
					foreach (DBMasterHost mh in response.MasterHosts)
						hosts.Add (DBHost_Extensions.Create (db, mh.master_host_id));
				} else {
					hosts.Add (response.Host);

				// find the enabled hostlane combinations for these hosts
				using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
					cmd.CommandText = "SELECT HostLane.* FROM HostLane INNER JOIN Lane ON Lane.id = HostLane.lane_id WHERE Lane.enabled = TRUE AND HostLane.enabled = TRUE AND (";
					for (int i = 0; i < hosts.Count; i++) {
						if (i > 0)
							cmd.CommandText += " OR ";
						cmd.CommandText += " HostLane.host_id = " + hosts [i].id;
					cmd.CommandText += ")";
					using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
						while (reader.Read ())
							hostlanes.Add (new DBHostLane (reader));

				if (hostlanes.Count == 0)
					return response; // nothing to do here

				lanes = db.GetAllLanes ();

				switch (response.Host.QueueManagement) {
				case DBQueueManagement.OneRevisionWorkAtATime:
					if (hostlanes.Count > 1) {
						int latest = -1;
						DateTime latest_date = DateTime.MaxValue;

						// we need to find the latest revisionwork each hostlane has completed.
						// we want to work on the hostlane which has waited the longest amount
						// of time without getting work done (but which has pending work to do).

						for (int i = 0; i < hostlanes.Count; i++) {
							DBHostLane hl = hostlanes [i];
							// check if this hostlane has pending work.
							// this would ideally be included in the query below, but I'm not sure
							// how to do that while still distinguising the case where nothing has
							// been done ever for a hostlane.
							using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
								cmd.CommandText = @"
SELECT RevisionWork.id
FROM RevisionWork
    RevisionWork.host_id = @host_id
AND (RevisionWork.workhost_id = @workhost_id OR RevisionWork.workhost_id IS NULL)
AND RevisionWork.completed = false
AND RevisionWork.state <> 9 AND RevisionWork.state <> 10 AND RevisionWork.state <> 11
AND lane_id = @lane_id
								DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", hl.lane_id);
								DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "host_id", hl.host_id);
								DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "workhost_id", response.Host.id);

								object obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar ();
								if (obj == DBNull.Value || obj == null) {
									// there is nothing to do for this hostlane


							// find the latest completed (this may not be correct, maybe find the latest unstarted?)
							// revisionwork for this hostlane.
							using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
								cmd.CommandText = @"
SELECT 	RevisionWork.endtime
FROM RevisionWork
RevisionWork.host_id = @host_id
AND (RevisionWork.workhost_id = @workhost_id OR RevisionWork.workhost_id IS NULL)
AND RevisionWork.completed = true
AND lane_id = @lane_id
ORDER BY RevisionWork.endtime DESC

								DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id", hl.lane_id);
								DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "host_id", hl.host_id);
								DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "workhost_id", response.Host.id);

								object obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar ();
								if (obj is DateTime) {
									DateTime dt = (DateTime) obj;
									if (dt < latest_date) {
										latest_date = dt;
										latest = i;
								} else {
									// nothing has ever been done for this hostlane.
									latest_date = DateTime.MinValue;
									latest = i;

						if (latest >= 0) {
							DBHostLane tmp = hostlanes [latest];
							hostlanes.Clear ();
							hostlanes.Add (tmp);
						} else {
							hostlanes.Clear (); // there is nothing to do at all

				foreach (DBHostLane hl in hostlanes) {
					int counter = 10;
					DBRevisionWork revisionwork;
					DBLane lane = null;
					DBHost masterhost = null;

					foreach (DBLane l in lanes) {
						if (l.id == hl.lane_id) {
							lane = l;
					foreach (DBHost hh in hosts) {
						if (hh.id == hl.host_id) {
							masterhost = hh;

					do {
						revisionwork = db.GetRevisionWork (lane, masterhost, response.Host);
						if (revisionwork == null)
					} while (!revisionwork.SetWorkHost (db, response.Host) && counter-- > 0);

					if (revisionwork == null)

					if (!revisionwork.workhost_id.HasValue || revisionwork.workhost_id != response.Host.id)
						continue; // couldn't lock this revisionwork.

					log.DebugFormat ("Found work for host {0} {4}: {1} (lane: {2} {3})", response.Host.id, revisionwork.id, revisionwork.lane_id, lane.lane, response.Host.host);

					DBRevision revision = DBRevision_Extensions.Create (db, revisionwork.revision_id);
					List<DBWorkFile> files_to_download = null;
					List<DBLane> dependent_lanes = null;

					// get dependent files
					List<DBLaneDependency> dependencies = lane.GetDependencies (db);
					if (dependencies != null && dependencies.Count > 0) {
						foreach (DBLaneDependency dep in dependencies) {
							DBLane dependent_lane;
							DBHost dependent_host;
							DBRevisionWork dep_revwork;
							List<DBWorkFile> work_files;

							if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (dep.download_files))

							dependent_lane = DBLane_Extensions.Create (db, dep.dependent_lane_id);
							dependent_host = dep.dependent_host_id.HasValue ? DBHost_Extensions.Create (db, dep.dependent_host_id.Value) : null;
							DBRevision dep_lane_rev = dependent_lane.FindRevision (db, revision.revision);
							if (dep_lane_rev == null)
								continue; /* Something bad happened: the lane we're dependent on does not have the same revisions we have */
							dep_revwork = DBRevisionWork_Extensions.Find (db, dependent_lane, dependent_host, dep_lane_rev);

							work_files = dep_revwork.GetFiles (db);

							foreach (DBWorkFile file in work_files) {
								bool download = true;
								foreach (string exp in dep.download_files.Split (new char [] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) {
									if (!System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch (file.filename, FileUtilities.GlobToRegExp (exp))) {
										download = false;
								if (!download)
								if (files_to_download == null) {
									files_to_download = new List<DBWorkFile> ();
									dependent_lanes = new List<DBLane> ();
								files_to_download.Add (file);
								dependent_lanes.Add (dependent_lane);

					List<DBWorkView2> pending_work = revisionwork.GetNextWork (db, lane, masterhost, revision, multiple_work);

					if (pending_work == null || pending_work.Count == 0)

					List<DBEnvironmentVariable> environment_variables = null;
					using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
						foreach (int li in db.GetLaneHierarchy (lane.id)) {
							cmd.CommandText += string.Format (@"
FROM EnvironmentVariable 
(host_id = {0} OR host_id = {1} OR host_id IS NULL) AND (lane_id = {2} OR lane_id IS NULL)
;", revisionwork.workhost_id, revisionwork.host_id, li);
						using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
							var set = new HashSet<string> ();
							do {
								while (reader.Read ()) {
									if (environment_variables == null)
										environment_variables = new List<DBEnvironmentVariable> ();

									var ev = new DBEnvironmentVariable (reader);
									if (!set.Contains (ev.name)) {
										environment_variables.Add (ev);
										set.Add (ev.name);
							} while (reader.NextResult ());

					DBHost host_being_worked_for = hosts.Find (h => h.id == revisionwork.host_id);

					foreach (DBWorkView2 work in pending_work) {
						BuildInfoEntry entry = new BuildInfoEntry ();
						entry.Lane = lane;
						entry.HostLane = hl;
						entry.Revision = revision;
						entry.Command = DBCommand_Extensions.Create (db, work.command_id);
						entry.FilesToDownload = files_to_download;
						entry.DependentLaneOfFiles = dependent_lanes;
						entry.Work = DBWork_Extensions.Create (db, work.id);
						entry.LaneFiles = lane.GetFiles (db, lanes);
						entry.EnvironmentVariables = environment_variables;
						entry.Host = host_being_worked_for;

						// TODO: put work with the same sequence number into one list of entries.
						List<BuildInfoEntry> entries = new List<BuildInfoEntry> ();
						entries.Add (entry);
						response.Work.Add (entries);

					// Notify that the revision is assigned
					var notifyInfo = new GenericNotificationInfo ();
					notifyInfo.laneID = revisionwork.lane_id;
					notifyInfo.hostID = revisionwork.host_id;
					notifyInfo.revisionID = revisionwork.revision_id;
					notifyInfo.message = String.Format("Assigned to host '{0}' ({1})", response.Host.host, response.Host.id);
					notifyInfo.state = DBState.Executing;

					Notifications.NotifyGeneric (notifyInfo);

			return response;