Пример #1
    static public float tileWidth = 9f * Mathf.Sqrt(3) / 2; // width of each tile

    void Start()
        string folderPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().Replace("\\", "/") + "/Assets/ProjectFiles/";

        // store errors in a string to be writen to output file
        string errorDump = "ERRORS:\r\n";

        // dictionary which stores the conditional probabilities of seeing each terrain type next to another (given) type
        distribution = new Dictionary <string, List <double> >();

        // read probabilities from file
        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(folderPath + "TerrainConditionalProbabilities.csv"))
            // read first line into terrain types list
            List <string> terrainTypesFile = reader.ReadLine().Split(',').ToList();

            // make sure the list read from file is equal to the given list
            foreach (string ts in terrainTypesFile) // all terrain types from file
                if (ts != "" && !terrainTypes.Contains(ts))
                    errorDump += "file has extra terrain type, " + ts + "\r\n";
            foreach (string ts in terrainTypes) // all given terrain types
                if (!terrainTypesFile.Contains(ts))
                    errorDump += "file missing terrain type, " + ts + "\r\n";

            // remove the first (blank) and last (if newline) elements of the list
            if (terrainTypes[terrainTypes.Count - 1].Contains("\r") || terrainTypes[terrainTypes.Count - 1].Contains("\n")) // newlines contain either or both depending on OS
                terrainTypes.RemoveAt(terrainTypes.Count - 1);

            // assign number of terrains
            numTerrainTypes = terrainTypes.Count;

            while (!reader.EndOfStream) // while not end of file
                // read each line into a list of strings
                List <string> values  = reader.ReadLine().Split(',').ToList();
                string        currKey = values[0]; // key is first value in the line
                values.RemoveAt(0);                // remove first value (key) from line list
                if (values[values.Count - 1].Contains("\r") || values[values.Count - 1].Contains("\n"))
                    values.RemoveAt(values.Count - 1); // remove ending newline char

                List <double> numValues = new List <double>(); // list of probabilities

                foreach (string value in values)               // loop through each element remaining in the line list
                    double numValue = 0;                       // sets probability to 0 (if the string cannot be convered)
                    try                                        // converting string to double
                        numValue = Convert.ToDouble(value);
                    catch (FormatException) // if value cannot be converted to double
                        errorDump += "failed to convert to double on " + value + " in " + currKey + "\r\n";
                    numValues.Add(numValue); // add to current list of probabilities

                // add terrain type (key) and list of tuples (value) to the dictionary
                distribution.Add(currKey, numValues);

        // check if distribution is exhaustive (has all terrain types in both directions)
        if (!DictionarySquare(distribution))
            errorDump += "dictionary not square\r\n";

        TerrainTile currTile; // empty terrain tile to hold current tile in loop
        string      currType; // will hold type of current tile
        Coordinate  currCoord;
        string      aboveCoordstr, leftCoordstr;

        // populate 2D array terrainMap
        int widthStart  = mapWidthInTiles / 2 - mapWidthInTiles,
            heightStart = mapHeightInTiles / 2 - mapHeightInTiles;
        int widthEnd    = widthStart + mapWidthInTiles,
            heightEnd   = heightStart + mapHeightInTiles;

        for (int i = widthStart; i < widthEnd; i++)
            for (int j = heightStart; j < heightEnd; j++)
                currCoord     = new Coordinate(i, j); // current spot on the map
                leftCoordstr  = (new Coordinate(i, j - 1)).AsString();
                aboveCoordstr = (new Coordinate(i - 1, j)).AsString();

                if (i == widthStart && j == heightStart) // first tile in map
                    currTile = new TerrainTile(i, j);
                else if (i == widthStart && j != heightStart)
                    currTile = new TerrainTile(terrainTiles[leftCoordstr].type, currCoord);
                else if (i != widthStart && j == heightStart)
                    currTile = new TerrainTile(terrainTiles[aboveCoordstr].type, currCoord);
                    currTile = new TerrainTile(terrainTiles[aboveCoordstr].type, terrainTiles[leftCoordstr].type, currCoord);
                currType = currTile.type;

                terrainTiles.Add(currCoord.AsString(), currTile); // add current tile to dictionary

                // incriment the count recording number of each terrain tile
                // for testing and balancing purposes
                if (counts.ContainsKey(currType))
                    counts[currType] = 1;

        foreach (string terrain in terrainTypes)
            string line = terrain + " not found";
            if (counts.ContainsKey(terrain))
                line = terrain + " : " + counts[terrain].ToString();
            File.AppendAllText(folderPath + "testfile.txt", line + "\r\n");

        File.WriteAllText(folderPath + "testfile.txt", errorDump);