Пример #1
        //This actually updates a hell of a lot more than mouse info. It's the central function for
        //Clicking and dragging stuff into inventory slots / equip slots
        public void update_mouse_info(Vector2 mousePos, Player pl,
                                      bool holdingmouse, bool clickedmouse, out bool bad_turn)
            mousePosition    = mousePos;
            is_holding_mouse = holdingmouse;
            is_click_mouse   = clickedmouse;

            //On the click, snap the rectangle to the mouse spot, and then pick an icon to draw in it.
            if (is_click_mouse)
                draggable_item_rect.X = (int)mousePosition.X - 24;
                draggable_item_rect.Y = (int)mousePosition.Y - 24;
                for (int i = 0; i < pair_list.Count; i++)
                    if (item_icon_rects[pair_list[i].item_rect].Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))
                        index_of_mouse_selected_item = pair_list[i].corr_item;

                if (main_hand_equip_slot.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))
                    index_of_c_equipped_selected_item = 1;
                if (off_hand_equip_slot.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))
                    index_of_c_equipped_selected_item = 2;
                if (over_armor_equip_slot.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))
                    index_of_c_equipped_selected_item = 3;
                if (under_armor_equip_slot.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))
                    index_of_c_equipped_selected_item = 4;
                if (helmet_equip_slot.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))
                    index_of_c_equipped_selected_item = 5;

                if (BGElement_equipmentTab.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))
                    current_tab_selected = Current_Tab.Equipment;

                if (BGElement_healthTab.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))
                    current_tab_selected = Current_Tab.Injuries;

                if (injSummary_scroll_up_max_rect.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))

                if (injSummary_scroll_up_one_rect.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))

                if (injSummary_scroll_down_one_rect.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))

                if (injSummary_scroll_down_max_rect.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))

                if (inv_left_scroll_rect.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))
                    if (item_start_index < 0)
                        item_start_index = 0;

                if (inv_right_scroll_rect.Contains((int)mousePosition.X, (int)mousePosition.Y))
                    if (item_start_index + number_of_items_shown >= player_inv.Count)
                        item_start_index = Math.Max(0, player_inv.Count - number_of_items_shown);
            //On the hold, move the rectangle.
            if (is_holding_mouse)
                draggable_item_rect.X = (int)mousePosition.X - 24;
                draggable_item_rect.Y = (int)mousePosition.Y - 24;
            //On the release, try and equip the item. If it's a talisman and over another item
            //Try to add it to the item
            bool equipped_new_item = false;
            bool equipped_talisman = false;

            if (!is_holding_mouse && !is_click_mouse)
                if (index_of_mouse_selected_item != -1)
                    if (player_inv[index_of_mouse_selected_item] is Talisman)
                        Talisman T         = (Talisman)player_inv[index_of_mouse_selected_item];
                        Item     attach_to = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < item_icon_rects.Count; i++)
                            if (check_overlap(item_icon_rects[i], draggable_item_rect) && i < player_inv.Count)
                                attach_to = player_inv[i];

                        if (check_overlap(main_hand_equip_slot, draggable_item_rect))
                            attach_to = pl.show_main_hand();
                        else if (check_overlap(off_hand_equip_slot, draggable_item_rect))
                            attach_to = pl.show_off_hand();
                        else if (check_overlap(helmet_equip_slot, draggable_item_rect))
                            attach_to = pl.show_helmet();
                        else if (check_overlap(over_armor_equip_slot, draggable_item_rect))
                            attach_to = pl.show_over_armor();
                        else if (check_overlap(under_armor_equip_slot, draggable_item_rect))
                            attach_to = pl.show_under_armor();

                        if (attach_to != null &&
                            (attach_to is Armor ||
                             attach_to is Scroll ||
                             attach_to is Weapon))
                            if (attach_to is Armor && T.armor_talisman() && attach_to.can_add_talisman(T))
                                equipped_talisman = true;
                            else if ((attach_to is Weapon || attach_to is Scroll) &&
                                     !T.armor_talisman() && attach_to.can_add_talisman(T))
                                equipped_talisman = true;

                            if (equipped_talisman)

                    if (check_overlap(main_hand_equip_slot, draggable_item_rect) && !equipped_new_item && !equipped_talisman)
                        if (player_inv[index_of_mouse_selected_item] is Weapon)
                            equipped_new_item = true;

                    if (check_overlap(off_hand_equip_slot, draggable_item_rect) && !equipped_new_item && !equipped_talisman)
                        if (player_inv[index_of_mouse_selected_item] is Weapon)
                            equipped_new_item = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < armor_equip_slots.Count; i++)
                        if (check_overlap(armor_equip_slots[i], draggable_item_rect) && !equipped_new_item && !equipped_talisman)
                            if (player_inv[index_of_mouse_selected_item] is Armor)
                                equipped_new_item = true;

                    //spot to check if I should put it in the icobar
                    bool done = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < the_icoBar.get_number_of_icons(); i++)
                        if (check_overlap(the_icoBar.get_ico_rects_by_slot(i), draggable_item_rect) && !done)
                            the_icoBar.assign_id_number_to_slot(player_inv[index_of_mouse_selected_item].get_my_IDno(), i);
                            the_icoBar.assign_icon_to_slot(player_inv[index_of_mouse_selected_item].get_my_texture(), i);
                            if (player_inv[index_of_mouse_selected_item] is Potion)
                                the_icoBar.assign_type_to_slot(IconBar.Type_Tracker.Potion, i);
                            else if (player_inv[index_of_mouse_selected_item] is Armor)
                                the_icoBar.assign_type_to_slot(IconBar.Type_Tracker.Armor, i);
                            else if (player_inv[index_of_mouse_selected_item] is Weapon)
                                the_icoBar.assign_type_to_slot(IconBar.Type_Tracker.Weapon, i);
                            else if (player_inv[index_of_mouse_selected_item] is Scroll)
                                the_icoBar.assign_type_to_slot(IconBar.Type_Tracker.Scroll, i);
                            done = true;

                if (index_of_c_equipped_selected_item != -1)
                    //try to put it back in the inventory. It will go back in on any item rect slot
                    for (int i = 0; i < item_icon_rects.Count; i++)
                        if (check_overlap(item_icon_rects[i], draggable_item_rect))
                            //Do something depending on the slot.
                            switch (index_of_c_equipped_selected_item)
                            case 1:
                                equipped_new_item = true;

                            case 2:
                                equipped_new_item = true;

                            case 3:
                                equipped_new_item = true;

                            case 4:
                                equipped_new_item = true;

                            case 5:
                                equipped_new_item = true;

                    bool done = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < the_icoBar.get_number_of_icons(); i++)
                        if (check_overlap(the_icoBar.get_ico_rects_by_slot(i), draggable_item_rect) && !done)
                            switch (index_of_c_equipped_selected_item)
                            case 1:
                                the_icoBar.assign_id_number_to_slot(pl.show_main_hand().get_my_IDno(), i);
                                the_icoBar.assign_icon_to_slot(pl.show_main_hand().get_my_texture(), i);
                                the_icoBar.assign_type_to_slot(IconBar.Type_Tracker.Weapon, i);
                                done = true;

                            case 2:
                                the_icoBar.assign_id_number_to_slot(pl.show_off_hand().get_my_IDno(), i);
                                the_icoBar.assign_icon_to_slot(pl.show_off_hand().get_my_texture(), i);
                                the_icoBar.assign_type_to_slot(IconBar.Type_Tracker.Weapon, i);
                                done = true;

                            case 3:
                                the_icoBar.assign_id_number_to_slot(pl.show_over_armor().get_my_IDno(), i);
                                the_icoBar.assign_icon_to_slot(pl.show_over_armor().get_my_texture(), i);
                                the_icoBar.assign_type_to_slot(IconBar.Type_Tracker.Armor, i);
                                done = true;

                            case 4:
                                the_icoBar.assign_id_number_to_slot(pl.show_under_armor().get_my_IDno(), i);
                                the_icoBar.assign_icon_to_slot(pl.show_under_armor().get_my_texture(), i);
                                the_icoBar.assign_type_to_slot(IconBar.Type_Tracker.Armor, i);
                                done = true;

                            case 5:
                                the_icoBar.assign_id_number_to_slot(pl.show_helmet().get_my_IDno(), i);
                                the_icoBar.assign_icon_to_slot(pl.show_helmet().get_my_texture(), i);
                                the_icoBar.assign_type_to_slot(IconBar.Type_Tracker.Armor, i);
                                done = true;


                if (equipped_new_item || equipped_talisman)
                    update_player_info(ref pl);
                index_of_mouse_selected_item      = -1;
                index_of_c_equipped_selected_item = -1;

            bad_turn = equipped_new_item;
            if (String.Compare(pl.my_chara_as_string(), "Halephon") == 0)
                bad_turn = false;
Пример #2
        //There's gonna have to be fonts and stuff here too for now, but this will be okay
        //FOR THE TIME BEING...

        public InvAndHealthScreen(Texture2D my_default_backTex, SpriteFont smallFont, SpriteFont largeFont, SpriteFont pname_font, ref ContentManager cm, ref IconBar s_icoBar)
            cManager = cm;

            visible           = false;
            mode              = 0;
            section_titleFont = largeFont;
            stdFont           = smallFont;
            player_name_font  = pname_font;

            my_size = new Rectangle(my_xPosition, my_yPosition, width, height);
            BGElement_portraitBackground = new Rectangle(my_xPosition + ptBG_xPos, my_yPosition + ptBG_yPos,
                                                         ptBG_width, ptBG_height);
            int player_portrait_xpos = my_xPosition + ptBG_xPos + BGElement_portraitBackground.Width - plPT_width_height - 10;
            int player_portrait_ypos = my_yPosition + ptBG_yPos + 10;

            BGElement_playerPortrait = new Rectangle(player_portrait_xpos, player_portrait_ypos, plPT_width_height, plPT_width_height);

            player_name_pos = new Vector2(my_xPosition + ptBG_xPos + 10, my_yPosition + ptBG_yPos + 10);
            goldmsg_pos     = new Vector2(player_name_pos.X, player_name_pos.Y + player_name_font.LineSpacing + 5);

            BGElement_backpackBackground = new Rectangle(my_xPosition + bpbBG_xPos, my_yPosition + bpbBG_yPos,
                                                         bpbBG_width, bpbBG_height);

            inj_title    = "Health:";
            equips_title = "Armor:";
            //Equip stuff
            //equip_start_X = my_xPosition + ptBG_xPos + ptBG_width + esbBG_xPos;
            //equip_start_Y = my_yPosition + esbBG_yPos;

            //Rectangles for various equip slots.
            int e_rects_start_Y = my_yPosition + ptBG_yPos;

            main_hand_equip_slot         = new Rectangle(my_xPosition + ptBG_xPos + 10, e_rects_start_Y + 225, 48, 48);
            off_hand_equip_slot          = new Rectangle(my_xPosition + ptBG_xPos + 140, e_rects_start_Y + 225, 48, 48);
            over_armor_equip_slot        = new Rectangle(my_xPosition + ptBG_xPos + ((ptBG_width - 48) / 2), e_rects_start_Y + 180, 48, 48);
            under_armor_equip_slot       = new Rectangle(my_xPosition + ptBG_xPos + ((ptBG_width - 48) / 2), e_rects_start_Y + 250, 48, 48);
            helmet_equip_slot            = new Rectangle(my_xPosition + ptBG_xPos + ((ptBG_width - 48) / 2), e_rects_start_Y + 115, 48, 48);
            draggable_item_rect          = new Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 48);
            index_of_mouse_selected_item = -1;
            armor_equip_slots            = new List <Rectangle>();

            //Tab system. Better than the other stuff.
            current_tab_selected     = Current_Tab.Equipment;
            ctab_xPos                = my_xPosition + ptBG_xPos + ptBG_width + 10;
            ctab_yPos                = my_yPosition + 40;
            BGElement_ctabBackground = new Rectangle(ctab_xPos, ctab_yPos, ctab_width, ctab_height);
            ctab_msg_pos             = new Vector2(BGElement_ctabBackground.X + 10, BGElement_ctabBackground.Y + 10);
            //Tab 1 + related things.
            BGElement_equipmentTab = new Rectangle(ctab_xPos, ctab_yPos - 30, 20 + (int)stdFont.MeasureString(equips_title).X, tab_index_height);

            equip_title_pos       = new Vector2(BGElement_equipmentTab.X + 10, BGElement_equipmentTab.Y + 10);
            equip_msg_start_index = 0;
            //Tab 2 + related things.
            int h_tab_start_X = ctab_xPos + BGElement_equipmentTab.Width + 10;

            BGElement_healthTab = new Rectangle(h_tab_start_X, ctab_yPos - 30, 20 + (int)stdFont.MeasureString(inj_title).X, tab_index_height);

            inj_title_pos = new Vector2(BGElement_healthTab.X + 10, BGElement_healthTab.Y + 10);
            //General tab stuff
            inj_start_index      = 0;
            total_messages_shown = (int)((BGElement_ctabBackground.Height - 10) / stdFont.LineSpacing);

            //Scrollbox options.
            int scrollElements_x = ctab_xPos + BGElement_ctabBackground.Width - 20;
            int spacing          = 4;
            int first_y          = BGElement_ctabBackground.Y + spacing;
            int second_y         = BGElement_ctabBackground.Y + 18 + (spacing * 2);
            int third_y          = BGElement_ctabBackground.Y + BGElement_ctabBackground.Height - 18 - spacing;
            int fourth_y         = BGElement_ctabBackground.Y + BGElement_ctabBackground.Height - (18 * 2) - (spacing * 2);

            injSummary_scroll_up_max_rect   = new Rectangle(scrollElements_x, first_y, 18, 18);
            injSummary_scroll_up_one_rect   = new Rectangle(scrollElements_x, second_y, 18, 18);
            injSummary_scroll_down_max_rect = new Rectangle(scrollElements_x, third_y, 18, 18);
            injSummary_scroll_down_one_rect = new Rectangle(scrollElements_x, fourth_y, 18, 18);

            //Item stuff
            item_start_position = new Vector2(my_xPosition + bpbBG_xPos + 40, my_yPosition + bpbBG_yPos + 10);
            Vector2 item_start_position2 = new Vector2(item_start_position.X, item_start_position.Y);

            item_icon_rects = new List <Rectangle>();
            pair_list       = new List <rect_inv_item_pair>();
            for (int i = item_start_index; i < number_of_items_shown; i++)
                item_icon_rects.Add(new Rectangle((int)item_start_position2.X, (int)item_start_position2.Y, 48, 48));
                item_start_position2.X += 60;
            inv_left_scroll_rect  = new Rectangle(my_xPosition + bpbBG_xPos + 10, my_yPosition + bpbBG_yPos + 10, 16, 48);
            inv_right_scroll_rect = new Rectangle(my_xPosition + bpbBG_width - 26, my_yPosition + bpbBG_yPos + 10, 16, 48);

            my_dark_color   = new Color(0, 0, 0);
            my_grey_color   = new Color(100, 100, 100);
            my_red_color    = new Color(255, 0, 0);
            my_text_color   = new Color(255, 255, 255);
            my_d_grey_color = new Color(70, 70, 70);

            my_back_texture = my_default_backTex;
            my_back_texture.SetData(new[] { Color.White });
            pl_injury_report = new List <string>();

            the_icoBar = s_icoBar;