Пример #1
    // TBD: this shouldn't be static, I believe
    static void calculationsForBoundingBox()
        //Debug.Log("started bounding boxes processing thread");

        //while (true)
                //Thread.Sleep (2);
                //            BoxData temp;
                //            Debug.Log ("box before dequeue");
                //            bool success = boxBufferToCalc.TryDequeue (out temp);
                //            Debug.Log ("box dequeue: " + success);
                //            if (success) {
                Debug.LogFormat("checking bounding boxes for calculations... {0}", boundingBoxBufferToCalc_.Count);

                while (boundingBoxBufferToCalc_.Count > 0)
                    BoxData frameBoxData = boundingBoxBufferToCalc_.Dequeue();
                    int     boxCount     = frameBoxData.count;

                    //Vector3[] min = new Vector3[boxCount];
                    float[]        averageZ       = new float[boxCount];
                    int[]          numWithinBox   = new int[boxCount];
                    List <float>[] pointsInBounds = new List <float> [boxCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < boxCount; i++)
                        //min [i] = new Vector3 (100, 100, 100);
                        pointsInBounds[i] = new List <float>();
                        averageZ[i]       = 0;
                        numWithinBox[i]   = 0;

                    List <Vector4> frameCloudPoints = frameBoxData.points;

                    Debug.LogFormat("pointcloud points count {0}. applying transform", frameCloudPoints.Count);

                    frameBoxData.cam.transform.position = frameBoxData.camPos;
                    frameBoxData.cam.transform.rotation = frameBoxData.camRot;

                    Vector2[] centerPosXY = new Vector2[boxCount];
                    Vector2[] worldCenter = new Vector2[boxCount];
                    Vector3[] position    = new Vector3[boxCount];

                    Vector2[] viewportTopLeft     = new Vector2[boxCount];
                    Vector2[] viewportTopRight    = new Vector2[boxCount];
                    Vector2[] viewportBottomLeft  = new Vector2[boxCount];
                    Vector2[] viewportBottomRight = new Vector2[boxCount];

                    Vector3[] worldTopLeft     = new Vector3[boxCount];
                    Vector3[] worldTopRight    = new Vector3[boxCount];
                    Vector3[] worldBottomLeft  = new Vector3[boxCount];
                    Vector3[] worldBottomRight = new Vector3[boxCount];

                    float[] x = new float[boxCount];
                    float[] y = new float[boxCount];
                    float[] z = new float[boxCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < boxCount; i++)
                        //calucate 4 viewport corners
                        viewportTopLeft[i]     = new Vector2(frameBoxData.xleft[i], frameBoxData.ytop[i]);
                        viewportTopRight[i]    = new Vector2(frameBoxData.xright[i], frameBoxData.ytop[i]);
                        viewportBottomLeft[i]  = new Vector2(frameBoxData.xleft[i], frameBoxData.ybottom[i]);
                        viewportBottomRight[i] = new Vector2(frameBoxData.xright[i], frameBoxData.ybottom[i]);

                        //calculate center of box in viewport coords
                        centerPosXY[i] = new Vector2(frameBoxData.xleft[i] + Mathf.Abs(viewportTopLeft[i].x - viewportTopRight[i].x) / 2,
                                                     frameBoxData.ybottom[i] + Mathf.Abs(viewportTopLeft[i].y - viewportBottomLeft[i].y) / 2);

                        Debug.LogFormat("bbox {0}: topleft: {1} topright {2} botleft {3} botright {4} center {5}",
                                        viewportTopLeft[i].ToString(), viewportTopRight[i].ToString(),
                                        viewportBottomLeft[i].ToString(), viewportBottomRight[i].ToString(),

                        // iterating all cloud points to place them within each bounding box
                        for (int i = 0; i < frameCloudPoints.Count; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < boxCount; j++)
                                //                        //calculate center of box in world coords
                                //                        worldCenter [j] = temp.cam.ViewportToWorldPoint (new Vector2 (centerPosXY [j].x, centerPosXY [j].y));
                                //                        //find point in points[] that most nearly matches center position
                                //                        if (Vector2.Distance (new Vector2 (points [i].x, points [i].y), worldCenter [j]) < Vector2.Distance (new Vector2 (min [j].x, min [j].y), worldCenter [j])) {
                                //                            min [j] = points [i];
                                //                        }
                                //find if points[i] is outside of the bounding box
                                Vector3 viewportPoint = frameBoxData.cam.WorldToViewportPoint(frameCloudPoints[i]);
                                if (viewportPoint.x < frameBoxData.xleft[j] ||
                                    viewportPoint.x > frameBoxData.xright[j] ||
                                    viewportPoint.y <frameBoxData.ybottom[j] ||
                                                     viewportPoint.y> frameBoxData.ytop[j])
                                    //points[i] is out of the limits of the bounding box
                                    //points[i] is in the bounding box
                                    averageZ[j] += frameCloudPoints[i].z;
                    catch (System.Exception e)
                        Debug.LogExceptionFormat(e, "while counting sorting points");

                    for (int i = 0; i < boxCount; i++)
                        float median;
                        float depth;

                        //  every list has just Z coordinate of a point, sort them
                        //median = pointsInBounds [i][pointsInBounds[i].Count / 2];
                        //Debug.Log("median = " + median);
                        //averageZ [i] /= numWithinBox [i];

                        // if there are no points for particular box - it won't be rendered, apparently
                        if (!(pointsInBounds[i].Count == 0))
                            //float depth = Mathf.Abs(min [i].z);
                            Debug.LogFormat("median: float array len {0}, idx {1}", pointsInBounds[i].Count, pointsInBounds[i].Count / 2);

                            median = pointsInBounds[i][pointsInBounds[i].Count / 2];

                            Debug.LogFormat("median {0}", median);

                            depth = Mathf.Abs(median);
                            //float depth = Mathf.Abs (averageZ [i]);
                            if (depth < 0.5f)
                                depth = 0.5f;

                            //calculate center of box in world coords
                            // i believe this is not correct -- depth is a cloud point's Z location, i.e. in world coordiantes
                            // here, it's assigned as a Z component of a vector, which X and Y are in Viewport coordinate system
                            // it then gets transformed to the world coordinates again
                            // Z value shall be assigned after this transformation is done
                            position[i] = frameBoxData.cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(centerPosXY[i].x, centerPosXY[i].y, depth));

                            Debug.LogFormat("box {0}: position {1}", i, position[i].ToString());
                            //Debug.Log ("box: found min " + min.ToString ());

                            //calculate Z value for world corners
                            worldTopLeft[i]     = frameBoxData.cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(viewportTopLeft[i].x, viewportTopLeft[i].y, depth));
                            worldTopRight[i]    = frameBoxData.cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(viewportTopRight[i].x, viewportTopRight[i].y, depth));
                            worldBottomLeft[i]  = frameBoxData.cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(viewportBottomLeft[i].x, viewportBottomLeft[i].y, depth));
                            worldBottomRight[i] = frameBoxData.cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(viewportBottomRight[i].x, viewportBottomRight[i].y, depth));

                            //calculate x, y, z size values
                            x[i] = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(worldTopLeft[i], worldTopRight[i]));
                            y[i] = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(worldTopLeft[i], worldBottomLeft[i]));
                            z[i] = 0; // why Z is zero here?

                                CreateBoxData boxData = new CreateBoxData();
                                boxData.label     = frameBoxData.label[i];
                                boxData.position  = position[i];
                                boxData.x         = x[i];
                                boxData.y         = y[i];
                                boxData.z         = z[i];
                                boxData.cam       = frameBoxData.cam;
                                boxData.frameNum  = frameBoxData.frameNumber;
                                boxData.timestamp = frameBoxData.timestamp;
                                //boxBufferToUpdate.Enqueue (boxData);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                Debug.LogExceptionFormat(e, "while making bb calculations");
    static void calculationsForBoundingBox()
        while (true)
                //Thread.Sleep (2);
//			BoxData temp;
//			Debug.Log ("box before dequeue");
//			bool success = boxBufferToCalc.TryDequeue (out temp);
//			Debug.Log ("box dequeue: " + success);
//			if (success) {
                if (boundingBoxBufferToCalc.Count > 0)
                    BoxData temp     = boundingBoxBufferToCalc.Dequeue();
                    int     boxCount = temp.count;

                    //Vector3[] min = new Vector3[boxCount];
                    float[]        averageZ       = new float[boxCount];
                    int[]          numWithinBox   = new int[boxCount];
                    List <float>[] pointsInBounds = new List <float> [boxCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < boxCount; i++)
                        //min [i] = new Vector3 (100, 100, 100);
                        pointsInBounds[i] = new List <float>();
                        averageZ [i]      = 0;
                        numWithinBox [i]  = 0;

                    List <Vector4> points = temp.points;
                    //int count = temp.numPoints;
                    int count = points.Count;

                    Debug.Log("Pointcloud count points: " + points.Count);
                    Debug.Log("Pointcloud count count: " + count);

                    temp.cam.transform.position = temp.camPos;
                    temp.cam.transform.rotation = temp.camRot;

                    Debug.Log("Camera log: cam position" + temp.cam.transform.position.ToString());
                    Debug.Log("Camera log: frame cam position" + temp.camPos.ToString());
                    Debug.Log("Camera log: cam rotation" + temp.cam.transform.rotation.ToString());
                    Debug.Log("Camera log: frame cam rotation" + temp.camRot.ToString());

                    Vector2[] centerPosXY = new Vector2[boxCount];
                    Vector2[] worldCenter = new Vector2[boxCount];
                    Vector3[] position    = new Vector3[boxCount];

                    Vector2[] viewportTopLeft     = new Vector2[boxCount];
                    Vector2[] viewportTopRight    = new Vector2[boxCount];
                    Vector2[] viewportBottomLeft  = new Vector2[boxCount];
                    Vector2[] viewportBottomRight = new Vector2[boxCount];

                    Vector3[] worldTopLeft     = new Vector3[boxCount];
                    Vector3[] worldTopRight    = new Vector3[boxCount];
                    Vector3[] worldBottomLeft  = new Vector3[boxCount];
                    Vector3[] worldBottomRight = new Vector3[boxCount];

                    float[] x = new float[boxCount];
                    float[] y = new float[boxCount];
                    float[] z = new float[boxCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < boxCount; i++)
                        //calucate 4 viewport corners
                        viewportTopLeft [i]     = new Vector2(temp.xleft [i], temp.ytop [i]);
                        viewportTopRight [i]    = new Vector2(temp.xright [i], temp.ytop [i]);
                        viewportBottomLeft [i]  = new Vector2(temp.xleft [i], temp.ybottom [i]);
                        viewportBottomRight [i] = new Vector2(temp.xright [i], temp.ybottom [i]);

                        //calculate center of box in viewport coords
                        centerPosXY [i] = new Vector2(temp.xleft [i] + Mathf.Abs(viewportTopLeft [i].x - viewportTopRight [i].x) / 2,
                                                      temp.ybottom [i] + Mathf.Abs(viewportTopLeft [i].y - viewportBottomLeft [i].y) / 2);

                        //search points[]
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < boxCount; j++)
//						//calculate center of box in world coords
//						worldCenter [j] = temp.cam.ViewportToWorldPoint (new Vector2 (centerPosXY [j].x, centerPosXY [j].y));
//						//find point in points[] that most nearly matches center position
//						if (Vector2.Distance (new Vector2 (points [i].x, points [i].y), worldCenter [j]) < Vector2.Distance (new Vector2 (min [j].x, min [j].y), worldCenter [j])) {
//							min [j] = points [i];
//						}
                                //find if points[i] is outside of the bounding box
                                Vector3 viewportPoint = temp.cam.WorldToViewportPoint(points[i]);
                                if (viewportPoint.x < temp.xleft[j] || viewportPoint.x > temp.xright[j] || viewportPoint.y <temp.ybottom[j] || viewportPoint.y> temp.ytop[j])
                                    //points[i] is out of the limits of the bounding box
                                    //points[i] is in the bounding box
                                    averageZ[j] += points[i].z;
                    catch (System.Exception e)
                        Debug.Log("exception caught here" + e.ToString());

                    for (int i = 0; i < boxCount; i++)
                        float median;
                        float depth;
                        pointsInBounds [i].Sort();
                        //median = pointsInBounds [i][pointsInBounds[i].Count / 2];
                        //Debug.Log("median = " + median);
                        //averageZ [i] /= numWithinBox [i];
                        if (!(pointsInBounds[i].Count == 0))
                            //float depth = Mathf.Abs(min [i].z);
                            Debug.Log("Median: Length of float array: " + pointsInBounds[i].Count);
                            Debug.Log("Median: Index of median: " + pointsInBounds[i].Count / 2);
                            median = pointsInBounds [i][pointsInBounds[i].Count / 2];
                            Debug.Log("Median: " + median);
                            depth = Mathf.Abs(median);
                            //float depth = Mathf.Abs (averageZ [i]);
                            if (depth < 0.5f)
                                depth = 0.5f;

                            //calculate center of box in world coords
                            position [i] = temp.cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(centerPosXY [i].x, centerPosXY [i].y, depth));

                            Debug.Log("box position: " + position.ToString());
                            //Debug.Log ("box: found min " + min.ToString ());

                            //calculate Z value for world corners
                            worldTopLeft [i]     = temp.cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(viewportTopLeft [i].x, viewportTopLeft [i].y, depth));
                            worldTopRight [i]    = temp.cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(viewportTopRight [i].x, viewportTopRight [i].y, depth));
                            worldBottomLeft [i]  = temp.cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(viewportBottomLeft [i].x, viewportBottomLeft [i].y, depth));
                            worldBottomRight [i] = temp.cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(viewportBottomRight [i].x, viewportBottomRight [i].y, depth));

                            //calculate x, y, z size values
                            x [i] = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(worldTopLeft [i], worldTopRight [i]));
                            y [i] = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(worldTopLeft [i], worldBottomLeft [i]));
                            z [i] = 0;

                            if (temp.prob[i] >= 0.6f)
                                CreateBoxData boxData = new CreateBoxData();
                                boxData.label     = temp.label [i];
                                boxData.position  = position [i];
                                boxData.x         = x [i];
                                boxData.y         = y [i];
                                boxData.z         = z [i];
                                boxData.cam       = temp.cam;
                                boxData.frameNum  = temp.frameNumber;
                                boxData.timestamp = temp.timestamp;
                                //boxBufferToUpdate.Enqueue (boxData);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                Debug.Log("exception caught" + e.ToString());
Пример #3
    void Update()

        Debug.LogFormat("running update for {0} bounding boxes", boundingBoxBufferToUpdate_.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < boundingBoxBufferToUpdate_.Count; i++)
                CreateBoxData temp = boundingBoxBufferToUpdate_.Dequeue();
                Debug.Log("frame number for box: " + temp.frameNum);
                textbox.text = "Yolo " + temp.frameNum;
                Debug.Log("queue size: " + i);
                Color c = colors_[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, colors_.Count)];
                List <BoundingBox> boundingBoxes;
                CreateBoxData      box = new CreateBoxData();
                bool updatedBox        = false;
                //found color for this label
                //boxMgr.CreateBoundingBoxObject (temp.position, temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, temp.label, c);

                if (boxMgr_.boundingBoxObjects.TryGetValue(temp.label, out boundingBoxes))
                    //Debug.Log ("Update found label");
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundingBoxes.Count; j++)
                        //find bounding box and label that matches
                        //Debug.Log ("Update searching list for box");
                        //float distance = Vector3.Distance (temp.position, boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position);
                        float distance = Vector2.Distance(Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(temp.position), Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(boundingBoxes[j].box.transform.position));
                        //Vector3 direction = new Vector3 (temp.position.x - boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position.x, temp.position.y - boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position.y, temp.position.z - boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position.z);

                        //float speed = distance / (Mathf.Abs ((float)(temp.timestamp - offset.m_screenUpdateTime)));
                        //Debug.Log("Distance and speed: " + distance + ", " + speed);
                        if (distance < 0.2f)
                            //Debug.Log ("Update found box");
                            Vector3 filteredPos = kalman_[boundingBoxes[j].guid].Update(temp.position);
                            boxMgr_.UpdateBoundingBoxObject(boundingBoxes[j], temp.position, temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, temp.label, temp.position);
                            Debug.Log("Update bounding box: " + temp.label);
                            updatedBox = true;
                    //none of the labels looked like the wanted box, must be a new instance of this label
                    if (!updatedBox)
                        box.position = temp.position;
                        box.x        = temp.x;
                        box.y        = temp.y;
                        box.z        = temp.z;
                        box.label    = temp.label;
                    //boxMgr.CreateBoundingBoxObject (temp.position, temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, temp.label, c);
                    box.position = temp.position;
                    box.x        = temp.x;
                    box.y        = temp.y;
                    box.z        = temp.z;
                    box.label    = temp.label;
        catch (System.Exception e)
            Debug.LogExceptionFormat(e, "while updating bounding boxes");

            Debug.LogFormat("will create {0} new boxes", boxData_.Count);

            if (boxData_.Count > 0)
        catch (System.Exception e)
            Debug.LogExceptionFormat(e, "while creating new bounding boxes");
    void Update()
        if (Input.touchCount == 1)

//		foreach( KeyValuePair<string, List<BoundingBox>> kvp in boxMgr.boundingBoxObjects )
//		{
//			for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Value.Count; i++) {
//				//update box position and size?
//				Vector3 position = Vector3.Lerp (kvp.Value [i].box.transform.position, kvp.Value [i].target, kvp.Value [i].speed);
//				boxMgr.UpdateBoundingBoxObject (kvp.Value [i], position, kvp.Value [i].x, kvp.Value [i].y, kvp.Value [i].z, kvp.Value [i].direction, kvp.Value [i].speed, kvp.Value [i].target);
//			}
//		}

//		string output = "";
//		foreach( KeyValuePair<string, List<BoundingBox>> kvp in boxMgr.boundingBoxObjects )
//		{
//			output = output + kvp.Key.ToString () + ", " + kvp.Value.ToString() + ": ";
//		}
//		Debug.Log ("Bounding box label list: " + output);

        //int max = boxBufferToUpdate.Count;

//		for(int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
//			CreateBoxData temp;
//			bool success = boxBufferToUpdate.TryDequeue (out temp);
//			if (success) {
//				boxMgr.CreateBoundingBoxObject (temp.position, temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, temp.label, colors [Random.Range (0, colors.Count)]);
//			}
//		}

        int max = boundingBoxBufferToUpdate.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
            CreateBoxData temp = boundingBoxBufferToUpdate.Dequeue();
            Debug.Log("frame number for box: " + temp.frameNum);
            textbox.text = "Yolo " + temp.frameNum;
            Debug.Log("queue size: " + i);
            Color c = colors [UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, colors.Count)];
            List <BoundingBox> boundingBoxes;
            CreateBoxData      box = new CreateBoxData();
            bool updatedBox        = false;
            //found color for this label
            //boxMgr.CreateBoundingBoxObject (temp.position, temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, temp.label, c);

            if (boxMgr.boundingBoxObjects.TryGetValue(temp.label, out boundingBoxes))
                try {
                    //Debug.Log ("Update found label");
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundingBoxes.Count; j++)
                        //find bounding box and label that matches
                        //Debug.Log ("Update searching list for box");
                        //float distance = Vector3.Distance (temp.position, boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position);
                        float distance = Vector2.Distance(Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(temp.position), Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position));
                        //Vector3 direction = new Vector3 (temp.position.x - boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position.x, temp.position.y - boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position.y, temp.position.z - boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position.z);

                        //float speed = distance / (Mathf.Abs ((float)(temp.timestamp - offset.m_screenUpdateTime)));
                        //Debug.Log("Distance and speed: " + distance + ", " + speed);
                        if (distance < 0.2f)
                            //Debug.Log ("Update found box");
                            //Vector3 position = Vector3.Lerp (boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position, temp.position);
                            //Debug.Log("update info: " + boundingBoxes [j] + "; " + temp.position + "; " +  temp.x + "; " +  temp.y + "; " +  temp.z + "; " +  temp.position);
                            Vector3 filteredPos = kalman[boundingBoxes[j].guid].Update(temp.position);
                            boxMgr.UpdateBoundingBoxObject(boundingBoxes [j], temp.position, temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, temp.label, temp.position);
                            Debug.Log("Update bounding box: " + temp.label);
                            updatedBox = true;
                    //none of the labels looked like the wanted box, must be a new instance of this label
                    if (!updatedBox)
                        box.position = temp.position;
                        box.x        = temp.x;
                        box.y        = temp.y;
                        box.z        = temp.z;
                        box.label    = temp.label;
                } catch (System.Exception e) {
                    Debug.Log("exception caught box update: " + e);
                //boxMgr.CreateBoundingBoxObject (temp.position, temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, temp.label, c);
                box.position = temp.position;
                box.x        = temp.x;
                box.y        = temp.y;
                box.z        = temp.z;
                box.label    = temp.label;

//			if(labelColors.TryGetValue(temp.label, out c))
//			{
//				//found color for this label
//				boxMgr.CreateBoundingBoxObject (temp.position, temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, temp.label, c);
//				if(boxMgr.boundingBoxObjects.TryGetValue(temp.label, out boundingBoxes))
//				{
//					try{
//					Debug.Log ("Update found label");
//					for(int j = 0; j < boundingBoxes.Count; j++)
//					{
//						//find bounding box and label that matches
//						Debug.Log ("Update searching list for box");
//						float distance = Vector3.Distance (temp.position, boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position);
//						Vector3 direction = new Vector3 (temp.position.x - boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position.x, temp.position.y - boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position.y, temp.position.z - boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position.z);
//						float speed = distance * (Mathf.Abs ((float)(temp.timestamp - offset.m_screenUpdateTime)));
//						if ( distance < 0.1f) {
//							Debug.Log ("Update found box");
//							Vector3 position = Vector3.Lerp (boundingBoxes [j].box.transform.position, temp.position, speed);
//							boxMgr.UpdateBoundingBoxObject (boundingBoxes [j], temp.position, temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, direction, speed, temp.position);
//							Debug.Log ("Update bounding box: " + temp.label);
//						}
//					}
//					}
//					catch(System.Exception e) {
//						Debug.Log("exception caught box update: " + e);
//					}
//				}
//			}
//			else
//			{
//				//label is not in the dictionary, add it and assign color
//				labelColors.Add(temp.label, colors [Random.Range (0, colors.Count)]);
//				boxMgr.CreateBoundingBoxObject (temp.position, temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, temp.label, labelColors [temp.label]);
//			}
//		string output = "label output = ";
//		foreach( KeyValuePair<string, Color> kvp in labelColors )
//		{
//			output = output + "; " + kvp.Key + ", " + kvp.Value;
//		}
//		Debug.Log (output);
        if (boxData.Count > 0)