private static IEnumerator DelayCoroutine(int frames, CoroutineData <int> f) { for (var n = 0; n < frames; ++n) { yield return(null); } f.Invoke(); while (true) { if (f.queue.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < f.currentAction.value1; i++) { yield return(null); } f.Dequeue(); f.Invoke(); } else { f.Dispose(); break; } } }
public void StartCoroutine(IEnumerator coroutine) { CoroutineData coroutineData = new CoroutineData(); coroutineData.m_coroutine = coroutine; m_coroutineList.Add(coroutineData); }
public int StartCoroutine(IEnumerator functionCall) { var data = new CoroutineData(nextID++, functionCall); coroutineList.Add(data); return(data.ID); }
public void init() { infiniteObjectGenerator = InfiniteObjectGenerator.instance; powerUpManager = PowerUpManager.instance; gameManager = GameManager.instance; projectionCamerasController = ProjectionCamerasController.instance; projectionPortalWindowsController = ProjectionPortalWindowsController.instance; // mainCameraController = MainCameraController.instance; platformLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Platform"); wallLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Wall"); obstacleLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Obstacle"); thisTransform = transform; thisRigidbody = rigidbody; capsuleCollider = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>(); playerAnimation = GetComponent <PlayerAnimation>(); playerAnimation.init(); startPosition = thisTransform.position; startRotation = thisTransform.rotation; slideData = new CoroutineData(); forwardSpeeds.init(); // make sure the coin magnet trigger is deactivated activatePowerUp(PowerUpTypes.CoinMagnet, false, Color.white); reset(); enabled = false; // zorbModeActive = false; }
public void LerpOverTime(CoroutineData _coroutineData, float _duration, AnimationCurve _curve = null, bool _ignoreTimeScale = false, CoroutineCheckMethod _checkMethod = CoroutineCheckMethod.StopExistingRoutine) { switch (_checkMethod) { default: case CoroutineCheckMethod.StopExistingRoutine: if (Coroutines.ContainsKey(_coroutineData.Key)) { if (Coroutines[_coroutineData.Key].Routine != null) { StopCoroutine(Coroutines[_coroutineData.Key].Routine); } Coroutines.Remove(_coroutineData.Key); } Coroutines.Add(_coroutineData.Key, _coroutineData); StartCoroutine(IELerpOverTime(_coroutineData, _duration, _curve, _ignoreTimeScale)); break; case CoroutineCheckMethod.WaitForExistingRoutine: if (!Coroutines.ContainsKey(_coroutineData.Key)) { Coroutines.Add(_coroutineData.Key, _coroutineData); _coroutineData.Routine = StartCoroutine(IELerpOverTime(_coroutineData, _duration, _curve, _ignoreTimeScale)); } break; } }
public IEnumerator StartPlayerTurn() { // TODO activate all OnPlayerTurnStart effects: // player, skills, and enemies // Draw a card CoroutineData DrawingCard = new CoroutineData(this, DrawTopCardFromDeck()); // Wait for Card to be finished drawing yield return(DrawingCard.coroutine); string DrawingCoroutine = null; DrawingCoroutine = (string)DrawingCard.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => DrawingCoroutine == "Finished")); // Resolve player on turn start effects Player.StartPlayerTurn(); // Allow user input InputController.PlayerInputPermission = true; yield return(null); }
public static CoroutineData <int> Delay(this MonoBehaviour g, int frames, Action f) { var coroutineData = new CoroutineData <int>(f, frames); g.StartCoroutine(DelayCoroutine(frames, coroutineData)); return(coroutineData); }
public static CoroutineData <float> Delay(this MonoBehaviour g, float seconds, Action f) { var coroutineData = new CoroutineData <float>(f, seconds); g.StartCoroutine(DelayCoroutine(seconds, coroutineData)); return(coroutineData); }
/// <summary> /// Let the user select a target /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private IEnumerator SelectOrigin() { while (true) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { var mousePosition = new Vector2(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).x, Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).y); var hitCollider = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(mousePosition); if (hitCollider && hitCollider.tag == "Player") { var selec = _entityBattleInfos.First(e => e.Source.Name ==; //Choose the skill you want to execute var selecSkill = new CoroutineData <Skill>(this, selec.Source.ChoosePlayerSkill()); yield return(selecSkill.Coroutine); selec.Skill = selecSkill.Result; // Choose the target for your skill yield return(SelecTarget(selec)); yield return(selec); yield break; } } yield return(null); } }
private void Step(CoroutineData coroutineData) { var coroutine = coroutineData.Value; coroutine.Continue(); ProcessCoroutineStep(coroutineData); }
public void Start() { playerTransform = PlayerController.instance.transform; pool = new List <ProjectileObject>(); poolIndex = 0; fireTime = -reloadTime; fireData = new CoroutineData(); }
public void Start() { playerTransform = PlayerController.instance.transform; pool = new List<ProjectileObject>(); poolIndex = 0; fireTime = -reloadTime; fireData = new CoroutineData(); }
void Start() { gameManager = GameManager.instance; dataManager = DataManager.instance; GameManager.instance.onPauseGame += gamePaused; activePowerUp = PowerUpTypes.None; activePowerUpData = new CoroutineData(); }
public void Start() { gameManager = GameManager.instance; dataManager = DataManager.instance; gameManager.onPauseGame += gamePaused; activePowerUp = PowerUpTypes.None; activePowerUpData = new CoroutineData(); }
public IEnumerator PlayCard(GameObject pCard) { // Get the card_data Card_Data tCardData = pCard.GetComponent <CardController> ().Card; // Remove the card from the hand CardsInHand.Remove(pCard); // Pay the cost of the card Player.PayManaCost(tCardData.manaCost); // TODO Check effects that activate on card activation // Toss the card template back to factory StartCoroutine(MatchHelper.RecycleCardTemplate(pCard)); // Set card being play CardBeingPlay = tCardData; // Get all the effects of the card List <_Effect> tEffects = pCard.GetComponent <CardController>().GetEffects(); // Resolve the card effects for (int i = 0; i < tEffects.Count; i++) { string Result; CoroutineData EffectCoroutine = new CoroutineData(this, tEffects [i].ResolveEffect()); yield return(EffectCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)EffectCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); } // Decrement card_data charge tCardData.charge--; Debug.Log("Charge: " + tCardData.charge); // Put the card back into the deck or discard pile if (tCardData.charge > 0) { Deck.AddCardToDeck(tCardData); } else { DiscardPile.Add(tCardData); } AlignHand(); CardBeingPlay = null; yield return("Finished"); }
public void LerpOverTime(string _key, float _duration, UnityAction <float> _onUpdate, UnityAction _onStart = null, UnityAction _onFinished = null, AnimationCurve _curve = null, bool _ignoreTimeScale = false, CoroutineCheckMethod _checkMethod = CoroutineCheckMethod.StopExistingRoutine) { CoroutineData _coroutineData = new CoroutineData(); _coroutineData.Key = _key; _coroutineData.OnStart = _onStart; _coroutineData.OnUpdate = _onUpdate; _coroutineData.OnFinished = _onFinished; LerpOverTime(_coroutineData, _duration, _curve, _ignoreTimeScale, _checkMethod); }
private static CoroutineData GetOrRegisterCoroutineEvent(object owner) { CoroutineData data; if (!generatorData.coroutineEvent.TryGetValue(owner, out data)) { data = new CoroutineData(); data.variableName = "coroutine" + (++coNum).ToString(); generatorData.coroutineEvent[owner] = data; } return(data); }
public IEnumerator AddBlockToPlayer(int pBlock) { string Result; CoroutineData tCoroutine = new CoroutineData(this, Player.AddBlock(pBlock)); yield return(tCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)tCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); yield return("Finished"); }
public IEnumerator DealDamageToPlayer(int pDamage) { string Result; CoroutineData tCoroutine = new CoroutineData(this, Player.AttackedForValue(pDamage)); yield return(tCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)tCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); yield return("Finished"); }
public IEnumerator PerformCoroutine(IEnumerator pCoroutine) { string Result; CoroutineData tCoroutine = new CoroutineData(this, pCoroutine); yield return(tCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)tCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); yield return("Finished"); }
/// <summary> /// 添加协同委托 /// </summary> /// <param name="d">协同委托</param> public void AddCoroutine(CoroutineDelegate d) { if (d == null) { return; } var data = new CoroutineData { Destroyed = false, Handler = d }; _coroutineData.Add(data); }
public IEnumerator ActivateSkillEffects() { string Result; CoroutineData EffectCoroutine = new CoroutineData(this, mSkillEffects[Random.Range(0, mSkillEffects.Count)].ResolveEffect()); yield return(EffectCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)EffectCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); yield return("Finished"); }
public IEnumerator DrawTopCardFromDeck() { // Set magnify on hover off InputController.CanMagnify = false; InputController.UnmagnifyCard(); string Result; // Get the card_data from the deck Card_Data tCardData = Deck.DrawTopCard(); // Wait until the deck return a card_data yield return(new WaitUntil(() => tCardData != null)); // Set the card data into a template GameObject tCard = null; tCard = MatchHelper.SetCardData(tCardData); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => tCard != null)); // Show the card draw from the top of the deck CoroutineData DrawingCoroutine = new CoroutineData(this, MatchHelper.RenderCardFromDeck(tCard)); // Wait for Card to be drew from the deck yield return(DrawingCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)DrawingCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); // Put the card in the player hand CoroutineData PutCardInHandCoroutine = new CoroutineData(this, PutCardInHand(tCard)); yield return(PutCardInHandCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)PutCardInHandCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); // Set magnify on hover on InputController.CanMagnify = true; yield return("Finished"); }
public IEnumerator IELerpOverTime(CoroutineData _coroutineData, float _duration, AnimationCurve _curve = null, bool _ignoreTimeScale = false) { if (_coroutineData.OnStart != null) { _coroutineData.OnStart.Invoke(); } if (_curve == null) { _curve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); } float _lerpTime = 0f; while (_lerpTime < 1f) { float _time = _ignoreTimeScale ? Time.unscaledDeltaTime : Time.deltaTime; //fix dit door er monobehaviour van te maken i guess? _lerpTime += _time / _duration; float _evaluatedLerpTime = _curve.Evaluate(_lerpTime); if (_coroutineData.OnUpdate != null) { _coroutineData.OnUpdate.Invoke(_evaluatedLerpTime); } yield return(null); } if (_coroutineData.OnUpdate != null) { _coroutineData.OnUpdate.Invoke(1f); } if (_coroutineData.OnFinished != null) { _coroutineData.OnFinished.Invoke(); } if (Coroutines.ContainsKey(_coroutineData.Key)) { Coroutines.Remove(_coroutineData.Key); } yield return(null); }
public override IEnumerator ResolveEffect() { int tBlock = mMatchController.CardBeingPlay.block; PlayerCharacterController tPlayer = mMatchController.Player; string Result; CoroutineData GainBlockCoroutine = new CoroutineData(mMatchController, tPlayer.AddBlock(tBlock)); yield return(GainBlockCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)GainBlockCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); yield return("Finished"); }
public IEnumerator StartMatch() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Draw a card CoroutineData DrawingCard = new CoroutineData(this, DrawTopCardFromDeck()); // Wait for Card to be finished drawing yield return(DrawingCard.coroutine); string DrawingCoroutine = null; DrawingCoroutine = (string)DrawingCard.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => DrawingCoroutine == "Finished")); } StartCoroutine("StartPlayerTurn"); }
public IEnumerator ActivateOnTurnStartEffects() { string Result; for (int i = 0; i < OnHitEffects.Count; i++) { CoroutineData EffectCoroutine = new CoroutineData(this, mOnTurnStartEffects[i].ResolveEffect()); yield return(EffectCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)EffectCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); } yield return("Finished"); }
/// <summary> /// Recycles the card template. /// </summary> /// <param name="pCard">P card.</param> public IEnumerator RecycleCardTemplate(GameObject pCard) { string Result; CoroutineData MovingCoroutine = new CoroutineData(this, MoveCardToGrave(pCard)); // Wait for Card to be drew from the deck yield return(MovingCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)MovingCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); // Recycle the card CardFactory.RecycleCardTemplate(pCard); yield return("Finished"); }
public override IEnumerator ResolveEffect() { int tDamage = mMatchController.CardBeingPlay.damage; GameObject tTarget = mMatchController.TargetEnemy; string Result; CoroutineData AttackCoroutine = new CoroutineData(mMatchController, tTarget.GetComponent <EnemyController> ().AttackedForValue(tDamage)); yield return(AttackCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)AttackCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); yield return("Finished"); }
public IEnumerator AttackedForValue(int pDamage) { string Result; Debug.Log("Player taking damage: " + pDamage); // TODO activate all OnHitEffects CoroutineData EffectCoroutine = new CoroutineData(this, ActivateOnHitEffects()); yield return(EffectCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)EffectCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); Debug.Log("Player start health: " + Health); // Deal damage to block value first if (Block >= pDamage) { Block -= pDamage; RenderBlock(); } else { // Deal the damage Health -= (pDamage - Block); Block = 0; RenderHealth(); RenderBlock(); } if (IsDead()) { mMatchController.RemoveEnemy(gameObject); } yield return("Finished"); }
public override IEnumerator ResolveEffect() { int tDamage = mMatchController.EnemyActing.Damage; Debug.Log("Enemy damage: " + tDamage); PlayerCharacterController tPlayer = mMatchController.Player; string Result; CoroutineData AttackCoroutine = new CoroutineData(mMatchController, tPlayer.AttackedForValue(tDamage)); yield return(AttackCoroutine.coroutine); Result = null; Result = (string)AttackCoroutine.result; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Result == "Finished")); yield return("Finished"); }
void DoFixedUpdateCoroutine(CoroutineData r) { if (r.enumerator.Current is WaitForFixedUpdate) { // FIXME Debug.Log("FixedUpdate coroutines don't yet work correctly"); bool ended = r.enumerator.MoveNext(); if (r.reachedEnd == true && r.lastYielded == r.enumerator.Current) { routines.Remove(r); return; } if (ended == true) { r.reachedEnd = true; r.lastYielded = r.enumerator.Current; } } }
internal void StartPseudoCoroutine(object sender, IEnumerator routine) { var r = new CoroutineData (routine); routines.Add (r); }
void DoUpdateCoroutine(CoroutineData r) { bool ended; // FIXME too much copy/pasting between blocks // WaitForSeconds if (r.enumerator.Current is WaitForSeconds) { // Wait if (r.timeRemaining == null) { WaitForSeconds s = (WaitForSeconds)r.enumerator.Current; FieldInfo f = s.GetType ().GetField ("m_Seconds", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); // FIXME accumulates error over time, slightly slower than a normal coroutine r.timeRemaining = (float)f.GetValue (s) - Time.deltaTime; ended = false; return; } else if (r.timeRemaining <= 0) { r.timeRemaining = null; ended = r.enumerator.MoveNext (); if (r.reachedEnd == true && r.lastYielded == r.enumerator.Current) { routines.Remove (r); return; } } else { r.timeRemaining -= Time.deltaTime; return; } } // WaitForEndOfFrame else if (r.enumerator.Current is WaitForEndOfFrame) { ended = r.enumerator.MoveNext (); if (r.reachedEnd == true && r.lastYielded == r.enumerator.Current) { routines.Remove (r); return; } } // Coroutine else if (r.enumerator.Current is Coroutine) { // FIXME implement this! How do we figure out if a coroutine has finished? Bypass for now. Debug.LogWarning("Yielding on a Coroutine is not yet implemented in ManagerWrangler"); ended = r.enumerator.MoveNext (); if (r.reachedEnd == true && r.lastYielded == r.enumerator.Current) { routines.Remove (r); return; } } else { ended = r.enumerator.MoveNext (); if (r.reachedEnd == true && r.lastYielded == r.enumerator.Current) { routines.Remove (r); return; } } if (ended == true) { r.reachedEnd = true; r.lastYielded = r.enumerator.Current; } }
void DoFixedUpdateCoroutine(CoroutineData r) { if (r.enumerator.Current is WaitForFixedUpdate) { // FIXME Debug.Log ("FixedUpdate coroutines don't yet work correctly"); bool ended = r.enumerator.MoveNext (); if (r.reachedEnd == true && r.lastYielded == r.enumerator.Current) { routines.Remove (r); return; } if (ended == true) { r.reachedEnd = true; r.lastYielded = r.enumerator.Current; } } }
public void Start () { gameManager = GameManager.instance; dataManager = DataManager.instance; missionManager = MissionManager.instance; coinGUICollection = CoinGUICollection.instance; guiState = GUIState.MainMenu; inGamePowerUpData = new CoroutineData(); gameManager.onPauseGame += gamePaused; // hide everything except the main menu #if UNITY_3_5 mainMenuPanel.SetActiveRecursively(true); logoPanel.SetActiveRecursively(true); inGameLeftPanel.SetActiveRecursively(false); inGameTopPanel.SetActiveRecursively(false); inGameRightPanel.SetActiveRecursively(false); endGamePanel.SetActiveRecursively(false); storePanel.SetActiveRecursively(false); statsPanel.SetActiveRecursively(false); missionsPanel.SetActiveRecursively(false); pausePanel.SetActiveRecursively(false); tutorialPanel.SetActiveRecursively(false); #else InfiniteRunnerStarterPackUtility.ActiveRecursively(mainMenuPanel.transform, true); InfiniteRunnerStarterPackUtility.ActiveRecursively(logoPanel.transform, true); InfiniteRunnerStarterPackUtility.ActiveRecursively(inGameLeftPanel.transform, false); InfiniteRunnerStarterPackUtility.ActiveRecursively(inGameTopPanel.transform, false); InfiniteRunnerStarterPackUtility.ActiveRecursively(inGameRightPanel.transform, false); InfiniteRunnerStarterPackUtility.ActiveRecursively(endGamePanel.transform, false); InfiniteRunnerStarterPackUtility.ActiveRecursively(storePanel.transform, false); InfiniteRunnerStarterPackUtility.ActiveRecursively(statsPanel.transform, false); InfiniteRunnerStarterPackUtility.ActiveRecursively(missionsPanel.transform, false); InfiniteRunnerStarterPackUtility.ActiveRecursively(pausePanel.transform, false); InfiniteRunnerStarterPackUtility.ActiveRecursively(tutorialPanel.transform, false); #endif }
public int StartCoroutine(IEnumerator functionCall) { var data = new CoroutineData(nextID++, functionCall); coroutineList.Add(data); return data.ID; }
public void init() { // deprecated variables warnings: if (jumpForce != 0 && jumpHeight == 0) { Debug.LogError("PlayerController.jumpForce is deprecated. Use jumpHeight instead."); jumpHeight = jumpForce; } if (jumpDownwardForce != 0 && gravity == 0) { Debug.LogError("PlayerController.jumpDownwardForce is deprecated. Use gravity instead."); gravity = jumpDownwardForce; } // rigidbody should no longer use gravity, be kinematic, and freeze all constraints if (rigidbody != null) { if (rigidbody.useGravity) { Debug.LogError("The rigidbody no longer needs to use gravity. Disabling."); rigidbody.useGravity = false; } if (!rigidbody.isKinematic) { Debug.LogError("The rigidbody should be kinematic. Enabling."); rigidbody.isKinematic = true; } if (rigidbody.constraints != RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll) { Debug.LogError("The rigidbody should freeze all constraints. The PlayerController will take care of the physics."); rigidbody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll; } } cameraController = CameraController.instance; infiniteObjectGenerator = InfiniteObjectGenerator.instance; powerUpManager = PowerUpManager.instance; gameManager = GameManager.instance; if (attackType == AttackType.Projectile) { projectileManager = GetComponent<ProjectileManager>(); } platformLayer = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Platform"); floorLayer = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Floor"); wallLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Wall"); obstacleLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Obstacle"); thisTransform = transform; capsuleCollider = GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>(); playerAnimation = GetComponent<PlayerAnimation>(); playerAnimation.init(); startPosition = thisTransform.position; startRotation = thisTransform.rotation; slideData = new CoroutineData(); stumbleData = new CoroutineData(); forwardSpeeds.init(); // determine the fastest and the slowest forward speeds forwardSpeeds.getMinMaxValue(out minForwardSpeed, out maxForwardSpeed); forwardSpeedDelta = maxForwardSpeed - minForwardSpeed; if (forwardSpeedDelta == 0) { playerAnimation.setRunSpeed(1, 1); } // make sure the coin magnet trigger is deactivated activatePowerUp(PowerUpTypes.CoinMagnet, false); reset(); enabled = false; }