public async Task TestGetAccountReceivablesByCustomerId() { long customerId = 3; //UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); //IList<AccountReceiveableView> list = custMod.GetAccountReceivablesByCustomerId(customerId); IList <AccountReceivableView> list = await custMod .AccountsReceivable .Query() .GetAccountReceivableViewsByCustomerId(customerId); List <string> collection = new List <string>(); foreach (AccountReceivableView accountReceiveableView in list) { output.WriteLine($"{accountReceiveableView.InvoiceDocument}"); collection.Add(accountReceiveableView.InvoiceDocument.ToUpper()); } bool results = collection.Any(s => s.Contains("INV-02")); Assert.True(results); }
public async Task TestGetContractsByCustomerId() { long?customerId = 2; long?contractId = 1; //UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); IList <ContractView> list = await custMod .Contract .Query() .GetContractsByCustomerId(customerId ?? 0, contractId ?? 0); List <string> collection = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in list) { output.WriteLine($"{item.CustomerName}"); collection.Add(item.CustomerName.ToUpper()); } bool results = collection.Any(s => s.Contains("NED SCARISBRICK")); Assert.True(results); }
public async Task TestGetInvoicesByCustomerId() { long customerId = 2; long?invoiceId = 5; //int? invoiceId = null; //UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); IList <InvoiceView> list = await custMod .Invoice .Query() .GetInvoiceViewsByCustomerId(customerId, invoiceId); List <string> collection = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in list) { foreach (InvoiceDetailView invoiceDetailView in item.InvoiceDetailViews) { output.WriteLine($"{invoiceDetailView.ItemDescription}"); collection.Add(invoiceDetailView.ItemDescription.ToUpper()); } } bool results = collection.Any(s => s.Contains("EMPTY")); Assert.True(results); }
public async Task TestCustomerCashPayment2() { int customerId = 2; GeneralLedgerView ledgerView = new GeneralLedgerView(); CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); long? addressId = await custMod.AddressBook.Query().GetAddressIdByCustomerId(customerId); ChartOfAccountModule coaMod = new ChartOfAccountModule(); ChartOfAccount coa = await coaMod.ChartOfAccount.Query().GetEntity("1000", "1200", "101", ""); ledgerView.GeneralLedgerId = -1; ledgerView.DocNumber = 1; ledgerView.DocType = "PV"; ledgerView.Amount = 250M; ledgerView.LedgerType = "AA"; ledgerView.GLDate = DateTime.Parse("8/10/2018"); ledgerView.AccountId = coa.AccountId; ledgerView.CreatedDate = DateTime.Parse("8/10/2018"); ledgerView.AddressId = addressId ?? 0; ledgerView.Comment = "First installment payment for dashboard"; ledgerView.DebitAmount = 250; ledgerView.CreditAmount = 0; ledgerView.FiscalPeriod = 8; ledgerView.FiscalYear = 2018; ledgerView.CheckNumber = "112"; AccountReceivableModule acctRecMod = new AccountReceivableModule(); bool result = await acctRecMod.CreateCustomerLedger(ledgerView); Assert.True(result); }
public NewMalFunctionViewModel() { CustomerList = CustomerModule.GetCustomerList(); FabricList = FabricModule.GetFabricList(); FactoryList = FactoryModule.GetFactoryList(); ProcessOrderList = ProcessModule.GetProcessOrder(); }
public void UpdateModules(Int32 id, Int32 moduleId) { CustomerModule query; try { using (menuzRusDataContext db = new menuzRusDataContext(base.connectionString)) { // Negative - stops service by ending it as of today if (moduleId < 0) { query = db.CustomerModules.Where(m => m.CustomerId == id && m.ModulePriceId == Math.Abs(moduleId) && m.EndDate == null).FirstOrDefault(); if (query != default(CustomerModule)) { query.EndDate = DateTime.Now.Date; } } // Positive - inserts else if (moduleId > 0) { query = new CustomerModule(); query.CustomerId = id; query.ModulePriceId = moduleId; db.CustomerModules.InsertOnSubmit(query); } else if (moduleId == 0) { } db.SubmitChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return; }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetCustomerView(long customerId) { CustomerModule invMod = new CustomerModule(); CustomerView view = await invMod.Customer.Query().GetViewById(customerId); return(Ok(view)); }
public ErpService() { ErpName = "LogoGoPlus"; CustomerModule = new CustomerModule(this); ProductModule = new ProductModule(); InvoiceModule = null; DespatchModule = null; }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteCustomer([FromBody] CustomerView view) { CustomerModule invMod = new CustomerModule(); Customer customer = await invMod.Customer.Query().MapToEntity(view); invMod.Customer.DeleteCustomer(customer).Apply(); return(Ok(view)); }
public ProcessOrderPage() { InitializeComponent(); ComboBoxStatus.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ProcessOrderColorStatus)).Cast <ProcessOrderColorStatus>(); DisplayAllOrder(); DataGridProcessOrder.ItemsSource = DataGridProcessOrderCollection; ComboBoxCustomer.ItemsSource = CustomerModule.GetCustomerList(); ComboBoxCustomerNameSearch.ItemsSource = CustomerModule.GetCustomerList(); DataGridFactoryList.ItemsSource = FactoryModule.GetFactoryList(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateCustomer([FromBody] CustomerView view) { CustomerModule invMod = new CustomerModule(); Customer customer = await invMod.Customer.Query().MapToEntity(view); invMod.Customer.UpdateCustomer(customer).Apply(); CustomerView retView = await invMod.Customer.Query().GetViewById(customer.CustomerId); return(Ok(retView)); }
public void TestCreateCustomerAccount() { try { string json = ""; json = @"{ ""CustomerName"":""David Poston"" ,""FirstName"":""David"", ""LastName"":""Poston"", ""CompanyName"":""DC Tech"", ""LocationAddress"":[{ ""Address_Line1"" : ""2420 12th Ave"", ""City"" : ""Nampa"", ""State"" : ""ID"", ""Zipcode"" : ""83686"", ""Country"" : ""USA"", ""Type"" : ""Primary"" }], ""AccountEmail"":{ ""EmailText"" : ""*****@*****.**"", ""LoginEmail"" : true, ""Password"" : ""12345"" } }"; CustomerView customerView = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CustomerView>(json); CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); custMod .Customer .CreateAddressBook(customerView) .Apply() .CreateCustomerEmail(customerView) .Apply() .CreateCustomer(customerView) .Apply() .CreateCustomerLocationAddress(customerView) .Apply() ; Assert.True(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("TestCreateCustomerAccount", ex); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddCustomer([FromBody] CustomerView view) { CustomerModule invMod = new CustomerModule(); NextNumber nnCustomer = await invMod.Customer.Query().GetNextNumber(); view.CustomerNumber = nnCustomer.NextNumberValue; Customer customer = await invMod.Customer.Query().MapToEntity(view); invMod.Customer.AddCustomer(customer).Apply(); CustomerView newView = await invMod.Customer.Query().GetViewByNumber(view.CustomerNumber); return(Ok(newView)); }
public async Task TestGetCustomerLedgersByCustomerId() { long customerId = 9; CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); IList <CustomerLedgerView> list = await custMod .CustomerLedger .Query() .GetViewsByCustomerId(customerId); foreach (var item in list) { listCheck.Add(item.DocNumber.ToString()); } bool results = listCheck.Any(e => e.Contains("12")); Assert.True(results); }
public void SaveModulesByCustomer(Int32 id, Int32[] modulesIds) { try { using (menuzRusDataContext db = new menuzRusDataContext(base.connectionString)) { CustomerModule customerModule = new CustomerModule(); customerModule.CustomerId = id; foreach (Int32 priceId in modulesIds) { customerModule.ModulePriceId = priceId; db.CustomerModules.InsertOnSubmit(customerModule); } db.SubmitChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
void AddFactoryClickExecute() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { MessageBox.Show("請輸入客戶名稱!!"); return; } var customer = new Customer() { Name = Name, PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber, CellPhone = CellPhone, Fax = Fax, Memo = Memo, Address = Address, Sort = Sort }; bool isContainCustomer = CustomerModule.GetCustomerList().Select(s => s.Name).Contains(customer.Name); if (isContainCustomer) { MessageBox.Show("此客戶已存在清單內!!"); return; } bool success = CustomerModule.InsertCustomer(customer); if (success) { MessageBox.Show("新增成功!!"); Name = string.Empty; PhoneNumber = string.Empty; CellPhone = string.Empty; Fax = string.Empty; Address = string.Empty; Memo = string.Empty; Sort = 0; } else { MessageBox.Show("新增失敗!!"); } }
public void TestGetEmailByCustomerId() { int customerId = 3; //UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); IList <EmailView> list = custMod .Customer .Query() .GetEmails(customerId); List <string> collection = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in list) { output.WriteLine($"{item.EmailText}"); collection.Add(item.EmailText.ToUpper()); } bool results = collection.Any(s => s.Contains("*****@*****.**")); Assert.True(results); }
public async Task TestGetLocationAddressByCustomerId() { long?customerId = 3; // UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); IList <LocationAddressView> list = await custMod .LocationAddress .Query() .GetLocationAddressViewsByCustomerId(customerId); List <string> collection = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in list) { output.WriteLine($"{item.City}"); collection.Add(item.City.ToUpper()); } bool results = collection.Any(s => s.Contains("BOISE")); Assert.True(results); }
public async Task TestGetPhoneByCustomerId() { long?customerId = 3; //UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); IList <PhoneEntityView> list = await custMod .Phone .Query() .GetPhoneEntityViewsByCustomerId(customerId); List <string> collection = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in list) { output.WriteLine($"{item.PhoneNumber}"); collection.Add(item.PhoneNumber.ToUpper()); } bool results = collection.Any(s => s.Contains("401-4333")); Assert.True(results); }
public async Task TestGetEmailByCustomerId() { long?customerId = 3; //UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); IList <EmailEntityView> list = await custMod .Email .Query() .GetEmailsViewsByCustomerId(customerId); List <string> collection = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in list) { output.WriteLine($"{item.Email}"); collection.Add(item.Email.ToUpper()); } bool results = collection.Any(s => s.Contains("*****@*****.**")); Assert.True(results); }
public async Task TestGetCustomerClaimsByCustomerId() { int customerId = 2; CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); IList <CustomerClaimView> list = await custMod .CustomerClaim .Query() .GetCustomerClaimsByCustomerId(customerId); List <string> collection = new List <string>(); foreach (CustomerClaimView customerClaimView in list) { output.WriteLine($"{customerClaimView.GroupId}"); collection.Add(customerClaimView.GroupId.ToUpper()); } bool results = collection.Any(s => s.Contains("IDAHO WEB DEVELOPMENT CUSTOMERS")); Assert.True(results); }
public async Task TestCustomerCashPayment() { long?customerId = 9; GeneralLedgerView ledgerView = new GeneralLedgerView(); CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); long? addressId = await custMod.AddressBook.Query().GetAddressIdByCustomerId(customerId); ChartOfAccountModule coaMod = new ChartOfAccountModule(); ChartOfAccount coa = await coaMod.ChartOfAccount.Query().GetEntity("1000", "1200", "101", ""); ledgerView.GeneralLedgerId = -1; ledgerView.DocNumber = 12; ledgerView.DocType = "PV"; ledgerView.Amount = 189.63M; ledgerView.LedgerType = "AA"; ledgerView.GLDate = DateTime.Parse("7/21/2018"); ledgerView.AccountId = coa.AccountId; ledgerView.CreatedDate = DateTime.Parse("7/21/2018"); ledgerView.AddressId = addressId ?? 0; ledgerView.Comment = "Payment in Part for 50% sharing of project income"; ledgerView.DebitAmount = 189.63M; ledgerView.CreditAmount = 0; ledgerView.FiscalPeriod = 7; ledgerView.FiscalYear = 2018; ledgerView.CheckNumber = "111"; AccountReceivableModule acctRecMod = new AccountReceivableModule(); bool result = await acctRecMod.CreateCustomerCashPayment(ledgerView); Assert.True(true); }
public async Task TestGetScheduleEventsByCustomerId() { long customerId = 1; long?serviceId = 3; //int? invoiceId = null; //UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); CustomerModule custMod = new CustomerModule(); IList <ScheduleEventView> list = await custMod .ScheduleEvent .Query() .GetViewsByCustomerId(customerId, serviceId ?? 0); List <string> collection = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in list) { output.WriteLine($"{item.CustomerName}"); collection.Add(item.CustomerName.ToUpper()); } bool results = collection.Any(s => s.Contains("PAM NISHIMOTO")); Assert.True(results); }
private void CustomerModuleBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CustomerModule customerModule = new CustomerModule(); customerModule.ShowDialog(); }
public CustomerController(IceFactoryUnitOfWork unitOfWork) : base(unitOfWork) { _objModule = new CustomerModule(unitOfWork); }