public void GetNextPlotNumber()
            var unitCode   = "u1";
            var plotNumber = 1;
            var plotID     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var cruiseID   = CruiseID;

            using (var database = CreateDatabase())
                var datastore = new CuttingUnitDatastore(database, cruiseID, TestDeviceInfoService.TEST_DEVICEID, new SamplerInfoDataservice(database, CruiseID, TestDeviceInfoService.TEST_DEVICEID));

                datastore.GetNextPlotNumber(unitCode).Should().Be(1, "unit with no plots, should return 1 for first plot number");

                database.Execute($"INSERT INTO Plot (CruiseID, PlotID, CuttingUnitCode, PlotNumber) VALUES ('{cruiseID}', '{plotID}', '{unitCode}', {plotNumber});");

                datastore.GetNextPlotNumber(unitCode).Should().Be(plotNumber + 1, "unit with a plot, should return max plot number + 1");