protected void btnSaveAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string achName = txtAchName.Text.Trim(); string mainCharge = txtCharger.Text.Trim(); string Origin = txtOrigon.Text.Trim(); string publish = txtPublish.Text.Trim(); string content = txtContent.Text.Trim(); string meaning = txtMeaning.Text.Trim(); int boardId = int.Parse(ddlBoard.SelectedValue); string accName = hidFileOriName.Value; string accURL = hidFileNewName.Value; if (achName != "" && content != "") { Cultural.BLL.Achievement achBll = new Cultural.BLL.Achievement(); Cultural.Model.Achievement achieve = new Cultural.Model.Achievement(); achieve.AchieveName = achName; achieve.MainCharge = mainCharge; achieve.Origon = Origin; achieve.Publish = publish; achieve.Content = content; achieve.Meaning = meaning; achieve.BoardID = boardId; achieve.AccName = accName; achieve.AccURL = accURL; achieve.Status = "1"; try { achBll.Add(achieve); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this.Page, "保存成功!", "AchieveAdd.aspx"); } catch { MessageBox.Show(this.Page, "网络出错,保存失败!请重试!"); } } else { Maticsoft.Common.MessageBox.Show(this.Page, "项目名或项目主要内容不能为空!"); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string mainCharge = txtCharger.Text.Trim(); string Origin = txtOrigon.Text.Trim(); string publish = txtPublish.Text.Trim(); string content = txtContent.Text.Trim(); string meaning = txtMeaning.Text.Trim(); int boardId = int.Parse(ddlBoard.SelectedValue); string accName = hidFileOriName.Value; string accURL = hidFileNewName.Value; if (content != "") { Cultural.BLL.Achievement achBll = new Cultural.BLL.Achievement(); ach.MainCharge = mainCharge; ach.Origon = Origin; ach.Publish = publish; ach.Content = content; ach.Meaning = meaning; ach.BoardID = boardId; if (ach.AccName != accName) { ach.AccName = accName; ach.AccURL = accURL; } try { achBll.Update(ach); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this.Page, "保存成功!", string.Format("AchieveShow.aspx?id=", hidAchID.Value)); } catch { MessageBox.Show(this.Page, "网络出错,保存失败!请重试!"); } } else { Maticsoft.Common.MessageBox.Show(this.Page, "项目主要内容不能为空!"); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Cultural.BLL.Achievement achBll = new Cultural.BLL.Achievement(); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string paraFID = context.Request["FID"]; //读取参数PageSize if (paraFID != null && paraFID.Trim() == "ACHL") //列表界面 { int paraIndex = context.Request["Index"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(context.Request["Index"]); //读取参数PageSize int paraSize = context.Request["PageSize"] == null ? 10 : int.Parse(context.Request["PageSize"]); //读取参数PageSize string paraBoardID = context.Request["BoardID"] == null ? "0" : context.Request["BoardID"].ToString(); //读取参数 AchInfo achInfoInfo = new AchInfo(); achInfoInfo.AchList = achBll.DataTableToList(achBll.GetListByPage(string.Format(" BoardID={0} and Status!='0' ", paraBoardID), " AchieveID desc", (paraIndex - 1) * paraSize, paraIndex * paraSize).Tables[0]); for (int i = 0; i < achInfoInfo.AchList.Count; i++) { achInfoInfo.AchList[i].AccURL = achInfoInfo.AchList[i].AccURL == null ? "" : Maticsoft.Common.CommonFun.URLConverToServer("FileUpload/" + achInfoInfo.AchList[i].AccURL); } achInfoInfo.TotalNum = achBll.GetRecordCount(string.Format(" BoardID={0} and Status!='0' ", paraBoardID)); context.Response.Write(JsonHelper.Serialize(achInfoInfo)); } }