/* * Non-static method that starts the bot * Called by Program().main(args) */ public void Start() { CoreBot bot = new CoreBot(); _client = new DiscordClient(x => { x.AppName = "HarunaBot"; x.LogLevel = LogSeverity.Info; x.LogHandler = Log; }); _client.UsingCommands(x => { x.PrefixChar = '!'; x.AllowMentionPrefix = true; x.HelpMode = HelpMode.Public; }); commands = _client.GetService <CommandService>(); //register commands RegisterCommands(); _client.ExecuteAndWait(async() => { try { string token = LoadJson("auth.json"); await _client.Connect(token, TokenType.Bot); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("File not found: " + e.Message); } }); }
public static CoreBot loadBotModule(String configName, String routeName) { CoreBot bot = null; Module.SaveConfigHolder configHolder = new Module.SaveConfigHolder(); List <Waypoint> wplist = BotLoader.loadWaypoints(routeName, "wpr"); byte[] configBytes = BotLoader.loadFile(configName, "cfg"); if (configBytes.Length > 0 && wplist.Count > 0) { configHolder.parseBytes(configBytes, true); } if (configHolder.type != ConfigType.None) { if (configHolder.type == ConfigType.Fishing) { bot = new FishingBot(configHolder.fishingConfig, wplist); } else if (configHolder.type == ConfigType.Gathering) { bot = new GatheringBot(configHolder.gatheringConfig, wplist); } else if (configHolder.type == ConfigType.Combat) { bot = new CombatBot(configHolder.combatConfig, wplist); } } return(bot); }
private void startButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.memory != null && this.memory.isUseable()) { String currentSelecteWaypointName = (string)this.loadWaypointCombobox.SelectedItem; String currentSelecteConfigName = (string)this.loadConfigCombobox.SelectedItem; if (currentSelecteWaypointName != null && currentSelecteWaypointName.Length > 0 && currentSelecteConfigName != null && currentSelecteConfigName.Length > 0) { if (this.bot == null) { this.bot = BotLoader.loadBotModule(currentSelecteConfigName, currentSelecteWaypointName); if (this.bot != null) { SetForegroundWindow(this.memory.processMainWindowHandle()); this.bot.setCoreObjects(this.memory); this.bot.run(); } } else { this.bot.stop(); this.bot = null; } } } }
public static void Main() { var corebot = new CoreBot(Config.TelegramAccessToken); while (true) { } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Ask a question"); var userText = Console.ReadLine(); var bot = new CoreBot(); bot.Add("Cause your mom is gay"); var response = bot.PickResponse(userText); Console.WriteLine(response); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void SkipACurse() { var bot = new CoreBot(); bot.Add("Because you mum is gay"); var ourLine = "Are you doing this to me?"; var actualResponse = bot.PickResponse(ourLine); var expectedResponse = ""; Assert.AreEqual(expectedResponse, actualResponse); }
/// <summary> /// Serves as the main entrypoint for the program. /// Launches the bot and then hangs until the bot is shut down. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Command-line arguments supplied to the program.</param> public static void Main(string[] args) { BotInstance instance = new BotInstance(); instance.Init(); CoreBot coreBot = new CoreBot("CoreBot"); RoleManagerBot roleBot = new RoleManagerBot("RoleBot"); MessagePurgeBot purgeBot = new MessagePurgeBot("PurgeBot"); coreBot.AttachTo(instance); roleBot.AttachTo(instance); purgeBot.AttachTo(instance); Task.WaitAll(instance.RunAsync()); System.Console.WriteLine("Finished."); }