Пример #1
    private void BindRefundData()
        float       fTotal         = 0;
        float       TotalAmountDue = 0;
        int         intUserId      = int.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString());
        int         nOrderId       = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["OrderId"].ToString());
        DALmstOrder objDALmstOrder = new DALmstOrder();
        DataSet     dsDALmstOrder  = new DataSet();

        dsDALmstOrder = objDALmstOrder.SelectRowForReturnToInvoice(intUserId, nOrderId);
        if (dsDALmstOrder.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dsDALmstOrder.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                string cOrderTitle = dsDALmstOrder.Tables[0].Rows[i]["cOrderCode"].ToString();
                cOrderTitle   = "Credit From " + cOrderTitle;
                txtNotes.Text = cOrderTitle;
                string cCustomerName = dsDALmstOrder.Tables[0].Rows[i]["cCustomerName"].ToString();
                int    nCustomerId   = int.Parse(dsDALmstOrder.Tables[0].Rows[i]["nCustomerId"].ToString());

                lblId.Text           = nCustomerId.ToString();
                lblCustomerName.Text = cCustomerName;

                float fTotalPriceNew = float.Parse(dsDALmstOrder.Tables[0].Rows[i]["fTotalPrice"].ToString());

                DALmstRefundAmount objDALmstRefundAmount   = new DALmstRefundAmount();
                DataSet            dsobjDALmstRefundAmount = new DataSet();

                dsobjDALmstRefundAmount = objDALmstRefundAmount.SelectDataForApplyToInvoices(intUserId, nOrderId);
                if (dsobjDALmstRefundAmount.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int Total = 0; Total < dsobjDALmstRefundAmount.Tables[0].Rows.Count; Total++)
                        float fRefundAmount = float.Parse(dsobjDALmstRefundAmount.Tables[0].Rows[Total]["fRefundAmount"].ToString());
                        fTotal += fRefundAmount;
                    TotalAmountDue       = fTotalPriceNew - fTotal;
                    txtRefundAmount.Text = TotalAmountDue.ToString();
                    lblTotal.Text        = txtRefundAmount.Text;
                    txtRefundAmount.Text = fTotalPriceNew.ToString();
                    lblTotal.Text        = txtRefundAmount.Text;

                /* string cCurrentStatus = "Pending";
                 * DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                 * ds = objDALmstOrder.SelectTotalAmountRecive(intUserId, nCustomerId, cCurrentStatus);
                 * if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                 * {
                 *   for (int Total = 0; Total < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; Total++)
                 *   {
                 *       float FtotalAmountRecived = float.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[Total]["fPaymentAmount"].ToString());
                 *       fTotal += FtotalAmountRecived;
                 *   }
                 *   TotalAmountDue = fTotalPriceNew - fTotal;
                 *   txtRefundAmount.Text = TotalAmountDue.ToString();
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *   txtRefundAmount.Text = fTotalPriceNew.ToString();
                 * }*/

                /*  string fAmountDue = dsDALmstOrder.Tables[0].Rows[i]["fAmountDue"].ToString();
                 * if (fAmountDue == "")
                 * {
                 *    float fTotalPriceNew = float.Parse(dsDALmstOrder.Tables[0].Rows[i]["fTotalPrice"].ToString());
                 *    txtRefundAmount.Text = fTotalPriceNew.ToString();
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *    float fTotalPriceNew = float.Parse(dsDALmstOrder.Tables[0].Rows[i]["fTotalPrice"].ToString());
                 *    float AmountDue = float.Parse(dsDALmstOrder.Tables[0].Rows[i]["fAmountDue"].ToString());
                 *    txtRefundAmount.Text = AmountDue.ToString();
                 * }*/
Пример #2
    protected void btnSaveProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int intUserId = int.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString());

            DALmstOrder        objDALmstOrder          = new DALmstOrder();
            DALmstRefundAmount objDALmstRefundAmount   = new DALmstRefundAmount();
            DataSet            dsobjDALmstRefundAmount = new DataSet();

            if (txtRefundAmount.Text != "0")
                int      nOrderId              = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["OrderId"].ToString());
                int      nCustomerId           = int.Parse(lblId.Text);
                int      nLanguageId           = 1;
                DateTime dtPaymentReceived     = DateTime.Parse(txtPaymentDueDate.Text);
                float    fRefundAmount         = float.Parse(txtRefundAmount.Text);
                int      nCutomerAccountTypeId = int.Parse(ddlCutomerAccounttype.SelectedValue);
                string   cReferenceNumber      = txtReferencenumber.Text;
                string   cNotes = txtNotes.Text;

                float TotalAmount = float.Parse(lblTotal.Text);
                if (fRefundAmount == TotalAmount)
                    objDALmstOrder.UpdateStatusAfterTakePayment(nOrderId, intUserId, "Return", dtPaymentReceived);

                    objDALmstRefundAmount.InsertRow(nOrderId, nCustomerId, dtPaymentReceived, fRefundAmount, nCutomerAccountTypeId, cReferenceNumber, cNotes, intUserId, true, nLanguageId, false, "", "", "", "");

                    #region //START: Enter Log

                    string strchatUserNAme = Session["ChatUsername"].ToString();

                    string strCustomerName = "";

                    DALCustomer objCustomer = new DALCustomer();
                    DataSet     dsCustomer  = new DataSet();
                    dsCustomer = objCustomer.SelectRow(nCustomerId, intUserId);
                    if (dsCustomer.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        strCustomerName = dsCustomer.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cCustomerFirstName"].ToString() + " " + dsCustomer.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cCustomerLastName"].ToString();

                    string    strDescription = "Refund payment for 'CN'" + nOrderId + "(" + strCustomerName + ")";
                    DALmstLog objLog         = new DALmstLog();
                    objLog.InsertRow(cReferenceNumber, strDescription, "insert", strchatUserNAme, DateTime.Now, intUserId, 0, true, false, "", "", "");

                    strDescription = "Full Refund payment for 'CN'" + nOrderId + "(" + strCustomerName + ")";

                    objLog.InsertRow(cReferenceNumber, strDescription, "insert", strchatUserNAme, DateTime.Now, intUserId, 0, true, false, "", "", "");


                else if (fRefundAmount > TotalAmount)
                    string strTitleN       = "Take Payment";
                    string strdescriptions = "The amount cannot be more than the credit available to the customer.";
                    NotificationMessage1.NotificationDetails(strTitleN, strdescriptions);
                    objDALmstRefundAmount.InsertRow(nOrderId, nCustomerId, dtPaymentReceived, fRefundAmount, nCutomerAccountTypeId, cReferenceNumber, cNotes, intUserId, true, nLanguageId, false, "", "", "", "");

                    #region //START: Enter Log

                    string strchatUserNAme = Session["ChatUsername"].ToString();

                    string strCustomerName = "";

                    DALCustomer objCustomer = new DALCustomer();
                    DataSet     dsCustomer  = new DataSet();
                    dsCustomer = objCustomer.SelectRow(nCustomerId, intUserId);
                    if (dsCustomer.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        strCustomerName = dsCustomer.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cCustomerFirstName"].ToString() + " " + dsCustomer.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cCustomerLastName"].ToString();

                    string    strDescription = "Refund amount for 'CN'" + nOrderId + "(" + strCustomerName + ")";
                    DALmstLog objLog         = new DALmstLog();
                    objLog.InsertRow(cReferenceNumber, strDescription, "insert", strchatUserNAme, DateTime.Now, intUserId, 0, true, false, "", "", "");



                string strTitleN       = "";
                string strdescriptions = "The Amount field cannot be $0.00. Please enter an amount other than zero.";
                NotificationMessage1.NotificationDetails(strTitleN, strdescriptions);
        catch (Exception ex)
            DALExceptionDetail objDALExceptionDetail = new DALExceptionDetail();
            objDALExceptionDetail.InsertRow(ex.Message, "RefundToCustomer.aspx", intUserId, DateTime.Now, true);