Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Builds a mesh from a spline's approximation points (2D)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="spline">the spline to use</param>
    /// <param name="ignoreAxis">the axis to ignore (0=x,1=y,2=z)</param>
    /// <param name="close">True to create a mesh with triangles, False to create a vertex line mesh</param>
    /// <param name="msh"></param>
    public static Mesh CreateSplineMesh(CurvySpline spline, int ignoreAxis, bool close, Mesh msh = null)
        Vector3[] verts = spline.GetApproximation(true);
        if (spline.Closed)
            CurvySplineSegment.Resize(ref verts, verts.Length - 1);

        return(buildSplineMesh(verts, ignoreAxis, !close, msh));
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Internal, don't call directly
 /// </summary>
 public void _InitializeControlPoint()
     //mNextControlPoint = NextControlPoint;
     mStepSize              = 1f / Spline.Granularity;
     mControlPointIndex     = Spline.ControlPoints.IndexOf(this);
     Approximation          = new Vector3[0];
     ApproximationDistances = new float[0];
     ApproximationUp        = new Vector3[0];
     ApproximationT         = new Vector3[0];
     if (UserValues.Length != Spline.UserValueSize)
         CurvySplineSegment.Resize(ref UserValues, Spline.UserValueSize);
Пример #3
    public MeshInfo(Mesh mesh, bool calculateLoops, bool mirror)
        if (mirror)
            mesh = MirrorMesh(mesh);

        Vector3[] vt  = mesh.vertices;
        Vector2[] uv  = mesh.uv;
        int[]     tri = mesh.triangles;

        // Fill data arrays
        Vertices  = new Vector3[vt.Length];
        UVs       = new Vector2[uv.Length];
        Triangles = new int[tri.Length];
        vt.CopyTo(Vertices, 0);
        uv.CopyTo(UVs, 0);
        tri.CopyTo(Triangles, 0);
        if (calculateLoops)
            // Build Edge Loops
            EdgeLoops = MeshHelper.BuildEdgeLoops(MeshHelper.BuildManifoldEdges(mesh));
            // Fill Outline Data
            EdgeVertices = new Vector3[vt.Length];
            EdgeUV       = new Vector2[uv.Length];

            int minIndex  = int.MaxValue;
            int vertsUsed = 0;
            foreach (EdgeLoop loop in EdgeLoops)
                for (int vi = 0; vi < loop.vertexCount; vi++)
                    EdgeVertices[vertsUsed + vi] = vt[loop.vertexIndex[vi]];
                    EdgeUV[vertsUsed + vi]       = uv[loop.vertexIndex[vi]];
                    minIndex = Mathf.Min(minIndex, loop.vertexIndex[vi]);
                vertsUsed += loop.vertexCount;
            // modify EdgeLoops' indices (we need to address changed indices by omitting non-outlined edges
            foreach (EdgeLoop loop in EdgeLoops)

            CurvySplineSegment.Resize(ref EdgeVertices, vertsUsed);
            CurvySplineSegment.Resize(ref EdgeUV, vertsUsed);