public bool OnCommand(Character chr, string args) { if (args == null) { chr.WriteToDisplay("Search what?"); return(true); } else if (chr.IsBlind) { chr.WriteToDisplay("You are blind and cannot see!"); return(true); } else if (!chr.HasNightVision && (chr.CurrentCell.AreaEffects.ContainsKey(Effect.EffectTypes.Darkness) || chr.CurrentCell.IsAlwaysDark) && !chr.CurrentCell.AreaEffects.ContainsKey(Effect.EffectTypes.Light)) { chr.WriteToDisplay("You cannot see anything in the darkness."); return(true); } else { string[] sArgs = args.Split(" ".ToCharArray()); switch (sArgs[0].ToLower()) { case "0": case "corpse": // Leave the corpse behind Item itm = Item.FindItemOnGround(sArgs[0], chr.FacetID, chr.LandID, chr.MapID, chr.X, chr.Y, chr.Z); if (itm == null) { chr.WriteToDisplay("You don't see a corpse here."); return(new CommandTasker(chr)["look"]); } // has to be a corpse Corpse.DumpCorpse(itm as Corpse, Cell.GetCell(chr.FacetID, chr.LandID, chr.MapID, chr.X, chr.Y, chr.Z)); // coin generated on npc creation //Look GameCommand.GameCommandDictionary["look"].Handler.OnCommand(chr, ""); break; case "all": foreach (Item corpse in new System.Collections.Generic.List <Item>(chr.CurrentCell.Items)) { if (corpse != null && == "corpse") { Corpse.DumpCorpse(corpse as Corpse, chr.CurrentCell); } } GameCommand.GameCommandDictionary["look"].Handler.OnCommand(chr, ""); break; case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": case "6": case "7": case "8": case "9": case "10": case "11": case "12": int countTo = 0; int corpseNum = Convert.ToInt16(sArgs[0]); foreach (Item cItem in chr.CurrentCell.Items) { if (cItem is Corpse) { countTo++; } } if (countTo < corpseNum) { chr.WriteToDisplay("There aren't that many corpses here."); break; } countTo = 0; foreach (Item cItem in chr.CurrentCell.Items) { if (cItem is Corpse) { countTo++; if (countTo == corpseNum) { Corpse.DumpCorpse(cItem as Corpse, Cell.GetCell(chr.FacetID, chr.LandID, chr.MapID, chr.X, chr.Y, chr.Z)); break; } } } GameCommand.GameCommandDictionary["look"].Handler.OnCommand(chr, ""); break; default: // if secret door cell has a flag cell lock check for flags if (Array.IndexOf(Map.GetCellRelevantToCell(chr.CurrentCell, sArgs[0].ToLower(), true).cellLock.lockTypes, Cell.CellLock.LockType.Flag) != -1) { if (!chr.QuestFlags.Contains(Map.GetCellRelevantToCell(chr.CurrentCell, sArgs[0].ToLower(), true).cellLock.key)) { if (!chr.ContentFlags.Contains(Map.GetCellRelevantToCell(chr.CurrentCell, sArgs[0].ToLower(), true).cellLock.key)) { chr.WriteToDisplay("You don't meet the requirements to open the door."); break; } } } if (!Map.CheckSecretDoor(Map.GetCellRelevantToCell(chr.CurrentCell, sArgs[0].ToLower(), true))) { if (chr.gender == Globals.eGender.Female) { chr.EmitSound(Sound.GetCommonSound(Sound.CommonSound.FemaleHmm)); } else if (chr.gender == Globals.eGender.Male) { chr.EmitSound(Sound.GetCommonSound(Sound.CommonSound.MaleHmm)); } } break; } } return(true); }