static bool Prefix(SGBarracksRosterList __instance, LocalizableText ___mechWarriorCount)
            if (ModState.SimGameState == null)
                return(true);                               // Only patch if we're in SimGame
            int usedBerths = CrewHelper.UsedBerths(ModState.SimGameState.PilotRoster);

            Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Berths => used: {usedBerths}  available: {ModState.SimGameState.GetMaxMechWarriors()}");

            string text = new Localize.Text(Mod.LocalizedText.Labels[ModText.LT_Crew_Berths_Used],
                                            new object[] { usedBerths, ModState.SimGameState.GetMaxMechWarriors() }).ToString();


Пример #2
        static void Postfix(Pilot ___pilot, GameObject ___cantBuyMRBOverlay, HBSTooltip ___cantBuyToolTip,
                            LocalizableText ___costText, UIColorRefTracker ___costTextColor)
            if (ModState.SimGameState == null)
                return;                                // Only patch if we're in SimGame
            Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Refreshing availability for pilot: {___pilot.Name}");

            // TODO: This may need to be improved, as it's used inside a loop. Maybe write to company stats?
            CrewDetails details = ModState.GetCrewDetails(___pilot.pilotDef);

            Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"  -- pilot requires: {details.Size} berths");

            int usedBerths      = CrewHelper.UsedBerths(ModState.SimGameState.PilotRoster);
            int availableBerths = ModState.SimGameState.GetMaxMechWarriors() - usedBerths;

            Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"AvailableBerths: {availableBerths} = max: {ModState.SimGameState.GetMaxMechWarriors()} - used: {usedBerths}");

            // Check berths limitations
            if (details.Size > availableBerths)
                Mod.Log.Info?.Write($"Pilot {___pilot.Name} cannot be hired, not enough berths (needs {details.Size})");


                HBSTooltipStateData tooltipStateData = new HBSTooltipStateData();

            // Check type limitations
            if (!CrewHelper.CanHireMoreCrewOfType(details))
                Mod.Log.Info?.Write($"Pilot {___pilot.Name} cannot be hired, too many of type already employed.");


                HBSTooltipStateData tooltipStateData = new HBSTooltipStateData();
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Pilot {___pilot.Name} can be hired, no limiations on max.");

            // Set the prices
            //int purchaseCostAfterReputationModifier = ModState.SimGameState.CurSystem.GetPurchaseCostAfterReputationModifier(
            //    ModState.SimGameState.GetMechWarriorHiringCost(___pilot.pilotDef)
            //    );
            // TODO: Apply system cost multiplier
            // Hiring cost is influenced by:
            //  - current morale rating
            //  - any faction alignment for units
            //  - any reputation modifiers


            UIColor costColor = UIColor.Red;

            if (details.HiringBonus <= ModState.SimGameState.Funds)
                costColor = UIColor.White;