Пример #1
        private Corridor GenerateCorridor(MapPoint startingPoint, CorridorDirection direction)
            var result = new Corridor(startingPoint, direction, Random.Range(minCorridorLength, maxCorridorLength));

    // Rotate the cell
    public void PointFromTo(CorridorDirection from, CorridorDirection to)
        Debug.Log("FROM:" + from + " TO:" + to);
        Debug.Log ("STUFF: " + CorridorDirection.North);
        Debug.Log ("walls[0]: " + walls [0]);
        Debug.Log ("walls[1]: " + walls [1]);
        Debug.Log ("walls[2]: " + walls [2]);
        Debug.Log ("walls[3]: " + walls [3]);

        if (from == CorridorDirection.North) {
            walls [1].SetActive (false);
        } else if (from == CorridorDirection.South) {
            walls [0].SetActive (false);
        } else if (from == CorridorDirection.East) {
            walls [3].SetActive (false);
        } else if (from == CorridorDirection.West) {
            walls [2].SetActive (false);
        if (to == CorridorDirection.North) {
            walls [0].SetActive (false);
        } else if (to == CorridorDirection.South) {
            walls [1].SetActive (false);
        } else if (to == CorridorDirection.East) {
            walls [2].SetActive (false);
        } else if (to == CorridorDirection.West) {
            walls [3].SetActive (false);
    // Method which sets up a corridor
    public void SetupCorridor(Dungeon_Room room, int minCorridorLength, int maxCorridorLength, int roomWidth, int roomHeight, int columns, int rows, bool isFirstCorridor)
        // Set a direction for the corridor, a random int cast to a CorridorDirection
        direction = (CorridorDirection)Random.Range(0, 4);

        // This calculates the opposite direction from the corridor that enters the room.
        CorridorDirection oppositeDirection = (CorridorDirection)(((int)room.enteringCorridor + 2) % 4);

        // Only the direction of the first corridor has to be checked
        if (isFirstCorridor)

        if (!isFirstCorridor && direction == oppositeDirection)
            // It can't be the first corridor since it doesn't have an opposite direction
            // To make it so all the rooms are not connected by corridors all going the same way
            // This rotates the corridor 90 degrees instead of 180 degrees.
            int intDirection = (int)direction;
            intDirection = (intDirection + 1) % 4;
            direction    = (CorridorDirection)intDirection;

        // Get a random length for the corridor
        corridorLength = Random.Range(minCorridorLength, maxCorridorLength + 1);

        // Make a variable which caps the maximum length of the corridor. This is necessary for making sure the corridor won't be able to exit the maximum size of the dungeon
        int maxLength = maxCorridorLength;

        if (direction == CorridorDirection.Up)
            startXPos = Random.Range(room.xPos, room.xPos + room.roomWidth - 1);            // Get a random position along the X-axis
            startZPos = room.zPos + room.roomHeight;                                        // The Z position must be at the top of the room
            maxLength = rows - startZPos - room.roomHeight;                                 // This makes sure the corridor does not exit the dungeon on the top side
        else if (direction == CorridorDirection.Right)
            startXPos = room.xPos + room.roomWidth;
            startZPos = Random.Range(room.zPos, room.zPos + room.roomHeight - 1);
            maxLength = columns - startXPos - room.roomWidth;
        else if (direction == CorridorDirection.Down)
            startXPos = Random.Range(room.xPos, room.xPos + room.roomWidth);
            startZPos = room.zPos;
            maxLength = startZPos - room.roomHeight;
        else if (direction == CorridorDirection.Left)
            startXPos = room.xPos;
            startZPos = Random.Range(room.zPos, room.zPos + room.roomHeight);
            maxLength = startXPos - room.roomWidth;

        // Finally, clamp the corridorlength using the maxLength calculated just before this
        corridorLength = Mathf.Clamp(corridorLength, 1, maxLength);
Пример #4
    }    // getcell

    // Generate the corridor
    public void Generate()
        cells = new CorridorCell[size.x, size.z];
        bool turned = false, turnedRecently = false;
        // Current coordinates, initialised with -1, -1
        IntVector2 currentCoordinates;
        // Coordinates to generate the next cell on
        IntVector2 nextCoordinates = RandomCoordinates;
        // The direction to generate the next cell to
        CorridorDirection nextDirection = CorridorDirections.RandomValue;
        // Direction of the current cell
        CorridorDirection currentDirection = nextDirection;

        CreateFirstCell(nextCoordinates, nextDirection);
        currentCoordinates = nextCoordinates;
        currentDirection   = nextDirection;

        // Generate the cells
        while (true)
            turned = false;
            // Check if change direction or not
            if (Random.Range(0, 100) < cornerProbability && !turnedRecently)
                // Try random direction. If wrong, try until right
                nextDirection = CorridorDirections.RandomValue;
                while (nextDirection == CorridorDirections.OppositeOf(currentDirection))
                    nextDirection = CorridorDirections.RandomValue;
                }        // while
                turned = true;
            }            // if
                nextDirection = currentDirection;
            turnedRecently   = turned;
            nextCoordinates += currentDirection.ToIntVector2();

            if (!(ContainsCoordinates(nextCoordinates) && GetCell(nextCoordinates) == null))
            CreateCell(nextCoordinates, currentDirection, nextDirection);
            currentDirection   = nextDirection;
            currentCoordinates = nextCoordinates;
        }        // while

        // Spawn the npcs
        if (GameManager.instance.enemies)
    }    // generate
    // If the first corridor is going down or to the left, meaning directly into the wall, choose another direction
    void CheckFirstCorridorDirection(CorridorDirection corridorDirection)
        if (corridorDirection == CorridorDirection.Left || corridorDirection == CorridorDirection.Down)
            corridorDirection = (CorridorDirection)Random.Range(0, 4);
            direction         = corridorDirection;

            // Do this again untill the direction is up or to the right
Пример #6
    }    // PointTo

    // Rotate the cell
    public void PointFromTo(CorridorDirection from, CorridorDirection to)
        if (from == CorridorDirection.North)
            walls [1].SetActive(false);
        else if (from == CorridorDirection.South)
            walls [0].SetActive(false);
        else if (from == CorridorDirection.East)
            walls [3].SetActive(false);
        else if (from == CorridorDirection.West)
            walls [2].SetActive(false);
        if (to == CorridorDirection.North)
            walls [0].SetActive(false);
        else if (to == CorridorDirection.South)
            walls [1].SetActive(false);
        else if (to == CorridorDirection.East)
            walls [2].SetActive(false);
        else if (to == CorridorDirection.West)
            walls [3].SetActive(false);

        // Generate the door
        foreach (GameObject wall in walls)
            if (wall.activeSelf)
                if (Random.Range(0, 100) < wallDoorProbability)
                    // Generate new door
                    wall.GetComponent <WallControl>().door = true;
                    doorInstance = Instantiate(doorPrefab) as GameObject;
                    doorInstance.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.05f);
                    doorInstance.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 180f, 0f));
                    doorInstance.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.3f);
                    //wall.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.blue;
            } // if
        }     // foreach
    }         // point from to
Пример #7
        // This is an overload of the SetupRoom function and has a corridor parameter that represents the corridor entering the room.
        public void SetupRoom(int level, DungeonSettings gameInit, int columns, int rows, Corridor corridor)
            // Set the entering corridor direction.
            enteringCorridor = corridor.direction;

            // Set random values for width and height.
            dim.x = gameInit.roomWidth.Random;
            dim.y = gameInit.roomHeight.Random;

            switch (corridor.direction)
            // If the corridor entering this room is going north...
            case CorridorDirection.North:
                // ... the height of the room mustn't go beyond the board so it must be clamped based
                // on the height of the board (rows) and the end of corridor that leads to the room.
                dim.y = Mathf.Clamp(dim.y, 1, rows - corridor.EndPositionY);

                // The y coordinate of the room must be at the end of the corridor (since the corridor leads to the bottom of the room).
                pos.y = corridor.EndPositionY;

                // The x coordinate can be random but the left-most possibility is no further than the width
                // and the right-most possibility is that the end of the corridor is at the position of the room.
                pos.x = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionX - dim.x + 1, corridor.EndPositionX);

                // This must be clamped to ensure that the room doesn't go off the board.
                pos.x = Mathf.Clamp(pos.x, 0, columns - dim.x);

            case CorridorDirection.East:
                dim.x = Mathf.Clamp(dim.x, 1, columns - corridor.EndPositionX);
                pos.x = corridor.EndPositionX;

                pos.y = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionY - dim.y + 1, corridor.EndPositionY);
                pos.y = Mathf.Clamp(pos.y, 0, rows - dim.y);

            case CorridorDirection.South:
                dim.y = Mathf.Clamp(dim.y, 1, corridor.EndPositionY);
                pos.y = corridor.EndPositionY - dim.y + 1;

                pos.x = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionX - dim.x + 1, corridor.EndPositionX);
                pos.x = Mathf.Clamp(pos.x, 0, columns - dim.x);

            case CorridorDirection.West:
                dim.x = Mathf.Clamp(dim.x, 1, corridor.EndPositionX);
                pos.x = corridor.EndPositionX - dim.x + 1;

                pos.y = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionY - dim.y + 1, corridor.EndPositionY);
                pos.y = Mathf.Clamp(pos.y, 0, rows - dim.y);
 public void PointTo(CorridorDirection to)
     if (to == CorridorDirection.North) {
         walls [0].SetActive (false);
     } else if (to == CorridorDirection.South) {
         walls [1].SetActive (false);
     } else if (to == CorridorDirection.East) {
         walls [2].SetActive (false);
     } else if (to == CorridorDirection.West) {
         walls [3].SetActive (false);
 // Gets the inverse
 public static CorridorDirection OppositeOf(CorridorDirection direction)
     switch (direction) {
     case CorridorDirection.North:
         return CorridorDirection.South;
     case CorridorDirection.South:
         return CorridorDirection.North;
     case CorridorDirection.East:
         return CorridorDirection.West;
     case CorridorDirection.West:
         return CorridorDirection.East;
         return CorridorDirection.North;
     }// switch
Пример #10
    }     // generate

    // Create the first cell (speshal)
    private void CreateFirstCell(IntVector2 nextCoordinates, CorridorDirection nextDirection)
        CorridorCell newCell;

        newCell = Instantiate(cell) as CorridorCell;
        cells [nextCoordinates.x, nextCoordinates.z] = newCell;
        newCell.material.color          = new Color(Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f));
        newCell.name                    = "First Cell " + nextCoordinates.x + ", " + nextCoordinates.z;
        newCell.transform.parent        = transform;
        newCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(nextCoordinates.x - size.x * 0.5f + 0.5f,
                                                      0f, nextCoordinates.z - size.z * 0.5f + 0.5f);

    }    // createFirstCell
Пример #11
        public MapPoint GetPointTowardsDir(CorridorDirection direction, int distance)
            switch (direction)
            case CorridorDirection.North: return(new MapPoint(x, y + distance));

            case CorridorDirection.South: return(new MapPoint(x, y - distance));

            case CorridorDirection.West: return(new MapPoint(x + distance, y));

            case CorridorDirection.East: return(new MapPoint(x - distance, y));

Пример #12
    }    // generate

    // Create the first cell (speshal)
    private void CreateFirstCell(IntVector2 nextCoordinates, CorridorDirection nextDirection)
        CorridorCell newCell;

        newCell = Instantiate(corridorCell) as CorridorCell;
        cells [nextCoordinates.x, nextCoordinates.z] = newCell;
        newCell.name                    = "First Cell " + nextCoordinates.x + ", " + nextCoordinates.z;
        newCell.transform.parent        = transform;
        newCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(nextCoordinates.x - size.x * 0.5f + 0.5f,
                                                      0f, nextCoordinates.z - size.z * 0.5f + 0.5f);


        // Set spawn point as this cell
        spawn = new IntVector2((int)newCell.transform.position.x, (int)newCell.transform.position.z);
    }    // createFirstCell
Пример #13
 public void PointTo(CorridorDirection to)
     if (to == CorridorDirection.North)
         walls [0].SetActive(false);
     else if (to == CorridorDirection.South)
         walls [1].SetActive(false);
     else if (to == CorridorDirection.East)
         walls [2].SetActive(false);
     else if (to == CorridorDirection.West)
         walls [3].SetActive(false);
 }    // PointTo
Пример #14
    }    // PointTo

    // Rotate the cell
    public void PointFromTo(CorridorDirection from, CorridorDirection to)
        Debug.Log("FROM:" + from + " TO:" + to);
        Debug.Log("STUFF: " + CorridorDirection.North);
        Debug.Log("walls[0]: " + walls [0]);
        Debug.Log("walls[1]: " + walls [1]);
        Debug.Log("walls[2]: " + walls [2]);
        Debug.Log("walls[3]: " + walls [3]);

        if (from == CorridorDirection.North)
            walls [1].SetActive(false);
        else if (from == CorridorDirection.South)
            walls [0].SetActive(false);
        else if (from == CorridorDirection.East)
            walls [3].SetActive(false);
        else if (from == CorridorDirection.West)
            walls [2].SetActive(false);
        if (to == CorridorDirection.North)
            walls [0].SetActive(false);
        else if (to == CorridorDirection.South)
            walls [1].SetActive(false);
        else if (to == CorridorDirection.East)
            walls [2].SetActive(false);
        else if (to == CorridorDirection.West)
            walls [3].SetActive(false);
    }    // point from to
Пример #15
    // Gets the inverse
    public static CorridorDirection OppositeOf(CorridorDirection direction)
        switch (direction)
        case CorridorDirection.North:

        case CorridorDirection.South:

        case CorridorDirection.East:

        case CorridorDirection.West:

        } // switch
    }     // inverse
Пример #16
    // Method for setting up the other rooms
    public void SetupRoom(int width, int height, int columns, int rows, Dungeon_Corridor corridor)
        // Set the direction of the entering corridor
        enteringCorridor = corridor.direction;

        // Setup the width and height
        roomWidth  = width;
        roomHeight = height;

        // The corridor.direction is the direction of the entering corridor
        // These if-statements are used to make sure the rooms are always within the size of the dungeon
        if (corridor.direction == CorridorDirection.Up)
            roomHeight = Mathf.Clamp(roomHeight, 1, rows - corridor.EndZPos);                   // Clamp the roomheight so the room won't go out of the dungeon
            zPos       = corridor.EndZPos;                                                      // Set the Z position of the room
            xPos       = Random.Range(corridor.EndXPos - roomWidth + 1, corridor.EndXPos + 1);  // Set a random X position for the room
            xPos       = Mathf.Clamp(xPos, 0, columns - roomWidth);                             // Clamp the X position of the room so it won't go out of the dungeon
        else if (corridor.direction == CorridorDirection.Right)
            roomWidth = Mathf.Clamp(roomWidth, 1, columns - corridor.EndXPos);
            xPos      = corridor.EndXPos;
            zPos      = Random.Range(corridor.EndZPos - roomHeight + 1, corridor.EndZPos + 1);
            zPos      = Mathf.Clamp(zPos, 0, rows - roomHeight);
        else if (corridor.direction == CorridorDirection.Down)
            roomHeight = Mathf.Clamp(roomHeight, 1, corridor.EndZPos);
            zPos       = corridor.EndZPos - roomHeight + 1;
            xPos       = Random.Range(corridor.EndXPos - roomWidth + 1, corridor.EndXPos + 1);
            xPos       = Mathf.Clamp(xPos, 0, columns - roomWidth);
        else if (corridor.direction == CorridorDirection.Left)
            roomWidth = Mathf.Clamp(roomWidth, 1, corridor.EndXPos);
            xPos      = corridor.EndXPos - roomWidth + 1;
            zPos      = Random.Range(corridor.EndZPos - roomHeight + 1, corridor.EndZPos + 1);
            zPos      = Mathf.Clamp(zPos, 0, rows - roomHeight);
Пример #17
    }    // createFirstCell

    // Create a single corridor cell
    private void CreateCell(IntVector2 nextCoordinates, CorridorDirection currentDirection, CorridorDirection nextDirection)
        // Cell's neighbors
        CorridorCell north = GetCell(new IntVector2(nextCoordinates.x, nextCoordinates.z + 1));
        CorridorCell south = GetCell(new IntVector2(nextCoordinates.x, nextCoordinates.z - 1));
        CorridorCell east  = GetCell(new IntVector2(nextCoordinates.x + 1, nextCoordinates.z));
        CorridorCell west  = GetCell(new IntVector2(nextCoordinates.x - 1, nextCoordinates.z));

        // The new cell
        CorridorCell newCell;

        newCell = Instantiate(corridorCell) as CorridorCell;
        newCell.PointFromTo(currentDirection, nextDirection);

        cells [nextCoordinates.x, nextCoordinates.z] = newCell;
        //newCell.material.color = new Color (Random.Range (0f, 1f), Random.Range (0f, 1f), Random.Range (0f, 1f));
        newCell.name                    = "Corridor Cell " + nextCoordinates.x + ", " + nextCoordinates.z;
        newCell.transform.parent        = transform;
        newCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(nextCoordinates.x - size.x * 0.5f + 0.5f,
                                                      0f, nextCoordinates.z - size.z * 0.5f + 0.5f);

    }    // createCell
Пример #18
    // Rotate the cell
    public void PointFromTo(CorridorDirection from, CorridorDirection to)
        if (from == CorridorDirection.North) {
            walls [1].SetActive (false);
        } else if (from == CorridorDirection.South) {
            walls [0].SetActive (false);
        } else if (from == CorridorDirection.East) {
            walls [3].SetActive (false);
        } else if (from == CorridorDirection.West) {
            walls [2].SetActive (false);
        if (to == CorridorDirection.North) {
            walls [0].SetActive (false);
        } else if (to == CorridorDirection.South) {
            walls [1].SetActive (false);
        } else if (to == CorridorDirection.East) {
            walls [2].SetActive (false);
        } else if (to == CorridorDirection.West) {
            walls [3].SetActive (false);

        // Generate the door
        foreach (GameObject wall in walls) {
                if(Random.Range(0, 100) < wallDoorProbability) {
                    // Generate new door
                    wall.GetComponent<WallControl>().door = true;
                    doorInstance = Instantiate(doorPrefab) as GameObject;
                    doorInstance.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.05f);
                    doorInstance.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 180f, 0f));
                    doorInstance.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.3f);
                    //wall.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.blue;
            }// if
        }// foreach
Пример #19
    }    // RandomValue

    // Converts into int vectors
    public static IntVector2 ToIntVector2(this CorridorDirection direction)
        return(vectors [(int)direction]);
Пример #20
    // Create the first cell (speshal)
    private void CreateFirstCell(IntVector2 nextCoordinates, CorridorDirection nextDirection)
        CorridorCell newCell;
        newCell = Instantiate (corridorCell) as CorridorCell;
        newCell.PointTo (nextDirection);
        cells [nextCoordinates.x, nextCoordinates.z] = newCell;
        newCell.name = "First Cell " + nextCoordinates.x + ", " + nextCoordinates.z;
        newCell.transform.parent = transform;
        newCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (nextCoordinates.x - size.x * 0.5f + 0.5f,
                                                       0f, nextCoordinates.z - size.z * 0.5f + 0.5f);
        newCell.setFull ();


        // Set spawn point as this cell
        spawn = new IntVector2 ((int)newCell.transform.position.x, (int)newCell.transform.position.z);
Пример #21
    // Create a single corridor cell
    private void CreateCell(IntVector2 nextCoordinates, CorridorDirection currentDirection, CorridorDirection nextDirection)
        // Cell's neighbors
        CorridorCell north = GetCell (new IntVector2(nextCoordinates.x, nextCoordinates.z + 1));
        CorridorCell south = GetCell (new IntVector2(nextCoordinates.x, nextCoordinates.z - 1));
        CorridorCell east = GetCell (new IntVector2(nextCoordinates.x + 1, nextCoordinates.z));
        CorridorCell west = GetCell (new IntVector2(nextCoordinates.x - 1, nextCoordinates.z));

        // The new cell
        CorridorCell newCell;
        newCell = Instantiate (corridorCell) as CorridorCell;
        newCell.PointFromTo (currentDirection, nextDirection);

        cells [nextCoordinates.x, nextCoordinates.z] = newCell;
        //newCell.material.color = new Color (Random.Range (0f, 1f), Random.Range (0f, 1f), Random.Range (0f, 1f));
        newCell.name = "Corridor Cell " + nextCoordinates.x + ", " + nextCoordinates.z;
        newCell.transform.parent = transform;
        newCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (nextCoordinates.x - size.x * 0.5f + 0.5f,
                                                       0f, nextCoordinates.z - size.z * 0.5f + 0.5f);

Пример #22
        public void SetupCorridor(Room room, IntRange length, IntRange roomWidth, IntRange roomHeight, int columns, int rows, bool firstCorridor)
            // Set a random direction (a random index from 0 to 3, cast to CorridorDirection).
            direction = (CorridorDirection)Random.Range(0, 4);

            // Find the direction opposite to the one entering the room this corridor is leaving from.
            // Cast the previous corridor's direction to an int between 0 and 3 and add 2 (a number between 2 and 5).
            // Find the remainder when dividing by 4 (if 2 then 2, if 3 then 3, if 4 then 0, if 5 then 1).
            // Cast this number back to a direction.
            // Overall effect is if the direction was South then that is 2, becomes 4, remainder is 0, which is north.
            CorridorDirection oppositeDirection = (CorridorDirection)(((int)room.enteringCorridor + 2) % 4);

            // If this is noth the first corridor and the randomly selected direction is opposite to the previous corridor's direction...
            if (!firstCorridor && direction == oppositeDirection)
                // Rotate the direction 90 degrees clockwise (North becomes East, East becomes South, etc).
                // This is a more broken down version of the opposite direction operation above but instead of adding 2 we're adding 1.
                // This means instead of rotating 180 (the opposite direction) we're rotating 90.
                int directionInt = (int)direction;
                directionInt = directionInt % 4;
                direction    = (CorridorDirection)directionInt;

            // Set a random length.
            corridorLength = length.Random;

            // Create a cap for how long the length can be (this will be changed based on the direction and position).
            int maxLength = length.m_Max;

            switch (direction)
            // If the choosen direction is North (up)...
            case CorridorDirection.North:
                // ... the starting position in the x axis can be random but within the width of the room.
                startXPos = Random.Range(room.pos.x, room.pos.x + room.dim.x - 1);

                // The starting position in the y axis must be the top of the room.
                startYPos = room.pos.y + room.dim.y;

                // The maximum length the corridor can be is the height of the board (rows) but from the top of the room (y pos + height).
                maxLength = rows - startYPos - roomHeight.m_Min;

            case CorridorDirection.East:
                startXPos = room.pos.x + room.dim.x;
                startYPos = Random.Range(room.pos.y, room.pos.y + room.dim.y - 1);
                maxLength = columns - startXPos - roomWidth.m_Min;

            case CorridorDirection.South:
                startXPos = Random.Range(room.pos.x, room.pos.x + room.dim.x);
                startYPos = room.pos.y;
                maxLength = startYPos - roomHeight.m_Min;

            case CorridorDirection.West:
                startXPos = room.pos.x;
                startYPos = Random.Range(room.pos.y, room.pos.y + room.dim.y);
                maxLength = startXPos - roomWidth.m_Min;

            // We clamp the length of the corridor to make sure it doesn't go off the board.
            corridorLength = Mathf.Clamp(corridorLength, 1, maxLength);
Пример #23
 public MapPoint GetNextPointTowardsDir(CorridorDirection direction) => GetPointTowardsDir(direction, 1);
Пример #24
 public Corridor(MapPoint startingPoint, CorridorDirection direction, int length)
     this.startingPoint = startingPoint;
     this.length        = length;
     this.direction     = direction;
Пример #25
    // Create the first cell (speshal)
    private void CreateFirstCell(IntVector2 nextCoordinates, CorridorDirection nextDirection)
        CorridorCell newCell;
        newCell = Instantiate (cell) as CorridorCell;
        newCell.PointTo (nextDirection);
        cells [nextCoordinates.x, nextCoordinates.z] = newCell;
        newCell.material.color = new Color (Random.Range (0f, 1f), Random.Range (0f, 1f), Random.Range (0f, 1f));
        newCell.name = "First Cell " + nextCoordinates.x + ", " + nextCoordinates.z;
        newCell.transform.parent = transform;
        newCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (nextCoordinates.x - size.x * 0.5f + 0.5f,
                                                       0f, nextCoordinates.z - size.z * 0.5f + 0.5f);
