Пример #1
 public Contract(byte[] script)
     this.script       = script;
     this.instructions = CronTools.Disassemble(script).ToArray();
     this.scriptHash   = script.ToScriptHash();
Пример #2
        public Snapshot(UInt160 scriptHash, CronAPI api, uint startBlock, uint endBlock = 0)
            if (endBlock == 0)
                endBlock = api.GetBlockHeight();

            if (endBlock < startBlock)
                throw new ArgumentException("End block cannot be smaller than start block");

            for (uint height = startBlock; height <= endBlock; height++)
                var block = api.GetBlock(height);

                var snapCount = 0;

                foreach (var tx in block.transactions)
                    switch (tx.type)
                    case TransactionType.ContractTransaction:
                        foreach (var output in tx.outputs)
                            if (output.scriptHash == scriptHash)
                                MergeTransaction(api, tx);


                    case TransactionType.InvocationTransaction:
                        List <AVMInstruction> ops;
                            ops = CronTools.Disassemble(tx.script);

                        for (int i = 0; i < ops.Count; i++)
                            var op = ops[i];

                            if (op.opcode == OpCode.APPCALL && op.data != null && op.data.Length == 20)
                                var otherScriptHash = new UInt160(op.data);

                                if (otherScriptHash == scriptHash)
                                    MergeTransaction(api, tx);


                if (snapCount > 0)
                    blocks[block.Hash] = block;
Пример #3
        public void Execute(CronAPI api, UInt160 script_hash, Action <ListenerVM> visitor)
            var balances = new Dictionary <UInt160, decimal>();

            var vm = new ListenerVM(this);

             * var debugger = new DebugClient();
             * debugger.SendScript(token_script);
            throw new NotImplementedException();

            IEnumerable <Block> sorted_blocks = blocks.Values.OrderBy(x => x.Date);

            foreach (var block in sorted_blocks)

                bool executed = false;

                foreach (var tx in block.transactions)
                    switch (tx.type)
                    case TransactionType.InvocationTransaction:
                        List <AVMInstruction> ops;
                            ops = CronTools.Disassemble(tx.script);

                        for (int i = 0; i < ops.Count; i++)
                            var op = ops[i];

                            if (op.opcode == OpCode.APPCALL && op.data != null && op.data.Length == 20)
                                var otherScriptHash = new UInt160(op.data);

                                if (otherScriptHash != script_hash)

                                var engine = new ExecutionEngine(tx, vm, vm);

                                    x =>

                                executed = true;


                if (executed)
Пример #4
        static void Main(string[] pargs)
            var api = new RemoteRPCNode(10332, "<cron node url>", CronNodesKind.CRON_GLOBAL);

                Console.WriteLine("amount " + new BigInteger("00943577".HexToBytes()));
                Console.WriteLine("to " + new UInt160("fc3f33cb3e2d79f82fadef5f407ac1576d304bc1".HexToBytes()).ToAddress());
                Console.WriteLine("from " + new UInt160("a30cadcc858aa4b89d9db098ef154c5e1ab74464".HexToBytes()).ToAddress());


                var snap_data = File.ReadAllLines("souls_snap.csv");
                var snap      = Snapshot.Import(snap_data);

                var avm_script = File.ReadAllBytes(@"D:\code\Crypto\PhantasmaNeo\PhantasmaContract\bin\Debug\PhantasmaContract.avm");
                var soul_token = api.GetToken("SOUL");

                var lines = new List <string>();

                uint ico_war_time   = 1527465600;
                uint ico_start_time = 1527379200;

                Console.WriteLine("Block,Stage,Tx Hash,Address,Action,NEO sent,NEO refund");
                snap.Execute(api, soul_token.ScriptHash, vm =>
                    var storage = vm.GetStorage(soul_token);
                    var block   = vm.currentBlock;

                    int stage = (block.Timestamp < ico_war_time) ? ((block.Timestamp < ico_start_time) ? 0 : 1) : 2;

                    //var bytes = storage.Get("totalSupply");
                    //var n = new BigInteger(bytes);

                    foreach (var tx in block.transactions)
                        UInt160 src = null;

                        /*foreach (var input in tx.inputs)
                         * {
                         *  var input_tx = snap.GetTransaction(input.prevHash);
                         *  if (input_tx == null)
                         *  {
                         *      input_tx = api.GetTransaction(input.prevHash);
                         *  }
                         *  var output = input_tx.outputs[input.prevIndex];
                         *  src = output.scriptHash;
                         * }
                         * if (src == null)
                         * {
                         *  continue;
                         * }*/

                        decimal neo_sent = 0;
                        foreach (var output in tx.outputs)
                            if (output.scriptHash == soul_token.ScriptHash)
                                neo_sent += output.value;

                        var src_address = src != null ? src.ToAddress(): "???";

                        if (tx.Hash.ToString() == "0xc39fb2304f721382a40142ed8af9d4470850f39fabeef9bb8bad892a6b63f4d6")
                            src_address += "";

                        if (tx.type == TransactionType.ContractTransaction)
                            decimal refund = 0;
                            foreach (var output in tx.outputs)
                                if (output.scriptHash == soul_token.ScriptHash)
                                    refund += output.value;
                            Console.WriteLine($"Block #{block.Height},{stage},{tx.Hash},{src_address},contract,{neo_sent},{refund}");
                            var notifications = vm.GetNotifications(tx);

                            if (notifications != null)
                                foreach (var entry in notifications)
                                    decimal refund = 0;
                                    if (entry.Name == "refund")
                                        var bytes = (byte[])entry.Args[1];
                                        var n     = new BigInteger(bytes);
                                        refund    = (decimal)(n / 100000000);
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Block #{block.Height},{stage},{entry.Hash},{src_address},{entry.Name},{neo_sent},{refund}");


            uint roundBlock = 2320640;
            uint startBlock = 2313827;
            uint endBlock   = 2320681;

                var snap   = new Snapshot(api.GetToken("SOUL"), startBlock, endBlock);
                var export = snap.Export();
                File.WriteAllLines("souls_snap.csv", export.ToArray());

            //startBlock = roundBlock;

            var soul_hash     = LuxUtils.ReverseHex("ed07cffad18f1308db51920d99a2af60ac66a7b3").HexToBytes();
            var soul_hash_int = new UInt160(soul_hash);

            var startT = Environment.TickCount;

            uint maxblock = 0;

            var blockCount = api.GetBlockHeight();

            var soul_balances = new Dictionary <UInt160, BigInteger>();
            var bought        = new Dictionary <UInt160, decimal>();

            BigInteger max_supply      = 91136510; // total token amount
            BigInteger team_supply     = 14500000; // team token amount
            BigInteger advisor_supply  = 5500000;  // advisor token amount
            BigInteger platform_supply = 15000000; // company token amount
            BigInteger presale_supply  = 43503435; // presale token amount

            BigInteger total_supply = team_supply + advisor_supply + presale_supply + platform_supply;

            var whitelist = new HashSet <UInt160>();

            var maybe    = new HashSet <UInt160>();
            var sure     = new HashSet <UInt160>();
            var expected = new Dictionary <UInt160, decimal>();

            var txlist = new List <string>();

            for (uint height = startBlock; height <= endBlock; height++)
                var block = api.GetBlock(height);

                //Console.WriteLine(height + " " + block.Timestamp.ToString());

                foreach (var tx in block.transactions)
                    if (tx.type == TransactionType.ContractTransaction)
                        foreach (var output in tx.outputs)
                            if (output.scriptHash == soul_hash_int)
                                /*foreach (var input in tx.inputs)
                                 * {
                                 *  var input_tx = api.GetTransaction(input.prevHash);
                                 *  var outp = input_tx.outputs[input.prevIndex];
                                 *  var sender = outp.scriptHash;
                                 *  Console.WriteLine($"refund,{tx.Hash},{sender.ToAddress()},{output.value}");
                                 *  break;
                                 * }*/


                    if (tx.type != TransactionType.InvocationTransaction)

                    List <AVMInstruction> ops;
                        ops = CronTools.Disassemble(tx.script);

                    if (tx.Hash.ToString() == "0xcf530159dc7fa7d0ea38ca210b479b04da20039b3b6639cf4c06bf528d415339")
                        tx.gas += 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < ops.Count; i++)
                        var op = ops[i];

                        if (op.opcode == OpCode.APPCALL && op.data.SequenceEqual(soul_hash))
                            var engine = new ExecutionEngine(null);

                            var operation = engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Peek().GetString();
                            var args      = ((IEnumerable <StackItem>)engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Peek(1)).ToList();

                            var witnesses = new HashSet <UInt160>();
                            foreach (var input in tx.inputs)
                                var input_tx = api.GetTransaction(input.prevHash);

                            switch (operation)
                            case "mintTokens":
                                decimal neo_amount = 0;

                                foreach (var output in tx.outputs)
                                    if (output.scriptHash == soul_hash_int)
                                        neo_amount += output.value;

                                var sender     = witnesses.First();
                                var cur_bought = bought.ContainsKey(sender) ? bought[sender] : 0;

                                decimal refund = 0;

                                if (block.Height >= roundBlock)
                                    expected[sender] = neo_amount * 273;

                                if (!whitelist.Contains(sender))
                                    refund     = neo_amount;
                                    neo_amount = 0;
                                if (cur_bought + neo_amount > 10)
                                    var temp = neo_amount;
                                    neo_amount = 10 - cur_bought;

                                    refund = temp - neo_amount;

                                if (neo_amount > 0)
                                    BigInteger souls = (int)neo_amount * 273;

                                    /*if (souls + total_supply > max_supply)
                                     * {
                                     *  souls = max_supply - total_supply;
                                     * }*/

                                    total_supply += souls * 2;

                                    if (soul_balances.ContainsKey(sender))
                                        soul_balances[sender] += new BigInteger((long)(souls * 100000000));
                                        soul_balances[sender] = new BigInteger((long)(souls * 100000000));

                                    Console.WriteLine(block.Height + "," + tx.Hash + ",mint," + soul_hash_int.ToAddress() + "," + sender.ToAddress() + "," + souls);
                                    cur_bought    += neo_amount;
                                    bought[sender] = cur_bought;
                                if (refund > 0)
                                    Console.WriteLine(block.Height + "," + tx.Hash + ",refund," + soul_hash_int.ToAddress() + "," + sender.ToAddress() + "," + refund);


                            case "whitelistAddFree":
                                foreach (var addr in args)
                                    var hash = new UInt160(addr.GetByteArray());

                            case "whitelistAddFilled":
                                foreach (var addr in args)
                                    var hash = new UInt160(addr.GetByteArray());

                                    bought[hash] = 2730;

                            case "whitelistAddCap":
                                decimal cap = 0;

                                int index = 0;

                                foreach (var addr in args)
                                    if (index == 0)
                                        var amount = addr.GetBigInteger();
                                        cap = (decimal)(amount / 100000000);
                                        var hash = new UInt160(addr.GetByteArray());

                                        bought[hash] = cap;


                            case "chainSwap":
                                throw new Exception("Exploit found");

                            case "deploy":
                                soul_balances[new UInt160("Abyd4BcStNksGLmfdHtyyPbS1xzhceDKLs".AddressToScriptHash())] = new BigInteger((long)6316538 * (long)100000000);
                                soul_balances[new UInt160("ARWHJefSbhayC2gurKkpjMHm5ReaJZLLJ3".AddressToScriptHash())] = new BigInteger((long)43503435 * (long)100000000);
                                soul_balances[new UInt160("AQFQmVQi9VReLhym1tF3UfPk4EG3VKbAwN".AddressToScriptHash())] = new BigInteger((long)15000000 * (long)100000000);


                            case "transfer":
                                if (args.Count == 3)
                                    var from = new UInt160(args[0].GetByteArray());

                                    if (!witnesses.Contains(from))
                                        //throw new Exception("Invalid");

                                    if (maybe.Contains(from))

                                    var to    = new UInt160(args[1].GetByteArray());
                                    var value = args[2].GetBigInteger();

                                    var from_addr = from.ToAddress();
                                    var to_addr   = to.ToAddress();

                                    /*if (from == watch)
                                     * {
                                     *  Console.WriteLine("WATCH " + tx.Hash);
                                     * }
                                     * if (to == watch)
                                     * {
                                     *  Console.WriteLine("WATCH " + tx.Hash);
                                     * }*/

                                    decimal amount = (long)value;
                                    int     places = 8;
                                    while (places > 0)
                                        amount *= 0.1m;

                                    Console.WriteLine(block.Height + "," + tx.Hash + ",transfer," + from.ToAddress() + "," + to.ToAddress() + "," + amount);


            /*var lines = new List<string>();
             * foreach (var entry in soul_balances)
             * {
             *  var k = (long)entry.Value;
             *  if (k == 0)
             *  {
             *      continue;
             *  }
             *  var val = (decimal)k / 100000000m;
             *  lines.Add(entry.Key.ToAddress() + "," + val);
             * }
             * File.WriteAllLines("sale_soul.csv", lines.ToArray());*/

            var token = api.GetToken("SOUL");

            foreach (var entry in maybe)
                var addr    = entry.ToAddress();
                var balance = token.BalanceOf(addr);

                if (balance >= expected[entry])

            foreach (var entry in sure)
                Console.WriteLine(entry.ToAddress() + "," + expected[entry]);

                if (expected[entry] > 50 * 273)
                    throw new Exception("AAAAAAAAA");

            foreach (var entry in maybe)
                Console.WriteLine(entry.ToAddress() + ",0");

            decimal total = 0;

            foreach (var entry in sure)
                total += expected[entry];
            Console.WriteLine("TOTAL " + total);

            var endT  = Environment.TickCount;
            var delta = (endT - startT) / 1000;

            Console.WriteLine("Finished in " + delta + " seconds, loaded " + maxblock + " blocks");


            /*            Console.WriteLine(tkk.BalanceOf("AYxnCZePKhrijk2TQymYYUqm74nuwCftwq"));
             *          //var token = api.GetToken("SOUL");
             *          //var keys = KeyPair.FromWIF("KxnjzXUvK9BLojMrWVJF7jjdbHs37aXvHyFog4rARGNrAQ7LFjLP");
             *          var token = api.GetToken("OBT");
             *          var keys = KeyPair.FromWIF("L5YiR4AdUibLeFf48W3P5P36aBTWANcDu6oQNkvpaQrrHreg4RZC");
             *          var balance = token.BalanceOf(keys);
             *          Console.WriteLine(balance);
             *          var transfers = new Dictionary<string, decimal>();
             *          transfers["AHXWzaYCNYBYvhSypfi2XpAiWz2cCXrDJr"] = 16.7m;
             *          transfers["AHxXMh9cPjE3cYrA9DhWNSBY2hC3a62PcH"] = 16.7m;
             *          transfers["AHY7SidKpLuNj881Mc4Vjsj1Y4jBbX5EPS"] = 16.7m;
             *          var txx  = token.Transfer(keys, transfers);
             *          Console.WriteLine(txx.Hash);*/

             * uint startBlock = 2298101;
             * uint endblock = 2313169;
             * var soul_hash = LuxUtils.ReverseHex("4b4f63919b9ecfd2483f0c72ff46ed31b5bbb7a4").HexToBytes();
             * var soul_hash_int = new UInt160(soul_hash);
             * var startT = Environment.TickCount;
             * uint maxblock = 0;
             * var blockCount = api.GetBlockHeight();
             * var soul_balances = new Dictionary<UInt160, BigInteger>();
             * var bought = new Dictionary<UInt160, decimal>();
             * BigInteger max_supply = 91136510; // total token amount
             * BigInteger team_supply = 14500000; // team token amount
             * BigInteger advisor_supply = 5500000; // advisor token amount
             * BigInteger platform_supply = 15000000; // company token amount
             * BigInteger presale_supply = 43503435; // presale token amount
             * BigInteger total_supply = team_supply + advisor_supply + presale_supply + platform_supply;
             * var watch = new UInt160( "AQkiyWfwxMT31epRRxWXbR7wvZJH944jqh".AddressToScriptHash());
             * for (uint height = startBlock; height<=endblock; height++)
             * {
             *  var block = api.GetBlock(height);
             *  //Console.WriteLine(height + " " + block.Timestamp.ToString());
             *  foreach (var tx in block.transactions)
             *  {
             *      if (tx.type != TransactionType.InvocationTransaction)
             *      {
             *          continue;
             *      }
             *      List<AVMInstruction> ops;
             *      try
             *      {
             *          ops = NeoTools.Disassemble(tx.script);
             *      }
             *      catch
             *      {
             *          continue;
             *      }
             *      if (tx.Hash.ToString()== "0xcf530159dc7fa7d0ea38ca210b479b04da20039b3b6639cf4c06bf528d415339")
             *      {
             *          tx.gas += 0;
             *      }
             *      for (int i = 0; i < ops.Count; i++)
             *      {
             *          var op = ops[i];
             *          if (op.opcode == OpCode.APPCALL && op.data.SequenceEqual(soul_hash))
             *          {
             *              var engine = new ExecutionEngine(null);
             *              engine.LoadScript(tx.script);
             *              engine.Execute(null);
             *              var operation = engine.EvaluationStack.Peek().GetString();
             *              var witnesses = new HashSet<UInt160>();
             *              foreach (var input in tx.inputs)
             *              {
             *                  var input_tx = api.GetTransaction(input.prevHash);
             *                  witnesses.Add(input_tx.outputs[input.prevIndex].scriptHash);
             *              }
             *              switch (operation)
             *              {
             *                  case "mintTokens":
             *                      {
             *                          decimal neo_amount = 0;
             *                          if (block.Timestamp.ToTimestamp() < 1526947200)
             *                          {
             *                              break;
             *                          }
             *                          if (block.Height> 2298690)
             *                          {
             *                              break;
             *                          }
             *                          foreach (var output in tx.outputs)
             *                          {
             *                              if (output.scriptHash == soul_hash_int)
             *                              {
             *                                  neo_amount += output.value;
             *                              }
             *                          }
             *                          var sender = witnesses.First();
             *                          var cur_bought = bought.ContainsKey(sender) ? bought[sender] : 0;
             *                          if (cur_bought + neo_amount > 10)
             *                          {
             *                              neo_amount = 10 - cur_bought;
             *                          }
             *                          foreach (var wit in witnesses)
             *                          {
             *                              if (wit == watch)
             *                              {
             *                                  Console.WriteLine("WATCH " + tx.Hash);
             *                                  break;
             *                              }
             *                          }
             *                          if (neo_amount > 0)
             *                          {
             *                              BigInteger souls = (int)neo_amount * 273;
             *                              //if (souls + total_supply > max_supply)
             *                              //{
             *                                //  souls = max_supply - total_supply;
             *                              //}
             *                              total_supply += souls * 2;
             *                              if (soul_balances.ContainsKey(sender))
             *                              {
             *                                  soul_balances[sender] += new BigInteger((long)(souls * 100000000));
             *                              }
             *                              else
             *                              {
             *                                  soul_balances[sender] = new BigInteger((long)(souls * 100000000));
             *                              }
             *                              Console.WriteLine(tx.Hash + ",mint," + soul_hash_int.ToAddress() + "," + sender.ToAddress() + "," + souls);
             *                              cur_bought += neo_amount;
             *                              bought[sender] = cur_bought;
             *                          }
             *                          break;
             *                      }
             *                  case "chainSwap":
             *                      {
             *                          throw new Exception("Exploit found");
             *                          break;
             *                      }
             *                  case "transfer":
             *                      {
             *                          var args = (Neo.Lux.VM.Types.Array)engine.EvaluationStack.Peek(1);
             *                          if (args.Count == 3)
             *                          {
             *                              var from = new UInt160(args[0].GetByteArray());
             *                              if (!witnesses.Contains(from))
             *                              {
             *                                  //throw new Exception("Invalid");
             *                              }
             *                              var to = new UInt160(args[1].GetByteArray());
             *                              var value = args[2].GetBigInteger();
             *                              var from_addr = from.ToAddress();
             *                              var to_addr = to.ToAddress();
             *                              if (from == watch)
             *                              {
             *                                  Console.WriteLine("WATCH " + tx.Hash);
             *                              }
             *                              if (to == watch)
             *                              {
             *                                  Console.WriteLine("WATCH " + tx.Hash);
             *                              }
             *                              if (from_addr == "AdkLubeJgL3PCKc1Xv6CEv9PrzB4c5AKNk")
             *                              {
             *                                  value += 0;
             *                              }
             *                              if (soul_balances.ContainsKey(from))
             *                              {
             *                                  var src_balance = soul_balances[from];
             *                                  if (src_balance >= value)
             *                                  {
             *                                      src_balance -= value;
             *                                      soul_balances[from] = src_balance;
             *                                      if (soul_balances.ContainsKey(to))
             *                                      {
             *                                          soul_balances[to] += value;
             *                                      }
             *                                      else
             *                                      {
             *                                          soul_balances[to] = value;
             *                                      }
             *                                  }
             *                              }
             *                              else
             *                              {
             *                                  throw new Exception("Invalid balance");
             *                              }
             *                              decimal amount = (long)value;
             *                              int places = 8;
             *                              while (places > 0)
             *                              {
             *                                  amount *= 0.1m;
             *                                  places--;
             *                              }
             *                              Console.WriteLine(tx.Hash + ",transfer," + from.ToAddress() + "," + to.ToAddress() + "," + amount);
             *                          }
             *                          break;
             *                      }
             *              }
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * var lines = new List<string>();
             * foreach(var entry in soul_balances)
             * {
             *  var k = (long)entry.Value;
             *  if (k == 0)
             *  {
             *      continue;
             *  }
             *  var val = (decimal)k / 100000000m;
             *  lines.Add(entry.Key.ToAddress() + "," + val);
             * }
             * File.WriteAllLines("soul_snapshop.csv", lines.ToArray());
             * var endT = Environment.TickCount;
             * var delta = (endT - startT) / 1000;
             * Console.WriteLine("Finished in " + delta + " seconds, loaded "+maxblock+" blocks");
             * Console.ReadLine();