Пример #1
    private void SpawnHarvestedItems(CropDetails cropDetails)
        for (int i = 0; i < cropDetails.cropProducedItemCode.Length; i++)
            int cropsToProduce;

            if (cropDetails.cropProducedMinQuantity[i] == cropDetails.cropProducedMaxQuantity[i] ||
                cropDetails.cropProducedMaxQuantity[i] < cropDetails.cropProducedMinQuantity[i])
                cropsToProduce = cropDetails.cropProducedMinQuantity[i];
                cropsToProduce = Random.Range(cropDetails.cropProducedMinQuantity[i], cropDetails.cropProducedMaxQuantity[i] + 1);

            for (int j = 0; j < cropsToProduce; j++)
                Vector3 spawnPosition;
                if (cropDetails.spawnCropProducedAtPlayerPosition)
                    InventoryManager.Instance.AddItem(InventoryLocation.player, cropDetails.cropProducedItemCode[i]);
                    spawnPosition = new Vector3(transform.position.x + Random.Range(-1f, 1f), transform.position.y + Random.Range(-1f, 1f), 0f);
                    SceneItemsManager.Instance.InstantiateSceneItem(cropDetails.cropProducedItemCode[i], spawnPosition);
Пример #2
    private IEnumerator ProcessHarvestActionsAfterAnimation(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails, Animator animator)
        while (!animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Harvested"))
            yield return(null);

        HarvestActions(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);
    /// <summary>
    /// This method determines which stage of growth the crop is in, and displays that stage's crop prefab and sprite
    /// </summary>
    public void DisplayPlantedCrop(GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        // If there's no seed on the grid, the seedItemCode will be -1, so no need to display a crop
        if (gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode > -1)
            // Get the crop details from the SO CropDetailsList, for the given seedItemCode in the current square's gridPropertyDetails
            CropDetails cropDetails = so_CropDetailsList.GetCropDetails(gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode);

            // Only display the crop if it has a cropDetails! These are set up in the SO_CropDetailsList scriptable object - so don't do this if this seed isn't set up
            if (cropDetails != null)
                // crop prefab to use
                GameObject cropPrefab;

                // Get the number of stages of growth  this crop has(length of the growthDays array, which defines the number of days for each stage)
                int growthStages = cropDetails.growthDays.Length;

                // The crop starts off in stage0, and we will count down the total days of growth until it gets to 0
                int currentGrowthStage = 0;

                // This for loop is just to determine which growth stage we are in, based on how many days the crop has been growing for
                // Loop backwards through all of the growthstages
                for (int i = growthStages - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    // When the number of days of growth on the crop (found in the gridPropertyDetails) is >= to the days counter
                    // for the current stage (cropDetails.growthDays[i]), we have found the currentStage as i
                    if (gridPropertyDetails.growthDays >= cropDetails.growthDays[i])
                        // Break out of the loop - we have found the stage!
                        currentGrowthStage = i;

                // Instantiate the crop prefab and sprite at the grid location, with the correct stage!
                cropPrefab = cropDetails.growthPrefab[currentGrowthStage];

                Sprite growthSprite = cropDetails.growthSprite[currentGrowthStage];

                // Find the world position of this square
                Vector3 worldPosition = groundDecoration2.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, 0));

                // adjust the world position so it's at Bottom center of grid square to look correct
                worldPosition = new Vector3(worldPosition.x + Settings.gridCellSize / 2, worldPosition.y, worldPosition.z);

                // Instantiate the crop!
                GameObject cropInstance = Instantiate(cropPrefab, worldPosition, Quaternion.identity);

                // Set the proper growthSprite, parent it under our cropParent GameObject, and set the crop grid position in it's Crop class
                cropInstance.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = growthSprite;
                cropInstance.GetComponent <Crop>().cropGridPosition = new Vector2Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY);
Пример #4
    private void HarvestCrop(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        gridPropertyDetails.SeedItemCode         = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.GrowthDays           = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.DaysSinceLastHarvest = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.DaysSinceWatered     = -1;

        GridPropertiesManager.Instance.SetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.GridX, gridPropertyDetails.GridY, gridPropertyDetails);

        HarvestActions(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);
Пример #5
    private void HarvestActions(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)

        //Does this crop transform into another crop
        if (cropDetails.harvestedTransformItemCode > 0)
            CreateHarvestedTransformCrop(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);

Пример #6
    private IEnumerator ProcessHarvestActionsAfterAnimation(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails, Animator animator)
        // The harvest animation controller has a final state of "Harvested" once it's done. We will keep on returning null every frame
        // until the animation is complete, before continuing
        while (!animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Harvested"))
            yield return(null);

        // Now that the animation is completed, we can spawn the harvested materials, and destroy the crop gameObject
        HarvestActions(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);
    // This method is subscribed to the advnaceGameDay event, so when a day passes, this will be called and it will loop through the sceneSave dictionaries
    // Saved for each scene, and then loop through all of the gridSquares in each of those sceneSave dictionaries, updating the properties that
    // respond to advanced gameDays, such as removing watered tiles, crop growth, etc
    private void AdvanceDay(int gameYear, Season gameSeason, int gameDay, string gameDayOfWeek, int gameHour, int gameMinute, int gameSecond)
        // Clear the display on all grid property details (dug, watered, etc.) so we can update them

        // Loop through all of the scenes by looping through all of the gridProperties in the array
        foreach (SO_GridProperties so_GridProperties in so_gridPropertiesArray)
            // Get the gridPropertyDetails dictionary (in the sceneSave) for the iterated scene
            if (GameObjectSave.sceneData.TryGetValue(so_GridProperties.sceneName.ToString(), out SceneSave sceneSave))
                if (sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary != null)
                    // If the dictionary exists, loop through all of the gridProperties in it
                    for (int i = sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        // This will retrieve the element in the dictionary at position i
                        KeyValuePair <string, GridPropertyDetails> item = sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary.ElementAt(i);

                        // Populate the gridPropertyDetails, which has things like daysSinceWatered, etc..
                        GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = item.Value;

                        #region Update all of the grid properties that reflect the advance in the day (i.e. watered squares, crop growth, etc.)

                        // If a crop has been planted, increase the number of days that crop has been growing for by 1, only
                        // if the plant has been watered (if it requires water)
                        CropDetails cropDetails = so_CropDetailsList.GetCropDetails(gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode);
                        if ((gridPropertyDetails.growthDays > -1 && gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered == 0)
                            (gridPropertyDetails.growthDays > -1 && cropDetails.doesNeedWater == false)) // I added these last four checks to see if the plant has been watered before advancing it's growth days, or to see if it doesn't need watering
                            gridPropertyDetails.growthDays += 1;

                        // If the ground is wated, then clear out the water
                        if (gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered > -1)
                            gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered = -1;

                        // Set the new gridPropertyDetails
                        SetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, gridPropertyDetails, sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary);

                        #endregion Update all of the grid properties that reflect the advance in the day (i.e. watered squares, crop growth, etc.)
        // Once we've looped through each scene, and looped through all of the grid Squares in each sceneSave dictionary, updating the tiles that respond to gameDayAdvanced,
        // updated the DisplayGridPropertyDetails to reflect the changed values (i.e. removing watered ground tiles!)
Пример #8
    private void CreateHarvestedTransformCrop(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        //Update crop in grid properties
        gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode         = cropDetails.harvestedTransformItemCode;
        gridPropertyDetails.growthDays           = 0;
        gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceLastHarvest = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered     = -1;

        GridPropertiesManager.Instance.SetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, gridPropertyDetails);

        //Display planted crop
Пример #9
    // This method will create the new transformed crop after harvesting the original crop (i.e. tree -> stump)
    private void CreateHarvestedTransformCrop(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        // Update the crop details in the grid properties, with the info from the harvestedTransformItemCode info in the cropDetails, and the default undug,
        // unwatered, and ungrown gridProperties
        gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode         = cropDetails.harvestedTransformItemCode;
        gridPropertyDetails.growthDays           = 0;
        gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceLastHarvest = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered     = -1;

        GridPropertiesManager.Instance.SetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, gridPropertyDetails);

        // Display the new transformed crop as set up in the gridPropertyDetails
Пример #10
    // This method will spawn the harvested items for the player to pickup, and then destroy the Crop gameObject this Crop script is attached to
    private void HarvestActions(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        // This method will spawn the corresponding harvested items depending on it's CropDetails

        // Check if this crop transforms into another crop once harvested (like tree -> stump)
        if (cropDetails.harvestedTransformItemCode > 0)
            // This method will create the new transformed crop instance at the same location as the original crop
            CreateHarvestedTransformCrop(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);

Пример #11
    // This method will spawn the harvested items that come from the crop, as described by the crops CropDetails
    private void SpawnHarvestedItems(CropDetails cropDetails)
        // Spawn the item(s) to be produced. Loop through the array of different items this crop produces on harvest
        for (int i = 0; i < cropDetails.cropProducedItemCode.Length; i++)
            int cropsToProduce;

            // Calculate how many crops to produce of this type, based on the min and max quantites in the cropProducedMinQuantity/cropProducedMaxQuantity arrays for this
            // produced item in the loop

            // If min and max are the same, or if max < min, spawn exactly the min quantity
            if (cropDetails.cropProducedMinQuantity[i] == cropDetails.cropProducedMaxQuantity[i] ||
                cropDetails.cropProducedMaxQuantity[i] < cropDetails.cropProducedMinQuantity[i])
                cropsToProduce = cropDetails.cropProducedMinQuantity[i];
            // Else, produce a random number between the min and max quantites
                // + 1 to make it inclusive for the max quantity
                cropsToProduce = Random.Range(cropDetails.cropProducedMinQuantity[i], cropDetails.cropProducedMaxQuantity[i] + 1);

            // Loop through the number of crop i to produced, to instantiate cropsToProduce of them
            for (int j = 0; j < cropsToProduce; j++)
                Vector3 spawnPosition;

                // If the CropDetails for this crop has spawnCropProducedAtPlayerPosition = true, just add it to the players inventory (like pulling
                // up a parsnip)
                if (cropDetails.spawnCropProducedAtPlayerPosition)
                    // Directly add the item to the players inventory
                    InventoryManager.Instance.AddItem(InventoryLocation.player, cropDetails.cropProducedItemCode[i]);
                // If it's false (like chopping a tree), we will drop it in a random space surrounding the crop we harvested for the player to pick up
                    // Spawn it at a random position around the crops position
                    spawnPosition = new Vector3(transform.position.x + Random.Range(-1f, 1f), transform.position.y + Random.Range(-1f, 1f), 0f);
                    SceneItemsManager.Instance.InstantiateSceneItem(cropDetails.cropProducedItemCode[i], spawnPosition);
Пример #12
    public void DisplayPlantedCrop(GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)
        if (gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode > -1)
            //get crop details
            CropDetails cropDetails = so_CropDetailsList.GetCropDetails(gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode);

            if (cropDetails != null)
                //prefab to use
                GameObject cropPrefab;

                //instantiate crop prefab at grid location
                int growthStages = cropDetails.growthDays.Length;

                int currentGrowthStage = 0;

                for (int i = growthStages - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (gridPropertyDetails.growthDays >= cropDetails.growthDays[i])
                        currentGrowthStage = i;

                cropPrefab = cropDetails.growthPrefab[currentGrowthStage];

                Sprite growthSprite = cropDetails.growthSprite[currentGrowthStage];

                Vector3 worldPosition = groundDecoration2.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, 0));

                worldPosition = new Vector3(worldPosition.x + Settings.gridCellSize / 2, worldPosition.y, worldPosition.z);

                GameObject cropInstance = Instantiate(cropPrefab, worldPosition, Quaternion.identity);

                cropInstance.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = growthSprite;
                cropInstance.GetComponent <Crop>().cropGridPosition = new Vector2Int(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY);
Пример #13
    public void ProcessToolAction(ItemDetails equippedItemDetails, bool isToolRight, bool isToolLeft, bool isToolDown, bool isToolUp)
        GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetGridPropertyDetails(cropGridPosition.x, cropGridPosition.y);

        if (gridPropertyDetails == null)

        ItemDetails seedItemDetails = InventoryManager.Instance.GetItemDetails(gridPropertyDetails.SeedItemCode);

        if (seedItemDetails == null)

        CropDetails cropDetails = GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetCropDetails(seedItemDetails.itemCode);

        if (cropDetails == null)
        harvestActionCount += 1;

        int requiredHarvestActions = cropDetails.RequiredHarvestActionsForTool(equippedItemDetails.itemCode);

        if (requiredHarvestActions == -1)

        if (harvestActionCount >= requiredHarvestActions)
            HarvestCrop(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);
Пример #14
    public void ProcessToolAction(ItemDetails equippedItemDetails, bool isToolRight, bool isToolLeft, bool isToolDown, bool isToolUp)
        //Get grid property details
        GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetGridPropertyDetails(cropGridPosition.x, cropGridPosition.y);

        if (gridPropertyDetails == null)

        //Get seed item details
        ItemDetails seedItemDetails = InventoryManager.Instance.GetItemDetails(gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode);

        if (seedItemDetails == null)

        //Get crop details
        CropDetails cropDetails = GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetCropDetails(seedItemDetails.itemCode);
            if (cropDetails == null)

        //Get animator for crop if present
        Animator animator = GetComponentInChildren <Animator>();

        //Trigger tool animation
        if (animator != null)
            if (isToolRight || isToolUp)
            else if (isToolLeft || isToolDown)

        //Trigger tool particle effect on crop
        if (cropDetails.isHarvestActionEffect)
            EventHandler.CallHarvestActionEffectEvent(harvestActionEffectTransform.position, cropDetails.harvestActionEffect);

        //Get required harvest actions for tool
        int requiredHarvestActions = cropDetails.RequiredHarvestActionsForTool(equippedItemDetails.itemCode);

        if (requiredHarvestActions == -1)
            return;//this tool can't be used to harvest this crop

        //Increment harvest action count
        harvestActionCount += 1;

        //Check if required harvest actions made
        if (harvestActionCount >= requiredHarvestActions)
            HarvestCrop(isToolRight, isToolUp, cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails, animator);
Пример #15
    // This method will determine if the player has used the correct number of harvest actions, and harvest the crop if so, if not the number of actions increases
    // by 1 and we can try again. Once harvested, we harvest it and play the crop harvested animation
    public void ProcessToolAction(ItemDetails equippedItemDetails, bool isToolRight, bool isToolLeft, bool isToolDown, bool isToolUp)
        // Get the grid property details for the crops grid position, quit out if they don't exist!
        GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetGridPropertyDetails(cropGridPosition.x, cropGridPosition.y);

        if (gridPropertyDetails == null)

        // Get seed item details from the grid square in question, quit out if they don't exist!
        ItemDetails seedItemDetails = InventoryManager.Instance.GetItemDetails(gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode);

        if (seedItemDetails == null)

        // Get crop details from the seedItemDetails planted in that square, quit out if they don't exist!
        CropDetails cropDetails = GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetCropDetails(seedItemDetails.itemCode);

        if (seedItemDetails == null)

        // Get the crop animator if present
        Animator animator = GetComponentInChildren <Animator>();

        // If the animator exists, trigger the tool animation parameters based on the tool use direction
        // The controller will use these parameters to initiate the proper animation sequence for lifting the crop out of the ground
        if (animator != null)
            if (isToolRight || isToolUp)
            else if (isToolLeft || isToolDown)

        // Thigger the harvest partical effect on the crop, if it is marked in the so_cropDetailsList for this crop
        if (cropDetails.isHarvestActionEffect)
            // Publish this event, which will be picked up by subscribers who will play the effect at the given position (transform populated in editor),
            // With the harvestActionEffect (ie leaves falling, rocks crumbling, etc) described in the so_cropDetailsList for this crop
            EventHandler.CallHarvestActionEffectEvent(harvestActionEffectTransform.position, cropDetails.harvestActionEffect);

        // Get the required harvest actions for the tool in question, quit out if this tool can't harvest this crop (-1)
        // Although, we already know we have a valid grid cursor (or else we couldn't access this) - so this is
        // just for extra safety
        int requiredHarvestActions = cropDetails.requiredHarvestActionsForTool(equippedItemDetails.itemCode);

        if (requiredHarvestActions == -1)

        // Increment the harvest action count, assuming we've passed all the above tests
        harvestActionCount += 1;

        // Check if we've reached the required harvest actions yet
        if (harvestActionCount >= requiredHarvestActions)
            HarvestCrop(isToolRight, isToolUp, cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails, animator);
Пример #16
    private void HarvestActions(CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails)

Пример #17
    private void HarvestCrop(bool isUsingToolRight, bool isUsingToolUp, CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails, Animator animator)
        //Is there a harvested animation
        if (cropDetails.isHarvestedAnimation && animator != null)
            //If harvest sprite then add to sprite renderer
            if (cropDetails.harvestedSprite != null)
                if (cropHarvestedSpriteRenderer != null)
                    cropHarvestedSpriteRenderer.sprite = cropDetails.harvestedSprite;

            if (isUsingToolRight || isUsingToolUp)

        //Is there a harvested sound
        if (cropDetails.harvestSound != SoundName.none)

        //Delete crop from grid properties
        gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode         = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.growthDays           = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceLastHarvest = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered     = -1;

        //Should the crop be hidden before the harvested animation
        if (cropDetails.hideCropBeforeHarvestedAnimation)
            GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false;

        //Should box colliders be disabled before havest
        if (cropDetails.disableCropCollidersBeforeHarvestedAnimation)
            //Disable any box colliders
            Collider2D[] collider2Ds = GetComponentsInChildren <Collider2D>();
            foreach (Collider2D collider2D in collider2Ds)
                collider2D.enabled = false;

        GridPropertiesManager.Instance.SetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, gridPropertyDetails);

        //Is there a harvested animation - Destroy this crop game object after animation completed
        if (cropDetails.isHarvestedAnimation && animator != null)
            StartCoroutine(ProcessHarvestActionsAfterAnimation(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails, animator));
            HarvestActions(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);
Пример #18
    // This method will clear out all of the crop properties in the gridPropertyDetails (i.e. seedItemCode, growthDays, DaysSinceWatered, DaysSinceLastHarvest),
    // and then spawn the harvested materials to pick up, and then destroy the original crop object
    private void HarvestCrop(bool isUsingToolRight, bool isUsingToolUp, CropDetails cropDetails, GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails, Animator animator)
        // Check if there is a harvested animation (i.e. parsnip lifting out of dirt on harvest), and an animator exists.
        if (cropDetails.isHarvestedAnimation && animator != null)
            // Next see if the crop in question has a harvested sprite (like veggie crops - i.e. a parsnip), and then check if there is a cropHarvestedSpriteRenderer, which is controlled by the
            // harvest animation controller
            if (cropDetails.harvestedSprite != null)
                if (cropHarvestedSpriteRenderer != null)
                    // Set the sprite in the cropHarvestedSpriteRenderer object to be the crops harvestedSprite
                    cropHarvestedSpriteRenderer.sprite = cropDetails.harvestedSprite;

            if (isUsingToolRight || isUsingToolUp)

        // Check if there is a harvest sound that needs to be played. If so, play the corresponding sound populated in the cropDetails, via the Audio manager!
        if (cropDetails.harvestSound != SoundName.none)

        // Delete the crop from the grid properties
        gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode         = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.growthDays           = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceLastHarvest = -1;
        gridPropertyDetails.daysSinceWatered     = -1;

        // Check if the crop should be hidden before the harvested animation (e.g. for a parsnip, this is true - so once we pull the parsnip, the planted version in
        // the dirt dissapears while we pull it up. Else, we would see the crop still in the ground as the animation lifts a second copy of it up into the air)
        if (cropDetails.hideCropBeforeHarvestedAnimation)
            // If we do hide it, just disable the spriteRenderer
            GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false;

        // Check if we need to disable the colliders on the harvest crop resource, and then disable them if so (or else, for example, the harvested rock
        // will push the player out of the way as it animates upwards!
        if (cropDetails.disableCropCollidersBeforeHarvestedAnimation)
            // load up all of the box colliders in the children game components
            Collider2D[] collider2Ds = GetComponentsInChildren <Collider2D>();

            // Disable all of the found colliders
            foreach (Collider2D collider2D in collider2Ds)
                collider2D.enabled = false;

        GridPropertiesManager.Instance.SetGridPropertyDetails(gridPropertyDetails.gridX, gridPropertyDetails.gridY, gridPropertyDetails);

        // If there is a harvested animation on this crop, wait until the animation is complete before spawning the harvested
        // materials, and destroying the crop gameObject. Else, go straight to that
        if (cropDetails.isHarvestedAnimation && animator != null)
            // This coroutine will delay HarvestActions (spawn the harvested materials, and destroy the crop gameObject)
            // until the harvest animation is complete
            StartCoroutine(ProcessHarvestActionsAfterAnimation(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails, animator));
            // This method will spawn the harvested materials, and destroy the crop gameObject
            HarvestActions(cropDetails, gridPropertyDetails);