Пример #1
        public IActionResult Create()
            var model = new CreateReportModel()
                CreateProject = _timeTrackingService.GetAllProjects()

Пример #2
        public JsonResult Create(CreateReportModel model)
            IReportTemplate template = _templateFactory.Create(new DescriptionMetadata()
                Name = model.Name, Author = model.CreatedBy

            template.DataSources.Set(new DataSource("", new StaticDataProvider().Set("test", 4711).Set("switch", true)));

            // Un-comment this to add a data provider which returns a DataSet with data filled by a custom script written in C#.
            //template.DataSources.Set(new DataSource("scr1", new ScriptDataProvider()
            //    ScriptTypeKey = "cs",
            //    ScriptText = @"DataSet result = new DataSet(""Created from code""); result.Tables.Add(""Hello world""); return result;"

            IReportTemplateSection section = template.Sections.GetSection(SectionType.Detail);

            ICompositionElement rootElement = new VerticalContainerElement();

            rootElement.Set("data-source", "");
            rootElement.AddChild(new StaticLabelElement()
                Value = "Hello, world!"
            rootElement.AddChild(new TableElement()
                DataSource = "ours"
            section.RootElement = rootElement;

            string definition = null;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(_templateFactory.Save(template)))
                definition = reader.ReadToEnd();

            ReportData rd = new ReportData()
                Name       = model.Name,
                Guid       = Guid.NewGuid(),
                CreatedAt  = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                CreatedBy  = model.CreatedBy,
                Definition = definition

            using (IDataRepository repository = GetRepository())

            return(Json(new { success = true, name = rd.Name, guid = rd.Guid }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([FromBody] CreateReportModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var report    = Mapper.Map <Report>(model);
            var newReport = await _reportService.CreateAsync(report);

            if (newReport == null)

Пример #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Reporting([FromBody] CreateReportModel model)
            var currentUserId = int.Parse(User.Identity.Name);
            var report        = _mapper.Map <Report>(model);

            report.CustomerId = _customerService.GetCustomerId(currentUserId);
                var _report = await _customerService.CreateReport(report);

                var _reportModel = _mapper.Map <ReportModel>(_report);
                await _signalrHub.Clients.Group("Group Admins").SendReportToAdmins(_reportModel);

                return(Ok(new { message = "Report have been sended" }));
            catch (AppException ex)
                return(BadRequest(new { message = ex.Message }));
Пример #5
 public bool PostReport(int id, [FromBody] CreateReportModel model) => queries.CreateReport(id, model.ReportType, WebHelper.GetRealHost(Request), model.Reason).created;
Пример #6
        public IActionResult Show(CreateReportModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ReportName))
                    return(Error("Ошибка создания отчета!", "Название отчета должно быть не нулевым!"));
                if (model.ReportName?.Length > 100)
                    return(Error("Ошибка создания отчета!", "Название отчета должно быть не длиннее 100 символов!"));
                if (model.IssueFilter?.Length > 1000)
                    return(Error("Ошибка создания отчета!", "Фильтр должен быть не длиннее 1000 символов!"));
                return(Error("Ошибка создания отчета!"));

            RequestResult <bool> isContains = _storage.ContainsReport(model.ReportName);

            if (!isContains.IsSuccess)
                return(Error("Ошибка обращения к БД!", isContains.Error.Message));
            if (isContains.Result)
                return(Error("Ошибка создания отчета!", "Отчет с таким именем уже существует!"));

            // Get issues
            var issues = _timeTrackingService.GetIssues(model.ProjectName, model.IssueFilter);

            if (issues == null)
                issues = new List <Issue>();

            // Save report
            var report = new Report(model.ReportName, model.ProjectName, model.IssueFilter, issues);


            // Get saved report with id
            var reportResult = _storage.GetReport(report.Name);

            if (!reportResult.IsSuccess)
                return(Error("Ошибка обращения к БД!", reportResult.Error.Message));

            // Filter issues
            var issuesToShow = issues
                               .Where(i => i.SpentTime.HasValue && i.EstimatedTime.HasValue)

            // Get and fill charts
            var charts = _chartService.GetAllCharts();

            foreach (var chart in charts.Values)
                chart.SetData(issuesToShow, 5);

            return(View(new ChartModel(reportResult.Result.ReportId, charts.Values.ToList())));
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Create report
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Create report model</param>
        public void CreateReport(CreateReportModel model)
            var ssrs = this.ssrsWrapperProvider.GetReportingServiceWrapper();

            Warning[] warnings;

            Report report = new Report();

            report.Description = model.ReportDescription;

            report.Page.PageWidth  = new ReportSize(280, SizeTypes.Mm);
            report.Page.PageHeight = new ReportSize(210, SizeTypes.Mm);
            report.Width           = new ReportSize(297, SizeTypes.Mm);
            report.Body.Height     = new ReportSize(210, SizeTypes.Mm);

            DataSource dataSource = new DataSource
                Name = "DataSource",
                DataSourceReference = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SharedSsrsDataSourceName"]


            report.DataSets.Add(new DataSet()
                Name   = "DataSet1",
                Fields = this.ssrsProvider.GetFieldsFromQuery(model.DatabaseName, model.Query),
                Query  = new Query()
                    CommandType    = CommandTypes.Text,
                    CommandText    = string.Format("USE {0}; {1}", model.DatabaseName, model.Query),
                    Timeout        = 30,
                    DataSourceName = report.DataSources[0].Name

            //report.ReportParameters.Add(new ReportParameter()
            //                                {
            //                                    DataType = DataTypes.String,
            //                                    UsedInQuery = UsedInQueryTypes.False,
            //                                    MultiValue = false,
            //                                    Prompt = "?",
            //                                    Name = "TestParameter",
            //                                    AllowBlank = true
            //                                });

            Tablix tablix = new Tablix()
                Name  = "tablix1",
                Width = new ReportSize("250mm"),
                Left  = new ReportSize("3mm")

            tablix.DataSetName = report.DataSets[0].Name;

            var colHeirarcy = new TablixHierarchy();
            var rowHeirarcy = new TablixHierarchy();

            foreach (var field in report.DataSets[0].Fields)
                tablix.TablixBody.TablixColumns.Add(new TablixColumn()
                    Width = new ReportSize(50, SizeTypes.Mm)

            TablixRow header = new TablixRow()
                Height = new ReportSize(8, SizeTypes.Mm)

            foreach (var field in report.DataSets[0].Fields)
                TablixCell cell = new TablixCell();
                Textbox    tbx  = new Textbox();
                tbx.Name = tablix.Name + "_Header_txt" + field.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                tbx.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0].Value = field.Name;
                tbx.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0].Style = new Style()
                    FontWeight = new ReportExpression <FontWeights>(FontWeights.Bold),
                    FontSize   = new ReportExpression <ReportSize>("10pt"),

                cell.CellContents = new CellContents()
                    ReportItem = tbx
                colHeirarcy.TablixMembers.Add(new TablixMember());


            TablixRow row = new TablixRow()
                Height = new ReportSize(5, SizeTypes.Mm)

            foreach (var field in report.DataSets[0].Fields)
                TablixCell cell = new TablixCell();

                Textbox tbx = new Textbox();
                tbx.Name = "txt" + field.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                tbx.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0].Value = "=Fields!" + field.Name + ".Value";
                tbx.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0].Style = new Style()
                    FontSize = new ReportExpression <ReportSize>("8pt")
                cell.CellContents = new CellContents()
                    ReportItem = tbx

            var mem = new TablixMember()
                KeepTogether = true
            var mem2 = new TablixMember()
                Group = new Group {
                    Name = "Details"


            tablix.TablixColumnHierarchy = colHeirarcy;
            tablix.TablixRowHierarchy    = rowHeirarcy;

            tablix.Style = new Style()
                Border = new Border()


            RdlSerializer serializer = new RdlSerializer();

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                serializer.Serialize(ms, report);
                ssrs.CreateCatalogItem("Report", model.ReportName, "/", false, ms.ToArray(), null, out warnings);
        public async virtual Task <IHttpActionResult> CreateReport(string userName, string token, [FromBody] CreateReportModel createReportModel)

            var tenantId    = createReportModel.TenantId;
            var homeOwerId  = createReportModel.HomeOwerId;
            var communityId = createReportModel.CommunityId;
            var title       = createReportModel.Title;
            var content     = createReportModel.Content;
            var files       = createReportModel.Files;

            var community = await _communityManager.CommunityRepository.GetAsync(createReportModel.CommunityId);

            var building = await _buildingManager.BuildingRepository.GetAsync(createReportModel.BuildingId);

            var flatNo = await _flatNoManager.FlatNumberRepository.GetAsync(createReportModel.FlatNoId);

            using (CurrentUnitOfWork.SetTenantId(tenantId))
                var report = new Report(tenantId, title, content, files, createReportModel.CommunityId, createReportModel.BuildingId, createReportModel.FlatNoId, createReportModel.HomeOwerId, community.Name, building.BuildingName, flatNo.FlatNo);

                await _reportManager.CreateAsync(report);

        public async Task <ActionResult> CreateReport(CreateReportModel model)
            var result = await _reportService.UpsertDailyReportAsync(model.CustomerId, model.ReportDate);
