private void GetPolygonOfArea_MultiPatch(List <Core.Data.Polygon> polygons, IndexRecord rec) { //NOTE: at this point we ignore the type (outer ring, inner ring //this is not correct and should be implemented correctly //suggestion: Add a property Exclude to Framework.Data.Polygon _shpFileStream.Position = rec.Offset + 8 + 36; //skip bounding box and shapetype int numberOfPolygons = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); int numberOfPoints = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); int[] pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon = new int[numberOfPolygons]; int[] partsTypePerPolygon = new int[numberOfPolygons]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPolygons; i++) { pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i] = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPolygons; i++) { partsTypePerPolygon[i] = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPolygons; i++) { Core.Data.Polygon pg = new Core.Data.Polygon(); int pointCount; if (i < numberOfPolygons - 1) { pointCount = pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i + 1] - pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i]; } else { pointCount = numberOfPoints - pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i]; } for (int p = 0; p < pointCount; p++) { double x = GetDouble(_shpFileStream, true); double y = GetDouble(_shpFileStream, true); if (_coordType == CoordType.DutchGrid) { pg.AddLocation(Utils.Calculus.LocationFromRD(x, y)); } else { pg.AddLocation(new Core.Data.Location(y, x)); } } polygons.Add(pg); } }
private void GetPolygonOfArea_Polygon(List <Core.Data.Polygon> polygons, IndexRecord rec) { _shpFileStream.Position = rec.Offset + 8 + 36; //skip bounding box and shapetype int numberOfPolygons = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); int numberOfPoints = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); int[] pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon = new int[numberOfPolygons]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPolygons; i++) { pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i] = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPolygons; i++) { Core.Data.Polygon pg = new Core.Data.Polygon(); int pointCount; if (i < numberOfPolygons - 1) { pointCount = pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i + 1] - pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i]; } else { pointCount = numberOfPoints - pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i]; } for (int p = 0; p < pointCount; p++) { double x = GetDouble(_shpFileStream, true); double y = GetDouble(_shpFileStream, true); if (_coordType == CoordType.DutchGrid) { pg.AddLocation(Utils.Calculus.LocationFromRD(x, y)); } else { pg.AddLocation(new Core.Data.Location(y, x)); } } polygons.Add(pg); } }
private void GetPolygonOfArea_MultiPatch(List<Core.Data.Polygon> polygons, IndexRecord rec) { //NOTE: at this point we ignore the type (outer ring, inner ring //this is not correct and should be implemented correctly //suggestion: Add a property Exclude to Framework.Data.Polygon _shpFileStream.Position = rec.Offset + 8 + 36; //skip bounding box and shapetype int numberOfPolygons = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); int numberOfPoints = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); int[] pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon = new int[numberOfPolygons]; int[] partsTypePerPolygon = new int[numberOfPolygons]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPolygons; i++) { pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i] = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPolygons; i++) { partsTypePerPolygon[i] = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPolygons; i++) { Core.Data.Polygon pg = new Core.Data.Polygon(); int pointCount; if (i < numberOfPolygons - 1) { pointCount = pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i + 1] - pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i]; } else { pointCount = numberOfPoints - pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i]; } for (int p = 0; p < pointCount; p++) { double x = GetDouble(_shpFileStream, true); double y = GetDouble(_shpFileStream, true); if (_coordType == CoordType.DutchGrid) { pg.AddLocation(Utils.Calculus.LocationFromRD(x, y)); } else { pg.AddLocation(new Core.Data.Location(y, x)); } } polygons.Add(pg); } }
private void GetPolygonOfArea_Polygon(List<Core.Data.Polygon> polygons, IndexRecord rec) { _shpFileStream.Position = rec.Offset + 8 + 36; //skip bounding box and shapetype int numberOfPolygons = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); int numberOfPoints = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); int[] pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon = new int[numberOfPolygons]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPolygons; i++) { pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i] = GetInt32(_shpFileStream, true); } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPolygons; i++) { Core.Data.Polygon pg = new Core.Data.Polygon(); int pointCount; if (i < numberOfPolygons - 1) { pointCount = pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i + 1] - pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i]; } else { pointCount = numberOfPoints - pointIndexFirstPointPerPolygon[i]; } for (int p = 0; p < pointCount; p++) { double x = GetDouble(_shpFileStream, true); double y = GetDouble(_shpFileStream, true); if (_coordType == CoordType.DutchGrid) { pg.AddLocation(Utils.Calculus.LocationFromRD(x,y)); } else { pg.AddLocation(new Core.Data.Location(y, x)); } } polygons.Add(pg); } }