Пример #1
 public static void LoadImage(ref CuiElementContainer container, string panel, string png, string aMin, string aMax)
     container.Add(new CuiElement
         Name       = CuiHelper.GetGuid(),
         Parent     = panel,
         Components =
             new CuiRawImageComponent      {
                 Png = png
             new CuiRectTransformComponent {
                 AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax
 private void CreateBoxUI(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity, int header = 0)
     if (header == 0)
     cuiContainer = ContainerOffset("BoxUIContent", "0.65 0.65 0.65 0.06", "0.5 0", "0.5 0", "192.5 16",
                                    "423 75.9");
     if (_skinbox.ContainsKey(entity.skinID) || entity.prefabID == 1844023509)
         AddSelectedUI(player, entity);
         AddCategoryUI(player, cuiContainer);
Пример #3
        // initialize GUI elements
        void InitGUI()
            GUIContainer = new CuiElementContainer();

            GUIElement = new CuiElement()
                Name       = GUIName,
                FadeOut    = data.ui.fadeOut,
                Components =
                    (GUIText      = new CuiTextComponent()
                        Text      = "",
                        FontSize  = data.ui.fontSize,
                        Color     = data.ui.boostTextColor,
                        FadeIn    = data.ui.fadeIn,
                        Align     = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                    (GUIPosition  = new CuiRectTransformComponent()
                        AnchorMin = data.ui.anchorMin,
                        AnchorMax = data.ui.anchorMax

            LockBackground = new CuiElement()
                Name       = GUIName,
                FadeOut    = data.ui.fadeOut,
                Components =
                    new CuiImageComponent()
                        Sprite = "assets/icons/lock.png",
                        Color  = data.ui.lockIconColor,
                        FadeIn = data.ui.fadeIn
                    new CuiRectTransformComponent()
                        AnchorMin = data.ui.lockAnchorMin,
                        AnchorMax = data.ui.lockAnchorMax
Пример #4
        private static void SendUI(BasePlayer player, CuiElementContainer container)
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(container, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings
                StringEscapeHandling = StringEscapeHandling.Default,
                DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore,
                Formatting           = Formatting.Indented

            json = json.Replace(@"\t", "\t");
            json = json.Replace(@"\n", "\n");

            //CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container);
            CommunityEntity.ServerInstance.ClientRPCEx(new Network.SendInfo {
                connection = player.net.connection
            }, null, "AddUI", new Facepunch.ObjectList(json, null, null, null, null));
Пример #5
        private void CreateHealthElement(ref CuiElementContainer element, string panelName, string name, float maxHealth, float currentHealth, float minY)
            var    percent = System.Convert.ToDouble((float)currentHealth / (float)maxHealth);
            var    yMax    = 0.98 * percent;
            string color   = "0.2 0.6 0.2 0.9";

            if (percent <= 0.5)
                color = "1 0.5 0 0.9";
            if (percent <= 0.15)
                color = "0.698 0.13 0.13 0.9";
            EventManager.UI.CreatePanel(ref element, panelName, color, $"0.01 {minY + 0.005}", $"{yMax} {minY + 0.24}");
            EventManager.UI.CreateLabel(ref element, panelName, "", name, 8, $"0 {minY}", $"1 {minY + 0.25}");
 static public CuiElementContainer CreateElementContainer(string panel, string color, string aMin, string aMax, bool cursor = false)
     var NewElement = new CuiElementContainer()
         new CuiPanel
             Image = {Color = color},
             RectTransform = {AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax},
             CursorEnabled = cursor,
         new CuiElement().Parent,
     return NewElement;
Пример #7
        private void ShowInfo(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
            if (player == null || _settings == null)

            if (!PlayerActiveTabs.ContainsKey(player.userID))
                PlayerActiveTabs.Add(player.userID, new PlayerInfoState(_settings));

            var container     = new CuiElementContainer();
            var mainPanelName = AddMainPanel(container);

            PlayerActiveTabs[player.userID].MainPanelName = mainPanelName;

            var tabToSelectIndex = _settings.TabToOpenByDefault;
            var allowedTabs      = _settings.Tabs
                                   .Where((tab, tabIndex) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(tab.OxideGroup) ||
                                          .Any(group => Permission.UserHasGroup(player.userID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), group)))

            if (allowedTabs.Count <= 0)
                SendReply(player, "[GUI Help] You don't have permissions to see info.");

            var activeAllowedTab    = allowedTabs[tabToSelectIndex];
            var tabContentPanelName = CreateTabContent(activeAllowedTab, container, mainPanelName);
            var activeTabButtonName = AddActiveButton(tabToSelectIndex, activeAllowedTab, container, mainPanelName);

            for (int tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < allowedTabs.Count; tabIndex++)
                if (tabIndex == tabToSelectIndex)

                AddNonActiveButton(tabIndex, container, allowedTabs[tabIndex], mainPanelName, activeTabButtonName);
            PlayerActiveTabs[player.userID].ActiveTabContentPanelName = tabContentPanelName;
            SendUI(player, container);
Пример #8
 public static void CreateLabel(
     ref CuiElementContainer container,
     string panel,
     string color,
     string text,
     int size,
     string aMin,
     string aMax,
     TextAnchor align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter)
     container.Add(new CuiLabel
         Text          = { Color = color, FontSize = size, Align = align, Text = text },
         RectTransform = { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax }
Пример #9
        public static void CreateRightFadeout(BasePlayer player, string message)
            string ARENA = $"{message}";

            string gui = "CreateRightFadeout";


            CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, gui);

            var        elements    = new CuiElementContainer();
            CuiElement textElement = new CuiElement
                Name       = gui,
                Parent     = "Hud.Under",
                FadeOut    = 5,
                Components =
                    new CuiTextComponent
                        Text     = $"<color=#cc0000>{message}</color>",
                        FontSize = 22,
                        Align    = TextAnchor.UpperLeft,
                        //FadeIn = 5
                    new CuiOutlineComponent
                        Distance = "1.0 1.0",
                        Color    = "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"
                    new CuiRectTransformComponent
                        AnchorMin = "0.80 0.35",
                        AnchorMax = "1 0.9"

            CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements);
            me.timer.Once(5f, () =>
                CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, gui);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Show overlay menu for parent player
        /// </summary>
        public void ShowOverlay()
            HideOverlay();             // just in case
            CancelPlacing();           // cancel placing

            var elements = new CuiElementContainer();

            overlay = Cui.Menu.CreateOverlay(elements, this);

            CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements);

            //overlaytext = text;
            //overlaysubtext = subtext;
            isOverlayOpen = true;
            beltposition  = player.GetActiveItem().position;
Пример #11
        private static void BuildNotificationBlock(ref CuiElementContainer container, int index, TimedNotification notification)
            Vector2 dimension = new Vector2(1f, 0.07f);
            Vector2 origin    = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
            Vector2 offset    = new Vector2(0f, (0.015f + dimension.y) * (index + 1));
            Vector2 min       = origin - offset;
            Vector2 max       = min + dimension;

            Helper.UI.Panel(ref container, "ui_notifications_times", notification.color, $"{min.x} {min.y}", $"{max.x} {max.y}");

            // Message
            Helper.UI.Label(ref container, "ui_notifications_times", "1 1 1 1", notification.message, 12, $"{min.x} {min.y}", $"{max.x - 0.28} {max.y}");

            // Timer
            Helper.UI.Panel(ref container, "ui_notifications_times", "0 0 0 .64", $"{min.x + 0.72} {min.y}", $"{max.x} {max.y}");
            Helper.UI.Label(ref container, "ui_notifications_times", "1 1 1 1", Helper.TimeFormat.Short(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(notification.expires - Helper.Timestamp())), 12, $"{min.x + 0.72} {min.y}", $"{max.x} {max.y}");
Пример #12
 public static void CreateInput(ref CuiElementContainer container, string panel, string color, string text, int size, string aMin, string aMax, string command, bool password, int charLimit, TextAnchor align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter)
     container.Add(new CuiElement
         Name       = CuiHelper.GetGuid(),
         Parent     = panel,
         Components =
             new CuiInputFieldComponent    {
                 Text = text, FontSize = size, Align = align, Color = color, Command = command, IsPassword = password, CharsLimit = charLimit
             new CuiRectTransformComponent {
                 AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax
Пример #13
        void NPCSelectGUI(BasePlayer player)
            IsOpen(player.userID, true);
            CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, NPCGUS);

            string description            = Lang("npcguisel");
            CuiElementContainer container = UI.Container(NPCGUS, UI.Color("242424", 1f), "0.1 0.1", "0.9 0.9", true, "Overlay");

            UI.Label(ref container, NPCGUS, UI.Color("#ffffff", 1f), description, 18, "0.23 0.92", "0.7 1");
            UI.Label(ref container, NPCGUS, UI.Color("#22cc44", 1f), Lang("musician"), 12, "0.72 0.92", "0.77 1");
            UI.Label(ref container, NPCGUS, UI.Color("#2244cc", 1f), Lang("standard"), 12, "0.79 0.92", "0.86 1");
            UI.Button(ref container, NPCGUS, UI.Color("#d85540", 1f), Lang("close"), 12, "0.92 0.93", "0.985 0.98", $"npcgui selclose");
            int col = 0;
            int row = 0;

            List <ulong> npcs = (List <ulong>)HumanNPC?.Call("HumanNPCs");

            foreach (ulong npc in npcs)
                if (row > 10)
                    row = 0;
                var hBand = (string)HumanNPC?.Call("GetHumanNPCInfo", npc, "band");
                if (hBand == "99")
                string color = "#2244cc";
                if (hBand != "0")
                    color = "#22cc44";

                var     hName = (string)HumanNPC?.Call("HumanNPCname", npc);
                float[] posb  = GetButtonPositionP(row, col);
                UI.Button(ref container, NPCGUS, UI.Color(color, 1f), hName, 12, $"{posb[0]} {posb[1]}", $"{posb[0] + ((posb[2] - posb[0]) / 2)} {posb[3]}", $"npcgui npc {npc.ToString()}");
            float[] posn = GetButtonPositionP(row, col);
            UI.Button(ref container, NPCGUS, UI.Color("#cc3333", 1f), Lang("new"), 12, $"{posn[0]} {posn[1]}", $"{posn[0] + ((posn[2] - posn[0]) / 2)} {posn[3]}", $"npcgui new");

            CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container);
Пример #14
        private void CreateUI(BasePlayer player)
            if (!config.ScreamOnDemand)


            bool canScream = screams[player].NextPlay <= Time.time;

            var ui            = new CuiElementContainer();
            var rootPanelName = ui.Add(new CuiPanel
                Image =
                    Color = "0 0 0 0"
                RectTransform =
                    AnchorMin = "0 0.924",
                    AnchorMax = "1 1"

            // Text label
            ui.Add(new CuiLabel
                RectTransform =
                    AnchorMin = "0 0",
                    AnchorMax = "1 1"
                Text =
                    Text     = lang.GetMessage("helptext",                                  this, player.UserIDString),
                    Align    = TextAnchor.LowerCenter,
                    Color    = canScream ? "0.968 0.921 0.882 1" : "0.968 0.921 0.882 0.5",
                    FontSize = canScream ? 14 : 13
            }, rootPanelName);

            openUis.Add(player.userID, rootPanelName);
            CuiHelper.AddUi(player, ui);
Пример #15
            public CuiElementContainer ToDynamicContainer(PanelTypes type, params StringPlus.ReplacementData[] replacements)
                CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer();

                string textData = StringPlus.Replace(text.text, replacements);

                container.Add(new CuiElement {
                    Name       = UniqueElementName(ContainerTypes.Dynamic, ContainerParent, type.ToString()),
                    Parent     = ContainerParent,
                    Components =

Пример #16
        void UnstuckButton(string id, string text = null)
            var basePlayer = BasePlayer.Find(id);
            var elements   = new CuiElementContainer();

            unstuck = elements.Add(new CuiButton
                Button        = { Command = $"unstuck {id}", Color = guiColor },
                RectTransform =
                    AnchorMin = string.Concat(anchorMinX, ' ', anchorMinY),
                    AnchorMax = string.Concat(anchorMaxX, ' ', anchorMaxY)
                Text = { Text = (text ?? Lang("Stuck", id)), FontSize = 20, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }
            }, "Hud", "Unstuck");
            CuiHelper.DestroyUi(basePlayer, unstuck);
            CuiHelper.AddUi(basePlayer, elements);
 private static void Label(ref CuiElementContainer container, string panel, string text, string color,
                           int size, string aMin, string aMax, float fadein = 0f, TextAnchor align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter)
     container.Add(new CuiLabel
         Text =
             FontSize = size,
             Align    = align,
             Text     = text,
             Color    = color,
             Font     = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
             FadeIn   = fadein
         RectTransform = { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax }
Пример #18
            public static CuiElementContainer NewCuiElement(string name, string color, string aMin, string aMax)
                var element = new CuiElementContainer()
                        new CuiPanel
                            Image         = { Color = color },
                            RectTransform = { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax },
                            CursorEnabled = false
                        new CuiElement().Parent = "Overlay",

Пример #19
 public static void LoadImage(ref CuiElementContainer container, string panel, string url, string aMin, string aMax)
     container.Add(new CuiElement
         Name       = CuiHelper.GetGuid(),
         Parent     = panel,
         FadeOut    = 0.15f,
         Components =
             new CuiRawImageComponent      {
                 Url = url, FadeIn = 0.3f
             new CuiRectTransformComponent {
                 AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax
Пример #20
            public void HealthIndicator(BasePlayer player, float health)
                CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "HealthGui");
                var healthstr  = health.ToString();
                var rocketstr  = isReloading ? "R" : rocketMax.ToString();
                var napalmstr  = isReloading ? "R" : napalmMax.ToString();
                var dispalystr = isReloading ? "Reloading     " + healthstr + "     Reloading" : "N: " + napalmstr + "         " + healthstr + "         R: " + rocketstr;

                var healthindicator = new CuiElementContainer();

                healthindicator.Add(new CuiButton
                    Button        = { Command = "", Color = "0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0" },
                    RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.40 0.15", AnchorMax = "0.60 0.18" },
                    Text          = { Text = dispalystr, FontSize = 18, Color = "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.2", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }
                }, "Overall", "HealthGui");
                CuiHelper.AddUi(player, healthindicator);
Пример #21
            static public CuiElementContainer CreateElementContainer(string panelName, string color, string aMin, string aMax, bool useCursor = false)
                var NewElement = new CuiElementContainer()
                        new CuiPanel
                            Image         = { Color = color },
                            RectTransform = { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax },
                            CursorEnabled = useCursor
                        new CuiElement().Parent = "Overlay",

Пример #22
            void AddDialogHeader(CuiElementContainer container)
                container.Add(new CuiPanel {
                    Image         = { Color = "0 0 0 1" },
                    RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0 0.966", AnchorMax = "0.999 0.999" }
                }, Ui.Element.MapDialog, Ui.Element.MapHeader);

                container.Add(new CuiLabel {
                    Text          = { Text = ConVar.Server.hostname, FontSize = 13, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, FadeIn = 0 },
                    RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.012 0.025", AnchorMax = "0.099 0.917" }
                }, Ui.Element.MapHeader, Ui.Element.MapHeaderTitle);

                container.Add(new CuiButton {
                    Text          = { Text = "X", FontSize = 13, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter },
                    Button        = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = "imperium.map.toggle", FadeIn = 0 },
                    RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.972 0.083", AnchorMax = "0.995 0.917" }
                }, Ui.Element.MapHeader, Ui.Element.MapHeaderCloseButton);
Пример #23
            static public CuiElementContainer Container(string panel, string aMin, string aMax)
                CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer()
                        new CuiPanel
                            Image         = { Color = ins.panelColor },
                            RectTransform = { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax },
                            CursorEnabled = false
                        new CuiElement().Parent = "Overlay",

Пример #24
            static public CuiElementContainer ElementContainer(string panelName, string color, UI4 dimensions, bool useCursor = false, string parent = "Overlay")
                var NewElement = new CuiElementContainer()
                        new CuiPanel
                            Image         = { Color = color },
                            RectTransform = { AnchorMin = dimensions.GetMin(), AnchorMax = dimensions.GetMax() },
                            CursorEnabled = useCursor
                        new CuiElement().Parent = parent,

Пример #25
            static public CuiElementContainer Container(string panelName, string aMin, string aMax, bool cursor = false)
                var NewElement = new CuiElementContainer()
                        new CuiPanel
                            Image         = { Color = uiColors["background"] },
                            RectTransform = { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax },
                            CursorEnabled = cursor
                        new CuiElement().Parent = "Overlay",

Пример #26
            public static CuiElementContainer Container(string panel, string color, string min, string max, bool useCursor = false, string parent = "Overlay")
                CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer()
                        new CuiPanel
                            Image         = { Color = color },
                            RectTransform = { AnchorMin = min, AnchorMax = max },
                            CursorEnabled = useCursor
                        new CuiElement().Parent = parent,

Пример #27
        private void VanishGui(BasePlayer basePlayer)
            if (!basePlayer || !basePlayer.IsConnected || !IsInvisible(basePlayer))

            if (basePlayer.HasPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.ReceivingSnapshot))
                timer.Once(0.1f, () => VanishGui(basePlayer));

            string gui;

            if (guiInfo.TryGetValue(basePlayer.userID, out gui))
                CuiHelper.DestroyUi(basePlayer, gui);

            CuiElementContainer elements = new CuiElementContainer();

            guiInfo[basePlayer.userID] = CuiHelper.GetGuid();

            elements.Add(new CuiElement
                Name       = guiInfo[basePlayer.userID],
                Components =
                    new CuiRawImageComponent
                        Color = config.ImageColor,
                        Url   = config.ImageUrlIcon
                    new CuiRectTransformComponent
                        AnchorMin = config.ImageAnchorMin,
                        AnchorMax = config.ImageAnchorMax

            CuiHelper.AddUi(basePlayer, elements);
Пример #28
        private void UpdateTprUI(BasePlayer player, List <BasePlayer> players, int index = 0)
            Helper.UI.Destroy(player, "ui_teleport_tpr_toolbar");
            Helper.UI.Destroy(player, "ui_teleport_tpr_entries");

            Puts($"Players: {players.Count}");

            // Create the home items themself
            CuiElementContainer entriesContainer = Helper.UI.Container("ui_teleport_tpr_entries", "0 0 0 0", "0 0.04", "0.997 1", false, "ui_teleport_tpr");
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var p in players.Skip(index * 15).Take(15))
                Vector2 dimension = new Vector2(0.997f, 0.05f);
                Vector2 origin    = new Vector2(0.0f, 1f);
                Vector2 offset    = new Vector2(0f, (0.013f + dimension.y) * (i + 1));
                Vector2 min       = origin - offset;
                Vector2 max       = min + dimension;

                Helper.UI.Panel(ref entriesContainer, "ui_teleport_tpr_entries", "1 1 1 0.02", $"{min.x} {min.y}", $"{max.x} {max.y}");
                Helper.UI.Label(ref entriesContainer, "ui_teleport_tpr_entries", "1 1 1 1", $"{p.displayName}", 12, $"{min.x + 0.02} {min.y}", $"{max.x} {max.y}", TextAnchor.MiddleLeft);
                Helper.UI.Button(ref entriesContainer, "ui_teleport_tpr_entries", "0.12 0.38 0.57 1", "Request Teleport", 12, $"{min.x + 0.8} {min.y + 0.01}", $"{max.x - 0.02} {max.y - 0.01}", $"teleport tpr request {p.UserIDString}");


            // Create toolbar container
            CuiElementContainer toolbarContainer = Helper.UI.Container("ui_teleport_tpr_toolbar", "0 0 0 0", "0 0", "0.997 0.04", false, "ui_teleport_tpr");

            if (index > 0)
                Helper.UI.Button(ref toolbarContainer, "ui_teleport_tpr_toolbar", "0.12 0.38 0.57 1", "< Previous", 12, "0 0", "0.2 0.96", $"teleport tpr index {index - 1}");

            if (players.Count - (index * 15) > 15)
                Helper.UI.Button(ref toolbarContainer, "ui_teleport_tpr_toolbar", "0.12 0.38 0.57 1", "Next >", 12, "0.8 0", "0.997 0.96", $"teleport tpr index {index + 1}");

            Helper.UI.Button(ref toolbarContainer, "ui_teleport_tpr_toolbar", "0.8 0.2 0.2 1", "Close Teleport Request", 12, $"{(index > 0 ? "0.21" : "0")} 0", $"{(players.Count - (index * 15) > 15 ? "0.79" : "0.997")} 0.96", $"teleport tpr close");

            Helper.UI.Add(player, entriesContainer);
            Helper.UI.Add(player, toolbarContainer);
Пример #29
        private void UpdateHomeUI(BasePlayer player, int index = 0)
            Helper.UI.Destroy(player, "ui_teleport_home_toolbar");
            Helper.UI.Destroy(player, "ui_teleport_home_entries");

            // Create the home items themself
            CuiElementContainer entriesContainer = Helper.UI.Container("ui_teleport_home_entries", "0 0 0 0", "0 0.04", "0.997 1", false, "ui_teleport_home");
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var home in playerHomes[player.userID].Skip(index * 15).Take(15))
                Vector2 dimension = new Vector2(0.997f, 0.05f);
                Vector2 origin    = new Vector2(0.0f, 1f);
                Vector2 offset    = new Vector2(0f, (0.013f + dimension.y) * (i + 1));
                Vector2 min       = origin - offset;
                Vector2 max       = min + dimension;

                Helper.UI.Panel(ref entriesContainer, "ui_teleport_home_entries", "1 1 1 0.02", $"{min.x} {min.y}", $"{max.x} {max.y}");
                Helper.UI.Label(ref entriesContainer, "ui_teleport_home_entries", "1 1 1 1", $"Home {home.Key}", 12, $"{min.x + 0.02} {min.y}", $"{max.x} {max.y}", TextAnchor.MiddleLeft);
                Helper.UI.Button(ref entriesContainer, "ui_teleport_home_entries", "0.8 0.2 0.2 1", "Delete", 12, $"{min.x + 0.8} {min.y + 0.01}", $"{max.x - 0.02} {max.y - 0.01}", $"teleport home remove {home.Key}");
                Helper.UI.Button(ref entriesContainer, "ui_teleport_home_entries", "0.12 0.38 0.57 1", "Teleport", 12, $"{min.x + 0.598} {min.y + 0.01}", $"{max.x - 0.22} {max.y - 0.01}", $"teleport home teleport {home.Key}");


            // Create toolbar container
            CuiElementContainer toolbarContainer = Helper.UI.Container("ui_teleport_home_toolbar", "0 0 0 0", "0 0", "0.997 0.04", false, "ui_teleport_home");

            if (index > 0)
                Helper.UI.Button(ref toolbarContainer, "ui_teleport_home_toolbar", "0.12 0.38 0.57 1", "< Previous", 12, "0 0", "0.2 0.96", $"teleport home index {index - 1}");

            if (playerHomes[player.userID].Count - (index * 15) > 15)
                Helper.UI.Button(ref toolbarContainer, "ui_teleport_home_toolbar", "0.12 0.38 0.57 1", "Next >", 12, "0.8 0", "0.997 0.96", $"teleport home index {index + 1}");

            Helper.UI.Button(ref toolbarContainer, "ui_teleport_home_toolbar", "0.12 0.38 0.57 1", "Add Home", 12, $"{(index > 0 ? "0.21" : "0")} 0", "0.495 0.96", $"teleport home add {index}");
            Helper.UI.Button(ref toolbarContainer, "ui_teleport_home_toolbar", "0.8 0.2 0.2 1", "Close Homes", 12, "0.505 0", $"{(playerHomes[player.userID].Count - (index * 15) > 15 ? "0.79" : "0.997")} 0.96", $"teleport home close");

            Helper.UI.Add(player, entriesContainer);
            Helper.UI.Add(player, toolbarContainer);
Пример #30
        void CreateBox(CuiElementContainer container, string AnchorMin, string AnchorMax, string Resolution, bool Active = false)
            string BoxName = CuiHelper.GetGuid();

            container.Add(new CuiElement
                Name       = BoxName,
                Parent     = "ResolutionMain",
                Components =
                    new CuiButtonComponent
                        Command = "resolution.select " + Resolution, // NOTE! Text will put as CMD
                        Close   = "ResolutionMain",
                        Color   = "1 1 1 0.4"
                    new CuiRectTransformComponent
                        AnchorMin = AnchorMin,
                        AnchorMax = AnchorMax

            container.Add(new CuiElement
                Name       = CuiHelper.GetGuid(),
                Parent     = BoxName,
                Components =
                    new CuiTextComponent
                        Text     = Resolution + (Active ? "\n\n" + GetLangMessage("RES_CHOOSED") : ""),
                        FontSize = 30,
                        Align    = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                    new CuiRectTransformComponent(),
                    new CuiOutlineComponent()
                        Color = "0 0 0 1"
        void RenderMode(BasePlayer player, bool repair = false)
            CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "EnhancedHammerUI");
            if (PlayerHasFlag(player.userID, PlayerFlags.PLUGIN_DISABLED) || 
                PlayerHasFlag(player.userID, PlayerFlags.ICONS_DISABLED) || 
                (!repair && playersInfo[player.userID].upgradeInfo == BuildingGrade.Enum.Count))

            CuiElementContainer panel = new CuiElementContainer();
            string icon = "http://i.imgur.com/Nq6DNSX.png";
            if (!repair)
                switch (playersInfo[player.userID].upgradeInfo)
                    case BuildingGrade.Enum.Wood:
                        icon = "http://i.imgur.com/F4XBBhY.png";
                    case BuildingGrade.Enum.Stone:
                        icon = "http://i.imgur.com/S7Sl9oh.png";
                    case BuildingGrade.Enum.Metal:
                        icon = "http://i.imgur.com/fVjzbag.png";
                    case BuildingGrade.Enum.TopTier:
                        icon = "http://i.imgur.com/f0WklR3.png";

            CuiElement ehUI = new CuiElement { Name = "EnhancedHammerUI", Parent = "HUD/Overlay", FadeOut = 0.5f };
            CuiRawImageComponent ehUI_IMG = new CuiRawImageComponent { FadeIn = 0.5f, Url = icon };
            CuiRectTransformComponent ehUI_RECT = new CuiRectTransformComponent
                AnchorMin = "0.32 0.09",
                AnchorMax = "0.34 0.13"
            CuiHelper.AddUi(player, panel);
Пример #32
        private void nextCountdown()
            if(currentCount >= 0){
                if(elements != null){
                    elements = null;
                elements = new CuiElementContainer();

                string numToShow = currentCount.ToString();
                string color = "0 0 0 1.0";

                if(currentCount == 0){
                    numToShow = "FIGHT!";
                    color = "0.50 0.0 0.0 1.0";
                    foreach(EventPlayer player in EventPlayers){
                        GivePlayerKit(player.player, EventKit);

                    EventStarted = true;

                var oldCount = mainCount;
                mainCount = elements.Add(new CuiPanel
                    Image =
                        Color = "0.1 0.1 0.1 0"
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.45 0.45",
                        AnchorMax = "0.55 0.55"
                    CursorEnabled = false
                }, "HUD/Overlay", "event_countdown");

                elements.Add(new CuiLabel
                        Text =
                            Text = numToShow,
                            FontSize = 34,
                            Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                            Color = color
            ,                        RectTransform =
                            AnchorMin = "0.0 0.0",
                            AnchorMax = "1.0 1.0"
                    }, "event_countdown");

                if(currentCount == 0){

                foreach (EventPlayer player in EventPlayers)
                    CommunityEntity.ServerInstance.ClientRPCEx(new Network.SendInfo() { connection = player.player.net.connection }, null, "DestroyUI", new Facepunch.ObjectList("event_countdown", null, null, null, null));

                    CuiHelper.AddUi(player.player, elements);

                    if(currentCount > 0){
                        Effect.server.Run("assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/door/lock.code.lock.prefab", player.player.transform.position, Vector3.zero, null, false);
                    if(currentCount == 0){
                        CommunityEntity.ServerInstance.ClientRPCEx(new Network.SendInfo() { connection = player.player.net.connection }, null, "DestroyUI", new Facepunch.ObjectList("event_blackout", null, null, null, null));
                        Effect.server.Run("assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/entities/helicopter/heli_explosion.prefab", player.player.transform.position, Vector3.zero, null, false);
                foreach (EventPlayer player in EventPlayers)
                    if(mainCount != null){
                        CommunityEntity.ServerInstance.ClientRPCEx(new Network.SendInfo() { connection = player.player.net.connection }, null, "DestroyUI", new Facepunch.ObjectList("event_countdown", null, null, null, null));
Пример #33
        private void guitest(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
            elements = new CuiElementContainer();

            mainName = elements.Add(new CuiPanel
                Image =
                    Color = "0.1 0.1 0.1 1"
                RectTransform =
                    AnchorMin = "0.0 0.95",
                    AnchorMax = "1.0 1.0"
                CursorEnabled = false
            }, "HUD/Overlay", "event_top"


             elements.Add(new CuiLabel
                    Text =
                        Text = "2 Players Left.",
                        FontSize = 24,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.0 0.0",
                        AnchorMax = "1.0 1.0"
                }, "event_top");

              elements.Add(new CuiLabel
                    Text =
                        Text = "DeadLaugh Event",
                        FontSize = 16,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.025 0.0",
                        AnchorMax = "1.0 1.0"
                }, "event_top");

              CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements);
Пример #34
        private void updateGUI()
           // startCountdown();

            if(elements != null){
                elements = null;
            elements = new CuiElementContainer();
            string mainNameTemp = mainName;

                json1 = @"[
                            ""name"": ""event_blackout"",
                            ""parent"": ""HUD/Overlay"",
                                    ""imagetype"": ""Filled"",
                                    ""color"": ""1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"",
                                    ""url"": ""http://rust.deadlaugh.com/overlay/dl2.png"",
                                    ""fadeIn"": ""1""
                                    ""anchormin"": ""0.0 0.0"",
                                    ""anchormax"": ""1.0 1.0""


            mainName = elements.Add(new CuiPanel
                Image =
                    Color = "0.1 0.1 0.1 1"
                RectTransform =
                    AnchorMin = "0.0 0.95",
                    AnchorMax = "1.0 1.0"
                CursorEnabled = false
            },"HUD/Overlay", "event_top");

             elements.Add(new CuiLabel
                    Text =
                        Text = activeCount().ToString() + " Players Left.",
                        FontSize = 24,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.0 0.0",
                        AnchorMax = "1.0 1.0"
                }, "event_top");

              elements.Add(new CuiLabel
                    Text =
                        Text = "DeadLaugh Event",
                        FontSize = 16,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.025 0.0",
                        AnchorMax = "1.0 1.0"
                }, "event_top");

            foreach (EventPlayer player1 in EventPlayers)

                    CommunityEntity.ServerInstance.ClientRPCEx(new Network.SendInfo() { connection = player1.player.net.connection }, null, "DestroyUI", new Facepunch.ObjectList("event_top", null, null, null, null));

                            CommunityEntity.ServerInstance.ClientRPCEx(new Network.SendInfo() { connection = player1.player.net.connection }, null, "AddUI", new Facepunch.ObjectList(json1));
                        CuiHelper.AddUi(player1.player, elements);

            if(activeCount() == 1 && EventStarted ){
        private void updateGUI(BasePlayer player)
            // startCountdown();

            if(elements != null){
                elements = null;
            elements = new CuiElementContainer();
            string mainNameTemp = mainName;

                json1 = @"[
                            ""name"": ""event_blackout"",
                            ""parent"": ""HUD/Overlay"",
                                    ""imagetype"": ""Filled"",
                                    ""color"": ""1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"",
                                    ""url"": ""http://rust.deadlaugh.com/overlay/dl2.png"",
                                    ""fadeIn"": ""1""
                                    ""anchormin"": ""0.0 0.0"",
                                    ""anchormax"": ""1.0 1.0""


            mainName = elements.Add(new CuiPanel
                Image =
                    Color = "0.1 0.1 0.1 1"
                RectTransform =
                    AnchorMin = "0.0 0.95",
                    AnchorMax = "1.0 1.0"
                CursorEnabled = false
            },"HUD/Overlay", "event_top");

             elements.Add(new CuiLabel
                    Text =
                        Text = activeCount().ToString() + " Players Left.",
                        FontSize = 24,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.0 0.0",
                        AnchorMax = "1.0 1.0"
                }, "event_top");

              elements.Add(new CuiLabel
                    Text =
                        Text = "DeadLaugh Event",
                        FontSize = 16,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.025 0.0",
                        AnchorMax = "1.0 1.0"
                }, "event_top");

            CommunityEntity.ServerInstance.ClientRPCEx(new Network.SendInfo() { connection = player.net.connection }, null, "DestroyUI", new Facepunch.ObjectList("event_top", null, null, null, null));

            EventPlayer p = player.GetComponent<EventPlayer>();

            if((p != null) && (p.inEvent)){ // add event_blackout once to each player
                    CommunityEntity.ServerInstance.ClientRPCEx(new Network.SendInfo() { connection = player.net.connection }, null, "AddUI", new Facepunch.ObjectList(json1));

            foreach (EventPlayer player1 in EventPlayers)
                    CommunityEntity.ServerInstance.ClientRPCEx(new Network.SendInfo() { connection = player1.player.net.connection }, null, "DestroyUI", new Facepunch.ObjectList("event_top", null, null, null, null));

                        CuiHelper.AddUi(player1.player, elements);