IEnumerator Rotate(CoordinateFrame unityFrame, CoordinateFrame frame2, Vector3 unityAngles)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1));

        CoordinateFrameConverter conv = new CoordinateFrameConverter(unityFrame, frame2);
        EulerAngles eu1 = new EulerAngles(unityAngles.z, unityAngles.x, unityAngles.y);
        EulerAngles eu2 = conv.ConvertEulerAngles(eu1);

        int steps = 40;

        EulerAngles teu1 = new EulerAngles(0, 0, 0);
        EulerAngles teu2 = new EulerAngles(0, 0, 0);

        for (int e = 0; e < 3; e++)
            for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
                teu1[e] = teu1[e] + eu1[e] * 1.0f / steps;
                teu2[e] = teu2[e] + eu2[e] * 1.0f / steps;

                target1.localRotation = Conversions.ToQuaternion(unityFrame.RotationOrder, teu1);
                target2.localRotation = Conversions.ToQuaternion(unityFrame.RotationOrder, conv.inverse.ConvertEulerAngles(teu2));

                yield return(null);
Пример #2
    // Run back and forth conversion tests against a sampling of
    // coordinate frames
    IEnumerator RunCoordinateFrameTests(List <CoordinateFrame> candidateFrames, int framesToTest)
        framesToTest = Mathf.Min(candidateFrames.Count, framesToTest);

        List <CoordinateFrame> remainingFrames = new List <CoordinateFrame>(candidateFrames);
        List <CoordinateFrame> frames          = new List <CoordinateFrame>();

        for (int i = 0; i < framesToTest; i++)
            int index = Mathf.FloorToInt(Random.value * (remainingFrames.Count)) % remainingFrames.Count;

        int issues = 0;

        foreach (var fr1 in frames)
            foreach (var fr2 in frames)
                // Verify that the inverse frames work as expected
                var cfc = new CoordinateFrameConverter(fr1, fr2);
                if (cfc != cfc.inverse.inverse || cfc.from != || != cfc.inverse.from)

                // Position Tests
                Vector3 v    = new Vector3(1, 2, 3);
                Vector3 to   = fr1.ConvertPosition(fr2, v);
                Vector3 back = fr2.ConvertPosition(fr1, to);

                if (!AreVectorsEquivalent(v, back))

                to   = cfc.ConvertPosition(v);
                back = cfc.inverse.ConvertPosition(to);

                if (!AreVectorsEquivalent(v, back))

                // Rotation Conversions
                EulerAngles e     = GetRandomAngles();
                EulerAngles eTo   = Conversions.ConvertEulerAngles(fr1, fr2, e);
                EulerAngles eBack = Conversions.ConvertEulerAngles(fr2, fr1, eTo);

                bool equal = AreRotationsEquivalent(fr1.Axes, fr1.RotationOrder, e, eBack);

                if (!equal)
                    Debug.LogError("Error converting " + fr1.ToString(true) + " > " + fr2.ToString(true));
                    Debug.Log(e.ToString("0.00000") + " > " + eTo.ToString("0.00000") + " > " + eBack.ToString("0.00000"));
                    AreRotationsEquivalent(fr1.Axes, fr1.RotationOrder, e, eBack, true);


            yield return(null);

        Debug.Log("Ran into " + issues + " issues when doing coordinate frame conversions");