Пример #1
        public void GetCustomerTest()
            CustomerDataLayer customerDataLayer = new CustomerDataLayer();
            var cust = customerDataLayer.GetForName("aaron");

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Monitors for CDR's that utilised real-time call control and that have now completed and require credit reconciliation.
        /// </summary>
        private void ReconcileCDRs()
                Thread.CurrentThread.Name = RTCC_THREAD_NAME;

                logger.Debug("RTCC Core Starting Reconcile CDRs thread.");

                while (!m_exit)
                        using (var db = new SIPSorceryEntities())
                            var rtccReconciliationDue = (from rtcc in db.RTCCs1.Include("cdr")
                                                         where rtcc.AccountCode != null && ((rtcc.cdr.AnsweredStatus > 0 && rtcc.cdr.AnsweredStatus < 200) || rtcc.cdr.AnsweredStatus >= 300 || rtcc.cdr.HungupTime != null || rtcc.cdr.HungupReason != null) &&
                                                         rtcc.ReconciliationResult == null && rtcc.PostReconciliationBalance == null && rtcc.Cost > 0
                                                         orderby rtcc.cdr.HungupTime
                                                         select rtcc).Take(NUMBER_CDRS_PER_ROUNDTRIP);

                            while (rtccReconciliationDue.Count() > 0)
                                foreach (RTCC rtcc in rtccReconciliationDue)
                                    Log_External(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.RTCC, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Reconciling credit for call " + rtcc.cdr.Dst + ".", rtcc.cdr.Owner));

                                    logger.Debug("Answered Status=" + rtcc.cdr.AnsweredStatus + ", hungup time=" + rtcc.cdr.HungupTime + ", hungup reason=" + rtcc.cdr.HungupReason + ".");

                                    logger.Debug("Reconciliation starting for CDR " + rtcc.cdr.ID + ", owner " + rtcc.cdr.Owner + ", destination " + rtcc.cdr.Dst + ", duration " + rtcc.cdr.Duration + ", rate " + rtcc.Rate + ", setup cost " +
                                                 rtcc.SetupCost + ", increment seconds " + rtcc.IncrementSeconds + " and reserved credit of " + rtcc.Cost + ".");

                                    decimal callCost = m_customerAccountDataLayer.ReturnUnusedCredit(rtcc.ID);

                                    if (callCost > Decimal.Zero)
                                        // Check whether a reconciliation callback needs to be made for this customer account.
                                        var customer = _customerDataLayer.GetForName(rtcc.cdr.Owner);

                                        if (customer.RTCCReconciliationURL.NotNullOrBlank())
                                            // Send an async HTTP GET request to the specified URL.
                    catch (Exception monitorExcp)
                        logger.Error("Exception ReconcileCDRs Monitoring. " + monitorExcp);


                logger.Warn("RTCCCore ReconcileCDRs thread stopping.");
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception RTCCCore ReconcileCDRs. " + excp.Message);
                logger.Error("InnerException RTCCCore ReconcileCDRs. " + excp.InnerException);