[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] /* [1] */
        public async Task <ActionResult> BookJourney(
            [Bind("JourneyID,UserID,Passengers")] Booking booking,
            string SeatsReceived, string CouponCode, string ReturnJourneyInput,
            string Name, string CardNumber, string ExpirationYear, string ExpirationMonth, string CVV
        {                                                                 /* [2] */
            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User); /* [5] */

            // the journey that is being booked
            Journey journey = _context.Journeys
                              .Include(j => j.Train)
                              .Include(j => j.Seats)
                              .Single(j => j.JourneyID == booking.JourneyID);

            // Retriving a list of journeys that user may want to return from.
            ViewBag.Journeys = _context.Journeys
                               .Where(j => j.Departure == journey.Destination && j.DepartureTime > journey.ArrivalTime);

            Booking[] bookings = _context.Bookings.ToArray();

            // Making sure that the journey is reserved before the departure time
            if (journey.DepartureTime > DateTime.Now)
                int TotalPassengers = 0;

                foreach (Booking b in bookings)
                    TotalPassengers = TotalPassengers + b.Passengers;

                // initital booking cost;
                booking.Cost = booking.Passengers * journey.Price;

                // Check if the user is using a valid coupon and, if so,
                // apply it to the price.
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CouponCode))
                    booking.Cost = coupon.ApplyCoupon(_context, booking.Cost, CouponCode);

                int SeatsTaken    = TotalPassengers + booking.Passengers;
                int TrainCapacity = journey.Train.Capacity;

                if (ModelState.IsValid && SeatsTaken <= TrainCapacity && journey.IsCanceled == false)    /* [3] */

                // check if user wants to book a return ticket
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReturnJourneyInput))
                        // making sure that user has entered a number
                        if (int.TryParse(ReturnJourneyInput, out int JourneyID))
                            BookReturnJourney(booking, user, JourneyID);

                            TempData["BookReturnTicket"] = "You have successfully booked the trip from " + journey.Destination + " to " + journey.Departure;


                    // check if seat(s) reservations are allowed, and if so,
                    // check if a seats reservation request is provided by the user
                    if (journey.AllowSeatReservation)
                        // Default state of `SeatsReceived` input in the client-side is 0
                        if (SeatsReceived == "0")
                            SeatsReceived = null;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SeatsReceived))
                            // @param SeatsReceived: string of seats requested seperated by comma: Ex. "5,2,6"
                            seat.reserveSeats(_context, user.Id, booking.BookingID, journey.JourneyID, SeatsReceived);

                            // default price for a reserved seat
                            // hard-coded, should be provided by the system administrator dynamically
                            booking.Cost += 5;

                    if (long.TryParse(CardNumber, out long cardNumber) &&
                        int.TryParse(ExpirationYear, out int expirationYear) &&
                        int.TryParse(ExpirationMonth, out int expirationMonth) &&
                        int.TryParse(CVV, out int cvv)
                        // if the journey is paid
                        if (payment.Pay(Name, cardNumber, expirationYear, expirationMonth, cvv))
                            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                            TempData["PaymentError"] = Name.GetType() + " " + CardNumber.GetType() + " " + ExpirationYear.GetType() + " " + ExpirationMonth.GetType() + " " + CVV.GetType();

                            return(View("Views/Journeys/Details.cshtml", journey));
                        TempData["PaymentError"] = "Invalid credit card information.";

                        return(View("Views/Journeys/Details.cshtml", journey));
                    if (journey == null)

                    TempData["Error"] = "Something went wrong";

                    return(View("Views/Journeys/Details.cshtml", journey));

            TempData["Success"] = "You have successfully booked the trip from " + journey.Departure + " to " + journey.Destination;

Пример #2
 public void ApplyCoupon(Coupon coupon)