public double SumSavingReq(int CustomerId, int ActiveFlag) { double SumSave = 0; List <GoalProfileSetupVo> GoalProfileList = new List <GoalProfileSetupVo>(); CustomerGoalSetupDao customerGoalProfileDao = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); GoalProfileSetupVo goalProfileSetupVo = new GoalProfileSetupVo(); GoalProfileList = customerGoalProfileDao.GetCustomerGoalProfile(CustomerId, ActiveFlag); try { for (int i = 0; i < GoalProfileList.Count; i++) { SumSave += goalProfileSetupVo.MonthlySavingsReq; } } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw Ex; } catch (Exception Ex) { BaseApplicationException exBase = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex); NameValueCollection FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection(); FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:SumSavingReq()"); object[] objects = new object[1]; objects[0] = CustomerId; FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects); exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo; ExceptionManager.Publish(exBase); throw exBase; } return(SumSave); }
public Decimal GetExpectedROI(int CustomerID) { Decimal ExpROI = 0; CustomerGoalSetupDao ExpectedROI = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); try { ExpROI = ExpectedROI.GetExpectedROI(CustomerID); } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw Ex; } catch (Exception Ex) { BaseApplicationException exBase = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex); NameValueCollection FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection(); FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:GetExpectedROI()"); object[] objects = new object[1]; objects[0] = CustomerID; FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects); exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo; ExceptionManager.Publish(exBase); throw exBase; } return(ExpROI); }
public GoalProfileSetupVo GetCustomerGoal(int CustomerId, int GoalId) { GoalProfileSetupVo GoalProfileVo = new GoalProfileSetupVo(); CustomerGoalSetupDao GaolProfiling = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); try { GoalProfileVo = GaolProfiling.GetCustomerGoal(CustomerId, GoalId); } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw Ex; } catch (Exception Ex) { BaseApplicationException exBase = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex); NameValueCollection FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection(); FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:GetCustomerGoalProfiling()"); object[] objects = new object[2]; objects[0] = CustomerId; objects[1] = GoalId; FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects); exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo; ExceptionManager.Publish(exBase); throw exBase; } return(GoalProfileVo); }
public void DeleteCustomerGoal(String GoalIDs, int UserId) { CustomerGoalSetupDao DeleteGoalProfile = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); try { DeleteGoalProfile.DeleteCustomerlGoal(GoalIDs, UserId); } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw Ex; } catch (Exception Ex) { BaseApplicationException exBase = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex); NameValueCollection FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection(); FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:DeleteCustomerGoal()"); object[] objects = new object[2]; objects[0] = GoalIDs; objects[1] = UserId; FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects); exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo; ExceptionManager.Publish(exBase); throw exBase; } }
public int CheckGoalProfile(int UserId) { CustomerGoalSetupDao GaolProfiling = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); int Count = 0; return(Count = GaolProfiling.CheckGoalProfile(UserId)); }
public decimal GetInflationPercent() { CustomerGoalSetupDao CustomerGoalDao = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); decimal InflationPercent = CustomerGoalDao.GetInflationPercent(); return(InflationPercent); }
public DataSet GetCustomerAssociationDetails(int CustomerID) { DataSet dsGetCustomerAssociationDetails = new DataSet(); CustomerGoalSetupDao AssociationDetails = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); try { dsGetCustomerAssociationDetails = AssociationDetails.GetCustomerAssociationDetails(CustomerID); } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw Ex; } catch (Exception Ex) { BaseApplicationException exBase = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex); NameValueCollection FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection(); FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:GetCustomerGoalProfiling()"); object[] objects = new object[0]; FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects); exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo; ExceptionManager.Publish(exBase); throw exBase; } return(dsGetCustomerAssociationDetails); }
public List <GoalProfileSetupVo> GetCustomerGoalProfile(int CustomerId, int ActiveFlag) { List <GoalProfileSetupVo> GoalProfileList = new List <GoalProfileSetupVo>(); CustomerGoalSetupDao customerGoalProfileDao = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); try { GoalProfileList = customerGoalProfileDao.GetCustomerGoalProfile(CustomerId, ActiveFlag); } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw Ex; } catch (Exception Ex) { BaseApplicationException exBase = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex); NameValueCollection FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection(); FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:GetCustomerGoalProfile()"); object[] objects = new object[1]; objects[0] = CustomerId; FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects); exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo; ExceptionManager.Publish(exBase); throw exBase; } return(GoalProfileList); }
public DataSet GetReacrringGoal(int goalId) { CustomerGoalSetupDao customerGoalSetupDao = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); DataSet dsGetReacrringGoal; try { dsGetReacrringGoal = customerGoalSetupDao.GetReacrringGoal(goalId); } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw (Ex); } return(dsGetReacrringGoal); }
public DataSet GetGoalListMIS(string userType, int advisorId, int rmId, int customerId, int branchHeadId, int branchId, int all, int isGroup, string goalCode) { CustomerGoalSetupDao goalSetupDao = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); DataSet dsGetGoalMIS; try { dsGetGoalMIS = goalSetupDao.GetGoalListMIS(userType, advisorId, rmId, customerId, branchHeadId, branchId, all, isGroup, goalCode); } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw (Ex); } return(dsGetGoalMIS); }
public DataSet GetGoals() { CustomerGoalSetupDao customerGoalSetupDao = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); DataSet dsGetGoals; try { dsGetGoals = customerGoalSetupDao.GetGoals(); } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw (Ex); } return(dsGetGoals); }
public void CreateCustomerGoalProfileForRetirement(GoalProfileSetupVo GoalProfileVo, int UserId, int Flag) { try { GoalProfileSetupVo CreateGoalProfileVo = new GoalProfileSetupVo(); CreateGoalProfileVo = CalculateGoalProfileRT(GoalProfileVo); CustomerGoalSetupDao customerGoalSetupDao = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); if (Flag == 0) { customerGoalSetupDao.CreateCustomerGoalProfile(CreateGoalProfileVo, UserId); } else { // when the flag value 1 at this time userId IS GoalId customerGoalSetupDao.UpdateCustomerGoalProfile(CreateGoalProfileVo, UserId); } } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw Ex; } catch (Exception Ex) { BaseApplicationException exBase = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex); NameValueCollection FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection(); FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:CreateCustomerGoalProfileForRetirement()"); object[] objects = new object[2]; objects[0] = GoalProfileVo; objects[1] = UserId; FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects); exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo; ExceptionManager.Publish(exBase); throw exBase; } }
public void SetCustomerAllGoalDeActive(int UserId) { CustomerGoalSetupDao GaolProfiling = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); GaolProfiling.SetCustomerAllGoalDeActive(UserId); }
public GoalProfileSetupVo CalculateGoalProfile(GoalProfileSetupVo GoalProfileVo) { double futureInvValue = 0; double futureCost = 0; double requiredSavings = 0; double costToday = 0; double requiredAfter = 0; double currentValue = 0; double rateEarned = 0; double rateOfReturn = 0; double inflationValues = 0; string goal = string.Empty; CustomerGoalSetupDao CustomerGoalDao = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); double InflationPercent = GoalProfileVo.InflationPercent; try { costToday = GoalProfileVo.CostOfGoalToday; // requiredAfter = GoalProfileVo.GoalYear; requiredAfter = GoalProfileVo.GoalYear - DateTime.Today.Year; currentValue = GoalProfileVo.CurrInvestementForGoal; rateEarned = GoalProfileVo.ROIEarned / 100; rateOfReturn = GoalProfileVo.ExpectedROI / 100; inflationValues = (Double)InflationPercent / 100; futureCost = Math.Abs(FutureValue(inflationValues, requiredAfter, 0, costToday, 0)); if (currentValue == 0 && rateEarned == 0) { futureInvValue = 0; } else { futureInvValue = Math.Abs(FutureValue(rateEarned, requiredAfter, 0, currentValue, 0)); } requiredSavings = Math.Abs(PMT((rateOfReturn / 12), (requiredAfter * 12), 0, (futureCost - futureInvValue), 0)); GoalProfileVo.MonthlySavingsReq = requiredSavings; GoalProfileVo.InflationPercent = (Double)InflationPercent; GoalProfileVo.FutureValueOfCostToday = (Double)futureCost; return(GoalProfileVo); } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw Ex; } catch (Exception Ex) { BaseApplicationException exBase = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex); NameValueCollection FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection(); FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:CalculateGoalProfile()"); object[] objects = new object[1]; objects[0] = GoalProfileVo; FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects); exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo; ExceptionManager.Publish(exBase); throw exBase; } }
public GoalProfileSetupVo CalculateGoalProfileRT(GoalProfileSetupVo GoalProfileVo) { CustomerGoalSetupDao CustomerGoalDao = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); int yearsLeft = 0; int targetRetirementYear = 0; double amountRequired = 0; double futureValue = 0; double retirementCorpus = 0; double monthlySavings = 0; double lumpsumInvestRequired = 0; double InflationPercent = GoalProfileVo.InflationPercent; double InflationValue = InflationPercent / 100; try { double annualRequirement = GoalProfileVo.CostOfGoalToday; double currentValue = GoalProfileVo.CurrInvestementForGoal; double exRate = GoalProfileVo.ROIEarned / 100; double newRate = GoalProfileVo.ExpectedROI / 100; double retRetirementCorpus = GoalProfileVo.RateofInterestOnFture / 100; if (GoalProfileVo.GoalYear != 0) { targetRetirementYear = GoalProfileVo.GoalYear; yearsLeft = targetRetirementYear - DateTime.Now.Year; } amountRequired = annualRequirement / retRetirementCorpus; if (currentValue == 0 && exRate == 0) { futureValue = 0; } else { futureValue = Math.Abs(FutureValue(exRate, yearsLeft, 0, currentValue, 0)); } retirementCorpus = Math.Abs(FutureValue(InflationValue, yearsLeft, 0, amountRequired, 0)); monthlySavings = Math.Abs(PMT((newRate / 12), (yearsLeft * 12), 0, (retirementCorpus - futureValue), 0)); lumpsumInvestRequired = Math.Abs(PV(newRate, yearsLeft, 0, -(retirementCorpus - futureValue), 0)); GoalProfileVo.FutureValueOnCurrentInvest = futureValue; GoalProfileVo.FutureValueOfCostToday = retirementCorpus; GoalProfileVo.MonthlySavingsReq = monthlySavings; GoalProfileVo.InflationPercent = InflationPercent; GoalProfileVo.LumpsumInvestRequired = lumpsumInvestRequired; return(GoalProfileVo); } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw Ex; } catch (Exception Ex) { BaseApplicationException exBase = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex); NameValueCollection FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection(); FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:CreateCustomerGoalProfileForRetirement()"); object[] objects = new object[1]; objects[0] = GoalProfileVo; FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects); exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo; ExceptionManager.Publish(exBase); throw exBase; } }
/// <summary> /// It retuns Customer Other Goals description paragrapgh /// </summary> /// <param name="CustomerId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string OtherGoalDescriptionText(int CustomerId) { string GoalDescription = ""; List <GoalProfileSetupVo> GoalProfileList = new List <GoalProfileSetupVo>(); CustomerGoalSetupDao customerGoalProfileDao = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); try { double totalChildEducation = 0; double totalChildMarriage = 0; double totalHome = 0; double totalOther = 0; string strMain = ""; string strChildEducation = ""; string strChildMarriage = ""; string strHome = ""; string strOther = ""; string strTotal = ""; GoalProfileList = customerGoalProfileDao.GetCustomerGoalProfile(CustomerId, 1); if (GoalProfileList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < GoalProfileList.Count; i++) { goalProfileSetupVo = new GoalProfileSetupVo(); goalProfileSetupVo = GoalProfileList[i]; if (goalProfileSetupVo.Goalcode == "BH") { totalHome = totalHome + goalProfileSetupVo.MonthlySavingsReq; } if (goalProfileSetupVo.Goalcode == "ED") { totalChildEducation = totalChildEducation + goalProfileSetupVo.MonthlySavingsReq; } if (goalProfileSetupVo.Goalcode == "MR") { totalChildMarriage = totalChildMarriage + goalProfileSetupVo.MonthlySavingsReq; } if (goalProfileSetupVo.Goalcode == "OT") { totalOther = totalOther + goalProfileSetupVo.MonthlySavingsReq; } } double TotalCost = totalChildEducation + totalChildMarriage + totalHome + totalOther; strMain = "Based on your inputs we have done an analysis of your life's major financial goals and savings required to achieve them."; if (totalChildEducation != 0) { strChildEducation = "You need to save Rs." + Math.Round(totalChildEducation, 2).ToString() + " to meet your children's higher education expenses."; } if (totalChildMarriage != 0) { strChildMarriage = "Your monthly saving should be Rs." + Math.Round(totalChildMarriage, 2).ToString() + " to meet your children's marriage expeneses."; } if (totalHome != 0) { strHome = "For buying house you need to save Rs." + Math.Round(totalHome, 2).ToString() + " every month."; } if (totalOther != 0) { strOther = "For other Goals you need to save Rs." + Math.Round(totalOther, 2).ToString() + " every month."; } strTotal = "To meet all your major life goals other than retirement you need to save Rs." + Math.Round(TotalCost, 2).ToString() + " every month."; GoalDescription = strMain + strChildEducation + strChildMarriage + strHome + strOther + strTotal; } else { GoalDescription = ""; } } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw Ex; } catch (Exception Ex) { BaseApplicationException exBase = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex); NameValueCollection FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection(); FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:GetCustomerGoalProfile()"); object[] objects = new object[1]; objects[0] = CustomerId; FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects); exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo; ExceptionManager.Publish(exBase); throw exBase; } return(GoalDescription); }
/// <summary> /// It retuns Customer Retirement Goal description paragrapgh /// </summary> /// <param name="CustomerID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string RTGoalDescriptionText(int CustomerID) { string GoalDescription = ""; DataSet dsGetCustomerRTDetails = new DataSet(); CustomerGoalSetupDao RTDetails = new CustomerGoalSetupDao(); try { string futureValueOncurrentInvestment = null; string futureValueOncurrentInvestment2 = null; string yearlySavingRequired = null; string gapvalues = null; dsGetCustomerRTDetails = RTDetails.GetCustomerRTDetails(CustomerID); if (dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_FutureValueOnCurrentInvest"].ToString())) { futureValueOncurrentInvestment = "0"; } else { futureValueOncurrentInvestment = Math.Round(double.Parse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_FutureValueOnCurrentInvest"].ToString()), 2).ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_LumpsumInvestmentRequired"].ToString())) { futureValueOncurrentInvestment2 = "0"; } else { futureValueOncurrentInvestment2 = Math.Round(double.Parse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_LumpsumInvestmentRequired"].ToString()), 2).ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_YearlySavingsRequired"].ToString())) { yearlySavingRequired = "0"; } else { yearlySavingRequired = Math.Round(double.Parse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_YearlySavingsRequired"].ToString()), 2).ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_GapValues"].ToString())) { gapvalues = "0"; } else { gapvalues = Math.Round(double.Parse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_GapValues"].ToString()), 2).ToString(); } if (dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { double fvCostOfToday = 0; double currentInvestment = 0; double roiEarned = 0; double monthlySavingsRequired = 0; double.TryParse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_FVofCostToday"].ToString(), out fvCostOfToday); double.TryParse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_CurrentInvestment"].ToString(), out currentInvestment); double.TryParse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_ROIEarned"].ToString(), out roiEarned); double.TryParse(dsGetCustomerRTDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CG_MonthlySavingsRequired"].ToString(), out monthlySavingsRequired); string StrRT1 = "We have done an extensive analysis of your" + " retirement goal needs and savings required per month to meet those " + "needs.Based on the inputs provided by you we have calculated that at " + "the time of your retirement you'll need a corpus of Rs." + Math.Round(fvCostOfToday, 2).ToString() + " to lead a financialy stable retired life."; string StrRT2 = "To meet the retirement goal you have already invested Rs." + Math.Round(currentInvestment, 2).ToString() + " which will grow at " + Math.Round(roiEarned, 2).ToString() + " % " + " and it's value at the time of your retirement will be Rs." + futureValueOncurrentInvestment + "."; string StrRT3 = "You have no investmensts attached to your retirement."; string StrRT4 = "For the gap of Rs." + gapvalues + " for your retirement goal, you need to start planning soon." + "You can opt for any of the following saving options to meet your retirement goal." + " Monthly savings required to meet the goal is Rs." + Math.Round(monthlySavingsRequired, 2).ToString() + ".Yearly savings required to meet the goal is Rs." + yearlySavingRequired + ".Lumpsum investment required is Rs." + futureValueOncurrentInvestment2 + ".We recommend you to start saving as per the retirement plan provided by us."; if (currentInvestment == 0) { GoalDescription = StrRT1 + StrRT3 + StrRT4; } else { GoalDescription = StrRT1 + StrRT2 + StrRT4; } } else { GoalDescription = ""; } } else { GoalDescription = ""; } } catch (BaseApplicationException Ex) { throw Ex; } catch (Exception Ex) { BaseApplicationException exBase = new BaseApplicationException(Ex.Message, Ex); NameValueCollection FunctionInfo = new NameValueCollection(); FunctionInfo.Add("Method", "CustomerGoalSetupBo.cs:GetCustomerRTDetails()"); object[] objects = new object[0]; FunctionInfo = exBase.AddObject(FunctionInfo, objects); exBase.AdditionalInformation = FunctionInfo; ExceptionManager.Publish(exBase); throw exBase; } return(GoalDescription); }