public bool Identify(IFilter imageFilter) { Stream stream = imageFilter.GetDataForkStream(); byte[] ddfMagic = new byte[0x15]; if (stream.Length > Marshal.SizeOf <ExtentHeader>()) { stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] vmEHdrB = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf <ExtentHeader>()]; stream.Read(vmEHdrB, 0, Marshal.SizeOf <ExtentHeader>()); _vmEHdr = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <ExtentHeader>(vmEHdrB); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); stream.Read(ddfMagic, 0, 0x15); _vmCHdr = new CowHeader(); if (stream.Length <= Marshal.SizeOf <CowHeader>()) { return(_ddfMagicBytes.SequenceEqual(ddfMagic) || _vmEHdr.magic == VMWARE_EXTENT_MAGIC || _vmCHdr.magic == VMWARE_COW_MAGIC); } stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] vmCHdrB = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf <CowHeader>()]; stream.Read(vmCHdrB, 0, Marshal.SizeOf <CowHeader>()); _vmCHdr = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <CowHeader>(vmCHdrB); return(_ddfMagicBytes.SequenceEqual(ddfMagic) || _vmEHdr.magic == VMWARE_EXTENT_MAGIC || _vmCHdr.magic == VMWARE_COW_MAGIC); } stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); stream.Read(ddfMagic, 0, 0x15); return(_ddfMagicBytes.SequenceEqual(ddfMagic)); }
public bool Open(IFilter imageFilter) { Stream stream = imageFilter.GetDataForkStream(); _vmEHdr = new ExtentHeader(); _vmCHdr = new CowHeader(); bool embedded = false; if (stream.Length > Marshal.SizeOf <ExtentHeader>()) { stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] vmEHdrB = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf <ExtentHeader>()]; stream.Read(vmEHdrB, 0, Marshal.SizeOf <ExtentHeader>()); _vmEHdr = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <ExtentHeader>(vmEHdrB); } if (stream.Length > Marshal.SizeOf <CowHeader>()) { stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] vmCHdrB = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf <CowHeader>()]; stream.Read(vmCHdrB, 0, Marshal.SizeOf <CowHeader>()); _vmCHdr = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <CowHeader>(vmCHdrB); } var ddfStream = new MemoryStream(); bool vmEHdrSet = false; bool cowD = false; if (_vmEHdr.magic == VMWARE_EXTENT_MAGIC) { vmEHdrSet = true; _gdFilter = imageFilter; if (_vmEHdr.descriptorOffset == 0 || _vmEHdr.descriptorSize == 0) { throw new Exception("Please open VMDK descriptor."); } byte[] ddfEmbed = new byte[_vmEHdr.descriptorSize * SECTOR_SIZE]; stream.Seek((long)(_vmEHdr.descriptorOffset * SECTOR_SIZE), SeekOrigin.Begin); stream.Read(ddfEmbed, 0, ddfEmbed.Length); ddfStream.Write(ddfEmbed, 0, ddfEmbed.Length); embedded = true; } else if (_vmCHdr.magic == VMWARE_COW_MAGIC) { _gdFilter = imageFilter; cowD = true; } else { byte[] ddfMagic = new byte[0x15]; stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); stream.Read(ddfMagic, 0, 0x15); if (!_ddfMagicBytes.SequenceEqual(ddfMagic)) { throw new Exception("Not a descriptor."); } stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] ddfExternal = new byte[imageFilter.GetDataForkLength()]; stream.Read(ddfExternal, 0, ddfExternal.Length); ddfStream.Write(ddfExternal, 0, ddfExternal.Length); } _extents = new Dictionary <ulong, Extent>(); ulong currentSector = 0; bool matchedCyls = false, matchedHds = false, matchedSpt = false; if (cowD) { int cowCount = 1; string basePath = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageFilter.GetBasePath()); while (true) { string curPath; if (cowCount == 1) { curPath = basePath + ".vmdk"; } else { curPath = $"{basePath}-{cowCount:D2}.vmdk"; } if (!File.Exists(curPath)) { break; } IFilter extentFilter = new FiltersList().GetFilter(curPath); Stream extentStream = extentFilter.GetDataForkStream(); if (stream.Length > Marshal.SizeOf <CowHeader>()) { extentStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] vmCHdrB = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf <CowHeader>()]; extentStream.Read(vmCHdrB, 0, Marshal.SizeOf <CowHeader>()); CowHeader extHdrCow = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <CowHeader>(vmCHdrB); if (extHdrCow.magic != VMWARE_COW_MAGIC) { break; } var newExtent = new Extent { Access = "RW", Filter = extentFilter, Filename = extentFilter.GetFilename(), Offset = 0, Sectors = extHdrCow.sectors, Type = "SPARSE" }; AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "{0} {1} {2} \"{3}\" {4}", newExtent.Access, newExtent.Sectors, newExtent.Type, newExtent.Filename, newExtent.Offset); _extents.Add(currentSector, newExtent); currentSector += newExtent.Sectors; } else { break; } cowCount++; } _imageType = VM_TYPE_SPLIT_SPARSE; } else { ddfStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var regexVersion = new Regex(REGEX_VERSION); var regexCid = new Regex(REGEX_CID); var regexParentCid = new Regex(REGEX_CID_PARENT); var regexType = new Regex(REGEX_TYPE); var regexExtent = new Regex(REGEX_EXTENT); var regexParent = new Regex(PARENT_REGEX); var regexCylinders = new Regex(REGEX_DDB_CYLINDERS); var regexHeads = new Regex(REGEX_DDB_HEADS); var regexSectors = new Regex(REGEX_DDB_SECTORS); var ddfStreamRdr = new StreamReader(ddfStream); while (ddfStreamRdr.Peek() >= 0) { string line = ddfStreamRdr.ReadLine(); Match matchVersion = regexVersion.Match(line); Match matchCid = regexCid.Match(line); Match matchParentCid = regexParentCid.Match(line); Match matchType = regexType.Match(line); Match matchExtent = regexExtent.Match(line); Match matchParent = regexParent.Match(line); Match matchCylinders = regexCylinders.Match(line); Match matchHeads = regexHeads.Match(line); Match matchSectors = regexSectors.Match(line); if (matchVersion.Success) { uint.TryParse(matchVersion.Groups["version"].Value, out _version); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "version = {0}", _version); } else if (matchCid.Success) { _cid = Convert.ToUInt32(matchCid.Groups["cid"].Value, 16); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "cid = {0:x8}", _cid); } else if (matchParentCid.Success) { _parentCid = Convert.ToUInt32(matchParentCid.Groups["cid"].Value, 16); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "parentCID = {0:x8}", _parentCid); } else if (matchType.Success) { _imageType = matchType.Groups["type"].Value; AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "createType = \"{0}\"", _imageType); } else if (matchExtent.Success) { var newExtent = new Extent { Access = matchExtent.Groups["access"].Value }; if (!embedded) { newExtent.Filter = new FiltersList(). GetFilter(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(imageFilter.GetBasePath()), matchExtent.Groups["filename"].Value)); } else { newExtent.Filter = imageFilter; } uint.TryParse(matchExtent.Groups["offset"].Value, out newExtent.Offset); uint.TryParse(matchExtent.Groups["sectors"].Value, out newExtent.Sectors); newExtent.Type = matchExtent.Groups["type"].Value; AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "{0} {1} {2} \"{3}\" {4}", newExtent.Access, newExtent.Sectors, newExtent.Type, newExtent.Filename, newExtent.Offset); _extents.Add(currentSector, newExtent); currentSector += newExtent.Sectors; } else if (matchParent.Success) { _parentName = matchParent.Groups["filename"].Value; AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "parentFileNameHint = \"{0}\"", _parentName); _hasParent = true; } else if (matchCylinders.Success) { uint.TryParse(matchCylinders.Groups["cylinders"].Value, out _imageInfo.Cylinders); matchedCyls = true; } else if (matchHeads.Success) { uint.TryParse(matchHeads.Groups["heads"].Value, out _imageInfo.Heads); matchedHds = true; } else if (matchSectors.Success) { uint.TryParse(matchSectors.Groups["sectors"].Value, out _imageInfo.SectorsPerTrack); matchedSpt = true; } } } if (_extents.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("Did not find any extent"); } switch (_imageType) { case VM_TYPE_MONO_SPARSE: //"monolithicSparse"; case VM_TYPE_MONO_FLAT: //"monolithicFlat"; case VM_TYPE_SPLIT_SPARSE: //"twoGbMaxExtentSparse"; case VM_TYPE_SPLIT_FLAT: //"twoGbMaxExtentFlat"; case VMFS_TYPE_FLAT: //"vmfsPreallocated"; case VMFS_TYPE_ZERO: //"vmfsEagerZeroedThick"; case VMFS_TYPE_THIN: //"vmfsThin"; case VMFS_TYPE_SPARSE: //"vmfsSparse"; case VMFS_TYPE: //"vmfs"; case VM_TYPE_STREAM: //"streamOptimized"; break; case VM_TYPE_FULL_DEVICE: //"fullDevice"; case VM_TYPE_PART_DEVICE: //"partitionedDevice"; case VMFS_TYPE_RDM: //"vmfsRDM"; case VMFS_TYPE_RDM_OLD: //"vmfsRawDeviceMap"; case VMFS_TYPE_RDMP: //"vmfsRDMP"; case VMFS_TYPE_RDMP_OLD: //"vmfsPassthroughRawDeviceMap"; case VMFS_TYPE_RAW: //"vmfsRaw"; throw new ImageNotSupportedException("Raw device image files are not supported, try accessing the device directly."); default: throw new ImageNotSupportedException($"Dunno how to handle \"{_imageType}\" extents."); } bool oneNoFlat = cowD; foreach (Extent extent in _extents.Values) { if (extent.Filter == null) { throw new Exception($"Extent file {extent.Filename} not found."); } if (extent.Access == "NOACCESS") { throw new Exception("Cannot access NOACCESS extents ;)."); } if (extent.Type == "FLAT" || extent.Type == "ZERO" || extent.Type == "VMFS" || cowD) { continue; } Stream extentStream = extent.Filter.GetDataForkStream(); extentStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (extentStream.Length < SECTOR_SIZE) { throw new Exception($"Extent {extent.Filename} is too small."); } byte[] extentHdrB = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf <ExtentHeader>()]; extentStream.Read(extentHdrB, 0, Marshal.SizeOf <ExtentHeader>()); ExtentHeader extentHdr = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <ExtentHeader>(extentHdrB); if (extentHdr.magic != VMWARE_EXTENT_MAGIC) { throw new Exception($"{extent.Filter} is not an VMware extent."); } if (extentHdr.capacity < extent.Sectors) { throw new Exception($"Extent contains incorrect number of sectors, {extentHdr.capacity}. {extent.Sectors} were expected"); } // TODO: Support compressed extents if (extentHdr.compression != COMPRESSION_NONE) { throw new ImageNotSupportedException("Compressed extents are not yet supported."); } if (!vmEHdrSet) { _vmEHdr = extentHdr; _gdFilter = extent.Filter; vmEHdrSet = true; } oneNoFlat = true; } if (oneNoFlat && !vmEHdrSet && !cowD) { throw new Exception("There are sparse extents but there is no header to find the grain tables, cannot proceed."); } _imageInfo.Sectors = currentSector; uint grains = 0; uint gdEntries = 0; long gdOffset = 0; uint gtEsPerGt = 0; if (oneNoFlat && !cowD) { AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.magic = 0x{0:X8}", _vmEHdr.magic); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.version = {0}", _vmEHdr.version); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.flags = 0x{0:X8}", _vmEHdr.flags); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.capacity = {0}", _vmEHdr.capacity); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.grainSize = {0}", _vmEHdr.grainSize); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.descriptorOffset = {0}", _vmEHdr.descriptorOffset); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.descriptorSize = {0}", _vmEHdr.descriptorSize); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.GTEsPerGT = {0}", _vmEHdr.GTEsPerGT); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.rgdOffset = {0}", _vmEHdr.rgdOffset); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.gdOffset = {0}", _vmEHdr.gdOffset); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.overhead = {0}", _vmEHdr.overhead); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.uncleanShutdown = {0}", _vmEHdr.uncleanShutdown); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.singleEndLineChar = 0x{0:X2}", _vmEHdr.singleEndLineChar); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.nonEndLineChar = 0x{0:X2}", _vmEHdr.nonEndLineChar); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.doubleEndLineChar1 = 0x{0:X2}", _vmEHdr.doubleEndLineChar1); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.doubleEndLineChar2 = 0x{0:X2}", _vmEHdr.doubleEndLineChar2); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmEHdr.compression = 0x{0:X4}", _vmEHdr.compression); _grainSize = _vmEHdr.grainSize; grains = (uint)(_imageInfo.Sectors / _vmEHdr.grainSize) + 1; gdEntries = grains / _vmEHdr.GTEsPerGT; gtEsPerGt = _vmEHdr.GTEsPerGT; if ((_vmEHdr.flags & FLAGS_USE_REDUNDANT_TABLE) == FLAGS_USE_REDUNDANT_TABLE) { gdOffset = (long)_vmEHdr.rgdOffset; } else { gdOffset = (long)_vmEHdr.gdOffset; } } else if (oneNoFlat && cowD) { AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.magic = 0x{0:X8}", _vmCHdr.magic); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.version = {0}", _vmCHdr.version); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.flags = 0x{0:X8}", _vmCHdr.flags); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.sectors = {0}", _vmCHdr.sectors); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.grainSize = {0}", _vmCHdr.grainSize); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.gdOffset = {0}", _vmCHdr.gdOffset); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.numGDEntries = {0}", _vmCHdr.numGDEntries); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.freeSector = {0}", _vmCHdr.freeSector); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.cylinders = {0}", _vmCHdr.cylinders); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.heads = {0}", _vmCHdr.heads); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.spt = {0}", _vmCHdr.spt); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.generation = {0}", _vmCHdr.generation); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", " = {0}", StringHandlers.CToString(; AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.description = {0}", StringHandlers.CToString(_vmCHdr.description)); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.savedGeneration = {0}", _vmCHdr.savedGeneration); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "vmCHdr.uncleanShutdown = {0}", _vmCHdr.uncleanShutdown); _grainSize = _vmCHdr.grainSize; grains = (uint)(_imageInfo.Sectors / _vmCHdr.grainSize) + 1; gdEntries = _vmCHdr.numGDEntries; gdOffset = _vmCHdr.gdOffset; gtEsPerGt = grains / gdEntries; _imageInfo.MediaTitle = StringHandlers.CToString(; _imageInfo.Comments = StringHandlers.CToString(_vmCHdr.description); _version = _vmCHdr.version; } if (oneNoFlat) { if (grains == 0 || gdEntries == 0) { throw new Exception("Some error occurred setting GD sizes"); } AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "{0} sectors in {1} grains in {2} tables", _imageInfo.Sectors, grains, gdEntries); Stream gdStream = _gdFilter.GetDataForkStream(); gdStream.Seek(gdOffset * SECTOR_SIZE, SeekOrigin.Begin); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "Reading grain directory"); byte[] gdBytes = new byte[gdEntries * 4]; gdStream.Read(gdBytes, 0, gdBytes.Length); Span <uint> gd = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, uint>(gdBytes); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("VMware plugin", "Reading grain tables"); uint currentGrain = 0; _gTable = new uint[grains]; foreach (uint gtOff in gd) { byte[] gtBytes = new byte[gtEsPerGt * 4]; gdStream.Seek(gtOff * SECTOR_SIZE, SeekOrigin.Begin); gdStream.Read(gtBytes, 0, gtBytes.Length); uint[] currentGt = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, uint>(gtBytes).ToArray(); Array.Copy(currentGt, 0, _gTable, currentGrain, gtEsPerGt); currentGrain += gtEsPerGt; // TODO: Check speed here /* * for(int i = 0; i < gtEsPerGt; i++) * { * gTable[currentGrain] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(gtBytes, i * 4); * currentGrain++; * } */ } _maxCachedGrains = (uint)(MAX_CACHE_SIZE / (_grainSize * SECTOR_SIZE)); _grainCache = new Dictionary <ulong, byte[]>(); } if (_hasParent) { IFilter parentFilter = new FiltersList().GetFilter(Path.Combine(imageFilter.GetParentFolder(), _parentName)); if (parentFilter == null) { throw new Exception($"Cannot find parent \"{_parentName}\"."); } _parentImage = new VMware(); if (!_parentImage.Open(parentFilter)) { throw new Exception($"Cannot open parent \"{_parentName}\"."); } } _sectorCache = new Dictionary <ulong, byte[]>(); _imageInfo.CreationTime = imageFilter.GetCreationTime(); _imageInfo.LastModificationTime = imageFilter.GetLastWriteTime(); _imageInfo.MediaTitle = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageFilter.GetFilename()); _imageInfo.SectorSize = SECTOR_SIZE; _imageInfo.XmlMediaType = XmlMediaType.BlockMedia; _imageInfo.MediaType = MediaType.GENERIC_HDD; _imageInfo.ImageSize = _imageInfo.Sectors * SECTOR_SIZE; // VMDK version 1 started on VMware 4, so there is a previous version, "COWD" _imageInfo.Version = cowD ? $"{_version}" : $"{_version + 3}"; if (cowD) { _imageInfo.Cylinders = _vmCHdr.cylinders; _imageInfo.Heads = _vmCHdr.heads; _imageInfo.SectorsPerTrack = _vmCHdr.spt; } else if (!matchedCyls || !matchedHds || !matchedSpt) { _imageInfo.Cylinders = (uint)(_imageInfo.Sectors / 16 / 63); _imageInfo.Heads = 16; _imageInfo.SectorsPerTrack = 63; } return(true); }