public KeyVaultClient(ConnectionParams connection, CredentialParams credential) { _keyVault = connection.GetAsNullableString("key_vault") ?? connection.GetAsNullableString("uri") ?? connection.GetAsNullableString("KeyVault"); if (_keyVault == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("KeyVault parameter is not defined"); } if (!_keyVault.StartsWith("http")) { _keyVault = "https://" + _keyVault + ""; } _clientId = credential.AccessId ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("ClientId"); if (_clientId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("CliendId parameter is not defined"); } _clientKey = credential.AccessKey ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("ClientKey"); _thumbPrint = credential.GetAsNullableString("thumbprint") ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("ThumbPrint"); if (_clientKey == null && _thumbPrint == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Neither ClientKey or ThumbPrint parameters are not defined"); } _client = new Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.KeyVaultClient( new Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(GetAccessToken)); }
private void UpdateConnection(ConnectionParams connection, CredentialParams credential) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connection.Uri)) { var uri = connection.Protocol + "://" + connection.Host; if (connection.Port != 0) { uri += ":" + connection.Port; } connection.Uri = uri; } else { var uri = new Uri(connection.Uri); connection.Protocol = uri.Scheme; connection.Host = uri.Host; connection.Port = uri.Port; } if (connection.Protocol == "https") { connection.AddSection("credential", credential.GetAsNullableString("internal_network") == null ? credential : new CredentialParams()); } else { connection.AddSection("credential", new CredentialParams()); } }
/// <summary> /// Resolves connection options from connection and credential parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="correlationId">(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.</param> /// <returns>resolved options or throw error</returns> public async Task <ConfigParams> ResolveAsync(string correlationId) { List <ConnectionParams> connections = await _connectionResolver.ResolveAllAsync(correlationId); // Validate if cluster (multiple connections) is supported if (connections.Count > 0 && !_clusterSupported) { throw new ConfigException( correlationId, "MULTIPLE_CONNECTIONS_NOT_SUPPORTED", "Multiple (cluster) connections are not supported" ); } // Validate connections foreach (var connection in connections) { ValidateConnection(correlationId, connection); } CredentialParams credential = await _credentialResolver.LookupAsync(correlationId); credential = credential != null ? credential : new CredentialParams(); // Validate credential ValidateCredential(correlationId, credential); var options = ComposeOptions(connections, credential, _options); return(options); }
private string ComposeUri(List <ConnectionParams> connections, CredentialParams credential) { // Define connection part var connectionConfig = new ConfigParams(); string connectionString = null; foreach (var connection in connections) { var uri = connection.Uri; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uri)) { connectionString = uri; } var host = connection.Host; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(host)) { var dataSource = "tcp:" + host; var port = connection.Port; if (port != default) { dataSource = dataSource + "," + port.ToString(); } connectionConfig["Data Source"] = dataSource; } var database = connection.GetAsNullableString("database"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(database)) { connectionConfig["Initial Catalog"] = database; } } // Define authentication part var credentialConfig = new ConfigParams(); if (credential != null) { var username = credential.Username; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { credentialConfig["User Id"] = username; } var password = credential.Password; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { credentialConfig["Password"] = password; } } return(string.Join(";", new[] { connectionString != null ? connectionString.TrimEnd(';') : JoinParams(connectionConfig), JoinParams(credentialConfig) })); }
private ConfigParams ComposeOptions(List <ConnectionParams> connections, CredentialParams credential) { credential = credential ?? new CredentialParams(); // Construct options and copy over credentials var options = new ConfigParams().SetDefaults(credential); var globalUri = ""; var uriBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // Process connections, find or construct uri foreach (var connection in connections) { options = options.SetDefaults(connection); if (globalUri != "") { continue; } var uri = connection.Uri; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri)) { globalUri = uri; continue; } if (uriBuilder.Length > 0) { uriBuilder.Append(","); } var protocol = connection.GetProtocolWithDefault("nats"); uriBuilder.Append(protocol); var host = connection.Host; uriBuilder.Append("://"); uriBuilder.Append(host); var port = connection.GetAsIntegerWithDefault("port", 4222); uriBuilder.Append(":"); uriBuilder.Append(port.ToString()); } // Set connection uri if (globalUri != "") { options.SetAsObject("uri", globalUri); } else { options.SetAsObject("uri", uriBuilder.ToString()); } return(options); }
public void TestUsername() { var сredential = new CredentialParams(); сredential.Username = null; Assert.Null(сredential.Username); сredential.Username = "******"; Assert.Equal(сredential.Username, "Kate Negrienko"); }
public void TestAccessKey() { var сredential = new CredentialParams(); сredential.AccessKey = null; Assert.Null(сredential.AccessKey); сredential.AccessKey = "key"; Assert.Equal(сredential.AccessKey, "key"); }
public void TestPassword() { CredentialParams сredential = new CredentialParams(); сredential.Password = null; Assert.Null(сredential.Password); сredential.Password = "******"; Assert.Equal(сredential.Password, "qwerty"); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an new instance of the connection parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="connection">connection parameters</param> /// <param name="credential">credential parameters</param> public AwsConnectionParams(ConnectionParams connection, CredentialParams credential) { if (connection != null) { Append(connection); } if (credential != null) { Append(credential); } }
public void TestStoreKey() { var сredential = new CredentialParams(); сredential.StoreKey = null; Assert.Null(сredential.StoreKey); сredential.StoreKey = "Store key"; Assert.Equal(сredential.StoreKey, "Store key"); Assert.True(сredential.UseCredentialStore); }
public static AzureStorageConnectionParams FromConfig(ConfigParams config) { var result = new AzureStorageConnectionParams(); var credentials = CredentialParams.ManyFromConfig(config); foreach (var credential in credentials) { result.Append(credential); } var connections = ConnectionParams.ManyFromConfig(config); foreach (var connection in connections) { result.Append(connection); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Composes connection and credential parameters into connection options. /// This method can be overriden in child classes. /// </summary> /// <param name="connections">a list of connection parameters</param> /// <param name="credential">credential parameters</param> /// <param name="parameters">optional parameters</param> /// <returns>a composed connection options.</returns> protected ConfigParams ComposeOptions(IList <ConnectionParams> connections, CredentialParams credential, ConfigParams parameters) { // Connection options var options = new ConfigParams(); // Merge connection parameters foreach (var connection in connections) { options = MergeConnection(options, connection); } // Merge credential parameters options = MergeCredential(options, credential); // Merge optional parameters options = MergeOptional(options, parameters); // Perform final processing options = FinalizeOptions(options); return(options); }
/// <summary> /// Opens the component with given connection and credential parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="correlationId">(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.</param> /// <param name="connections">connection parameters</param> /// <param name="credential">credential parameters</param> public override async Task OpenAsync(string correlationId, List <ConnectionParams> connections, CredentialParams credential) { var connection = connections?.FirstOrDefault(); if (connection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connections)); } var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connection.Uri)) { var uri = new Uri(connection.Uri); connectionFactory.Uri = uri; } else { connectionFactory.HostName = connection.Host; connectionFactory.Port = connection.Port != 0 ? connection.Port : 5672; } if (credential != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(credential.Username)) { //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connection.Protocol)) //connectionFactory.Protocol = Protocols.DefaultProtocol; connectionFactory.UserName = credential.Username; connectionFactory.Password = credential.Password; } try { _connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection(); } catch (Exception ex) { var uri = connection.Uri; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri)) { uri = $"rabbitmq://{connectionFactory.HostName}:{connectionFactory.Port}"; } throw new ConnectionException( correlationId, "CANNOT_CONNECT", "Cannot connect to RabbitMQ at " + uri ).Wrap(ex); } _model = _connection.CreateModel(); _cancel = new CancellationTokenSource(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_queue) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(_exchange)) { throw new ConfigException( correlationId, "NO_QUEUE", "Queue or exchange are not defined in connection parameters" ); } // Automatically create queue, exchange and binding if (_autoCreate) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_exchange)) { _model.ExchangeDeclare( _exchange, _exchangeType, _persistent, _autoDelete, null ); } if (!connection.GetAsBoolean("no_queue")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_queue)) { _queue = _model.QueueDeclare( "", _persistent, true, true ).QueueName; } else { _model.QueueDeclare( _queue, _persistent, _exclusive, _autoDelete, null ); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_exchange)) { _model.QueueBind( _queue, _exchange, _routingKey ); } } } await Task.Delay(0); }
private string ComposeUri(List <ConnectionParams> connections, CredentialParams credential) { // If there is a uri then return it immediately foreach (var connection in connections) { var fullUri = connection.GetAsNullableString("uri");//connection.Uri; if (fullUri != null) { return(fullUri); } } // Define hosts var hosts = ""; foreach (var connection in connections) { var host = connection.Host; var port = connection.Port; if (hosts.Length > 0) { hosts += ","; } hosts += host + (port == 0 ? "" : ":" + port); } // Define database var database = ""; foreach (var connection in connections) { database = connection.GetAsNullableString("database") ?? database; } if (database.Length > 0) { database = "/" + database; } // Define authentication part var auth = ""; if (credential != null) { var username = credential.Username; if (username != null) { var password = credential.Password; if (password != null) { auth = username + ":" + password + "@"; } else { auth = username + "@"; } } } // Define additional parameters parameters var options = ConfigParams.MergeConfigs(connections.ToArray()).Override(credential); options.Remove("uri"); options.Remove("host"); options.Remove("port"); options.Remove("database"); options.Remove("username"); options.Remove("password"); var parameters = ""; var keys = options.Keys; foreach (var key in keys) { if (parameters.Length > 0) { parameters += "&"; } parameters += key; var value = options.GetAsString(key); if (value != null) { parameters += "=" + value; } } if (parameters.Length > 0) { parameters = "?" + parameters; } // Compose uri var uri = "mongodb://" + auth + hosts + database + parameters; return(uri); }
public async Task OpenAsync(string correlationId, ConnectionParams connection, CredentialParams credential) { if (connection == null) { throw new ConfigException(correlationId, "NO_CONNECTION", "Database connection is not set"); } var uri = connection.Uri; var host = connection.Host; var port = connection.Port; var databaseName = connection.GetAsNullableString("database"); if (uri != null) { databaseName = MongoUrl.Create(uri).DatabaseName; } else { if (host == null) { throw new ConfigException(correlationId, "NO_HOST", "Connection host is not set"); } if (port == 0) { throw new ConfigException(correlationId, "NO_PORT", "Connection port is not set"); } if (databaseName == null) { throw new ConfigException(correlationId, "NO_DATABASE", "Connection database is not set"); } } _logger.Trace(correlationId, "Connecting to mongodb database {0}, collection {1}", databaseName, _collectionName); try { if (uri != null) { _connection = new MongoClient(uri); } else { var settings = new MongoClientSettings { Server = new MongoServerAddress(host, port), MaxConnectionPoolSize = _options.GetAsInteger("poll_size"), ConnectTimeout = _options.GetAsTimeSpan("connect_timeout"), //SocketTimeout = // new TimeSpan(options.GetInteger("server.socketOptions.socketTimeoutMS")* // TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) }; if (credential.Username != null) { settings.Credential = MongoCredential.CreateCredential(databaseName, credential.Username, credential.Password); } _connection = new MongoClient(settings); } _database = _connection.GetDatabase(databaseName); _collection = _database.GetCollection <T>(_collectionName); _logger.Debug(correlationId, "Connected to mongodb database {0}, collection {1}", databaseName, _collectionName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ConnectionException(correlationId, "ConnectFailed", "Connection to mongodb failed", ex); } await Task.Delay(0); }
/// <summary> /// Opens the component with given connection and credential parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="correlationId">(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.</param> /// <param name="connection">connection parameters</param> /// <param name="credential">credential parameters</param> public abstract Task OpenAsync(string correlationId, ConnectionParams connection, CredentialParams credential);
/// <summary> /// Opens the component with given connection and credential parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="correlationId">(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.</param> public virtual Task OpenAsync(string correlationId, List <ConnectionParams> connections, CredentialParams credential) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override async Task OpenAsync(string correlationId, List <ConnectionParams> connections, CredentialParams credential) { try { var connection = connections?.FirstOrDefault(); if (connection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connections)); } _queueName = connection.GetAsNullableString("queue") ?? Name; _connectionString = ConfigParams.FromTuples( "Endpoint", connection.GetAsNullableString("uri") ?? connection.GetAsNullableString("Endpoint"), "SharedAccessKeyName", credential.AccessId ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("SharedAccessKeyName"), "SharedAccessKey", credential.AccessKey ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("SharedAccessKey") ).ToString(); _logger.Info(null, "Connecting queue {0} to {1}", Name, _connectionString); _queueClient = new QueueClient(_connectionString, _queueName); _namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(_connectionString); _messageReceiver = new MessageReceiver(_connectionString, _queueName); } catch (Exception ex) { _queueClient = null; _namespaceManager = null; _messageReceiver = null; _logger.Error(correlationId, ex, $"Failed to open queue '{Name}'."); } await Task.CompletedTask; }
public async override Task OpenAsync(string correlationId, ConnectionParams connection, CredentialParams credential) { var awsConnection = new AwsConnectionParams(connection, credential); // Assign service name awsConnection.Service = "sqs"; // Assign queue name var queueName = awsConnection.Resource ?? awsConnection.Get("queue") ?? Name; awsConnection.Resource = queueName; var deadQueueName = awsConnection.Get("dead_queue"); // Determine if a fifo queue is being used _fifoQueue = queueName.EndsWith(".fifo", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? true : false; // Validate connection params var err = awsConnection.Validate(correlationId); if (err != null) { throw err; } _logger.Info(null, "Connecting queue {0} to {1}", Name, awsConnection.Arn); var region = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(awsConnection.Region); var config = new AmazonSQSConfig() { RegionEndpoint = region, UseHttp = true }; _client = new AmazonSQSClient(awsConnection.AccessId, awsConnection.AccessKey, config); try { try { // Create queue if it doesn't exist var queueRequest = new CreateQueueRequest(queueName); if (_fifoQueue) { queueRequest.Attributes.Add("FifoQueue", "true"); } await _client.CreateQueueAsync(queueRequest); } catch (QueueNameExistsException) { // Ignore exception. } try { // Create dead queue if it doesn't exist if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deadQueueName)) { var deadQueueRequest = new CreateQueueRequest(deadQueueName); if (_fifoQueue) { deadQueueRequest.Attributes.Add("FifoQueue", "true"); } await _client.CreateQueueAsync(deadQueueRequest); } } catch (QueueNameExistsException) { // Ignore exception. } var response = await _client.GetQueueUrlAsync(queueName); _queue = response.QueueUrl; if (_fifoQueue) { var temp = await GetQueueAttributesAsync(correlationId, new List <string>() { "ContentBasedDeduplication" }, _queue); _contentBasedDupication = BooleanConverter.ToBooleanWithDefault(temp["ContentBasedDeduplication"], _contentBasedDupication); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deadQueueName)) { response = await _client.GetQueueUrlAsync(deadQueueName); _deadQueue = response.QueueUrl; if (_fifoQueue) { var temp = await GetQueueAttributesAsync(correlationId, new List <string>() { "ContentBasedDeduplication" }, _deadQueue); _contentBasedDupicationDlq = BooleanConverter.ToBooleanWithDefault(temp["ContentBasedDeduplication"], _contentBasedDupicationDlq); } } else { _deadQueue = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ConnectionException(correlationId, "CANNOT_ACCESS_QUEUE", "Failed to access SQS queue", ex) .WithDetails("queue", _queue); } }
/// <summary> /// Composes Composite connection options from connection and credential parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="correlationId">(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.</param> /// <param name="connections">connection parameters</param> /// <param name="credential">credential parameters</param> /// <param name="parameters">optional parameters</param> /// <returns>resolved options or throw error</returns> public ConfigParams Compose(string correlationId, IList <ConnectionParams> connections, CredentialParams credential, ConfigParams parameters) { // Validate connection parameters foreach (var connection in connections) { ValidateConnection(correlationId, connection); } // Validate credential parameters ValidateCredential(correlationId, credential); var options = ComposeOptions(connections, credential, parameters); return(options); }
/// <summary> /// Validates credential parameters. /// This method can be overriden in child classes. /// Throw error if validation failed. /// </summary> /// <param name="correlationId">(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.</param> /// <param name="credential">credential parameters to be validated</param> protected void ValidateCredential(string correlationId, CredentialParams credential) { return; }
public async override Task OpenAsync(string correlationId, ConnectionParams connection, CredentialParams credential) { try { var connectionString = ConfigParams.FromTuples( "DefaultEndpointsProtocol", connection.Protocol ?? connection.GetAsNullableString("DefaultEndpointsProtocol") ?? "https", "AccountName", credential.AccessId ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("account_name") ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("AccountName"), "AccountKey", credential.AccessKey ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("account_key") ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("AccountKey") ).ToString(); _logger.Info(null, "Connecting queue {0} to {1}", Name, connectionString); var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString); var client = storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient(); var queueName = connection.Get("queue") ?? Name; _queue = client.GetQueueReference(queueName); await _queue.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(); var deadName = connection.Get("dead"); _deadQueue = deadName != null?client.GetQueueReference(deadName) : null; } catch (Exception ex) { _queue = null; _logger.Error(correlationId, ex, $"Failed to open queue {Name}."); } await Task.Delay(0); }
/// <summary> /// Opens the component with given connection and credential parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="correlationId">(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.</param> /// <param name="connection">connection parameters</param> /// <param name="credential">credential parameters</param> public async override Task OpenAsync(string correlationId, ConnectionParams connection, CredentialParams credential) { _opened = true; await Task.Delay(0); }
/// <summary> /// Merges connection options with credential parameters /// This method can be overriden in child classes. /// </summary> /// <param name="options">connection options</param> /// <param name="credential">credential parameters to be merged</param> /// <returns>merged connection options.</returns> protected ConfigParams MergeCredential(ConfigParams options, CredentialParams credential) { var mergedOptions = options.Override(credential); return(mergedOptions); }
public override async Task OpenAsync(string correlationId, List <ConnectionParams> connections, CredentialParams credential) { try { var connection = connections?.FirstOrDefault(); if (connection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connections)); } _topicName = connection.GetAsNullableString("topic") ?? Name; _tempSubscriber = connection.Get("subscription") == null || connection.Get("Subscription") == null; _subscriptionName = connection.GetAsNullableString("subscription") ?? connection.Get("Subscription") ?? IdGenerator.NextLong(); // "AllMessages"; _connectionString = ConfigParams.FromTuples( "Endpoint", connection.GetAsNullableString("uri") ?? connection.GetAsNullableString("Endpoint"), "SharedAccessKeyName", credential.AccessId ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("shared_access_key_name") ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("SharedAccessKeyName"), "SharedAccessKey", credential.AccessKey ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("shared_access_key") ?? credential.GetAsNullableString("SharedAccessKey") ).ToString(); _namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(_connectionString); _messageReceiver = new MessageReceiver(_connectionString, EntityNameHelper.FormatSubscriptionPath(_topicName, _subscriptionName)); } catch (Exception ex) { _namespaceManager = null; _logger.Error(correlationId, ex, $"Failed to open message topic '{Name}'."); } await Task.CompletedTask; }
/// <summary> /// Compose method are composes Nats connection options from connection and credential parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="correlationId">(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.</param> /// <param name="connections">Connection parameters</param> /// <param name="credential">Credential parameters</param> /// <returns>Composed connection parameters</returns> public ConfigParams Compose(string correlationId, List <ConnectionParams> connections, CredentialParams credential) { // Validate connections foreach (var connection in connections) { ValidateConnection(correlationId, connection); } var options = ComposeOptions(connections, credential); return(options); }
private void ValidateConnection(string correlationId, ConnectionParams connection, CredentialParams credential) { if (connection == null) { throw new ConfigException(correlationId, "NO_CONNECTION", "HTTP connection is not set"); } var uri = connection.Uri; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri)) { return; } var protocol = connection.GetProtocolWithDefault("http"); if ("http" != protocol && "https" != protocol) { throw new ConfigException( correlationId, "WRONG_PROTOCOL", "Protocol is not supported by REST connection") .WithDetails("protocol", protocol); } var host = connection.Host; if (host == null) { throw new ConfigException(correlationId, "NO_HOST", "Connection host is not set"); } var port = connection.Port; if (port == 0) { throw new ConfigException(correlationId, "NO_PORT", "Connection port is not set"); } // Check HTTPS credentials if (protocol == "https") { // Check for credential if (credential == null) { throw new ConfigException( correlationId, "NO_CREDENTIAL", "SSL certificates are not configured for HTTPS protocol"); } // Sometimes when we use https we are on an internal network and do not want to have to deal with security. // When we need a https connection and we don't want to pass credentials, set the value 'no_credentials_needed' in the config yml credentials section if (credential.GetAsNullableString("internal_network") == null) { if (credential.GetAsNullableString("ssl_password") == null) { throw new ConfigException( correlationId, "NO_SSL_PASSWORD", "SSL password is not configured in credentials"); } if (credential.GetAsNullableString("ssl_pfx_file") == null) { throw new ConfigException( correlationId, "NO_SSL_PFX_FILE", "SSL pfx file is not configured in credentials"); } } } }
private ConfigParams ComposeOptions(List <ConnectionParams> connections, CredentialParams credential) { credential = credential ?? new CredentialParams(); // Construct options and copy over credentials var options = new ConfigParams().SetDefaults(credential); var globalUri = ""; var serversBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // Process connections, find or construct uri foreach (var connection in connections) { options = options.SetDefaults(connection); if (globalUri != "") { continue; } var uri = connection.Uri; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri)) { globalUri = uri; continue; } if (serversBuilder.Length > 0) { serversBuilder.Append(","); } var host = connection.Host; serversBuilder.Append(host); var port = connection.GetAsIntegerWithDefault("port", 1883); serversBuilder.Append(":"); serversBuilder.Append(port.ToString()); } // Set connection uri if (globalUri != "") { var pos = globalUri.IndexOf("://"); if (pos > 0) { globalUri = globalUri.Substring(pos + 3); } pos = globalUri.IndexOf("@"); if (pos > 0) { var userPass = globalUri.Substring(0, pos); globalUri = globalUri.Substring(pos + 1); pos = userPass.IndexOf(":"); if (pos > 0) { var username = userPass.Substring(0, pos); options.SetAsObject("username", username); var password = userPass.Substring(pos + 1); options.SetAsObject("password", password); } else { options.SetAsObject("username", userPass); } } pos = globalUri.IndexOf("?"); if (pos > 0) { globalUri = globalUri.Substring(0, pos); } options.SetAsObject("servers", globalUri); } else { options.SetAsObject("servers", serversBuilder.ToString()); } return(options); }