public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string ReturnUrl) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (var db = new DAO.Entities()) { var passHas = CoreFunction.GetMd5Hash(model.pass); var accountData = db.asp_User.FirstOrDefault(x => x.account == model.acc && x.password == passHas); if (accountData != null) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.acc, false); if (Url.IsLocalUrl(ReturnUrl)) { return(Redirect(ReturnUrl)); } return(RedirectToAction("index", "Home")); } else { TempData["mess"] = "Sai tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu"; } } } return(View(model)); }
static public void GenerateIndependentResult() { foreach (Sentence sentence in Variable.Sentences) { sentence.IndependentResult = new Result(); } foreach (Label label in Variable.LabelArray) { //Variable.OutputFile.WriteLine("Start: " + Variable.LabelToString[label]); IList <double> Pdatas = new List <double>(); Initialize(label); for (int time = 1; time <= Variable.ConvergeTimeThreshold; ++time) { //计算Pk NoGroupIDSVariable.Pj = CoreFunction.CalculatePj(NoGroupIDSVariable.Sij, time); //计算π NoGroupIDSVariable.PAkjl = CoreFunction.CalculatePAkjl(new Label[] { label }, NoGroupIDSVariable.Sij, time, -1); //计算Sij //if (CoreFunction.CalculatePdataAndSij(new Label[] { label }, ref NoGroupIDSVariable.Sij, NoGroupIDSVariable.Pj, NoGroupIDSVariable.Pajl, NoGroupIDSVariable.Mcj, ref NoGroupIDSVariable.Pdata, -1, Pdatas, // new Dictionary<Tuple<Labelset, Labelset>, double>(), new Dictionary<Tuple<Character, Character>, IDictionary<Tuple<Labelset, Labelset>, double>>())) //{ // ObtainLabelResult(label); // break; //} } } OutputResult(); }
public static PType[] GetCoreFunctionArgTypes(CoreFunction functionId) { if (returnTypes == null) { CoreFunctionUtil.Init(); } return(argTypes[functionId].ToArray()); }
public static bool[] GetCoreFunctionIsArgTypeRepeated(CoreFunction functionId) { if (returnTypes == null) { CoreFunctionUtil.Init(); } return(argTypesRepeated[functionId]); }
public static PType GetCoreFunctionReturnType(CoreFunction functionId) { if (returnTypes == null) { CoreFunctionUtil.Init(); } return(returnTypes[functionId]); }
public CoreFunctionReference(Token firstToken, CoreFunction coreFunctionId, Expression context, ICompilationEntity owner) : base(firstToken, owner) { this.CoreFunctionId = coreFunctionId; this.Context = context; this.ReturnType = CoreFunctionUtil.GetCoreFunctionReturnType(this.CoreFunctionId); this.ArgTypes = CoreFunctionUtil.GetCoreFunctionArgTypes(this.CoreFunctionId); this.ArgTypesIsRepeated = CoreFunctionUtil.GetCoreFunctionIsArgTypeRepeated(this.CoreFunctionId); }
private static void Init() { Dictionary <string, CoreFunction> lookup = new Dictionary <string, CoreFunction>(); foreach (CoreFunction func in typeof(CoreFunction).GetEnumValues().Cast <CoreFunction>()) { lookup[func.ToString()] = func; } returnTypes = new Dictionary <CoreFunction, PType>(); argTypes = new Dictionary <CoreFunction, PType[]>(); argTypesRepeated = new Dictionary <CoreFunction, bool[]>(); string[] rows = GetCoreFunctionSignatureManifest().Split('\n'); foreach (string row in rows) { string definition = row.Trim(); if (definition.Length > 0) { TokenStream tokens = new TokenStream(Tokenizer.Tokenize("core function manifest", row)); PType returnType = PType.Parse(tokens); string name = tokens.Pop().Value; tokens.PopExpected("("); List <PType> argList = new List <PType>(); List <bool> argRepeated = new List <bool>(); while (!tokens.PopIfPresent(")")) { if (argList.Count > 0) { tokens.PopExpected(","); } argList.Add(PType.Parse(tokens)); if (tokens.PopIfPresent(".")) { argRepeated.Add(true); tokens.PopExpected("."); tokens.PopExpected("."); } else { argRepeated.Add(false); } } if (tokens.HasMore) { throw new Exception("Invalid entry in the manifest. Stuff at the end: " + row); } CoreFunction func = lookup[name]; returnTypes[func] = returnType; argTypes[func] = argList.ToArray(); argTypesRepeated[func] = argRepeated.ToArray(); } } }
static public void RunNDDS(double threshold, IndependenceEstimation independentEstimation) { for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < GroupVariable.AnnotatorGroups.Length; ++groupIndex) { Sij sij = Initialize(groupIndex, threshold, independentEstimation); CoreFunction.Intgerate(Variable.LabelArray, groupIndex, ref sij); DDSFunction.ObtainBinaryResult(sij, "NDDS", groupIndex); Function.WriteBinaryResultFile("NDDS", groupIndex); } }
static public void RunIDDS() { for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < GroupVariable.AnnotatorGroups.Length; ++groupIndex) { Sij sij = Initialize(groupIndex); CoreFunction.Intgerate(Variable.LabelArray, groupIndex, ref sij); DDSFunction.ObtainBinaryResult(sij, "IDDS", groupIndex); Function.WriteBinaryResultFile("IDDS", groupIndex); } }
static public void RunJDDS() { //遍历在某个group size分组下的第几组 for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < GroupVariable.AnnotatorGroups.Length; ++groupIndex) { Sij sij = CoreFunction.InitializeSij(Variable.LabelArray, groupIndex); CoreFunction.Intgerate(Variable.LabelArray, groupIndex, ref sij);//迭代在此 DDSFunction.ObtainBinaryResult(sij, "JDDS", groupIndex); Function.WriteBinaryResultFile("JDDS", groupIndex); } }
static public void GenerateOneTreeForAllResult() { Initialize(); for (int time = 1; time <= Variable.ConvergeTimeThreshold; ++time) { //计算Pk TDDSVariable.Pj = CoreFunction.CalculatePj(TDDSVariable.Sij, time); //计算π NoGroupDDSFunction.CalculatePAkjl(TDDSVariable.Sij, ref TDDSVariable.PAkjl); //计算Sij if (NoGroupDDSFunction.CalculatePdataAndSij(ref TDDSVariable.Sij, TDDSVariable.Pj, TDDSVariable.PAkjl, ref TDDSVariable.Pdata)) { break; } } NoGroupDDSFunction.ObtainResult(TDDSVariable.Sij, "TreeForAll"); }
static public void GenerateOneTreeForSenResult() { Initialize(); for (int time = 1; time <= Variable.ConvergeTimeThreshold; ++time)//其中几个函数可以和Dependent公用 { //计算Pk DTDDSVariable.Pj = CoreFunction.CalculatePj(DTDDSVariable.Sij, time); //计算π NoGroupDDSFunction.CalculatePAkjl(DTDDSVariable.Sij, ref DTDDSVariable.PAkjl); //计算Sij if (NoGroupDDSFunction.CalculatePdataAndSij(ref DTDDSVariable.Sij, DTDDSVariable.Pj, DTDDSVariable.PAkjl, ref DTDDSVariable.Pdata)) { break; } } NoGroupDDSFunction.ObtainResult(DTDDSVariable.Sij, "TreeForSen"); }
static public void GeneratePreciseResult() { Initialize(); for (int time = 1; time <= Variable.ConvergeTimeThreshold; ++time) { //计算Pk NoGroupJDDSVariable.Pj = CoreFunction.CalculatePj(NoGroupJDDSVariable.Sij, time); //计算π NoGroupDDSFunction.CalculatePAkjl(NoGroupJDDSVariable.Sij, ref NoGroupJDDSVariable.PAkjl); //计算Sij if (NoGroupDDSFunction.CalculatePdataAndSij(ref NoGroupJDDSVariable.Sij, NoGroupJDDSVariable.Pj, NoGroupJDDSVariable.PAkjl, ref NoGroupJDDSVariable.Pdata)) { break; } } NoGroupDDSFunction.ObtainResult(NoGroupJDDSVariable.Sij, "Precise"); }
static public void RunIDS() { for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < GroupVariable.AnnotatorGroups.Length; ++groupIndex) { foreach (Sentence sentence in Variable.Sentences) { sentence.AnnotaitonGroups[groupIndex].IDSNumResult = new NumericResult(); sentence.AnnotaitonGroups[groupIndex].IDSResult = new Result(); } foreach (Label label in Variable.LabelArray) { Sij sij = CoreFunction.InitializeSij(new Label[] { label }, groupIndex); CoreFunction.Intgerate(new Label[] { label }, groupIndex, ref sij); ObtainLabelResult(sij, groupIndex); } Function.WriteBinaryResultFile("IDS", groupIndex); } }
static public void RunPDS() { for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < GroupVariable.AnnotatorGroups.Length; ++groupIndex) { foreach (Sentence sentence in Variable.Sentences) { sentence.AnnotaitonGroups[groupIndex].PDSNumResult = new NumericResult(); sentence.AnnotaitonGroups[groupIndex].PDSResult = new Result(); } LabelPair[] bilabels = GenerateBilabels(groupIndex); foreach (LabelPair bilabel in bilabels) { Sij sij = CoreFunction.InitializeSij(bilabel.ToArray(), groupIndex); CoreFunction.Intgerate(bilabel.ToArray(), groupIndex, ref sij); ObtainLabelResult(bilabel, groupIndex, sij); } Function.WriteBinaryResultFile("PDS", groupIndex); } }
static public void RunPeTM(PorSForJointje PorS, Smoothing SmoothingBE, BnOrNot bnOrNot) { double[] accuracyOfPersonalityForEachGroup = new double[GroupVariable.AnnotatorGroups.Length]; for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < GroupVariable.AnnotatorGroups.Length; ++groupIndex) { IDictionary <Annotator, IDictionary <Character, IDictionary <Will, double> > > okcx = PersonalityFunction.CalculateOkcx(groupIndex);//模拟人对角色个性的标注,计算一次就不变了 Mce mce = InitializeMce(groupIndex); Sije sije = null; if (bnOrNot == BnOrNot.Yes) { sije = InitializeSijeWithBN(mce, groupIndex); } else { sije = InitializeSije(mce, groupIndex); //old new } Pje pje = null; //p(t|e) Pdata pdata = null; IList <double> Pdatas = new List <double>(); for (int convergeTime = 1; convergeTime <= Variable.ConvergeTimeThreshold; ++convergeTime) { mce = CalculateMce(sije, groupIndex); PAkjl pakjl = CoreFunction.CalculatePAkjl(Variable.LabelArray, sije.ToSij, convergeTime, groupIndex); BEkef bekef = PersonalityFunction.CalculateBExy(mce, okcx, SmoothingBE, convergeTime, groupIndex); if (PorS == PorSForJointje.P) { pje = CalculatePje(sije, convergeTime); } if (CalculatePdataAndSije(ref sije, pakjl, bekef, pje, mce, okcx, ref pdata, Pdatas, groupIndex))//old/new { break; } } IDictionary <Sentence, IDictionary <Will, double> > sic = ObtainBinaryResult(sije, mce, groupIndex); WriteBinaryResultFile(sic, mce, groupIndex); PersonalityFunction.WriteMVResultFile(mce, groupIndex); accuracyOfPersonalityForEachGroup[groupIndex] = PersonalityPaperFunction.AccuracyOfPersonalityForEachGroup(PersonalityVariable.TruePersonality, mce.EstimatedPersonality); } Function.ConsoleWriteLine("Accuracy Of PeTM: " + PersonalityPaperFunction.AccuracyOfPersonality(accuracyOfPersonalityForEachGroup)); }
static public void RunTDDS() { for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < GroupVariable.AnnotatorGroups.Length; ++groupIndex) { Initialize(groupIndex); IList <double> Pdatas = new List <double>(); for (int time = 1; time <= Variable.ConvergeTimeThreshold; ++time) { //计算Pk //计算Pk,mcj(consistent:角色c有j标签的概率) ChoiceFunction.PriorPj(ref TDDSVariable.Pj, ref TDDSVariable.Mcj, TDDSVariable.Sij, time); //计算π TDDSVariable.PAkjl = CoreFunction.CalculatePAkjl(Variable.LabelArray, TDDSVariable.Sij, time, groupIndex); //计算Sij //if (CoreFunction.CalculatePdataAndSij(Variable.LabelArray, ref TDDSVariable.Sij, TDDSVariable.Pj, TDDSVariable.Pajl, TDDSVariable.Mcj, ref TDDSVariable.Pdata, groupIndex, Pdatas, // TDDSVariable.ConditionalPj, TDDSVariable.ConditionalMcj)) //break; } DDSFunction.ObtainBinaryResult(TDDSVariable.Sij, "TDDS", groupIndex); DDSFunction.ObtainNumericResult(TDDSVariable.Sij, "TDDS", groupIndex); Function.WriteBinaryResultFile("TDDS", groupIndex); } }
public ActionResult Account(CreateAccountModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (var db = new Entities()) { var data = db.asp_User.FirstOrDefault(x => x.account == model.account); if (data == null) { //check mat khau if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.password)) { TempData["mess"] = "Bạn chưa nhập mật khẩu"; return(RedirectToAction("ListAccount", new { id = model.account })); } data = new asp_User { account = model.account, userName =, password = CoreFunction.GetMd5Hash(model.password), email = }; foreach (var item in model.groups) { if (item.check && !data.asp_Group.Any(x => == { var groupItem = db.asp_Group.FirstOrDefault(x => ==; if (groupItem != null) { data.asp_Group.Add(groupItem); } } else if (!item.check && data.asp_Group.Any(x => == { var groupItem = db.asp_Group.FirstOrDefault(x => ==; if (groupItem != null) { data.asp_Group.Remove(groupItem); } } } db.asp_User.Add(data); db.SaveChanges(); TempData["mess"] = "Đã thêm dữ liệu thành công"; } else if (model.edit) { data.userName =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.password)) { data.password = CoreFunction.GetMd5Hash(model.password); } =; foreach (var item in model.groups) { if (item.check && !data.asp_Group.Any(x => == { var groupItem = db.asp_Group.FirstOrDefault(x => ==; if (groupItem != null) { data.asp_Group.Add(groupItem); } } else if (!item.check && data.asp_Group.Any(x => == { var groupItem = db.asp_Group.FirstOrDefault(x => ==; if (groupItem != null) { data.asp_Group.Remove(groupItem); } } } db.SaveChanges(); TempData["mess"] = "Đã cập nhật dữ liệu thành công"; } else { TempData["mess"] = "Tài khoản đã tồn tại"; } } } return(RedirectToAction("ListAccount", new { id = model.account })); }
public CoreFunctionInvocation(Token firstToken, CoreFunction function, Expression context, IList <Expression> args, ICompilationEntity owner) : this(firstToken, function, PushInFront(context, args), owner) { }
public CoreFunctionReference(Token firstToken, CoreFunction coreFunctionId, ICompilationEntity owner) : this(firstToken, coreFunctionId, null, owner) { }
public CoreFunctionInvocation(Token firstToken, CoreFunction function, IList <Expression> args, ICompilationEntity owner) : base(firstToken, owner) { this.Function = function; this.Args = args.ToArray(); }
public override Expression ResolveNamesAndCullUnusedCode(PastelCompiler compiler) { this.Root = this.Root.ResolveNamesAndCullUnusedCode(compiler); if (this.Root is EnumReference) { InlineConstant enumValue = ((EnumReference)this.Root).EnumDef.GetValue(this.FieldName); return(enumValue.CloneWithNewToken(this.FirstToken)); } if (this.Root is DependencyNamespaceReference) { PastelCompiler dependencyScope = ((DependencyNamespaceReference)this.Root).Scope; string field = this.FieldName.Value; FunctionDefinition funcDef = dependencyScope.GetFunctionDefinition(field); if (funcDef != null) { return(new FunctionReference(this.FirstToken, funcDef, this.Owner)); } EnumDefinition enumDef = dependencyScope.GetEnumDefinition(field); if (enumDef != null) { return(new EnumReference(this.FirstToken, enumDef, this.Owner)); } InlineConstant constValue = dependencyScope.GetConstantDefinition(field); if (constValue != null) { return(constValue.CloneWithNewTokenAndOwner(this.FirstToken, this.Owner)); } throw new ParserException(this.FieldName, "The namespace '" + ((DependencyNamespaceReference)this.Root).FirstToken.Value + "' does not have a member called '" + field + "'"); } if (this.Root is CoreNamespaceReference) { CoreFunction coreFunction = this.GetCoreFunction(this.FieldName.Value); switch (coreFunction) { case CoreFunction.FLOAT_BUFFER_16: case CoreFunction.INT_BUFFER_16: case CoreFunction.STRING_BUFFER_16: return(new CoreFunctionInvocation(this.FirstToken, coreFunction, new Expression[0], this.Owner)); default: return(new CoreFunctionReference(this.FirstToken, coreFunction, this.Owner)); } } if (this.Root is ExtensibleNamespaceReference) { string name = this.FieldName.Value; return(new ExtensibleFunctionReference(this.FirstToken, name, this.Owner)); } if (this.Root is EnumReference) { EnumDefinition enumDef = ((EnumReference)this.Root).EnumDef; InlineConstant enumValue = enumDef.GetValue(this.FieldName); return(enumValue); } return(this); }