Пример #1
        public static CurveSegment CreateHelixAroundCurve(this ITrimmedCurve curveSegment, double turns, double radius, double pointCount)
            var points = new List <Point>();

            Direction lastNormal = curveSegment.Geometry.Evaluate(curveSegment.Bounds.Start).Tangent.ArbitraryPerpendicular;

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                double ratio = (double)i / pointCount;
                double param = curveSegment.Bounds.Start + ratio * curveSegment.Bounds.Span;

                CurveEvaluation curveEval = curveSegment.Geometry.Evaluate(param);
                Direction       normal    = Direction.Cross(Direction.Cross(curveEval.Tangent, lastNormal), curveEval.Tangent);
                if (normal.IsZero)
                    normal = lastNormal;

                Point  point    = curveEval.Point;
                Matrix rotation = Matrix.CreateRotation(Line.Create(point, curveEval.Tangent), 2 * Math.PI * turns * ratio);
                point += radius * normal;
                point  = rotation * point;

                lastNormal = normal;

            return(CurveSegment.Create(NurbsCurve.CreateThroughPoints(false, points, 0.000001)));
Пример #2
        public static Body CreateCable(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, double diameter)
            double          radius          = diameter / 2;
            CurveEvaluation curveEvaluation = iTrimmedCurve.Geometry.Evaluate(iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Start);
            Point           startPoint      = curveEvaluation.Point;
            Direction       dirZ            = curveEvaluation.Tangent;
            Direction       dirX            = dirZ.ArbitraryPerpendicular;
            Direction       dirY            = Direction.Cross(dirZ, dirX);

            Frame  profileFrame  = Frame.Create(startPoint, dirX, dirY);
            Circle profileCircle = Circle.Create(profileFrame, radius);

            IList <ITrimmedCurve> profile = new List <ITrimmedCurve>();


            IList <ITrimmedCurve> path = new List <ITrimmedCurve>();


            Body body = Body.SweepProfile(Plane.Create(profileFrame), profile, path);

            if (body == null)
                Debug.Fail("Sweep failed.");

Пример #3
        protected override void OnExecute(Command command, ExecutionContext context, System.Drawing.Rectangle buttonRect)
            if (excelWorksheet == null)
                excelWorksheet = new ExcelWorksheet();

            Window activeWindow = Window.ActiveWindow;

            List <ITrimmedCurve> iTrimmedCurves = new List <ITrimmedCurve>(activeWindow.GetAllSelectedITrimmedCurves());

            if (iTrimmedCurves.Count != 2)

            ITrimmedCurve curveA = iTrimmedCurves[0];
            ITrimmedCurve curveB = iTrimmedCurves[1];

            var intersections = new List <IntPoint <CurveEvaluation, CurveEvaluation> >(curveA.IntersectCurve(curveB));

            CurveEvaluation evalA = curveA.ProjectPoint(intersections[0].Point);
            CurveEvaluation evalB = curveB.ProjectPoint(intersections[0].Point);

            double angle = Math.Acos(Vector.Dot(evalA.Tangent.UnitVector, evalB.Tangent.UnitVector));

            excelWorksheet.SetCell(row++, 1, angle * 180 / Math.PI);
Пример #4
        private static void MakeNurbsEndTangent(Line cleaveLine, ControlPoint[] controlPoints, int endIndex, int tangentIndex)
            Point           initialPoint    = controlPoints[endIndex].Position;
            CurveEvaluation curveEvaluation = cleaveLine.ProjectPoint(initialPoint);

            if (initialPoint == curveEvaluation.Point)

            controlPoints[endIndex] = new ControlPoint(curveEvaluation.Point, controlPoints[endIndex].Weight);

            Line tangentLine = Line.Create(curveEvaluation.Point, (initialPoint - curveEvaluation.Point).Direction);

            curveEvaluation             = tangentLine.ProjectPoint(controlPoints[tangentIndex].Position);
            controlPoints[tangentIndex] = new ControlPoint(curveEvaluation.Point, controlPoints[tangentIndex].Weight);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to find convexity-sensitive angle between the normals of the adjacent faces of an edge using its midpoint. Returns a negavive angle for concave edges, 0 for tangent, or postitive for convex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="edge">The Edge who's convexity is to be determined.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double GetAngle(this Edge edge)
            if (edge.Fins.Count != 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Edge must have two fins in order to have angle.");

            CurveEvaluation curveEval = edge.Geometry.Evaluate((edge.Bounds.Start + edge.Bounds.End) / 2);
            Point           edgePoint = curveEval.Point;
            Direction       tangent   = curveEval.Tangent;

            Fin finA = edge.Fins.ToArray()[0];

            if (finA.IsReversed ^ finA.Edge.IsReversed)
                tangent = -tangent;

            Direction dirA = finA.Loop.Face.ProjectPoint(edgePoint).Normal;

            if (finA.Loop.Face.IsReversed)
                dirA = -dirA;

            Fin       finB = edge.Fins.ToArray()[1];
            Direction dirB = finB.Loop.Face.ProjectPoint(edgePoint).Normal;

            if (finB.Loop.Face.IsReversed)
                dirB = -dirB;

            double sense = Math.Asin(Math.Min(Math.Max(Vector.Dot(Direction.Cross(tangent, dirA).UnitVector, dirB.UnitVector), -1), 1)); // can be slightly out of range of [-1 ,1]

            if (Accuracy.AngleIsZero(sense))

            return(Math.Abs(AddInHelper.AngleBetween(dirA, dirB)) * (sense > 0 ? 1 : -1));
        public bool TryGetPointAlongCurve(double param, out Point point)
            point = Point.Origin;
            double travelled = 0;

            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < orientedCurves.Count; i++)
                double length = orientedCurves[i].Length;
                if (param - travelled < length)

                travelled += length;

            double offsetParam;

            if (i == orientedCurves.Count)               // handles the endpoint case
                CurveEvaluation curveEval = orientedCurves[i - 1].TrimmedCurve.Geometry.Evaluate(orientedCurves[i - 1].Bounds.End);
                point = curveEval.Point;

            if (orientedCurves[i].TryOffsetAlongCurve(orientedCurves[i].Bounds.Start, param - travelled, out offsetParam))
                CurveEvaluation curveEval = orientedCurves[i].TrimmedCurve.Geometry.Evaluate(offsetParam);
                point = curveEval.Point;

Пример #7
        protected override void OnExecute(Command command, ExecutionContext context, System.Drawing.Rectangle buttonRect)
            base.OnExecute(command, context, buttonRect);

            List <ITrimmedCurve> trimmedCurves = new List <ITrimmedCurve>();

            foreach (ITrimmedCurve trimmedCurve in activeWindow.GetAllSelectedITrimmedCurves())

            TrimmedCurveChain curveChain = new TrimmedCurveChain(trimmedCurves);
            double            length     = curveChain.Length;

            int count = (int)Math.Floor(length / dashMinSize / 2) * 2;

            if (curveChain.StartPoint != curveChain.EndPoint)             // odd number when not closed curve

            List <DesignCurve> dashes    = new List <DesignCurve>();
            double             lastParam = curveChain.Bounds.Start;
            Point lastPoint;

            Debug.Assert(curveChain.TryGetPointAlongCurve(lastParam, out lastPoint));
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Point point;
                if (curveChain.TryGetPointAlongCurve(lastParam -= length / count, out point))
                    if (i % 2 == 1)
                        DesignCurve dash = DesignCurve.Create(part, CurveSegment.Create(lastPoint, point));
                        dash.Layer = dashLayer;
#if false // tori
                        new Point[] { point, lastPoint }.Average(),
                        (point - lastPoint).Direction,
                        0.188 * inches,
                        0.75 * inches,
                    lastPoint = point;
#if false // cylinders
            for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
                CurveEvaluation eval = dashes[i].Shape.Geometry.Evaluate(dashes[i].Shape.Bounds.Start);
                Direction       dir1 = eval.Tangent;

                eval = dashes[i - 1].Shape.Geometry.Evaluate(dashes[i - 1].Shape.Bounds.End);
                Direction dir2 = eval.Tangent;

                if (dir1 == dir2)
                    DatumPlane.Create(part, "miter parallel", Plane.Create(Frame.Create(eval.Point, eval.Tangent.ArbitraryPerpendicular, Direction.Cross(eval.Tangent.ArbitraryPerpendicular, eval.Tangent))));

                Direction averageDir = (dir1.UnitVector + dir2.UnitVector).Direction;
                Direction xDir       = Direction.Cross(averageDir, dir1);
                //	DatumPlane.Create(part, "miter", Plane.Create(Frame.Create(eval.Point, xDir, Direction.Cross(xDir, averageDir))));
                double offset = 0.0001 / 2;
                ShapeHelper.CreateCylinder(eval.Point + averageDir * offset, eval.Point - averageDir * offset, 7 * inches, part);
Пример #8
        public static ICollection <Primitive> CreateCylinderMesh(Point point1, Point point2, double diameter, int sides)
            Vector heightVector = point2 - point1;

            Circle circle1 = Circle.Create(Frame.Create(point1, heightVector.Direction), diameter / 2);
            Circle circle2 = Circle.Create(Frame.Create(point2, heightVector.Direction), diameter / 2);

            var cylinderVertices = new List <FacetVertex>();
            var end1Vertices     = new List <FacetVertex>();
            var end2Vertices     = new List <FacetVertex>();

            var tempVertices = new List <Point>();  //TBD remove when we can do seletction on meshes

            double angle = 2 * Math.PI / (double)sides;

            for (int i = 0; i < sides; i++)
                CurveEvaluation eval1 = circle1.Evaluate((double)i * angle);
                CurveEvaluation eval2 = circle2.Evaluate(((double)i + 0.5) * angle);

                cylinderVertices.Add(new FacetVertex(eval1.Point, (eval1.Point - circle1.Frame.Origin).Direction));
                cylinderVertices.Add(new FacetVertex(eval2.Point, (eval2.Point - circle2.Frame.Origin).Direction));

                end1Vertices.Add(new FacetVertex(eval1.Point, heightVector.Direction));
                end2Vertices.Add(new FacetVertex(eval2.Point, -heightVector.Direction));


            var cylinderFacets = new List <Facet>();

            for (int i = 0; i < sides; i++)
                int f00 = 2 * i;
                int f01 = f00 + 1;
                int f10 = f00 + 2 >= sides * 2 ? 0 : f00 + 2;
                int f11 = f10 + 1;

                cylinderFacets.Add(new Facet(f00, f10, f01));
                cylinderFacets.Add(new Facet(f10, f11, f01));

            var end1Facets = new List <Facet>();
            var end2Facets = new List <Facet>();

            for (int i = 1; i < sides - 1; i++)
                end1Facets.Add(new Facet(0, i + 1, i));
                end2Facets.Add(new Facet(0, i, i + 1));

            var primitives = new List <Primitive>();

            primitives.Add(MeshPrimitive.Create(cylinderVertices, cylinderFacets));
            primitives.Add(MeshPrimitive.Create(end1Vertices, end1Facets));
            primitives.Add(MeshPrimitive.Create(end2Vertices, end2Facets));

            primitives.Add(PolylinePrimitive.Create(tempVertices)); //TBD remove
