Пример #1
 protected override void OnContextCreated(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, CefV8Context context)
     if (frame.IsMain)
         // Retrieve the context's window object and install the "cefReportDocumentSize" function
         // used to tell the node about the document size.
         using (var window = context.GetGlobal())
             var handler = new CustomCallbackHandler(browser, frame);
             var reportDocumentSizeFunc = CefV8Value.CreateFunction(CustomCallbackHandler.ReportDocumentSize, handler);
             window.SetValue(CustomCallbackHandler.ReportDocumentSize, reportDocumentSizeFunc, CefV8PropertyAttribute.None);
     base.OnContextCreated(browser, frame, context);
Пример #2
            protected override void OnContextCreated(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, CefV8Context context)
                if (frame.IsMain)
                    // Retrieve the context's window object and install the "vvvvReportDocumentSize" function
                    // used to tell the node about the document size as well as the "vvvvSend" function
                    // used to tell the node about variables computed inside the frame.
                    using (var window = context.GetGlobal())
                        var handler = new CustomCallbackHandler(browser, frame);
                        var reportDocumentSizeFunc = CefV8Value.CreateFunction(CustomCallbackHandler.ReportDocumentSize, handler);
                        window.SetValue(CustomCallbackHandler.ReportDocumentSize, reportDocumentSizeFunc);

                        window.SetValue("vvvvQuery", CefV8Value.CreateFunction("vvvvQuery", new DelegatingHandler((name, obj, args) =>
                            const string argForm = "{ request: 'NAME', arguments: {}, onSuccess: function(response) {}, onError: function(error_message) {} }";
                            string invalidArg    = $"vvvvQuery expects one argument of the form {argForm}";

                            if (args.Length != 1)
                                throw new Exception($"vvvvQuery expects one argument");

                            var x = args[0];
                            if (x is null || !x.IsObject)
                                throw new Exception($"The argument must be of the form {argForm}");

                            var requestValue = x.GetValue("request");
                            if (requestValue.IsUndefined)
                                throw new Exception($"The request entry is missing");
                            if (!requestValue.IsString)
                                throw new Exception($"The request must be a string");

                            var onSuccessValue = x.GetValue("onSuccess");
                            if (!onSuccessValue.IsUndefined && !onSuccessValue.IsFunction)
                                throw new Exception($"The onSuccess entry must be a function");

                            var onErrorValue = x.GetValue("onError");
                            if (!onErrorValue.IsUndefined && !onErrorValue.IsFunction)
                                throw new Exception($"The onError entry must be a function");

                            var request = requestValue.GetStringValue();
                            var id      = queryCount++;

                            if (queries.TryAdd((request, id), (context, onSuccessValue, onErrorValue)))
                                using var message = CefProcessMessage.Create("query-request");
                                message.Arguments.SetString(0, request);
                                message.Arguments.SetInt(1, id);
                                message.Arguments.SetValue(2, ToValue(x.GetValue("arguments")));
                                frame.SendProcessMessage(CefProcessId.Browser, message);
