Пример #1
        public void TestReportingFpMLSamplesLoadAllValid()
            //string fileSpec =  "rpt-ex20-matured-and-expired-trades.xml";
            string   fileSpec        = "*.xml";
            TimeSpan localTimeOffset = DateTimeOffset.Now.Offset;

            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromHours(10), localTimeOffset);//11
            var transformIncoming = new CustomXmlTransformer(FpMLViewHelpers.GetIncomingConversionMap(), OutputDateTimeKind.UnspecifiedOrLocal, null);
            var transformOutgoing = new CustomXmlTransformer(FpMLViewHelpers.GetOutgoingConversionMap(), OutputDateTimeKind.UnspecifiedOrCustom, TimeSpan.FromHours(-5));
            var schemaSet         = FpMLViewHelpers.GetSchemaSet();
            var results           = TestHelper.LoadFiles(
                FPMLViewName, schemaSet, FpMLViewHelpers.AutoDetectType, fileSpec,
                transformIncoming, transformOutgoing,
                false, false, false);

            Assert.AreEqual(178, results.FilesProcessed.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, results.DeserialisationErrors.Count);//TODO should be 0
            Assert.AreEqual(0, results.OrigValidationWarnings.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, results.OrigValidationErrors.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, results.IncomingTransformErrors.Count);
Пример #2
        private void BtnRunTestsClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _Abort = false;
            LogInfo("Tests starting...");
            var schemaSet = FpMLViewHelpers.GetSchemaSet();
            // init paths
            string          externalPath      = txtWorkPath.Text + @"\External.xml";
            string          importedPath      = txtWorkPath.Text + @"\Imported.xml";
            string          internalPath      = txtWorkPath.Text + @"\Internal.xml";
            string          exportedPath      = txtWorkPath.Text + @"\Exported.xml";
            IXmlTransformer importTransformer = new CustomXmlTransformer(FpMLViewHelpers.GetIncomingConversionMap());
            IXmlTransformer exportTransformer = new CustomXmlTransformer(FpMLViewHelpers.GetOutgoingConversionMap());

            // test loop
            foreach (var item in clbTests.CheckedItems)
                if (_Abort)
                string checkedTest = item.ToString();
                int    p1          = checkedTest.IndexOf('[');
                int    p2          = checkedTest.IndexOf(']');
                string testId      = checkedTest.Substring(p1 + 1, (p2 - p1 - 1));
                string testTitle   = checkedTest.Substring(0, p1 - 1);
                LogInfo(testTitle + " ...", testId);
                var errorCounter   = new Counter();
                var warningCounter = new Counter();
                    switch (testId)
                    case "FMTEXT":
                        TestHelper.FormatXml(this, testId, txtSourcePath.Text, externalPath, errorCounter);
                        ShowXml(externalPath, txtExternalXml);

                    case "VALEXT":
                        TestHelper.ValidateXml(this, testId, externalPath, schemaSet, errorCounter, warningCounter);

                    case "IMPORT":
                        TestHelper.TransformXml(this, testId, importTransformer, externalPath, importedPath, errorCounter);
                        ShowXml(importedPath, txtImportedXml);

                    case "DESIMP":
                        _FpMLObject = TestHelper.DeserialiseXml(this, testId, FpMLViewHelpers.AutoDetectType, importedPath, errorCounter);

                    case "SERIAL":
                        TestHelper.SerialiseXml(this, testId, _FpMLObject, internalPath, errorCounter);
                        ShowXml(internalPath, txtInternalXml);

                    case "CMPINT":
                        TestHelper.CompareXml(this, testId, importedPath, internalPath, errorCounter);

                    case "EXPORT":
                        TestHelper.TransformXml(this, testId, exportTransformer, internalPath, exportedPath, errorCounter);
                        ShowXml(exportedPath, txtExportedXml);

                    case "VALEXP":
                        TestHelper.ValidateXml(this, testId, exportedPath, schemaSet, errorCounter, warningCounter);

                    case "CMPEXT":
                        TestHelper.CompareXml(this, testId, txtSourcePath.Text, exportedPath, errorCounter);

                    // internal
                    case "FMTINT":
                        TestHelper.FormatXml(this, testId, txtSourcePath.Text, importedPath, errorCounter);
                        ShowXml(importedPath, txtImportedXml);

                    case "CMPIIS":
                        TestHelper.CompareXml(this, testId, txtSourcePath.Text, importedPath, errorCounter);

                        throw new NotImplementedException("This test has not not implemented!");
                catch (System.Exception excp)
                    LogException(excp, testId, true);
                if (errorCounter.Count > 0)
                    LogError(String.Format("    Test FAILED with {0} errors, {1} warnings.", errorCounter.Count, warningCounter.Count), testId, true);
                    LogInfo(String.Format("    Test PASSED with {0} warnings.", warningCounter.Count), testId);
            Log(_Abort ? "Tests aborted!" : "Tests completed.");
Пример #3
        private T Roundtrip_OutThenIn <T>(T input, bool compare, bool validate)
            string          originalPath      = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\step0original.xml");
            string          internalPath      = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\step1external.xml");
            string          externalPath      = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\step2internal.xml");
            IXmlTransformer transformIncoming = new CustomXmlTransformer(FpMLViewHelpers.GetIncomingConversionMap());
            IXmlTransformer transformOutgoing = new CustomXmlTransformer(FpMLViewHelpers.GetOutgoingConversionMap());
            // emit original internal
            var xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));

            using (var fs = new FileStream(originalPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                xs.Serialize(fs, input);
            // transform to external format
            transformOutgoing.Transform(originalPath, externalPath);
            // transform to internal format
            transformIncoming.Transform(externalPath, internalPath);
            if (compare)
                // compare
                // load original into xml doc
                var docA = new XmlDocument();
                using (var fs = new FileStream(originalPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                //using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.UTF8))
                // load emitted stream into xml doc
                var docB = new XmlDocument();
                using (var fs = new FileStream(internalPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                // compare
                XmlCompare.CompareXmlDocs(docA, docB);
            // validate external
            if (validate)
                const string schemaPath     = @"..\..\..\..\..\Metadata\FpML.V5r3\FpML.V5r3\" + fpmlViewName + ".xsd";
                string       schemaFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(schemaPath);
                // validate external xml
                int validationEvents = 0;
                var externalDoc      = new XmlDocument();
                externalDoc.Schemas.Add(null, "file://" + schemaFullPath);
                externalDoc.Validate((o, e) =>
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Validation event: {0}", e.Message);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, validationEvents);
            // deserialise
            using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(internalPath))
Пример #4
        public void TestReportingRoundtripDateTimes()
            const string schemaPath     = @"..\..\..\..\..\Metadata\FpML.V5r10\FpML.V5r10.Reporting\MergedReportingSchemas\Reporting.xsd";
            string       schemaFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(schemaPath);

            string          originalFullPath  = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\testOriginalFragment.xml");
            string          internalFullPath  = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\testInternalFragment.xml");
            string          outgoingFullPath  = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\testOutgoingFragment.xml");
            string          externalFullPath  = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\testExternalFragment.xml");
            IXmlTransformer transformIncoming = new CustomXmlTransformer(FpMLViewHelpers.GetIncomingConversionMap(), OutputDateTimeKind.UnspecifiedOrUniversal, null);
            IXmlTransformer transformOutgoing = new CustomXmlTransformer(FpMLViewHelpers.GetOutgoingConversionMap(), OutputDateTimeKind.UnspecifiedOrCustom, TimeSpan.FromHours(-5));
            XmlSerializer   xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ExposureReport));
            // original FpML.org sample
            string originalFpMLText =
                "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
                "<exposureReport" +
                "    xmlns=\"http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/reporting\"" +
                "    xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"" +
                "    fpmlVersion=\"5-10\" >" +
                "  <asOfDate>2010-09-27</asOfDate>" +
                "  <asOfTime>20:08:10-05:00</asOfTime>" +

            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(originalFullPath))
            DateTime expectedAsOfDate = new DateTime(2010, 9, 27, 0, 0, 0);
            DateTime expectedAsOfTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 10);//11 became 12

                // original FpML.org sample
                // --- does not parse reliably due to variably local time zone offset of parser ---
                // asOfDate has an unspecified time zone
                // asOfTime has specific time zone (New York)
                ExposureReport orig;
                using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(originalFpMLText))
                    orig = (ExposureReport)xs.Deserialize(sr);
                Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeKind.Unspecified, orig.asOfDate.Value.Kind);
                Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeKind.Local, orig.asOfTime.Kind);
                // --- this test does not pass reliably due to variable local time zone offset of parser ---
                DateTime asOfDate = new DateTime(2010, 9, 27);
                Assert.AreEqual(asOfDate, orig.asOfDate.Value);
                DateTime asOfTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 2, 11, 8, 10);//TODO the time changed due to daylight saving??Why?
                Assert.AreEqual(asOfTime, orig.asOfTime);
                // modified FpML.org sample
                // --- this test does not pass reliably due to variable local time zone offset of parser ---
                // - asOfDate time zone modified to match asOfTime
                string externalXmlText =
                    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
                    "<exposureReport" +
                    "    xmlns=\"http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/reporting\"" +
                    "    xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"" +
                    "    fpmlVersion=\"5-10\" >" +
                    "  <asOfDate>2010-09-27-5:00</asOfDate>" +
                    "  <asOfTime>20:08:10-05:00</asOfTime>" +
                ExposureReport orig;
                using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(externalXmlText))
                    orig = (ExposureReport)xs.Deserialize(sr);
                Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeKind.Local, orig.asOfDate.Value.Kind);
                Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeKind.Local, orig.asOfTime.Kind);
                // --- this test does not pass reliably due to variable local time zone offset of parser ---
                DateTime asOfDate = new DateTime(2010, 9, 27, 15, 0, 0); // Australia EST is +10:00
                Assert.AreEqual(asOfDate, orig.asOfDate.Value);
                DateTime asOfTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 2, 11, 8, 10);    //11 became 12
                Assert.AreEqual(asOfTime, orig.asOfTime);
                // modified FpML.org sample
                // - asOfDate and asOfTime set to UTC
                string externalXmlText =
                    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
                    "<exposureReport" +
                    "    xmlns=\"http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/reporting\"" +
                    "    xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"" +
                    "    fpmlVersion=\"5-10\" >" +
                    "  <asOfDate>2010-09-27Z</asOfDate>" +
                    "  <asOfTime>20:08:10Z</asOfTime>" +
                ExposureReport orig;
                using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(externalXmlText))
                    orig = (ExposureReport)xs.Deserialize(sr);
                Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeKind.Local, orig.asOfDate.Value.Kind);
                Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeKind.Utc, orig.asOfTime.Kind);   //Local
                // --- this test does not pass reliably due to variable local time zone offset of parser ---
                DateTime asOfDate = new DateTime(2010, 9, 27, 10, 0, 0); // Australia EST is +10:00
                Assert.AreEqual(asOfDate, orig.asOfDate.Value);
                DateTime asOfTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 20, 8, 10);    //6 became 7
                Assert.AreEqual(asOfTime, orig.asOfTime);
                // modified FpML.org sample
                // --- passes reliably because local time zone offset of parser is ignored ---
                // - asOfDate and asOfTime set to unspecified time zone
                string externalXmlText =
                    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
                    "<exposureReport" +
                    "    xmlns=\"http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/reporting\"" +
                    "    xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"" +
                    "    fpmlVersion=\"5-10\" >" +
                    "  <asOfDate>2010-09-27</asOfDate>" +
                    "  <asOfTime>20:08:10</asOfTime>" +
                ExposureReport orig;
                using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(externalXmlText))
                    orig = (ExposureReport)xs.Deserialize(sr);
                Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeKind.Unspecified, orig.asOfDate.Value.Kind);
                Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeKind.Unspecified, orig.asOfTime.Kind);
                Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2010, 9, 27, 0, 0, 0), orig.asOfDate.Value);
                Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 20, 8, 10), orig.asOfTime);
            // now that we have a reliably formatted external fpml fragment we can test the roundtrip
            // transform to internal format
            transformIncoming.Transform(originalFullPath, internalFullPath);
            // deserialise
            ExposureReport fpml;

            using (var sr = new FileStream(internalFullPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                fpml = (ExposureReport)xs.Deserialize(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeKind.Unspecified, fpml.asOfDate.Value.Kind);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeKind.Utc, fpml.asOfTime.Kind);//Local
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedAsOfDate, fpml.asOfDate.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedAsOfTime, fpml.asOfTime);
            // emit test fragment
            using (var fs = new FileStream(outgoingFullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                xs.Serialize(fs, fpml);
            // transform to external format
            transformOutgoing.Transform(outgoingFullPath, externalFullPath);
            // compare external xml
            using (var originalStream = new FileStream(originalFullPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                using (var externalStream = new FileStream(externalFullPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    XmlDocument originalDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    XmlDocument emittedDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    // compare
                    XmlCompare.CompareXmlDocs(originalDoc, emittedDoc);