private int stageCorLevel; // keep track of corruption usage during the stage

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

    // initiate corruption manager
    public CorruptionManager()
        // Ensure only 1 singleton
        if (null != _Singleton)
            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("CorruptionManager: Multiple CorruptionManagers violate Singleton pattern.");
        _Singleton = this;

        // Trace Startup
                             "CorruptionManager: Initiate.");
        corruptionMeter = 0;
        corruptionLevel = 0;
        stageCorLevel = 0;
        corrupted = false;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Load the saved players ability images into the skill bar
        playerSkillBar = new SkillBar(hudImages, coolDownText);
        energySlider.maxValue = playerProfile.maxEnergy;
        corruptionSlider.maxValue = playerProfile.maxEnergy;

        energySlider.value = playerProfile.maxEnergy;
        corruptionSlider.value = 0;
        corruptManager = new CorruptionManager();