/// <summary> /// Define Singleton /// </summary> private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } }
/// <summary> /// Switches level options /// </summary> public void NextLevel() { if (LevelOptions.NextLevel != null) { _levelGamescore = 0; LevelOptions = LevelOptions.NextLevel; Spawner.GetComponent <EnemySpawner>().SetLevelSettings(LevelOptions); Spawner.SetActive(false); PlayerObject.SetActive(false); if (StartGameBtn != null && !StartGameBtn.activeSelf) { StartGameBtn.SetActive(true); } if (ControlsUI != null) { ControlsUI.SetActive(true); } if (WinnerUI != null) { if (NextTargetUI != null) { NextTargetUI.GetComponent <Text>().text = LevelOptions.Score.ToString(); WinnerUI.SetActive(true); } } } }
public void HandlePause() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Joystick1Button7)) { if (IsPaused == false) { G4.LogEvent("PressedStart", "Paused", "HasPaused", 1); // Builder Hit with all Event parameters. G4.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder() .SetEventCategory("PressButton") .SetEventAction("Paused") .SetEventLabel("HasPressed") .SetEventValue(1)); Debug.Log("Sent"); Time.timeScale = 0; PauseMenuUI.SetActive(true); MainPauseUI.SetActive(true); QuitToMainUI.SetActive(false); ControlsUI.SetActive(false); IsPaused = true; } else { Time.timeScale = 1; QuitToMainUI.SetActive(false); ControlsUI.SetActive(false); MainPauseUI.SetActive(true); PauseMenuUI.SetActive(false); IsPaused = false; } } }
private void ButtonClickControllerControls() { keyBordAndMouse = false; controller = true; KeysPanel.SetActive(false); ControllerPanel.SetActive(true); ControlsUI.SetActive(false); ControllerBack.Select(); }
void Start() { PauseMenuUI.SetActive(false); CountdownUI.SetActive(true); ControlsUI.SetActive(false); MenuCheckUI.SetActive(false); GameOverUI.SetActive(false); StartCoroutine(GameCountDown()); GameIsPaused = false; gameStarted = false; }
private void Start() { keyBordAndMouse = false; controller = false; ControlsUI.SetActive(true); KeysPanel.SetActive(false); ControllerPanel.SetActive(false); back.onClick.AddListener(ButtonClickBack); KeysBack.onClick.AddListener(ChooseControlles); ControllerBack.onClick.AddListener(ChooseControlles); KeysControls.onClick.AddListener(ButtonClickKeyBordAndMouseControls); ControllerControls.onClick.AddListener(ButtonClickControllerControls); back.Select(); }
/// <summary> /// Restart button click event listener. Starts game /// </summary> public void Restart() { ControlsUI.SetActive(false); WinnerUI.SetActive(false); PlayerObject.GetComponent <Player>().Restart(); Spawner.GetComponent <EnemySpawner>().Restart(); BackgroundUI.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = LevelOptions.Background; StartGameBtn.SetActive(false); if (_playerDead) { GameOverUI.SetActive(false); _playerDead = false; } OnHealthsUpdate(PlayerObject.GetComponent <Player>().hPoints); }
public void HandleControl() { G4.LogEvent("PressButton", "ControlButton", "HasPressed", 1); // Builder Hit with all Event parameters. G4.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder() .SetEventCategory("PressButton") .SetEventAction("ControlButton") .SetEventLabel("HasPressed") .SetEventValue(1)); Debug.Log("Sent"); MainPauseUI.SetActive(false); ControlsUI.SetActive(true); }
public void HandleBack() { G4.LogEvent("ResumeGame", "Unpaused", "Back", 1); // Builder Hit with all Event parameters. G4.LogEvent(new EventHitBuilder() .SetEventCategory("ResumeGame") .SetEventAction("Unpaused") .SetEventLabel("Back") .SetEventValue(1)); Debug.Log("Sent"); Time.timeScale = 1; QuitToMainUI.SetActive(false); ControlsUI.SetActive(false); MainPauseUI.SetActive(true); PauseMenuUI.SetActive(false); IsPaused = false; }
/// <summary> /// OnPlayerDead event listener /// </summary> private void GameOver() { if (!_playerDead) { _playerDead = true; if (StartGameBtn != null && !StartGameBtn.activeSelf) { StartGameBtn.SetActive(true); } if (GameOverUI != null) { GameOverUI.SetActive(true); } if (ControlsUI != null) { ControlsUI.SetActive(true); } } }
private void ChooseControlles() { if (keyBordAndMouse == true) { keyBordAndMouse = false; controller = false; KeysPanel.SetActive(false); ControllerPanel.SetActive(false); ControlsUI.SetActive(true); back.Select(); } if (controller == true) { keyBordAndMouse = false; controller = false; KeysPanel.SetActive(false); ControllerPanel.SetActive(false); ControlsUI.SetActive(true); back.Select(); } }
public void ShowControls() { MainUI.SetActive(false); ControlsUI.SetActive(true); controlsActive = true; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("StartButton") && gameStarted == true) { if (GameIsPaused) { Resume(); } else { Pause(); } } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Cancel")) { ControlsUI.SetActive(false); MenuCheckUI.SetActive(false); myInputField.Select(); } if ((P1Slider.value == MaxPoints || P2Slider.value == MaxPoints || P3Slider.value == MaxPoints || P4Slider.value == MaxPoints)) { GameIsPaused = true; checkWinner(); GameOverUI.SetActive(true); GameOverText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Game Over\n\nThe " + role + " has been promoted"; StartCoroutine(gameOver()); } switch (PowerUp.pointPowerUp) //If a player collects a point power up { case 1: //Player 1 P1Slider.value += 0.25f; PowerUp.pointPowerUp = 0; break; case 2: //Player 2 P2Slider.value += 0.25f; PowerUp.pointPowerUp = 0; break; case 3: //Player 3 P3Slider.value += 0.25f; PowerUp.pointPowerUp = 0; break; case 4: //Player 4 P4Slider.value += 0.25f; PowerUp.pointPowerUp = 0; break; } switch (TripWires.playerNum) { case 1: P1Slider.value -= 0.25f; TripWires.playerNum = 0; break; case 2: P2Slider.value -= 0.25f; TripWires.playerNum = 0; break; case 3: P3Slider.value -= 0.25f; TripWires.playerNum = 0; break; case 4: P4Slider.value -= 0.25f; TripWires.playerNum = 0; break; } switch (Dynamite.dynaPlayerNum) { case 1: P1Slider.value -= 0.25f; Dynamite.dynaPlayerNum = 0; break; case 2: P2Slider.value -= 0.25f; Dynamite.dynaPlayerNum = 0; break; case 3: P3Slider.value -= 0.25f; Dynamite.dynaPlayerNum = 0; break; case 4: P4Slider.value -= 0.25f; Dynamite.dynaPlayerNum = 0; break; } }
public void Controls() { ControlsUI.SetActive(true); }