public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteBundleAsync(int customBundleId) { try { CustomBundle customBundle = await _customBundlesRepository.DeleteCustomBundleAsync(customBundleId); if (customBundle != null) { var products = await _customBundlesRepository.GetCustomBundleProductsAsync(customBundleId); return(new OkObjectResult(new CustomBundleViewModel() { Id = customBundle.CustomBundleId, DefaultBundleId = customBundle.BundleId, Products = this.ProductsToViewModels(products) })); } else { return(new NotFoundResult()); } } catch { return(new ConflictResult()); } }
public async Task <CustomBundle> FindCustomBundle(Question question) { CustomBundle customBundle = null; var q = await _context.Questions.Where(qq => qq.Age == question.Age && qq.IsStudent == question.IsStudent && qq.Income == question.Income).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (q != null) { customBundle = await _context.CustomBundles.Where(cb => cb.QuestionId == q.QuestionId).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); } return(customBundle); }
public static void init() { var debug = true; var bundle = new CustomBundle("~/Scripts/js",new YUITransform(contentType.javascript)); bundle.AddDirectory("~/Scripts", "*.js", true, true); BundleTable.Bundles.Add(bundle); bundle = new CustomBundle(debug, contentType.css, "~/Content/css"); bundle.AddDirectory("~/Content", "*.css", true, true); BundleTable.Bundles.Add(bundle); }
public void TestDerivedPoCoSerialization() { var bundle = new CustomBundle() { Type = Bundle.BundleType.Collection, Id = "MyBundle" }; var xml = FhirXmlSerializer.SerializeToString(bundle); Assert.IsNotNull(xml); var json = FhirJsonSerializer.SerializeToString(bundle); Assert.IsNotNull(json); }
/// <summary> /// Resolves custom macros. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender</param> /// <param name="e">Event arguments representing the resolved macro</param> private void MacroResolver_OnResolveCustomMacro(object sender, MacroEventArgs e) { var ev = new EventLogProvider(); string discountValue = null; string orderId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("orderID", 0).ToString(); MacroResolver shoppingCartInfoObMacroResolver = (MacroResolver)sender; // Checks that the macro is not resolved yet. if (!e.Match) { // Defines the return values of specific custom macro expressions. switch (e.Expression.ToLower()) { // Handles the {#CustomExpression#} macro. case "firstletter": string firstletter = CMS.MacroEngine.MacroContext.CurrentResolver.ResolveMacros("{%CurrentUser.LastName%}"); string substr = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstletter)) { substr = firstletter.Substring(0, 1); } e.Match = true; e.Result = substr; break; case "priceht": //Get Shopping Cart Object from resolver MacroResolver test = (MacroResolver)sender; CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo cartObj = test.SourceObject as CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo; CMS.Ecommerce.CurrencyInfo currentCurrency = null; currentCurrency = cartObj.Currency; double tax = Convert.ToDouble(cartObj.TotalTax); double price = Convert.ToDouble(cartObj.TotalPrice); double resultat = price - tax; e.Match = true; e.Result = CMS.Ecommerce.CurrencyInfoProvider.GetFormattedValue(resultat, currentCurrency).ToString(); break; case "taxe": MacroResolver test1 = (MacroResolver)sender; CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo cartObj1 = test1.SourceObject as CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo; double taxe = Convert.ToDouble(cartObj1.TotalTax); currentCurrency = cartObj1.Currency; e.Match = true; e.Result = CMS.Ecommerce.CurrencyInfoProvider.GetFormattedValue(taxe, currentCurrency).ToString(); break; case "invoice": int num1 = 0; var cn = ConnectionHelper.GetConnection(); DataSet orders = cn.ExecuteQuery("Ecommerce.Transformations.invoice", null, null); //CMS.Ecommerce.OrderInfoProvider.GetOrders(null, null); // DataSet orders = cn.ExecuteQuery("Ecommerce.Transformations.invoice", null, null, null, 1);//CMS.Ecommerce.OrderInfoProvider.GetOrders(null, null); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(orders)) { num1 = Convert.ToInt32(orders.Tables[0].Rows[0]["max"]) + 1; // int nb = orders.Tables[0].Rows.Count; //// Create object from DataRow //// ev.LogEvent("E", DateTime.Now, "nb", nb.ToString()); ////78 // for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) // { // CMS.Ecommerce.OrderInfo order = new CMS.Ecommerce.OrderInfo(orders.Tables[0].Rows[i]); // // ev.LogEvent("E", DateTime.Now, "nb", order.OrderInvoiceNumber); // if (order.OrderInvoiceNumber != null) // { // num = int.Parse(order.OrderInvoiceNumber) + 1; // // i = nb + 1; // break; // } // ev.LogEvent("E", DateTime.Now, "nb1", num.ToString()); // } CMS.EventLog.EventLogProvider.LogEvent("E", "", "", num1.ToString(), "CMSModuleLoader.GetSkuidByUserId", 0, "", 0, "", "", 0, "", "", "", DateTime.Now); // ev.LogEvent("E", DateTime.Now, "nb1", num1.ToString()); } e.Match = true; e.Result = num1.ToString(); break; case "value1": //string orderID = CMS.CMSHelper.CMSContext.CurrentResolver.ResolveMacros("{%Order.OrderID%}"); // string wherc="OrderID ="+orderID; // DataSet ordersitem = CMS.Ecommerce.OrderItemInfoProvider.GetOrderItems(wherc, null); // string value1 = string.Empty; // string orderID = CMS.CMSHelper.CMSContext.CurrentResolver.ResolveMacros("{%OrderID%}"); // if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ordersitem)) // { // foreach (DataRow orderItemDr in ordersitem.Tables[0].Rows) // { // Create object from DataRow // CMS.Ecommerce.OrderItemInfo orderItem = new CMS.Ecommerce.OrderItemInfo(ordersitem.Tables[0].Rows[0]); // value1 = orderItem.OrderItemPrice.ToString(); // ev.LogEvent("E", DateTime.Now, "TVA", value1); // } // } e.Match = true; e.Result = ""; break; case "titreinvoice": string value = string.Empty; string facture = CMS.MacroEngine.MacroContext.CurrentResolver.ResolveMacros("{%Order.facture%}"); string commande = CMS.MacroEngine.MacroContext.CurrentResolver.ResolveMacros("{%Order.OrderID%}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(facture)) { value = "Commande N° " + commande; } else { value = "Facture N° " + facture; } e.Match = true; e.Result = value; break; case "six": double taxe6 = 0; MacroResolver test6 = (MacroResolver)sender; CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo cartObj6 = test6.SourceObject as CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo; foreach (CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartItemInfo ci in cartObj6.CartItems) { DataTable t = ci.TaxesTable; foreach (DataRow drow in t.Rows) { //double theTax = Convert.ToDouble(drow["TaxValue"]); double theTax = (double)drow["TaxValue"]; if (theTax == 6) { taxe6 += ci.TotalPrice - ci.TotalTax; break; } } } e.Match = true; //e.Result = CMS.Ecommerce.CurrencyInfoProvider.GetFormattedValue(taxe6, currentCurrency).ToString(); e.Result = taxe6; break; case "unsix": double taxe7 = 0; MacroResolver test7 = (MacroResolver)sender; CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo cartObj7 = test7.SourceObject as CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo; foreach (CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartItemInfo ci in cartObj7.CartItems) { DataTable t = ci.TaxesTable; foreach (DataRow drow in t.Rows) { //double theTax = Convert.ToDouble(drow["TaxValue"]); double theTax = (double)drow["TaxValue"]; if (theTax != 6) { taxe7 += ci.TotalPrice - ci.TotalTax; break; } } } e.Match = true; //e.Result = CMS.Ecommerce.CurrencyInfoProvider.GetFormattedValue(taxe6, currentCurrency).ToString(); e.Result = taxe7; break; case "hastax": double taxe8 = 0; MacroResolver test8 = (MacroResolver)sender; CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo cartObj8 = test8.SourceObject as CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo; foreach (CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartItemInfo ci in cartObj8.CartItems) { DataTable t = ci.TaxesTable; foreach (DataRow drow in t.Rows) { //double theTax = Convert.ToDouble(drow["TaxValue"]); double theTax = (double)drow["TaxValue"]; if (theTax > 0) { taxe8 = 1; break; } } } e.Match = true; //e.Result = CMS.Ecommerce.CurrencyInfoProvider.GetFormattedValue(taxe6, currentCurrency).ToString(); e.Result = taxe8; break; case "infoeproduct": e.Match = true; string txt = string.Empty; var bdResolver = (MacroResolver)sender; CMS.EventLog.EventLogProvider.LogEvent("I", "", "", "", "infoeproduct", 0, "", 0, "", "", 0, "", "", "", DateTime.Now); // ev.LogEvent("I", DateTime.Now, "infoeproduct", ""); if (bdResolver != null) { CMS.EventLog.EventLogProvider.LogEvent("I", "", "", "", "bdResolver not null", 0, "", 0, "", "", 0, "", "", "", DateTime.Now); // ev.LogEvent("I", DateTime.Now, "bdResolver not null", ""); var sCart = (ShoppingCartInfo)bdResolver.SourceObject; if (sCart != null) { CMS.EventLog.EventLogProvider.LogEvent("I", "", "", "", "sCart not null", 0, "", 0, "", "", 0, "", "", "", DateTime.Now); // ev.LogEvent("I", DateTime.Now, "sCart not null", ""); CMS.EventLog.EventLogProvider.LogEvent("I", "", "", "", "OrderId : " + sCart.ShoppingCartCustomerID.ToString(), 0, "", 0, "", "", 0, "", "", "", DateTime.Now); // ev.LogEvent("I", DateTime.Now, "OrderId : " + sCart.ShoppingCartCustomerID.ToString(), ""); if (sCart.ShoppingCartCustomerID > 0) { List <int> skuids = GetSkuidByCustomerId(sCart.ShoppingCartCustomerID); foreach (var skuid in skuids) { string typeproduct = GetSkuProductTypeBySkuId(skuid); if (typeproduct != string.Empty && typeproduct == "EPRODUCT") { txt = "Vous allez recevoir le code de téléchargement par courriel séparé d’ici un instant."; break; } } } } } e.Result = txt; break; case "freebundle": string bundle = string.Empty, bundledString = string.Empty; MacroResolver bundleResolver = (MacroResolver)sender; ShoppingCartInfo sc = bundleResolver.SourceObject as ShoppingCartInfo; if (sc != null) { bundledString = sc.GetStringValue("ShoppingCartBundleData", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bundledString)) { OrderInfo oi = OrderInfoProvider.GetOrderInfo(sc.OrderId); if (oi != null) { bundledString = oi.GetStringValue("OrderBundleData", string.Empty); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bundledString)) { bundle = string.Format("<b><u>Liste de vos produits gratuits:</u></b><br/> {0}", CustomBundle.TranslateBundle(bundledString)); } } e.Match = true; e.Result = bundle; break; case "discountvalue": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderId)) { discountValue = GetDiscountValueById(int.Parse(orderId)); } e.Match = true; e.Result = discountValue; break; case "totalitemspriceinmaincurrency": double discountvaluepercent = 0; CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo shoppingCartInfo = shoppingCartInfoObMacroResolver.SourceObject as CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo; if (shoppingCartInfo != null) { discountvaluepercent = shoppingCartInfo.TotalItemsPriceInMainCurrency; } e.Match = true; e.Result = discountvaluepercent; break; case "getdiscountvalue": double discountCoupon = 0; CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo cartInfo = shoppingCartInfoObMacroResolver.SourceObject as CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartInfo; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderId)) { DiscountCouponInfo currentDiscountCouponInfo = GetDiscountByOrderId(int.Parse(orderId)); discountCoupon = CalculateDiscount(currentDiscountCouponInfo, cartInfo.TotalItemsPriceInMainCurrency); } e.Match = true; e.Result = discountCoupon; break; } } }