public List <Vector> Evaluate(CosmicOwnership myShip, Ship ship, CosmicMap map) { if (ship.WeaponProductionStatus < 1) { return(new List <Vector>()); } float shotRadius = ship.WeaponShot.Speed.Limit * ship.WeaponShot.Time.Limit; targetUnits.Clear(); // Looking for enemies in range List <CosmicUnit> unitsInRange = map.Query(myShip.Position.X - shotRadius, myShip.Position.Y - shotRadius, myShip.Position.X + shotRadius, myShip.Position.Y + shotRadius); List <Vector> shotOptions = new List <Vector>(); foreach (CosmicUnit unit in unitsInRange) { if (!(unit is CosmicShip) && !(unit is CosmicMissionTarget && unit.Team.Name == myShip.Team.Name)) //uncomment while playing { continue; } targetUnits.Add(unit); if ((unit.Position - myShip.Position).Length <= shotRadius + unit.Radius) { shotOptions.Add(new Vector(unit.Position)); Console.WriteLine("in range: " + unit.Name + " with move vector: " + unit.MoveVector); } } return(shotOptions); }
public Routing(Vector destination, CosmicMap map, CosmicOwnership routingShip) { directionList = new List <Vector>(); closedList = new List <RoutingPoint>(); openList = new List <RoutingPoint>(); = map; ownShip = routingShip; unitLength = routingShip.Radius * 4; ownShip = routingShip; minimumDistance = routingShip.Radius * 4; destinationPoint = new RoutingPoint(destination, null, routingShip, 0); Vector rightVector = new Vector(1, 0); rightVector.Length = unitLength; directionList.Add(rightVector); Vector righttopVector = new Vector(1, 1); righttopVector.Length = unitLength * (float)Math.Sqrt(2); directionList.Add(righttopVector); Vector rightdownVector = new Vector(1, -1); rightdownVector.Length = unitLength * (float)Math.Sqrt(2); directionList.Add(rightdownVector); Vector leftVector = new Vector(-1, 0); leftVector.Length = unitLength; directionList.Add(leftVector); Vector lefttopVector = new Vector(-1, 1); lefttopVector.Length = unitLength * (float)Math.Sqrt(2); directionList.Add(lefttopVector); Vector leftdownVector = new Vector(-1, -1); leftdownVector.Length = unitLength * (float)Math.Sqrt(2); directionList.Add(leftdownVector); Vector topVector = new Vector(0, 1); topVector.Length = unitLength; directionList.Add(topVector); Vector downVector = new Vector(0, -1); downVector.Length = unitLength; directionList.Add(downVector); openList.Add(new RoutingPoint(routingShip.Position, null, routingShip, 0)); openList.Sort(); }
// instead of passing aimPoint, target ship can be passed public void Shoot(Ship ship, CosmicOwnership myShip, Vector aimPoint, Vector gravity) { Vector aimVector = new Vector(); Vector resultantVector = new Vector(); CosmicUnit target = null; foreach (CosmicUnit targetShip in targetUnits) { if ((targetShip.Position - aimPoint).Length <= targetShip.Radius) { target = targetShip; } } if (target == null) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot shoot! No target ship found"); return; } // 1. Target vector aimVector = target.Position - myShip.Position; //Shooting is not from the ship center! 2 is distance between ship and weapon and 1 is a radius of bullet aimVector.Length += (ship.Radius + 2 + ship.WeaponSize - 30); float aimVectorTime = aimVector.Length / ship.WeaponShot.Speed.Limit; // 2. Adding target move vector resultantVector = aimVector + target.MoveVector * aimVectorTime; // 3. Add gravity compensation resultantVector -= gravity; // 4. Add myShip movement compensation resultantVector -= myShip.MoveVector; Console.WriteLine("Target: " + target.Name + " Target: " + target.Position); Console.WriteLine("Target move vector: " + target.MoveVector); Console.WriteLine("Gravity: " + gravity.X.ToString() + " " + gravity.Y.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("myShip move vector " + myShip.MoveVector); Console.WriteLine("Weaponsize: " + ship.WeaponSize); int resultantVectorTime = (int)(resultantVector.Length / ship.WeaponShot.Speed.Limit); if (resultantVector.Length > ship.WeaponShot.Speed.Limit) { resultantVector.Length = ship.WeaponShot.Speed.Limit; } if (resultantVectorTime > ship.WeaponShot.Time.Limit) { resultantVectorTime = (int)ship.WeaponShot.Time.Limit; } ship.Shoot(resultantVector, resultantVectorTime); }
public RoutingPoint(Vector point, RoutingPoint lastPoint, CosmicOwnership ownShip, float cost) { if (lastPoint != null) { Cost = cost + lastPoint.Cost; } Point = point; LastPoint = lastPoint; ship = ownShip; }