Пример #1
    public static string GetProductTcmId(CoreService2010Client client, string productId)
        string productTcmId = "";
            //get the XML list of component from the folder
            var productsXML = client.GetListXml(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProductFolderTcmId"],
                new OrganizationalItemItemsFilterData { ItemTypes = new[] { ItemType.Component } });

            //loop through each item and find out if it is the product we want
            foreach (var product in productsXML.Elements())
                var productData = client.Read(product.Attribute("ID").Value, null) as ComponentData;
                var schemaFields = client.ReadSchemaFields(productData.Schema.IdRef, false, null);
                var content = XDocument.Parse(productData.Content);
                XNamespace ns = schemaFields.NamespaceUri;

                //check if the product id's match
                if (productId == content.Root.Element(ns + "product_id").Value)
                    //return the TcmId
                    productTcmId = product.Attribute("ID").Value;
                    //exit the foreach
        catch (Exception ex)
            Log.Error("Error in GetProductTcmId()", ex);
        return productTcmId;
Пример #2
    protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check file has been selected
        if (!fileUpload.HasFile || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName))
            badMessage.Text    = "Please select a file to upload.";
            badMessage.Visible = true;

        // Check file has valid extension
        var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName);

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileExt) || !ValidExtensions.IsMatch(fileExt))
            badMessage.Text    = "The uploaded file has an invalid name or extension.";
            badMessage.Visible = true;

            // Save upload to disk
            string virtualPath = "~\\Bin\\" + fileUpload.FileName;
            string absPath     = Server.MapPath(virtualPath);
            Log.Info("save file to " + absPath);

            // Parse XLS
            Log.Debug("Start XLS read");
            var productPrices = ReadXlsFile(virtualPath);
            int count         = productPrices.Count;
            Log.Info("End XLS read " + count);

            using (var client = new CoreService2010Client())
                Log.Debug("Start processing pricing components");
                CreateComponents(client, productPrices);
                Log.Debug("End processing pricing components");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Log.Error("PricingManagement.UploadFile: Error retrieving and setting XLS", ex);

            badMessage.Text    = "An occurred while processing the product prices." + ex.StackTrace;
            badMessage.Visible = true;
Пример #3
    public void CreateComponents(CoreService2010Client client, List <ProductPrice> productPrices)
            int count = 1;
            foreach (var productPrice in productPrices)
                // Component name
                Log.Debug("Start Processing " + productPrice.PricingId);
                ComponentData component;

                // Create Component in the correct folder
                component = client.GetDefaultData(ItemType.Component, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PriceFolderTcmId"]) as ComponentData;

                //get the correct TcmId for the Product
                productPrice.Product.TcmId = ProductUtilites.GetProductTcmId(client, productPrice.Product.TcmId);

                //set the component information
                component.Title = productPrice.PricingId;
                component.Id    = "tcm:0-0-0";

                //serialize the object to XML for Tridion
                component.Content      = productPrice.Serialize();
                component.Schema.IdRef = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PriceSchemaTcmId"];

                    //create the component
                    client.Create(component, null);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error("PricingManagement.CreateComponents: Unable to save new component", ex);

                Log.Debug("Finished Processing " + productPrice.PricingId + ". Count = " + count);

            goodMessage.Text    = "Processed " + productPrices.Count + " product prices";
            goodMessage.Visible = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Log.Error("PricingManagement.CreateComponents: Could not create components", ex);
Пример #4
    public void CreateComponents(CoreService2010Client client, List<ProductPrice> productPrices)
            int count = 1;
            foreach (var productPrice in productPrices)
                // Component name
                Log.Debug("Start Processing " + productPrice.PricingId);
                ComponentData component;

                // Create Component in the correct folder
                component = client.GetDefaultData(ItemType.Component, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PriceFolderTcmId"]) as ComponentData;

                //get the correct TcmId for the Product
                productPrice.Product.TcmId = ProductUtilites.GetProductTcmId(client, productPrice.Product.TcmId);

                //set the component information
                component.Title = productPrice.PricingId;
                component.Id = "tcm:0-0-0";

                //serialize the object to XML for Tridion
                component.Content = productPrice.Serialize();
                component.Schema.IdRef = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PriceSchemaTcmId"];

                    //create the component
                    client.Create(component, null);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error("PricingManagement.CreateComponents: Unable to save new component", ex);

                Log.Debug("Finished Processing " + productPrice.PricingId + ". Count = " + count);

            goodMessage.Text = "Processed " + productPrices.Count + " product prices";
            goodMessage.Visible = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Log.Error("PricingManagement.CreateComponents: Could not create components", ex);
Пример #5
    public static string GetProductTcmId(CoreService2010Client client, string productId)
        string productTcmId = "";

            //get the XML list of component from the folder
            var productsXML = client.GetListXml(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProductFolderTcmId"],
                                                new OrganizationalItemItemsFilterData {
                ItemTypes = new[] { ItemType.Component }

            //loop through each item and find out if it is the product we want
            foreach (var product in productsXML.Elements())
                var        productData  = client.Read(product.Attribute("ID").Value, null) as ComponentData;
                var        schemaFields = client.ReadSchemaFields(productData.Schema.IdRef, false, null);
                var        content      = XDocument.Parse(productData.Content);
                XNamespace ns           = schemaFields.NamespaceUri;

                //check if the product id's match
                if (productId == content.Root.Element(ns + "product_id").Value)
                    //return the TcmId
                    productTcmId = product.Attribute("ID").Value;
                    //exit the foreach
        catch (Exception ex)
            Log.Error("Error in GetProductTcmId()", ex);
Пример #6
    public static void UploadImages(string location, string folderTcmId, CoreService2010Client client, log4net.ILog Log)
        //create a reference to the directory of where the images are
        DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(location);
        //create global Tridion Read Options
        ReadOptions readOptions = new ReadOptions();

        //use Expanded so that Tridion exposes the TcmId of the newly created component
        readOptions.LoadFlags = LoadFlags.Expanded;
            //loop through the files
            foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in directory.GetFiles())
                //only allow images
                if (IsAllowedFileType(fileInfo.Extension))
                        //create a new multimedia component in the folder specified
                        ComponentData multimediaComponent = (ComponentData)client.GetDefaultData(Tridion.ItemType.Component, folderTcmId);
                        multimediaComponent.Title         = fileInfo.Name.ToLower();
                        multimediaComponent.ComponentType = ComponentType.Multimedia;
                        multimediaComponent.Schema.IdRef  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MultimediaSchemaId"];

                        //create a string to hold the temporary location of the image to use later
                        string tempLocation = "";

                        //use the StreamUpload2010Client to upload the image into Tridion
                        UploadResponse us = new UploadResponse();
                        using (Tridion.StreamUpload2010Client streamClient = new StreamUpload2010Client())
                            FileStream objfilestream = new FileStream(fileInfo.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                            tempLocation = streamClient.UploadBinaryContent(fileInfo.Name.ToLower(), objfilestream);

                        //creat a new binary component
                        BinaryContentData binaryContent = new BinaryContentData();
                        //set this temporary upload location to the source of this binary
                        binaryContent.UploadFromFile = tempLocation;
                        binaryContent.Filename       = fileInfo.Name.ToLower();

                        //get the multimedia type id
                        binaryContent.MultimediaType = new LinkToMultimediaTypeData()
                            IdRef = GetMultimediaTypeId(fileInfo.Extension)

                        multimediaComponent.BinaryContent = binaryContent;

                        //save the image into a new object
                        IdentifiableObjectData savedComponent = client.Save(multimediaComponent, readOptions);

                        //check in using the Id of the new object
                        client.CheckIn(savedComponent.Id, null);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Debug("Error creating image " + fileInfo.Name, ex);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Log.Error("Error processing images", ex);
            //clean up temp objects
Пример #7
    public static void UploadImages(string location, string folderTcmId, CoreService2010Client client, log4net.ILog Log)
        //create a reference to the directory of where the images are
            DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(location);
            //create global Tridion Read Options
            ReadOptions readOptions = new ReadOptions();
            //use Expanded so that Tridion exposes the TcmId of the newly created component
            readOptions.LoadFlags = LoadFlags.Expanded;
                //loop through the files
                foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in directory.GetFiles())
                    //only allow images
                    if (IsAllowedFileType(fileInfo.Extension))
                            //create a new multimedia component in the folder specified
                            ComponentData multimediaComponent = (ComponentData)client.GetDefaultData(Tridion.ItemType.Component, folderTcmId);
                            multimediaComponent.Title = fileInfo.Name.ToLower();
                            multimediaComponent.ComponentType = ComponentType.Multimedia;
                            multimediaComponent.Schema.IdRef = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MultimediaSchemaId"];

                             //create a string to hold the temporary location of the image to use later
                            string tempLocation = "";

                            //use the StreamUpload2010Client to upload the image into Tridion
                            UploadResponse us = new UploadResponse();
                            using (Tridion.StreamUpload2010Client streamClient = new StreamUpload2010Client())
                                FileStream objfilestream = new FileStream(fileInfo.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                                tempLocation = streamClient.UploadBinaryContent(fileInfo.Name.ToLower(), objfilestream);

                            //creat a new binary component
                            BinaryContentData binaryContent = new BinaryContentData();
                            //set this temporary upload location to the source of this binary
                            binaryContent.UploadFromFile = tempLocation;
                            binaryContent.Filename = fileInfo.Name.ToLower();

                            //get the multimedia type id
                            binaryContent.MultimediaType = new LinkToMultimediaTypeData() { IdRef = GetMultimediaTypeId(fileInfo.Extension) };

                            multimediaComponent.BinaryContent = binaryContent;

                            //save the image into a new object
                            IdentifiableObjectData savedComponent = client.Save(multimediaComponent, readOptions);

                            //check in using the Id of the new object
                            client.CheckIn(savedComponent.Id, null);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Log.Debug("Error creating image " + fileInfo.Name, ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("Error processing images", ex);
                //clean up temp objects
Пример #8
    protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check file has been selected
        if (!fileUpload.HasFile || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName))
            badMessage.Text = "Please select a file to upload.";
            badMessage.Visible = true;

        // Check file has valid extension
        var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName);
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileExt) || !ValidExtensions.IsMatch(fileExt))
            badMessage.Text = "The uploaded file has an invalid name or extension.";
            badMessage.Visible = true;

            // Save upload to disk
            string virtualPath = "~\\Bin\\" + fileUpload.FileName;
            string absPath = Server.MapPath(virtualPath);
            Log.Info("save file to " + absPath);

            // Parse XLS
            Log.Debug("Start XLS read");
            var productPrices = ReadXlsFile(virtualPath);
            int count = productPrices.Count;
            Log.Info("End XLS read " + count);

            using (var client = new CoreService2010Client())
                Log.Debug("Start processing pricing components");
                CreateComponents(client, productPrices);
                Log.Debug("End processing pricing components");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Log.Error("PricingManagement.UploadFile: Error retrieving and setting XLS", ex);

            badMessage.Text = "An occurred while processing the product prices." + ex.StackTrace ;
            badMessage.Visible = true;
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public CoreServicesUtil()
     this.coreServiceClient = new CoreService2010Client("basicHttp_2010");
     this.readOptions       = new ReadOptions();