Пример #1
        private static void readAStarConfigs()
            List <CytoscapeConfig> AStarConfigs = new List <CytoscapeConfig>();

            string[] configFiles = Directory.GetFiles(CONFIG_DIR + A_STAR);

            foreach (string fileName in configFiles)
                string   line, name, edgeDistance;
                string[] lineContents;
                bool     haveCities = false, haveFirstCity, haveSecondCity;
                char     c;
                char[]   lineCharArr;
                    List <Object> nodes = new List <Object>();
                    List <Object> edges = new List <Object>();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileName))
                        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                            if (line.Equals("# name latitude longitude"))
                            else if (line.Equals("# distances"))
                                haveCities = true;

                            AStarNode node = new AStarNode();
                            AStarEdge edge = new AStarEdge();
                            if (!haveCities)
                                //The cities will come in the form: name latitude longitude
                                //e.g. La Crosse 43.8 -91.24
                                name         = "";
                                lineContents = line.Split(' ');
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineContents.Length - 2; i++)
                                    if (i > 0)
                                        name = name + " ";
                                    name = name + lineContents[i];
                                node.id     = name;
                                node.x      = Convert.ToDouble(lineContents[lineContents.Length - 2]);
                                node.y      = Convert.ToDouble(lineContents[lineContents.Length - 1]);
                                node.coords = new Tuple <double, double>(node.x, node.y);
                                edge.source = "";
                                edge.target = "";
                                //The distances will come in the form: a, b: distance
                                //e.g. La Crosse, La Crescent: 5.0
                                haveFirstCity  = false;
                                haveSecondCity = false;
                                edgeDistance   = "";
                                lineCharArr    = line.ToCharArray();
                                //Walk through each character, collecting the information
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineCharArr.Length; i++)
                                    c = lineCharArr[i];
                                    if (c == ',')
                                        haveFirstCity = true;
                                    else if (c == ':')
                                        haveSecondCity = true;

                                    if (!haveFirstCity)
                                        edge.source = edge.source + c;
                                    else if (haveFirstCity && !haveSecondCity)
                                        edge.target = edge.target + c;
                                    else if (haveFirstCity && haveSecondCity)
                                        if (c != ' ')
                                            edgeDistance = edgeDistance + c;
                                    edge.distance = Convert.ToDouble(edgeDistance);
                                    edge.source   = edge.source.Trim();
                                    edge.target   = edge.target.Trim();
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    throw new Exception(line + ", " + haveFirstCity + ", " + haveSecondCity + ", " + haveCities);

                    CytoscapeConfig thisConfig = new CytoscapeConfig();
                    thisConfig.name  = fileName.Split('\\').Last().Split('.').First();
                    thisConfig.nodes = nodes;
                    thisConfig.edges = edges;
                catch (Exception e)
                    string description = e.ToString();
                    description = "Exception thrown while parsing: " + fileName + "\n" + description;
                    throw new Exception(description);

            CONFIGURATIONS[A_STAR] = AStarConfigs;
Пример #2
        // At least for the time being, the DP and RL configuration files have be the same structure
        private static void readReinforcementLearningConfigs()
            List <CytoscapeConfig> RLConfigs = new List <CytoscapeConfig>();

            string[] configFiles = Directory.GetFiles(CONFIG_DIR + REINFORCEMENT_LEARNING);

            foreach (string fileName in configFiles)
                string           line;
                bool             haveDimensions = false, haveStart = false, haveGoal = false;
                string[]         lineContents;
                int              numRows = 0, numColumns = 0, currentRow, startX = 0, startY = 0, goalX = 0, goalY = 0;
                Tuple <int, int> dimensions, startCoord, goalCoord;
                    List <Object> nodes = new List <Object>();
                    List <Object> edges = new List <Object>();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileName))
                        currentRow = 0;
                        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                            lineContents = line.Split(' ');
                            if (!haveDimensions)
                                numRows        = Convert.ToInt32(lineContents[0]);
                                numColumns     = Convert.ToInt32(lineContents[1]);
                                dimensions     = new Tuple <int, int>(numRows, numColumns);
                                haveDimensions = true;
                            else if (!haveStart)
                                startX     = Convert.ToInt32(lineContents[0]);
                                startY     = Convert.ToInt32(lineContents[1]);
                                startCoord = new Tuple <int, int>(startX, startY);
                                haveStart  = true;
                            else if (!haveGoal)
                                goalX     = Convert.ToInt32(lineContents[0]);
                                goalY     = Convert.ToInt32(lineContents[1]);
                                goalCoord = new Tuple <int, int>(goalX, goalY);
                                haveGoal  = true;
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineContents.Length; i++)
                                    DPNode node = new DPNode();
                                    node.cellType = (DPCellType)Convert.ToInt32(lineContents[i]);
                                    if (currentRow == goalY && i == goalX)
                                        node.goal = true;
                                    if (currentRow == startY && i == startX)
                                        node.start = true;
                                    node.coords = new Tuple <int, int>(i, currentRow);

                                    // Connect every node to the nodes around it, account for boundaries
                                    // Since edges are undirected, only need to make 2 per node
                                    if (currentRow < numRows - 1)
                                        DPEdge bottomEdge = new DPEdge();
                                        bottomEdge.source = new Tuple <int, int>(i, currentRow);
                                        bottomEdge.target = new Tuple <int, int>(i, currentRow + 1);
                                    if (i < lineContents.Length - 1)
                                        DPEdge rightEdge = new DPEdge();
                                        rightEdge.source = new Tuple <int, int>(i, currentRow);
                                        rightEdge.target = new Tuple <int, int>(i + 1, currentRow);
                                currentRow += 1;
                    CytoscapeConfig thisConfig = new CytoscapeConfig();
                    thisConfig.name  = fileName.Split('\\').Last().Split('.').First();
                    thisConfig.nodes = nodes;
                    thisConfig.edges = edges;
                catch (Exception e)
                    string description = e.ToString();
                    description = "Exception thrown while parsing: " + fileName + "\n" + description;
                    throw new Exception(description);
