Пример #1
    // 更新状态逻辑
    public void Update()
        if (m_bIsLanding)//在Land状态结束本状态
                m_bIsLanding     = false;
                m_bIsJumping     = false;
                m_pFSM.inputJump = false;
                if (m_pFSM.dodge)
                    m_pFSM.maxDodgeSpeed = oldDodgeSpeed;
                m_pFSM.ChangeState((int)EntityState.Standing, IntPtr.Zero);

                if (m_pFSM.isHero)
                    int curTick = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    m_lastSyncTick = curTick;
                    m_lastSyncVel  = m_pFSM.syncVelocity;
                    m_lastSyncPos  = tr.position;
Пример #2
    private void stopWallWalk(bool forceStop = false)
        Vector3 angle = m_pFSM.transform.eulerAngles;

        angle.z = 0.0f;
        m_pFSM.transform.eulerAngles = angle;
        if (m_wallWalkingState < WallWalkingState.down && !forceStop)
            m_wallWalkingState = WallWalkingState.down;
            m_pFSM.animator.SetBool(hashid_isDownWall, true);
            m_pFSM.ChangeState((int)EntityState.Standing, IntPtr.Zero);
Пример #3
    private void UpdateFunction()
        if (floatingState == FloatingState.Down && grounded)
            m_pFSM.ChangeState((int)EntityState.Standing, IntPtr.Zero);

            //float landingSpeed = m_lastvelocity.y;
            //float maxFallSpeed = m_pFSM.SkinConfig == null ? -30 : -m_pFSM.SkinConfig.maxFallSpeed * 2.0f;

            float fallHeight = startHeight - m_pFSM.transform.position.y;
            //if (landingSpeed > maxFallSpeed / 2.0f) //着陆大于最大速度的一半,可能需要计算伤害,上报逻辑层
            if (m_pFSM.isHero && fallHeight > 5.0f) //着陆时落差大于5米,则上报逻辑层
                cmd_creature_act_landspeed data = new cmd_creature_act_landspeed();

                data.fValue = fallHeight;
                IntPtrHelper helper  = new IntPtrHelper();
                int          len     = Marshal.SizeOf(data);
                IntPtr       ptr     = helper.toPtr <cmd_creature_act_landspeed>(ref data);
                int          eventID = (int)EntityLogicDef.ENTITY_CMD_LANDING_SPEED;
                GameLogicAPI.onEntityEvent(m_pFSM.entityID, eventID, len, "", ptr, len);

                if (m_pFSM.showLog)
                    Trace.Log("Big Landing! fallHeight=" + fallHeight.ToString());

        uint currentTick = GameLogicAPI.getTickCount();
        int  deltaTick   = (int)(currentTick - lastFrameTick);

        deltaTick     = deltaTick < 1 ? 1 : deltaTick;
        lastFrameTick = currentTick;
        deltaTime     = ((float)deltaTick) / 1000.0f;
        if (m_lastFrameDeltaTime <= 0.01f)
            m_lastFrameDeltaTime = deltaTime;

        if (m_pFSM.moveCtrl.isCharge())
            //Trace.LogWarning("can't move: m_pFSM.bForceMoving=" + m_pFSM.bForceMoving.ToString() + ",m_pFSM.bForceFlighting=" + m_pFSM.bForceFlighting.ToString());

        sendSync = MoveSyncFlag.NOT_2_SERVER;

        // 下面算速度
        //float finalInertiaAcceleration = m_accSpeed; //惯性加速度
        currentvelocity = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        bool forceUp = false;

        if (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever) //主角的话下面多折腾下速度
            // Calculate the velocity based on the current and previous position.
            // This means our velocity will only be the amount the character actually moved as a result of collisions.
            //Vector3 oldHVelocity = new Vector3(lastvelocity.x, 0, lastvelocity.z);
            //Vector3 newHVelocity = lastoffset / deltaTime;
            //newHVelocity = new Vector3(newHVelocity.x, 0, newHVelocity.z);

            //// The CharacterController can be moved in unwanted directions when colliding with things.
            //// We want to prevent this from influencing the recorded velocity.
            //if (oldHVelocity == Vector3.zero)
            //    newHVelocity = new Vector3(0, newHVelocity.y, 0);
            //    float projectedNewVelocity = Vector3.Dot(newHVelocity, oldHVelocity) / oldHVelocity.sqrMagnitude;
            //    newHVelocity = oldHVelocity * Mathf.Clamp01(projectedNewVelocity) + newHVelocity.y * Vector3.up;

            //if (newHVelocity.y < currentvelocity.y - 0.001)
            //    if (newHVelocity.y < 0)
            //    {
            //        // Something is forcing the CharacterController down faster than it should.
            //        // Ignore this
            //        newHVelocity.y = lastvelocity.y;
            //    }

            // Update velocity based on input
            //newHVelocity = ApplyInputVelocityChange(newHVelocity);
            Vector3 newHVelocity = ApplyInputVelocityChange(m_lastvelocity);

            //if (newHVelocity.sqrMagnitude < 0.001f) //如果是停止的,就不计算惯性速度,免得技能僵直之类的效果生效不够及时
            //    currentvelocity = newHVelocity;
            currentvelocity = newHVelocity;

            m_lastvelocity = currentvelocity;

            // 判断本地的模拟坐标和真实坐标的差别, 只有达到一定阀值才需要同步
            // 暂时在行走过程中200ms同步一次
            int curTick = System.Environment.TickCount;

            if (currentvelocity.sqrMagnitude <= 0.001f)
                currentvelocity = Vector3.zero;

            // 启动和站立强制同步一次
            if ((m_pFSM.syncVelocity.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f && currentvelocity.sqrMagnitude <= 0.001f) ||
                (m_pFSM.syncVelocity.sqrMagnitude <= 0.001f && currentvelocity.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f))
                sendSync = MoveSyncFlag.TO_BROADCAST;
            // 每200毫秒根据速度或者移动距离考虑是否同步一次
            else if (curTick >= m_pFSM.syncTick + m_pFSM.syncInterval)
                Vector3 velSub = currentvelocity - m_pFSM.syncVelocity;
                Vector3 posSub = tr.position - m_pFSM.syncPosition;
                Vector3 rotSub = tr.eulerAngles - m_pFSM.syncAngle;
                if (velSub.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f || posSub.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f || rotSub.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f)
                    sendSync = MoveSyncFlag.TO_SERVER;

            if (floatingState == FloatingState.Down && curTick >= m_pFSM.syncTick + m_pFSM.syncInterval / 4)
                sendSync = MoveSyncFlag.TO_SERVER;

            currentvelocity = ApplyYSpeed(currentvelocity, ref forceUp);
            currentvelocity = m_pFSM.syncVelocity;
            Vector3 deltapos = m_pFSM.syncPosition - tr.position;
            float   dis      = deltapos.magnitude;
            if (m_pFSM.syncVelocity.sqrMagnitude < 0.001f && dis > 0.01f)     //速度为0,但还没到同步的目的地,补偿一下误差
                float alpha = Mathf.Clamp01((dis - 0.01f) / approximatethre); //对速度根据离同步位置误差距离作逼近收敛修正
                float speed = (1.0f - alpha) * 0.0f + alpha * approximatethre * apmtspeedratio;
                currentvelocity = deltapos.normalized * speed;
                //Vector3 newHVelocity = m_pFSM.syncVelocity;
                //Vector3 oldHVelocity = new Vector3(lastvelocity.x, 0, lastvelocity.z);
                //Vector3 HVelocityDelta = newHVelocity - oldHVelocity;
                //float advance = deltaTime * finalInertiaAcceleration;
                //if (advance > HVelocityDelta.magnitude) advance = HVelocityDelta.magnitude;
                //currentvelocity = oldHVelocity + HVelocityDelta.normalized * advance;
                currentvelocity = m_pFSM.syncVelocity;
            currentvelocity = ApplyYSpeed(currentvelocity, ref forceUp);

        // 下面算位置
        // We always want the movement to be framerate independent.  Multiplying by Time.deltaTime does this.

        if (deltaTime > m_lastFrameDeltaTime * 2.0f || deltaTime < m_lastFrameDeltaTime / 2.0f) //缓冲帧率突变产生的跳跃
            deltaTime = deltaTime * m_pFSM.frameAccFactor + m_lastFrameDeltaTime * (1 - m_pFSM.frameAccFactor);
        m_lastFrameDeltaTime = deltaTime;

        Vector3 currentOffset = currentvelocity * deltaTime;

        m_pFSM.syncDetalTime += deltaTime;

        // Find out how much we need to push towards the ground to avoid loosing grouning
        // when walking down a step or over a sharp change in slope.
        if (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever)//主角
            if (m_pFSM.ShiftEnable)
                //if (InputManager.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || InputManager.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift))//主角暂时添加加速快捷键以便测试
                    currentOffset *= 5.0f;
        else //非主角
            //Vector3 idealPos = tr.position;
            //calSyncOffset(currentvelocity, ref currentOffset, ref idealPos);
            if (/*floatingState != FloatingState.Down &&*/ !forceUp) //下落的时候采用同步位置会上下拉扯,没到规定高度的时候不等同步包强制上升
                if (floatingState == FloatingState.Down)
                    // 下落过程中不用同步位置会在这段不同步 所以还是要使用水平方向的同步位置
                    // 下落时垂直速度要向下 不能因为同步位置还没过来掉一段再往上个同步位置拉
                    Vector3 dirHrz = m_pFSM.syncPosition - tr.position;
                    dirHrz.y = 0;
                    Vector3 dirNormal = dirHrz.normalized;
                    dirNormal.y = -1;
                    dirNormal   = dirNormal.normalized;

                    currentvelocity = dirNormal * currentvelocity.magnitude;
                    Vector3 dir = (m_pFSM.syncPosition - tr.position).normalized;
                    currentvelocity = dir * currentvelocity.magnitude;
            currentOffset = currentvelocity * deltaTime;
            if (currentOffset.sqrMagnitude < 0.001f)
                currentvelocity = Vector3.zero;

        // 下面更新animator
        if (m_pFSM.animator != null)
            if (!m_pFSM.isHero || m_pFSM.bControlledBySever)
                currentvelocity = m_lastvelocity;
            Vector3 planeVel = new Vector3(currentvelocity.x, 0, currentvelocity.z);
            if (planeVel.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f)
                m_pFSM.animator.SetBool("isMoving", true);
                //m_pFSM.animatorCtrl.ana.SetBool("isMoving", true);
                bIsMoving = true;
                m_pFSM.animator.SetBool("isMoving", false);
                //m_pFSM.animatorCtrl.ana.SetBool("isMoving", false);
                bIsMoving = false;

            Vector3 projectVel = Vector3.zero;
            projectVel.x = Vector3.Dot(m_lastvelocity, tr.right); //m_lastvelocity是排除Y方向操作速度的原始速度,可以用来计算方向动作
            projectVel.z = Vector3.Dot(m_lastvelocity, tr.forward);
            float fRight   = 0.0f;
            float fForward = 0.0f;
            if (projectVel.sqrMagnitude > 0.0036f)//同步过来的速度为0之后,点乘还会有误差,造成轻微移动动作
                fForward = projectVel.z / m_maxSpeed;
                fRight   = projectVel.x / m_maxSpeed;

            if (Mathf.Abs(fRight) < 0.06f)
                fRight = 0.0f;
            if (Mathf.Abs(fForward) < 0.06f)
                fForward = 0.0f;

            fForward = Mathf.Min(fForward, 1.0f);
            fForward = Mathf.Max(fForward, -1.0f);
            fRight   = Mathf.Min(fRight, 1.0f);
            fRight   = Mathf.Max(fRight, -1.0f);


            //fForward = fForward / m_maxSpeed;
            //fRight = fRight / m_maxSpeed;

            m_pFSM.animator.SetFloat("moveright", fRight);
            m_pFSM.animator.SetFloat("moveforward", fForward);
            m_pFSM.animator.SetFloat("velocity", currentvelocity.magnitude);

            if (wingAnimator)
                wingAnimator.SetFloat("moveright", fRight);
                wingAnimator.SetFloat("moveforward", fForward);

            if (m_pFSM.animatorCtrl.anb != null)
                m_pFSM.animatorCtrl.anb.SetFloat("moveright", fRight);
                m_pFSM.animatorCtrl.anb.SetFloat("moveforward", fForward);

        // 下面更新transform
        // Save lastPosition for velocity calculation.
        Vector3 oldPosition = tr.position;
        float   curtime     = Time.time;

        if (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever)//是主角,都用耗时的物理行走方法
            m_pFSM.collisionFlags = m_pFSM.controller.Move(currentOffset);
            float pos_dis = (m_pFSM.syncPosition - tr.transform.position).magnitude;
            if (m_pFSM.syncVelocity.sqrMagnitude < 0.01f && m_pFSM.animatorCtrl.bDoingAttackMove)
                pos_dis = 0.0f;                                                                                  //正在利用动作控制位移,就不按同步包移动了
            if ((floatingState == FloatingState.Down) || (physenable && pos_dis > approximatethre) || (forceUp)) //上下落或者跟同步位置差距较大时用耗时的物理行走方法
                m_pFSM.collisionFlags = m_pFSM.controller.Move(currentOffset);
            else if (pos_dis > 0.01f) //否则用较小耗时的渐趋逼近公式
                Vector3 deltapos = m_pFSM.syncPosition - tr.transform.position;
                Vector3 curPos;
                if (deltapos.sqrMagnitude > currentOffset.sqrMagnitude)
                    curPos = tr.transform.position + currentOffset;
                    curPos = tr.transform.position * 0.5f + m_pFSM.syncPosition * 0.5f;

            Vector3 deltaDis   = m_pFSM.syncPosition - tr.transform.position;
            Vector3 newVectory = Vector3.zero;
            if (deltaDis.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f)
                newVectory   = currentOffset;
                newVectory.y = 0;
                newVectory   = newVectory.normalized * m_maxSpeed;
            m_lastvelocity = m_lastvelocity * 0.3f + newVectory * 0.7f;

        if (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever)//主角不用平滑角度
            float angle_dis = (m_pFSM.syncAngle - tr.transform.eulerAngles).magnitude;
            if (angle_dis > 0.1f) //角度差距较大时采用逼近公式
                Vector3 newangle;
                newangle.x     = Mathf.LerpAngle(tr.eulerAngles.x, m_pFSM.syncAngle.x, 0.2f);
                newangle.y     = Mathf.LerpAngle(tr.eulerAngles.y, m_pFSM.syncAngle.y, 0.2f);
                newangle.z     = Mathf.LerpAngle(tr.eulerAngles.z, m_pFSM.syncAngle.z, 0.2f);
                tr.eulerAngles = newangle;

        lastupdatetime = curtime;
        lastoffset     = currentOffset;

        if (sendSync != MoveSyncFlag.NOT_2_SERVER && (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever))
            int curTick = System.Environment.TickCount;
            m_pFSM.syncTick = curTick;
            Vector3 sendVelocity = currentvelocity;
            m_pFSM.syncVelocity = sendVelocity;
            m_pFSM.syncPosition = tr.position;
            m_pFSM.syncAngle    = tr.eulerAngles;
        else if (heroMoveTimes >= 8)
            Vector3 sendVelocity = new Vector3(currentvelocity.x, 0.0f, currentvelocity.z);
            updatePosWithoutSend(sendVelocity, tr.position, tr.eulerAngles);
            heroMoveTimes = 0;

        grounded = m_pFSM.groundNormal.y > 0.01f;
Пример #4
    // 更新状态逻辑
    public void Update()
        deltaTime = Time.deltaTime;
        if (deltaTime < 0.001f)
            Debug.LogError("deltaTime=" + deltaTime);
        uint tick        = GameLogicAPI.getTickCount();
        bool oldGrounded = isGrounded;

        isGrounded = IsGroundedTest();                                   //测试是否在空中
        float   Vy            = getVelocity().y;
        Vector3 inputVelocity = ApplyInputVelocityChange(getVelocity()); //根据键盘输入调整速度
        Vector3 velocity      = Vector3.zero;

        if (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever)
            velocity = inputVelocity;
            velocity = m_pFSM.syncVelocity;
        velocity.y = Vy;
        if (isGrounded && !m_bIsGlideRuning)
            if (!m_bIsLanding)
                if (m_pFSM.animator)
                    m_pFSM.animator.SetBool(hashid_isLanding, true);
                    m_pFSM.animator.SetBool(hashid_isGlide, false);
                    m_pFSM.animator.SetBool(hashid_FlyDown, false);

                m_bIsLanding = true;    //正在着陆
            else  //着陆后的处理
                velocity.y = Mathf.Min(0, velocity.y) - m_pFSM.currentGravity * deltaTime;
                m_pFSM.maxGlideSpeed = oldGlideSpeed;
                m_pFSM.isGlideState  = false;
                m_pFSM.ChangeState((int)EntityState.Standing, IntPtr.Zero);
        else  //这里包含两个状态:起跳 -> 最高点 ->落地
            if (velocity.y <= 0)
                velocity.y = m_Velocity.y - m_pFSM.glideDownSpeedAcceleration * deltaTime;
                velocity.y = m_Velocity.y - m_pFSM.currentGravity * deltaTime;
            // Make sure we don't fall any faster than maxFallSpeed. This gives our character a terminal velocity.
            velocity.y = Mathf.Max(velocity.y, m_pFSM.SkinConfig == null ? -15 : -m_pFSM.SkinConfig.maxFallSpeed);
            //velocity.y = Mathf.Min(velocity.y, m_pFSM.SkinConfig == null ? 15 : m_pFSM.SkinConfig.maxFallSpeed);
        if (m_bIsGlideRuning)
            Vector3 jumpDir = Vector3.up;
            startUpTick = 0;
            velocity.y  = 0;
            m_pFSM.animator.SetBool(hashid_isGlide, true);
            //velocity += jumpDir * CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed(m_pFSM.glideUpHeight);// m_pFSM.glideUpHeight);
            m_bIsGlideRuning    = false;
            m_bIsJumping        = false;
            isGrounded          = false;
            m_pFSM.groundNormal = Vector3.zero;

        if (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever)
            m_pFSM.syncVelocity = velocity;

            // 判断本地的模拟坐标和真实坐标的差别, 只有达到一定阀值才需要同步
            // 暂时在行走过程中200ms同步一次
            int          curTick  = System.Environment.TickCount;
            MoveSyncFlag sendSync = MoveSyncFlag.NOT_2_SERVER;
            if (curTick >= m_lastSyncTick + 5000) //5秒强制同步一次
                sendSync = MoveSyncFlag.TO_SERVER;
            else if ((m_lastSyncVel.sqrMagnitude > 0.0001f && m_pFSM.syncVelocity.sqrMagnitude < 0.0001f) || (m_lastSyncVel.sqrMagnitude < 0.0001f && m_pFSM.syncVelocity.sqrMagnitude > 0.0001f))//启动和站立强制同步一次
                sendSync = MoveSyncFlag.TO_BROADCAST;
            else //每200毫秒根据速度或者移动距离考虑是否同步一次
                Vector3 velSub = m_lastSyncVel - m_pFSM.syncVelocity;
                Vector3 posSub = tr.position - m_lastSyncPos;
                if ((curTick >= m_lastSyncTick + 200) && (velSub.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f || posSub.sqrMagnitude > 1.0f))
                    sendSync = MoveSyncFlag.TO_SERVER;

            if (sendSync != MoveSyncFlag.NOT_2_SERVER && (m_pFSM.isHero && !m_pFSM.bControlledBySever))
                m_pFSM.syncVelocity.y = 0.0f; // 跳跃的同步包y方向速度都为0,由实际跳跃产生。
                m_lastSyncTick = curTick;
                m_lastSyncVel  = m_pFSM.syncVelocity;
                m_lastSyncPos  = tr.position;


        Vector3 currentMovementOffset = velocity * deltaTime;

        // Find out how much we need to push towards the ground to avoid loosing grouning
        // when walking down a step or over a sharp change in slope.

        float pushDownOffset = Mathf.Max(m_pFSM.controller.stepOffset, (new Vector3(currentMovementOffset.x, 0, currentMovementOffset.z)).magnitude);

        if (float.IsNaN(m_pFSM.controller.stepOffset))
            Debug.LogError(m_pFSM.name + " jumping controller.stepOffset error" + m_pFSM.controller.stepOffset);
            pushDownOffset = (new Vector3(currentMovementOffset.x, 0, currentMovementOffset.z)).magnitude;

        if (isGrounded)
            currentMovementOffset -= pushDownOffset * Vector3.up;

        m_pFSM.collisionFlags = m_pFSM.controller.Move(currentMovementOffset);
