/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="receiptNum"></param> /// <param name="rec"></param> public static bool LoadReceiptData(string receiptNum, out List<Common.Libraries.Utility.Shared.Receipt> rec, out string errorMessage) { errorMessage = string.Empty; rec = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(receiptNum)) { errorMessage = "Invalid receipt number."; return(false); } DataTable receiptDataTable; string errorCode; string errorText; if (!ProcessTenderProcedures.ExecuteGetReceiptDetails( 0, GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.CurrentSiteId.StoreNumber, "PAWN", receiptNum, out receiptDataTable, out errorCode, out errorText)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not find receipt."); //errorMessage = "Unable to find receipt."; return(false); } rec = CustomerLoans.CreateReceipt(receiptDataTable); GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession.PawnReceipt = rec; return (true); }
private bool getLoanData() { bool retValue = false; string errorCode; string errorText; PawnLoan pawnLoan; PawnAppVO pawnApplication; CustomerVO customerObj; retValue = CustomerLoans.GetPawnLoan(GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession, Utilities.GetIntegerValue(BuyStoreText.Text, 0), Utilities.GetIntegerValue(LoanNumberText.Text, 0), "0", StateStatus.BLNK, true, out pawnLoan, out pawnApplication, out customerObj, out errorCode, out errorText); if (retValue && pawnLoan != null) { GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession.ActiveCustomer = customerObj; GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession.CurrentPawnLoan = pawnLoan; GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession.TicketTypeLookedUp = ProductType.PAWN; GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession.TicketLookedUp = Utilities.GetIntegerValue(LoanNumberText.Text, 0); this.NavControlBox.Action = NavBox.NavAction.SUBMIT; } return(retValue); }
private void customButtonRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //call check for temp status on all the pfie loans var pfieTicketNumbers = new List <int>(); var pfieStoreNumbers = new List <string>(); foreach (var pl in PFIELoans) { pfieTicketNumbers.Add(pl.TicketNumber); pfieStoreNumbers.Add(pl.OrgShopNumber); } DataTable currentTempStatus; var errorCode = string.Empty; var errorMsg = string.Empty; var pfieLoanMessage = new StringBuilder(); var retval = CustomerLoans.CheckForTempStatus(pfieTicketNumbers, pfieStoreNumbers, out currentTempStatus, out errorCode, out errorMsg); if (currentTempStatus != null && currentTempStatus.Rows.Count > 0) { var nonPFIETicketNumbers = new List <int>(); foreach (DataRow dr in currentTempStatus.Rows) { //check if the loan still has PFIE status if (!(dr[Tempstatuscursor.TEMPSTATUS].ToString().Contains("PFIE"))) { nonPFIETicketNumbers.Add(Utilities.GetIntegerValue(dr[Tempstatuscursor.TICKETNUMBER], 0)); } else { pfieLoanMessage.Append(dr[Tempstatuscursor.TICKETNUMBER] + " is being processed by PFI."); } } if (nonPFIETicketNumbers.Count > 0) { foreach (var i in nonPFIETicketNumbers) { var i1 = i; var index = PFIELoans.FindIndex(loan => loan.TicketNumber == i1); if (index >= 0) { PFIELoans.RemoveAt(index); } } } } else { BasicExceptionHandler.Instance.AddException("Error fetching temp status for loans", new ApplicationException()); } PFIELoanMessage = pfieLoanMessage.ToString(); LoadData(); }
private void customButtonFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PawnLoan pawnLoan; CustomerVO customerVO; CustNumber = string.Empty; ReplacedICN = string.Empty; string errorCode; string errorText; var retVal = CustomerLoans.GetPawnLoanLite(GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession, Utilities.GetIntegerValue(GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.CurrentSiteId.StoreNumber), Utilities.GetIntegerValue(customTextBoxLoanNo.Text), "0", StateStatus.BLNK, true, out pawnLoan, out customerVO, out errorCode, out errorText); if (!retVal || pawnLoan == null) { FileLogger.Instance.logMessage(LogLevel.ERROR, this, "Error trying to get loan data" + errorText); MessageBox.Show("Error trying to get loan details for the number entered."); return; } var itemSelectionFrm = new ChargeOffItemSelection(); itemSelectionFrm.ReplaceLoan = pawnLoan; itemSelectionFrm.ReplaceCustomer = customerVO; itemSelectionFrm.ShowDialog(); if (itemSelectionFrm.ReplacedICN != null && itemSelectionFrm.ReplacedICN.Count > 0) { customLabelCustName.Text = customerVO.CustomerName; var rICN = new StringBuilder(); var i = 1; foreach (var s in itemSelectionFrm.ReplacedICN) { rICN.Append(s); if (i != itemSelectionFrm.ReplacedICN.Count) { rICN.Append(","); } i++; } customLabelReplacedICN.Text = rICN.ToString(); CustNumber = customerVO.CustomerNumber; } }
private object loadLoanKeys(object data) { DesktopSession cds = GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession; //Get the minimum store interest charge from business rule decimal minFinanceCharge = new BusinessRulesProcedures(GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession).GetStoreMinimumIntCharge(); string errorCode; string errorDesc; List <PawnLoan> pawnLoanKeys; //Check if pawn loan keys is already loaded for this customer in session //if yes do not call SP again if (cds.PawnLoanKeys.Count > 0 && cds.PawnLoanKeys[0].CustomerNumber == cds.ActiveCustomer.CustomerNumber) { return(true); } cds.PawnLoanKeys.Clear(); bool spCallRes = CustomerLoans.GetLoanKeys(this.customerNumber, minFinanceCharge, ShopDateTime.Instance.ShopDate, out pawnLoanKeys, out errorCode, out errorDesc); cds.PawnLoanKeys.AddRange(pawnLoanKeys.AsEnumerable()); return(spCallRes); }
public static bool Get_PFI_Details( string aStoreNumber, DateTime pfiDate, List <int> ticketNumber, out List <PawnLoan> pawnLoans, out List <PawnAppVO> pawnApplications, out List <CustomerVO> customerVOs, out List <PurchaseVO> purchases, out string errorCode, out string errorMsg) { errorCode = string.Empty; errorMsg = string.Empty; purchases = new List <PurchaseVO>(); pawnLoans = new List <PawnLoan>(); customerVOs = new List <CustomerVO>(); pawnApplications = new List <PawnAppVO>(); if (GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession == null || GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.OracleDA == null) { errorCode = "updatePawnLostTicketFlag Failed"; errorMsg = "Invalid desktop session or data accessor"; return(false); } //Get data accessor object OracleDataAccessor dA = GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.OracleDA; List <OracleProcParam> inParams = new List <OracleProcParam>(); List <PairType <string, string> > refCursors = new List <PairType <string, string> >(); //Add store number as param inParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("p_store_nr", aStoreNumber)); inParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("p_pfi_eligible", pfiDate)); //Add ticket number array as param OracleProcParam orpmTicketNumber = new OracleProcParam(ParameterDirection.Input, DataTypeConstants.PawnDataType.LISTINT, "p_ticketList", ticketNumber.Count); foreach (int i in ticketNumber) { orpmTicketNumber.AddValue(i); } inParams.Add(orpmTicketNumber); //Add general ref cursors refCursors.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_app", PAWN_APP)); refCursors.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_loan", PAWN_LOAN)); refCursors.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_mdselist", PAWN_MDSE_LIST)); refCursors.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_gunlist", PAWN_GUN_LIST)); refCursors.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_mdhistlist", PAWN_MDHIST_LIST)); refCursors.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_otherdsclist", PAWN_OTHERDSC_LIST)); refCursors.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_receiptdetlist", PAWN_RECEIPTDET_LIST)); refCursors.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_feelist", PAWN_FEE_LIST)); refCursors.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_purch", PurchaseProcedures.PURCHASE_DATA)); refCursors.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_partpaymentist", PAWN_PAYMENTDETAILS_LIST)); DataSet outputDataSet; bool rt = false; if (inParams.Count > 0) { rt = dA.issueSqlStoredProcCommand( "ccsowner", "pawn_mdse_procs", "get_PFIDetails_a", inParams, refCursors, "o_return_code", "o_return_text", out outputDataSet); } else { errorCode = "updatePawnLostTicketFlag"; errorMsg = "No valid input parameters given"; return(false); } if (outputDataSet != null && rt) { if (outputDataSet.Tables != null && outputDataSet.Tables.Count > 0) { CustomerLoans.ParseDataSet(outputDataSet, out pawnLoans, out pawnApplications); // map dataSet tablenames to enable Purchase parsing reassignName(outputDataSet, CustomerLoans.PAWN_MDSE_LIST, PurchaseProcedures.PAWN_MDSE_LIST); reassignName(outputDataSet, CustomerLoans.PAWN_MDHIST_LIST, PurchaseProcedures.PAWN_MDHIST_LIST); reassignName(outputDataSet, CustomerLoans.PAWN_RECEIPTDET_LIST, PurchaseProcedures.PAWN_RECEIPTDET_LIST); reassignName(outputDataSet, CustomerLoans.PAWN_GUN_LIST, PurchaseProcedures.PAWN_GUN_LIST); PurchaseProcedures.ParseDataSet(outputDataSet, out purchases); /* * if (CollectionUtilities.isEmpty(pawnLoans)) * { * errorCode = "Parsing the data from the stored procedure failed"; * errorMsg = "loan object is null"; * return false; * } * * if (CollectionUtilities.isEmpty(purchases)) * { * errorCode = "Parsing the data from the stored procedure failed"; * errorMsg = "purchases object is null"; * return false; * } */ errorCode = "0"; errorMsg = string.Empty; return(true); } else { errorCode = "1"; errorMsg = "No Data Found"; return(true); } } return(rt); }
/// <summary> /// Get all the pawn loans based on the id number passed /// </summary> /// <param name="storeNumber"></param> /// <param name="pawnLoanStatus"></param> /// <param name="TempStatus"></param> /// <param name="date"></param> /// <param name="bGetCustomerInfo"></param> /// <param name="pawnLoans"></param> /// <param name="pawnApplications"></param> /// <param name="customerVOs"></param> /// <param name="errorCode"></param> /// <param name="errorText"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool GetStoreLoans( string storeNumber, ProductStatus pawnLoanStatus, StateStatus TempStatus, DateTime date, bool bGetCustomerInfo, out List <PawnLoan> pawnLoans, out List <PawnAppVO> pawnApplications, out List <CustomerVO> customerVOs, out string errorCode, out string errorText) { //Set default output params pawnLoans = new List <PawnLoan>(); pawnApplications = new List <PawnAppVO>(); customerVOs = new List <CustomerVO>(); errorCode = string.Empty; errorText = string.Empty; if (GlobalDataAccessor.Instance == null || GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.OracleDA == null) { errorCode = "GetStoreLoansFailed"; errorText = "Invalid desktop session or data accessor"; return(false); } //Get data accessor object OracleDataAccessor dA = GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.OracleDA; List <OracleProcParam> inParams = new List <OracleProcParam>(); //Add store number inParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("p_store_number", storeNumber)); inParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("p_status", pawnLoanStatus.ToString())); inParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("p_date", date)); if (TempStatus != StateStatus.BLNK) { inParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("p_temp_type", TempStatus.ToString())); } else { inParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("p_temp_type", "0")); } List <PairType <string, string> > refCursArr = new List <PairType <string, string> >(); refCursArr.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_app", PAWN_APP)); refCursArr.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_loan", PAWN_LOAN)); refCursArr.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_mdselist", PAWN_MDSE_LIST)); refCursArr.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_gunlist", PAWN_GUN_LIST)); refCursArr.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_mdhistlist", PAWN_MDHIST_LIST)); refCursArr.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_otherdsclist", PAWN_OTHERDSC_LIST)); refCursArr.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_receiptdetlist", PAWN_RECEIPTDET_LIST)); refCursArr.Add(new PairType <string, string>("o_pawn_feelist", PAWN_FEE_LIST)); DataSet outputDataSet; bool retVal = false; try { retVal = dA.issueSqlStoredProcCommand( "ccsowner", "pawn_store_procs", "get_store_loans", inParams, refCursArr, "o_return_code", "o_return_text", out outputDataSet); } catch (Exception oEx) { BasicExceptionHandler.Instance.AddException("Calling get_store_loans stored procedure", oEx); errorCode = " -- GetStoreLoans failed"; errorText = " --- Exception: " + oEx.Message; return(false); } if (retVal == false) { errorCode = dA.ErrorCode; errorText = dA.ErrorDescription; return(false); } else { if (outputDataSet != null && outputDataSet.IsInitialized) { if (outputDataSet.Tables != null && outputDataSet.Tables.Count > 0) { try { CustomerLoans.ParseDataSet(outputDataSet, out pawnLoans, out pawnApplications); if (CollectionUtilities.isEmpty(pawnLoans) || CollectionUtilities.isEmpty(pawnApplications)) { errorCode = "Parsing the data from the stored procedure failed"; errorText = "Pawn Loans or the PawnApplications object is null"; return(false); } if (bGetCustomerInfo) { customerVOs.AddRange(pawnLoans.Select(pLoan => CustomerProcedures.getCustomerDataByCustomerNumber(GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession, pLoan.CustomerNumber))); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { errorCode = "Parsing the data from the stored procedure failed"; errorText = ex.Message; return(false); } } else { errorText = "No records found."; return(false); } } } errorCode = "GETSTOREDLOANSFAIL"; errorText = "Operation failed"; return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the storage id from the lookup data. /// </summary> /// <returns>True upon success.</returns> private bool SetStorageIDFromLookup() { var productsList = (System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox)productTypeList1.Controls[0]; var ticketNumber = -1; if (productsList.SelectedIndex == 0 || !int.TryParse(txtTicketNumber.Text.Trim(), out ticketNumber)) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( "Please ensure you have selected a product and ticket number."); return(false); } var docInfo = new CouchDbUtils.PawnDocInfo(); string errString; docInfo.StoreNumber = GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.CurrentSiteId.StoreNumber; if (productsList.SelectedValue.ToString() == DocumentHelper.RECIEPT) { docInfo.ReceiptNumber = ticketNumber; docInfo.SetDocumentSearchType(CouchDbUtils.DocSearchType.RECEIPT); } else if (productsList.SelectedValue.ToString() == DocumentHelper.POLICE_CARD) { docInfo.ReceiptNumber = ticketNumber; docInfo.TicketNumber = ticketNumber; docInfo.SetDocumentSearchType(CouchDbUtils.DocSearchType.POLICE_CARD); } else if (productsList.SelectedValue.ToString() == DocumentHelper.RELEASE_FINGERPRINTS) { docInfo.TicketNumber = ticketNumber; docInfo.SetDocumentSearchType(CouchDbUtils.DocSearchType.RELEASE_FINGERPRINTS); } else { docInfo.TicketNumber = ticketNumber; docInfo.SetDocumentSearchType(CouchDbUtils.DocSearchType.STORE_TICKET); } //Also set the meta tag here as well as search type. if (productsList.SelectedValue.Equals(DocumentHelper.CUSTOMER_BUY) || productsList.SelectedValue.Equals(DocumentHelper.PURCHASE_RETURN)) { if (GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.CurrentSiteId.State == States.Indiana) { docInfo.AuxInfo = PurchaseDocumentIndiana.PURCHASE_AUXINFOTAG; } else { docInfo.AuxInfo = PurchaseDocumentGenerator.PURCHASE_AUXINFOTAG; } } else if (productsList.SelectedValue.Equals(DocumentHelper.PAWN_LOAN)) { PawnLoan pawnLoan; PawnAppVO pApp; CustomerVO customerVO; string errorCode; string errorText; if (!CustomerLoans.GetPawnLoan(GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession, Utilities.GetIntegerValue(GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.CurrentSiteId.StoreNumber), ticketNumber, "0", StateStatus.BLNK, true, out pawnLoan, out pApp, out customerVO, out errorCode, out errorText)) { FileLogger.Instance.logMessage(LogLevel.ERROR, this, "Error trying to get loan data" + errorText); MessageBox.Show("Error trying to get loan details for the number entered."); return(false); } if (pawnLoan.DateMade.Date != ShopDateTime.Instance.FullShopDateTime.Date) { FileLogger.Instance.logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, this, "Cannot reprint loan documents for " + ticketNumber.ToString() + " on a previous date"); MessageBox.Show("This document is not eligible for reprint after the loan date."); return(false); } } else if (productsList.SelectedValue.Equals(DocumentHelper.POLICE_CARD)) { this.DocumentType = Document.DocTypeNames.TEXT; } else if (productsList.SelectedValue.Equals(DocumentHelper.RECIEPT)) { this.DocumentType = Document.DocTypeNames.RECEIPT; } else if (productsList.SelectedValue.Equals(DocumentHelper.RELEASE_FINGERPRINTS)) { this.DocumentType = Document.DocTypeNames.PDF; } else { throw new NotImplementedException("This product has not been implemented yet."); } var lastStorageId = documentHelper.GetStorageId(Utilities.GetStringValue(productsList.SelectedValue, null), docInfo, out errString); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastStorageId)) { this.StorageId = lastStorageId; } else { MessageBox.Show("Could not find the document."); return(false); } return(true); }
private void TicketsDataGridView_CellMouseUp(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex == TicketsDataGridView.Columns["FindColumn"].Index && e.RowIndex >= 0) { if (TicketsDataGridView["FindColumn", e.RowIndex].ReadOnly) { return; } string sStoreNumber = Utilities.GetStringValue(TicketsDataGridView["StoreColumn", e.RowIndex].Value, string.Empty); int iTicketNumber = Utilities.GetIntegerValue(TicketsDataGridView["TicketColumn", e.RowIndex].Value, 0); //Duplicate check -- Madhu - BZ # 147 - prevent adding if it already exists in the grid bool exists = false; int existingTicketNum = 0; foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in TicketsDataGridView.Rows) { existingTicketNum = Utilities.GetIntegerValue(dr.Cells["TicketColumn"].Value, 0); if (dr.Index != e.RowIndex && existingTicketNum != 0 && iTicketNumber != 0 && existingTicketNum == iTicketNumber) { MessageBox.Show("Loan Number " + existingTicketNum + " has already been added in this list."); exists = true; break; } } if (!exists) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iTicketNumber.ToString())) { exists = parentWindow.SearchGrid(iTicketNumber.ToString()); if (exists) { MessageBox.Show("Loan Number " + iTicketNumber + " has already been added."); } } } if (exists) { return; } //duplicate check end //no ticket - S. Murphy need store to default to current store if none is entered if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sStoreNumber)) { sStoreNumber = GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.CurrentSiteId.StoreNumber; } // Place Holder for Stored Proc call PawnLoan pawnLoan = new PawnLoan(); PawnAppVO pawnAppVO = new PawnAppVO(); CustomerVO customerVO = new CustomerVO(); var sErrorCode = string.Empty; var sErrorText = string.Empty; if (CustomerLoans.GetPawnLoan(GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession, Convert.ToInt32(sStoreNumber), iTicketNumber, "0", StateStatus.BLNK, true, out pawnLoan, out pawnAppVO, out customerVO, out sErrorCode, out sErrorText)) { if (pawnLoan != null && pawnLoan.LoanStatus != ProductStatus.IP) { //TicketsDataGridView["NameColumn", e.RowIndex].Style.ForeColor = Color.Red; DataGridViewCellStyle style = new DataGridViewCellStyle(); style.ForeColor = Color.Red; TicketsDataGridView["NameColumn", e.RowIndex].Style.ApplyStyle(style); TicketsDataGridView["NameColumn", e.RowIndex].Value = "Invalid Ticket"; //Madhu fix for BZ # 147 addButton.Enabled = false; } else { //Madhu fix for BZ # 147 EnableAddButton(); //addButton.Enabled = true; if (customerVO.LastName != "") { TicketsDataGridView["NameColumn", e.RowIndex].Value = ( customerVO.FirstName + " " + customerVO.MiddleInitial + " " + customerVO.LastName ).Replace(" ", " "); if (pawnLoan != null) { if (_AddedPawnLoans.FindIndex(delegate(PawnLoan pl) { return(pl.TicketNumber == pawnLoan.TicketNumber); }) < 0) { _AddedPawnLoans.Add(pawnLoan); } } } } if (TicketsDataGridView.CurrentRow != null) { //no ticket - S. Murphy need store to default to current store if none is entered if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sStoreNumber)) { sStoreNumber = GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.CurrentSiteId.StoreNumber; } } if (TicketsDataGridView.CurrentRow.Index == e.RowIndex && TicketsDataGridView.Rows.Count - 1 == e.RowIndex && sStoreNumber != "" && iTicketNumber != 0) { TicketsDataGridView.Rows.Add(); //Madhu BZ # 147 TicketsDataGridView.EditingControlShowing += new DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventHandler(TicketsDataGridView_EditingControlShowing); foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in TicketsDataGridView.Rows) { string sStoreNum = Utilities.GetStringValue(dr.Cells["StoreColumn"].Value); int iTicketNum = Utilities.GetIntegerValue(dr.Cells["TicketColumn"].Value); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sStoreNum) || iTicketNum == 0) { dr.Cells["FindColumn"].ReadOnly = true; } } } } else { //Madhu fix for BZ # 147 if (TicketsDataGridView != null && TicketsDataGridView.Rows.Count <= 1) { addButton.Enabled = false; } MessageBox.Show("A Ticket Number was not found using the Store Number entered.", "Lookup Ticket Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } }
private void loadReceiptData() { //this.receiptDataTextBox.Text; DesktopSession cds = GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(StringUtilities.centerString(CASHAMERICATXT, TXTBOXWIDTH)); sb.AppendLine(StringUtilities.centerString(ProcessTenderController.STORE_NAME, TXTBOXWIDTH)); this.store_short_name = ProcessTenderController.STORE_NAME; this.store_street_address = ProcessTenderController.STORE_ADDRESS; this.store_city_state_zip = ProcessTenderController.STORE_CITY + ", " + ProcessTenderController.STORE_STATE + ProcessTenderController.STORE_ZIP; this.store_phone = ProcessTenderController.STORE_PHONE; sb.AppendLine(StringUtilities.centerString(ProcessTenderController.STORE_ADDRESS, TXTBOXWIDTH)); sb.AppendLine(StringUtilities.centerString(ProcessTenderController.STORE_CITY + ", " + ProcessTenderController.STORE_STATE + " " + ProcessTenderController.STORE_ZIP, TXTBOXWIDTH)); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(StringUtilities.centerString(ProcessTenderController.STORE_PHONE, TXTBOXWIDTH)); if (CollectionUtilities.isNotEmpty(cds.PawnReceipt)) { Common.Libraries.Utility.Shared.Receipt pReceipt = cds.PawnReceipt[0]; DateTime receiptDt = pReceipt.Date; //Load loan PawnLoan pLoan; PawnAppVO pApp; CustomerVO custVO; string errorCode; string errorText; try { int receiptStore = Int32.Parse(pReceipt.StoreNumber); int ticketNum = Int32.Parse(pReceipt.RefNumber); if (!CustomerLoans.GetPawnLoan(GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession, receiptStore, ticketNum, "0", StateStatus.BLNK, true, out pLoan, out pApp, out custVO, out errorCode, out errorText)) { //Do something about the error here MessageBox.Show("Cannot find loan associated with receipt."); NavControlBox.Action = NavBox.NavAction.CANCEL; return; } this.pwnLoan = pLoan; this.pwnApp = pApp; if (custVO == null) { //Do something about the error here MessageBox.Show("Cannot find customer associated with receipt"); NavControlBox.Action = NavBox.NavAction.CANCEL; return; } /* this.voidReceiptButton.Enabled = * (this.pwnLoan.LoanStatus == PawnLoanStatus.IP);*/ this.printButton.Enabled = true; this.f_date_and_time = receiptDt.ToString("d", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " " + this.pwnLoan.MadeTime.ToShortTimeString(); sb.AppendLine(StringUtilities.centerString(this.f_date_and_time, TXTBOXWIDTH)); this.receipt_number = "" + pReceipt.ReceiptNumber; sb.AppendLine(StringUtilities.centerString(RECEIPTNUM + pReceipt.ReceiptNumber, TXTBOXWIDTH)); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(StringUtilities.centerString(CUSTOMERLABEL + custVO.LastName + ", " + custVO.FirstName, TXTBOXWIDTH)); this.f_cust_name = custVO.LastName + ", " + custVO.FirstName.Substring(0, 1); sb.AppendLine(StringUtilities.centerString(LOANLABEL + pLoan.OrgShopNumber + pLoan.TicketNumber, TXTBOXWIDTH)); sb.AppendLine(); this.ticketAmount = this.pwnLoan.Amount.ToString("C"); this.ticketNumber = this.pwnLoan.TicketNumber.ToString(); if (this.pwnLoan.LoanStatus == ProductStatus.IP) { sb.AppendLine("1 Pawn Loan"); sb.AppendLine(BARDATA); sb.AppendLine("Cash Paid TO Customer " + pReceipt.Amount.ToString("C")); } else if (this.pwnLoan.LoanStatus == ProductStatus.PU) { sb.AppendLine("Pickup Pawn Loan"); sb.AppendLine(BARDATA); sb.AppendLine("Cash Received FROM Customer " + pReceipt.Amount.ToString("C")); } sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(StringUtilities.centerString(EMPLOYEELABEL + pReceipt.EntID, 40)); this.emp_number = pReceipt.EntID; sb.AppendLine(TBARDATA); //Add receipt information to text box this.receiptDataTextBox.Text = sb.ToString(); this.receiptDataTextBox.Update(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot find receipt."); this.NavControlBox.Action = NavBox.NavAction.CANCEL; this.Close(); } } }
void bwLookupPawnTicket_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { _retValue = CustomerLoans.GetPawnLoan(GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.DesktopSession, _storeNumber, _ticketNumber, idType, StateStatus.BLNK, true, out _pawnLoan, out _pawnApplication, out _custObject, out _errorCode, out _errorText); }