public void AmmountPaidTest() { CustomerOrder newOrder = new CustomerOrder(); newOrder.AmountPaid(30); Assert.Equal(30, newOrder.PayementAmount); }
public void ChangeDueTest() { CustomerOrder newOrder = new CustomerOrder(); newOrder.AddToOrder(new Product("Dawn of the Dead", ProdCategory.Horror, 9.99m, "Zombies are going to get you at the mall."), 2); newOrder.AddToOrder(new Product("Aliens", ProdCategory.SciFi, 7.95m, "Aliens are going to get you at during the day."), 1); newOrder.SubTotal(); newOrder.GrandTotal(); newOrder.AmountPaid(30); Assert.Equal(0.39m, newOrder.ChangeDue()); }
public void ReceiptTest() { CustomerOrder newOrder = new CustomerOrder(); newOrder.AddToOrder(new Product("Dawn of the Dead", ProdCategory.Horror, 9.99m, "Zombies are going to get you at the mall."), 2); newOrder.AddToOrder(new Product("Aliens", ProdCategory.SciFi, 7.95m, "Aliens are going to get you at during the day."), 1); newOrder.SubTotal(); newOrder.GrandTotal(); newOrder.AmountPaid(30); newOrder.ChangeDue(); string result = "Item Category Price Qty. Total\n****************************************************************************\nDawn of the Dead Horror $9.99 2 $19.98\nAliens SciFi $7.95 1 $7.95\n\n------------------------------\nSubtotal: $27.93\nTotal (6% tax): $29.61\nAmount Paid: $30.00\nChange Due: $0.39"; Assert.Equal(result, newOrder.OrderReceipt()); }