Пример #1
        public static void AreEqual(XmlNode productNode, CropNutritionProduct fertilizerProduct, Dictionary <string, List <UniqueId> > linkList)
            if (productNode.GetXmlAttribute("A") == null || productNode.GetXmlAttribute("B") == null)

            UniqueIdAssert.AreEqual(linkList, productNode.GetXmlAttribute("A"), fertilizerProduct.Id.UniqueIds);
            Assert.AreEqual(productNode.GetXmlAttribute("A"), fertilizerProduct.Id.FindIsoId());
            Assert.AreEqual(productNode.GetXmlAttribute("B"), fertilizerProduct.Description);
        public void ShouldWritePrescription()
            // Setup
            var taskWriter        = new TaskDocumentWriter();
            var adaptDocument     = TestHelpers.LoadFromJson <ApplicationDataModel>(TestData.TestData.SingleProduct);
            var fertilizerProduct = new CropNutritionProduct {
                Description = "product", ProductType = ProductTypeEnum.Fertilizer

            fertilizerProduct.Id.ReferenceId = -1;

            // Act
            using (taskWriter)
                var actualXml = TestHelpers.Export(taskWriter, adaptDocument, _exportPath);
                Assert.AreEqual(TestData.TestData.SingleProductOutputXml, actualXml);

            // Verify
            var expectedPath = Path.Combine(_exportPath, "TASKDATA", "GRD00000.BIN");

            Assert.AreEqual(TestData.TestData.SingleProductOutputTxt, TestHelpers.LoadFromFileAsHexString(expectedPath));
        public static void Export(string path)
            ApplicationDataModel adm = new ApplicationDataModel();

            adm.Catalog   = new Catalog();
            adm.Documents = new Documents();

            //Setup information
            //Add a crop
            Crop corn = new Crop()
                Name = "Corn"


            //Add some seed varieties
            CropVarietyProduct seedVariety1 = new CropVarietyProduct()
                CropId = corn.Id.ReferenceId, Description = "Variety 1"
            CropVarietyProduct seedVariety2 = new CropVarietyProduct()
                CropId = corn.Id.ReferenceId, Description = "Variety 2"


            //Add a liquid product
            CropNutritionProduct fertilizer = new CropNutritionProduct()
                Description = "Starter", Form = ProductFormEnum.Liquid

            fertilizer.ProductType = ProductTypeEnum.Fertilizer;

            //Add a granular product
            CropProtectionProduct insecticide = new CropProtectionProduct()
                Description = "Insecticide", Form = ProductFormEnum.Solid

            insecticide.ProductType = ProductTypeEnum.Chemical;

            Grower grower = new Grower()
                Name = "Example Grower"


            Farm farm = new Farm()
                Description = "Example Farm", GrowerId = grower.Id.ReferenceId


            Field field = new Field()
                Description = "Example Field", FarmId = farm.Id.ReferenceId, GrowerId = grower.Id.ReferenceId

            field.Area = GetNumericRepresentationValue(23d, "ha", "vrReportedFieldArea");

            //Crop zone
            TimeScope season = new TimeScope()
                DateContext = DateContextEnum.CropSeason, TimeStamp1 = new DateTime(2021, 1, 1)
            CropZone cropZone = new CropZone()
                CropId = corn.Id.ReferenceId, FieldId = field.Id.ReferenceId, TimeScopes = new List <TimeScope>()


            //Field boundary
            FieldBoundary boundary = new FieldBoundary()
                SpatialData = new MultiPolygon()
                    Polygons = new List <Polygon>()
                        new Polygon()
                            ExteriorRing = new LinearRing()
                                Points = new List <Point>()
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.488565, Y = 40.478304
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.485439, Y = 40.478304
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.485439, Y = 40.475010
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.488565, Y = 40.475010
                            InteriorRings = new List <LinearRing>()
                                new LinearRing()
                                    Points = new List <Point>()
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.487719, Y = 40.478091
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.487536, Y = 40.478091
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.487536, Y = 40.477960
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.487719, Y = 40.477960
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.487719, Y = 40.478091
                                new LinearRing()
                                    Points = new List <Point>()
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.486732, Y = 40.478172
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.486453, Y = 40.478172
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.486453, Y = 40.478082
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.486732, Y = 40.478082
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.486732, Y = 40.478172
                FieldId = field.Id.ReferenceId

            field.ActiveBoundaryId = boundary.Id.ReferenceId;


            //Prescription setup data
            //Setup the representation and units for seed rate & seed depth prescriptions
            NumericRepresentation seedRate = GetNumericRepresentation("vrSeedRateSeedsTarget");
            UnitOfMeasure         seedUOM  = UnitInstance.UnitSystemManager.GetUnitOfMeasure("seeds1ac-1");
            RxProductLookup       seedVariety1RateLookup = new RxProductLookup()
                ProductId = seedVariety1.Id.ReferenceId, Representation = seedRate, UnitOfMeasure = seedUOM
            RxProductLookup seedVariety2RateLookup = new RxProductLookup()
                ProductId = seedVariety2.Id.ReferenceId, Representation = seedRate, UnitOfMeasure = seedUOM

            NumericRepresentation seedDepth = GetNumericRepresentation("vrSeedDepthTarget");
            UnitOfMeasure         depthUOM  = UnitInstance.UnitSystemManager.GetUnitOfMeasure("cm");
            RxProductLookup       seedVariety1DepthLookup = new RxProductLookup()
                ProductId = seedVariety1.Id.ReferenceId, Representation = seedDepth, UnitOfMeasure = depthUOM
            RxProductLookup seedVariety2DepthLookup = new RxProductLookup()
                ProductId = seedVariety2.Id.ReferenceId, Representation = seedDepth, UnitOfMeasure = depthUOM

            //Setup liquid rx representation/units
            NumericRepresentation fertilizerRate       = GetNumericRepresentation("vrAppRateVolumeTarget");
            UnitOfMeasure         fertilizerUOM        = UnitInstance.UnitSystemManager.GetUnitOfMeasure("gal1ac-1");
            RxProductLookup       fertilizerRateLookup = new RxProductLookup()
                ProductId = fertilizer.Id.ReferenceId, Representation = fertilizerRate, UnitOfMeasure = fertilizerUOM

            //Setup granular rx representation/units
            NumericRepresentation insecticideRate       = GetNumericRepresentation("vrAppRateMassTarget");
            UnitOfMeasure         insecticideUOM        = UnitInstance.UnitSystemManager.GetUnitOfMeasure("lb1ac-1");
            RxProductLookup       insecticideRateLookup = new RxProductLookup()
                ProductId = insecticide.Id.ReferenceId, Representation = insecticideRate, UnitOfMeasure = insecticideUOM

            //Prescription zones
            //Zone 1 - Variety 1 at 32000 seeds/acre, 4 cm depth target; Starter at 7 gal/ac; Insecticide at 5 lb/ac
            RxShapeLookup zone1 = new RxShapeLookup()
                Rates = new List <RxRate>()
                    new RxRate()
                        Rate = 32000d,
                        RxProductLookupId = seedVariety1RateLookup.Id.ReferenceId
                    new RxRate()
                        Rate = 4d,
                        RxProductLookupId = seedVariety1DepthLookup.Id.ReferenceId
                    new RxRate()
                        Rate = 7d,
                        RxProductLookupId = fertilizerRateLookup.Id.ReferenceId
                    new RxRate()
                        Rate = 5d,
                        RxProductLookupId = insecticideRateLookup.Id.ReferenceId
                Shape = new MultiPolygon()
                    Polygons = new List <Polygon>()
                        new Polygon()
                            ExteriorRing = new LinearRing()
                                Points = new List <Point>()
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.488565, Y = 40.478304
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.485439, Y = 40.478304
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.485439, Y = 40.477404
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.488565, Y = 40.477756
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.488565, Y = 40.478304
                            InteriorRings = new List <LinearRing>()
                                new LinearRing()
                                    Points = new List <Point>()
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.487719, Y = 40.478091
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.487536, Y = 40.478091
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.487536, Y = 40.477960
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.487719, Y = 40.477960
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.487719, Y = 40.478091
                                new LinearRing()
                                    Points = new List <Point>()
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.486732, Y = 40.478172
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.486453, Y = 40.478172
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.486453, Y = 40.478082
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.486732, Y = 40.478082
                                        new Point()
                                            X = -89.486732, Y = 40.478172

            //Zone 2 - Variety 1 at 34000 seeds/acre, depth target 5cm; Starter at 4 gal/ac; Insecticide at 2.5 lb/ac
            RxShapeLookup zone2 = new RxShapeLookup()
                Rates = new List <RxRate>()
                    new RxRate()
                        Rate = 34000d,
                        RxProductLookupId = seedVariety1RateLookup.Id.ReferenceId
                    new RxRate()
                        Rate = 5d,
                        RxProductLookupId = seedVariety1DepthLookup.Id.ReferenceId
                    new RxRate()
                        Rate = 4d,
                        RxProductLookupId = fertilizerRateLookup.Id.ReferenceId
                    new RxRate()
                        Rate = 2.5,
                        RxProductLookupId = insecticideRateLookup.Id.ReferenceId
                Shape = new MultiPolygon()
                    Polygons = new List <Polygon>()
                        new Polygon()
                            ExteriorRing = new LinearRing()
                                Points = new List <Point>()
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.488565, Y = 40.477756
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.485439, Y = 40.477404
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.485439, Y = 40.476688
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.488565, Y = 40.476688
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.488565, Y = 40.477756

            //Zone 3 - Variety 2 at 29000 seeds/acre, depth target 6 cm; Starter at 6 gal/ac ; Insecticide at 2.75 lb/ac
            RxShapeLookup zone3 = new RxShapeLookup()
                Rates = new List <RxRate>()
                    new RxRate()
                        Rate = 29000d,
                        RxProductLookupId = seedVariety2RateLookup.Id.ReferenceId
                    new RxRate()
                        Rate = 6d,
                        RxProductLookupId = seedVariety2DepthLookup.Id.ReferenceId
                    new RxRate()
                        Rate = 6d,
                        RxProductLookupId = fertilizerRateLookup.Id.ReferenceId
                    new RxRate()
                        Rate = 2.75,
                        RxProductLookupId = insecticideRateLookup.Id.ReferenceId
                Shape = new MultiPolygon()
                    Polygons = new List <Polygon>()
                        new Polygon()
                            ExteriorRing = new LinearRing()
                                Points = new List <Point>()
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.488565, Y = 40.476688
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.485439, Y = 40.476688
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.485439, Y = 40.475010
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.488565, Y = 40.475010
                                    new Point()
                                        X = -89.488565, Y = 40.476688

            //Assembled Rx
            VectorPrescription vectorPrescription = new VectorPrescription()
                Description      = "Test Prescription",
                RxProductLookups = new List <RxProductLookup>()
                RxShapeLookups = new List <RxShapeLookup>()
                    zone1, zone2, zone3
                CropZoneId = cropZone.Id.ReferenceId,
                FieldId    = field.Id.ReferenceId

            (adm.Catalog.Prescriptions as List <Prescription>).Add(vectorPrescription);

            //Export data to file via the Plugin
            PrecisionPlanting.ADAPT._2020.Plugin plugin = new Plugin();
            plugin.Export(adm, path);