private String saveFile(HttpPostedFile postedFile) { int userID = 0; string userName = getUserNameFromFile(postedFile); EReceiptLINQDataContext context = new EReceiptLINQDataContext(); var lastReceiptNumber = from num in context.Receipts select num; int maxReceiptValue = (from c in lastReceiptNumber select c.RECEIPT_ID).Max(); string savePath = ("~/IMG/receiptImage/" + userName + "/receipt" + (maxReceiptValue + 1) + ".jpg"); DirectoryCheck(userName); FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(savePath)); string pathOfFile = "http://localhost:49765/" + savePath.Substring(savePath.IndexOf("~") + 2); Receipt receiptImage = new Receipt { RECEIPT_URL = pathOfFile, UPLOAD_DATE = DateTime.Now, }; context.Receipts.InsertOnSubmit(receiptImage); context.SubmitChanges(); var userIDNumber = from u in context.Customers where u.USER_NAME == userName select u; foreach (var x in userIDNumber) { userID = x.USER_ID; break; } CustomerReceipt custRec = new CustomerReceipt { USER_ID = userID, RECEIPT_ID = (maxReceiptValue + 1), }; context.CustomerReceipts.InsertOnSubmit(custRec); context.SubmitChanges(); context.Connection.Close(); Label1.Text = "Upload Successful"; return savePath; }
public CustomerReceipt UpdateCustomerReceipt(CustomerReceipt objCustomerReceipt) { using (IDbConnection connection = OpenConnection(dataConnection)) { if (objCustomerReceipt.Against == "JC") { objCustomerReceipt.SaleOrderId = null; objCustomerReceipt.SalesInvoiceId = null; } if (objCustomerReceipt.Against == "SO") { objCustomerReceipt.JobCardId = null; objCustomerReceipt.SalesInvoiceId = null; } if (objCustomerReceipt.Against == "SI") { objCustomerReceipt.JobCardId = null; objCustomerReceipt.SaleOrderId = null; } string sql = @" UPDATE CustomerReceipt SET CustomerReceiptRefNo = @CustomerReceiptRefNo ,CustomerReceiptDate=@CustomerReceiptDate,CustomerId=@CustomerId, SaleOrderId=@SaleOrderId,JobCardId=@JobCardId,SalesInvoiceId=@SalesInvoiceId,SaleOrderAmount=@SaleOrderAmount,Amount=@Amount, SpecialRemarks=@SpecialRemarks,CreatedBy = @CreatedBy,CreatedDate = @CreatedDate,OrganizationId = @OrganizationId WHERE CustomerReceiptId = @CustomerReceiptId"; var id = connection.Execute(sql, objCustomerReceipt); InsertLoginHistory(dataConnection, objCustomerReceipt.CreatedBy, "Update", "Customer Receipt", id.ToString(), "0"); return(objCustomerReceipt); } }
public int DeleteCustomerReceipt(CustomerReceipt objCustomerReceipt) { int result = 0; using (IDbConnection connection = OpenConnection(dataConnection)) { string sql = @" UPDATE CustomerReceipt SET isActive=0 WHERE CustomerReceiptId=@CustomerReceiptId"; try { var id = connection.Execute(sql, objCustomerReceipt); objCustomerReceipt.CustomerReceiptId = id; result = 0; InsertLoginHistory(dataConnection, objCustomerReceipt.CreatedBy, "Delete", "Customer Receipt", id.ToString(), "0"); } catch (SqlException ex) { int err = ex.Errors.Count; if (ex.Errors.Count > 0) // Assume the interesting stuff is in the first error { switch (ex.Errors[0].Number) { case 547: // Foreign Key violation result = 1; break; default: result = 2; break; } } } return(result); } }
public ActionResult Delete(CustomerReceipt model) { int result = new CustomerReceiptRepository().DeleteCustomerReceipt(model); if (result == 0) { TempData["Success"] = "Deleted Successfully!"; TempData["CustomerReceiptRefNo"] = model.CustomerReceiptRefNo; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { if (result == 1) { TempData["error"] = "Sorry!! You Cannot Delete This Customer Receipt. It Is Already In Use"; TempData["CustomerReceiptRefNo"] = null; } else { TempData["error"] = "Oops!!..Something Went Wrong!!"; TempData["CustomerReceiptRefNo"] = null; } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public ActionResult Edit(CustomerReceipt model, int Code = 0) { ViewBag.Title = "Edit"; model.OrganizationId = OrganizationId; model.CreatedDate = System.DateTime.Now; model.CreatedBy = UserID.ToString(); var repo = new CustomerReceiptRepository(); //bool isexists = repo.IsFieldExists(repo.ConnectionString(), "CustomerReceipt", "CustomerReceiptRefNo", model.CustomerReceiptRefNo, "CustomerReceiptId", model.CustomerReceiptId); //if (!isexists) { var result = new CustomerReceiptRepository().UpdateCustomerReceipt(model); if (result.CustomerReceiptId > 0) { TempData["Success"] = "Updated Successfully!"; TempData["CustomerReceiptRefNo"] = result.CustomerReceiptRefNo; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { FillCustomer(); FillSaleOrder(Code); FillJobCard(Code); FillSalesInvoice(Code); //FillSO(); //FillJC(); //FillSI(); TempData["error"] = "Oops!!..Something Went Wrong!!"; TempData["CustomerReceiptRefNo"] = null; return(View("Create", model)); } } }
public CustomerReceiptVM(ObservableCollection <Product> products) { Window window = new CustomerReceipt(); window.Show(); window.DataContext = this; HandleLogoutBtn = new DelegateCommand(Logout, CanLogout); purchasedProductList = products; TotalAmount = "Total Amount = " + GetTotalAmount(); }
private String saveFile(HttpPostedFile postedFile) { int userID = 0; string userName = getUserNameFromFile(postedFile); EReceiptLINQDataContext context = new EReceiptLINQDataContext(); var lastReceiptNumber = from num in context.Receipts select num; int maxReceiptValue = (from c in lastReceiptNumber select c.RECEIPT_ID).Max(); string savePath = ("~/IMG/receiptImage/" + userName + "/receipt" + (maxReceiptValue + 1) + ".jpg"); DirectoryCheck(userName); FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(savePath)); string pathOfFile = "http://localhost:49765/" + savePath.Substring(savePath.IndexOf("~") + 2); Receipt receiptImage = new Receipt { RECEIPT_URL = pathOfFile, UPLOAD_DATE = DateTime.Now, }; context.Receipts.InsertOnSubmit(receiptImage); context.SubmitChanges(); var userIDNumber = from u in context.Customers where u.USER_NAME == userName select u; foreach (var x in userIDNumber) { userID = x.USER_ID; break; } CustomerReceipt custRec = new CustomerReceipt { USER_ID = userID, RECEIPT_ID = (maxReceiptValue + 1), }; context.CustomerReceipts.InsertOnSubmit(custRec); context.SubmitChanges(); context.Connection.Close(); Label1.Text = "Upload Successful"; return(savePath); }
public int InsertCustomerReceipt(CustomerReceipt model) { using (IDbConnection connection = OpenConnection(dataConnection)) { IDbTransaction txn = connection.BeginTransaction(); try { int internalId = DatabaseCommonRepository.GetInternalIDFromDatabase(connection, txn, typeof(CustomerReceipt).Name, "0", 1); model.CustomerReceiptRefNo = "CR/" + internalId; if (model.Against == "JC") { model.SaleOrderId = null; model.SalesInvoiceId = null; } if (model.Against == "SO") { model.JobCardId = null; model.SalesInvoiceId = null; } if (model.Against == "SI") { model.JobCardId = null; model.SaleOrderId = null; } string sql = @"INSERT INTO CustomerReceipt (CustomerReceiptRefNo,CustomerReceiptDate,CustomerId, SaleOrderId,JobCardId,SalesInvoiceId,SaleOrderAmount, Amount,SpecialRemarks,CreatedBy,CreatedDate,OrganizationId,isActive) VALUES (@CustomerReceiptRefNo,@CustomerReceiptDate,@CustomerId, @SaleOrderId,@JobCardId,@SalesInvoiceId,@SaleOrderAmount, @Amount,@SpecialRemarks,@CreatedBy,@CreatedDate,@OrganizationId,1) SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT)"; var id = connection.Query <int>(sql, model, txn).Single(); InsertLoginHistory(dataConnection, model.CreatedBy, "Create", "Customer Receipt", id.ToString(), "0"); txn.Commit(); return(id); } catch (Exception) { txn.Rollback(); return(0); } } }
public ActionResult CreateRequest(CustomerReceipt model, int Code = 0) { FillSaleOrder(Code); FillJobCard(Code); FillSalesInvoice(Code); //FillSO(); //FillJC(); //FillSI(); model.OrganizationId = OrganizationId; model.CreatedDate = System.DateTime.Now; model.CreatedBy = UserID.ToString(); if (new CustomerReceiptRepository().InsertCustomerReceipt(model) > 0) { TempData["success"] = "Saved successfully"; TempData["error"] = ""; return(RedirectToAction("CreateRequest")); } else { TempData["success"] = ""; TempData["error"] = "Some error occured. Please try again."; return(View("Create", model)); } }