Пример #1
        static void RunProgram(ref bool programRunning)
            int listLength          = InputHandling.ReadCollectionLength("Length of linked list: ");
            SingleLinkedList myList = new SingleLinkedList();

            int lastFailIndex = 0;

            InputHandling.ReadCollectionElements(ref myList, listLength, ref lastFailIndex);

            // create cycle
            OutputHandling.Question("Do you want to add a cycle to the linked list?  Y / N");
            bool AddCycles = InputHandling.QuestionOptions(false);

            if (AddCycles)
                int bindPoint = InputHandling.ReadCollectionIndex(listLength, "Point to form a cycle to: ");
                Cycle.CreateCycle(ref myList, ref listLength, bindPoint);

            // cycle exists?

            bool hasCycles = DetectCycles.CycleExists(myList);

            if (hasCycles)
                OutputHandling.Message("The Single Linked List has a cycle", ConsoleColor.Green);

                OutputHandling.Message("The Single Linked List does not contain cycles", ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta);

            OutputHandling.PrintSingleLinkedList(myList, listLength);
            OutputHandling.Question("Do you want to detect cycles in another linked list?");
            programRunning = InputHandling.QuestionOptions();