public static bool AddChoiceToRestockers(Conversation convo = null, GameObject speaker = null)
            int _debugSegmentCounter = 0;

                if (speaker == null)
                    if (Egcb_PlayerUIHelper.ConversationPartner == null)
                    speaker = Egcb_PlayerUIHelper.ConversationPartner;
                    convo   = speaker.GetPart <ConversationScript>().customConversation;
                    if (convo == null)
                _debugSegmentCounter = 1;

                //you must view a trader's goods before the new conversation options become available.
                if (!Egcb_PlayerUIHelper.ZoneTradersTradedWith.Contains(speaker))
                _debugSegmentCounter = 2;

                //clean up old versions of the conversation if they exist
                if (convo.NodesByID.ContainsKey("*Egcb_RestockDiscussionNode"))
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 3;
                    if (convo.NodesByID.ContainsKey("Start"))
                        _debugSegmentCounter = 4;
                        for (int i = 0; i < convo.NodesByID["Start"].Choices.Count; i++)
                            if (convo.NodesByID["Start"].Choices[i].ID == "*Egcb_RestockerDiscussionStartChoice")
                _debugSegmentCounter = 5;

                long ticksRemaining;
                bool bChanceBasedRestock = false;
                if (speaker.HasPart("Restocker"))
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 6;
                    Restocker r = speaker.GetPart <Restocker>();
                    ticksRemaining       = r.NextRestockTick - ZoneManager.Ticker;
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 7;
                else if (speaker.HasPart("GenericInventoryRestocker"))
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 8;
                    GenericInventoryRestocker r = speaker.GetPart <GenericInventoryRestocker>();
                    ticksRemaining       = r.RestockFrequency - (ZoneManager.Ticker - r.LastRestockTick);
                    bChanceBasedRestock  = true;
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 9;
                _debugSegmentCounter = 10;

                //build some dialog based on the time until restock and related parameters. TraderDialogGenData ensures the dialog options
                //stay the same for a single trader during the entire time that trader is waiting for restock
                TraderDialogGenData dialogGen = TraderDialogGenData.GetData(speaker, ticksRemaining);
                _debugSegmentCounter = 11;
                double daysTillRestock = (double)ticksRemaining / 1200.0;
                string restockDialog;
                if (daysTillRestock >= 9)
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 12;
                    if (speaker.Blueprint == "Sparafucile")
                        restockDialog = "\n&w*Sparafucile pokes at a few of =pronouns.possessive= wares and then gazes up at you, squinting, as if to question the basis of your inquiry.*&y\n ";
                        restockDialog = (dialogGen.Random2 == 1)
                            ? "Business is booming, friend.\n\nI'm pretty satisfied with what I've got for sale right now; maybe you should look for another "
                                        + "vendor if you need something I'm not offering. I'll think about acquiring more goods eventually, but it won't be anytime soon."
                            : "Don't see anything that catches your eye?\n\nWell, you're in the minority. My latest shipment has been selling well and "
                                        + "it'll be a while before I think about rotating my stock.";
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 13;
                    if (speaker.Blueprint == "Sparafucile")
                        _debugSegmentCounter = 14;
                        if (daysTillRestock < 0.5)
                            _debugSegmentCounter = 15;
                            restockDialog        = "\n&w*Sparafucile nods eagerly, as if to convey that =pronouns.subjective= is expecting something very soon.*&y\n ";
                            restockDialog = "\n&w*Smiling, Sparafucile gives a slight nod.*&y\n\n"
                                            + "&w*=pronouns.Subjective= purses =pronouns.possessive= lips thoughtfully for a moment, then raises " + Math.Max(1, (int)daysTillRestock) + " thin fingers.*&y\n ";
                        _debugSegmentCounter = 16;
                        string daysTillRestockPhrase = (daysTillRestock < 0.5) ? "in a matter of hours"
                                    : (daysTillRestock < 1) ? "by this time tomorrow"
                                    : (daysTillRestock < 1.8) ? "within a day or two"
                                    : (daysTillRestock < 2.5) ? "in about two days' time"
                                    : (daysTillRestock < 3.5) ? "in about three days' time"
                                    : (daysTillRestock < 5.5) ? "in four or five days"
                                    : "in about a week, give or take";
                        string pronounObj  = (dialogGen.Random3 == 1 ? "him" : (dialogGen.Random3 == 2 ? "her" : "them"));
                        string pronounSubj = (dialogGen.Random3 == 1 ? "he" : (dialogGen.Random3 == 2 ? "she" : "they"));
                        restockDialog =
                            (dialogGen.Random4 == 1) ? "There are rumors of a well-stocked dromad caravan moving through the area.\n\nMy sources tell me the caravan "
                            + "should be passing through " + daysTillRestockPhrase + ". I'll likely able to pick up some new trinkets at that time."
                            + (bChanceBasedRestock ? "\n\nOf course, they are only rumors, and dromads tend to wander. I can't make any guarantees." : string.Empty)
                            : (dialogGen.Random4 == 2) ? "My friend, a water baron is coming to visit this area soon. I sent " + pronounObj + " a list of my requests and should "
                            + "have some new stock available after " + pronounSubj + " arrive" + (pronounSubj == "they" ? "" : "s") + ".\n\n"
                            + "By the movements of the Beetle Moon, I predict " + pronounSubj + " should be here " + daysTillRestockPhrase + "."
                            + (bChanceBasedRestock ? "\n\nIn honesty, though, " + pronounSubj + (pronounSubj == "they" ? " are" : " is") + " not the most "
                               + "reliable friend. I can't make any guarantees." : string.Empty)
                            : (dialogGen.Random4 == 3) ? "It just so happens my apprentice has come upon a new source of inventory, and is negotiating with the merchant in a "
                            + "nearby village.\n\nThose talks should wrap up soon and I expect to have some new stock " + daysTillRestockPhrase + "."
                            + (bChanceBasedRestock ? "\n\nOf course, negotiations run like water through the salt. I can't make any guarantees." : string.Empty)
                            : "I'm glad you asked, friend. Arconauts have been coming in droves from a nearby ruin that was recently unearthed. "
                            + "They've been selling me trinkets faster than I can sort them, to be honest. After I manage to get things organized "
                            + "I'll have more inventory to offer.\n\nCheck back with me " + daysTillRestockPhrase + ", and I'll show you what I've got."
                            + (bChanceBasedRestock ? "\n\nThat is... assuming any of the junk is actually resellable. I can't make any guarantees." : string.Empty);
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 17;

                //DEBUG ONLY
                _debugSegmentCounter = 18;

                //add options to ask location of quest givers for whom the quest has already started
                if (convo.NodesByID.ContainsKey("Start"))
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 19;
                    //create node with info about trading
                    string           restockNodeID = "*Egcb_RestockDiscussionNode";
                    ConversationNode restockNode   = ConversationsAPI.newNode(restockDialog, restockNodeID);
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 20;
                    restockNode.AddChoice("I have more to ask.", "Start", null);
                    restockNode.AddChoice("Live and drink.", "End", null);
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 21;
                    ConversationNode startNode = convo.NodesByID["Start"];
                    int rand = Stat.Random(1, 3);
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 22;
                    ConversationChoice askRestockChoice = new ConversationChoice
                        ID   = "*Egcb_RestockerDiscussionStartChoice",
                        Text = (rand == 1) ? "Any new wares on the way?"
                            : (rand == 2) ? "Do you have anything else to sell?"
                            : "Can you let me know if you get any new stock?",
                        GotoID     = restockNodeID,
                        ParentNode = startNode,
                        Ordinal    = 991 //set to make this appear immediately after the trade option
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 23;
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 24;
                    _debugSegmentCounter = 25;
                _debugSegmentCounter = 26;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Log("QudUX Mod: Error encountered in AddChoiceToRestockers (debugSegment: " + _debugSegmentCounter + ", Exception: " + ex.ToString() + ")");