private void UpdateLogs(string deployHistory, int maxVersion) { MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(deployHistory, LogPattern); CurrentLogs_x86.Clear(); CurrentLogs_x64.Clear(); foreach (Match match in matches) { string[] data = match.Groups.Cast <Group>() .Select(group => group.Value) .Where(value => value.Length != 0) .ToArray(); string buildType = data[1]; bool is64Bit = buildType.EndsWith("64", Program.StringFormat); DeployLog deployLog = new DeployLog() { Is64Bit = is64Bit, VersionGuid = data[2], TimeStamp = DateTime.Parse(data[3], DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), MajorRev = int.Parse(data[4], Program.NumberFormat), Version = int.Parse(data[5], Program.NumberFormat), Patch = int.Parse(data[6], Program.NumberFormat), Changelist = int.Parse(data[7], Program.NumberFormat) }; if (deployLog.Changelist < EarliestChangelist || deployLog.Version > maxVersion) { continue; } HashSet <DeployLog> targetList; if (deployLog.Is64Bit) { targetList = CurrentLogs_x64; } else { targetList = CurrentLogs_x86; } targetList.Add(deployLog); } MakeDistinct(CurrentLogs_x64); MakeDistinct(CurrentLogs_x86); }
private void UpdateLogs(string deployHistory, int maxVersion) { var now = DateTime.Now; var matches = Regex.Matches(deployHistory, LogPattern); CurrentLogs_x86.Clear(); CurrentLogs_x64.Clear(); foreach (Match match in matches) { string[] data = match.Groups.Cast <Group>() .Select(group => group.Value) .Where(value => value.Length != 0) .ToArray(); string buildType = data[1]; bool is64Bit = buildType.EndsWith("64", Program.StringFormat); DeployLog deployLog = new DeployLog() { Is64Bit = is64Bit, VersionGuid = data[2], TimeStamp = DateTime.Parse(data[3], DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), MajorRev = int.Parse(data[4], Program.NumberFormat), Version = int.Parse(data[5], Program.NumberFormat), Patch = int.Parse(data[6], Program.NumberFormat), Changelist = int.Parse(data[7], Program.NumberFormat) }; if (deployLog.Changelist < EarliestChangelist || deployLog.Version > maxVersion) { continue; } // olive71 (Ganesh) said we should expect builds older than ~3 months to be deleted. // Although in practice this isn't consistently done, it's better to be safe than sorry. // var timespan = now - deployLog.TimeStamp; if (timespan.TotalDays > 90) { continue; } // Unverified builds might need a moment. if (timespan.TotalMinutes < 5) { continue; } HashSet <DeployLog> targetList; if (deployLog.Is64Bit) { targetList = CurrentLogs_x64; } else { targetList = CurrentLogs_x86; } targetList.Add(deployLog); } MakeDistinct(CurrentLogs_x64); MakeDistinct(CurrentLogs_x86); }